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<br />t° federal regulation. Principal amour=ts prepaid l~;riar to maturity must <br />~r~ Urr;qucits'equal to one or more subsequent principri payments. <br />-. Tha# iri addition ta, .arid tngether with, 'the monthly irtstallrnents provided for <br />of itae terms of*tse afort.said Promissory Note and any other notes cr agreements for <br />Ti„r,al adxances". as prnvided herein P•tortgagar will pay as an advance payment to <br />:,cry' pn the first day of-each month unfit said dots+ and t#.e total indebtedness <br />J n<:reby is fully ©cnid, an amount-estimated by iviartgagee to be sufficient to enable <br />orrr~ag~g tci lsay ail taxes, assessments (general or special?, rents, and other <br />star range<~ age-Errs( the above descrYbed premises, as the same Geceme due. Such <br />ads ,: ayr.:ents sholi be pa#d each rr~n'th together with the r;tartthty instal invents provided <br />_r ur;der the-terms ~n said L'ramissory iSote and any other notes ar agreements for <br />:u-~stle~nai ad-vanes-s r~s pravidt?W herein in a single payrner,t and shal I not be, :;or deemed <br />~_;;e, 's"rriSt funds but may be aammin_r..lad with ether such funds or the general tur,ds of the <br />';=~rtda,yee, ae~ ao interest shall be poyabie in respect thereof. "=rr~rtgagor shall promptly <br />~rward to Mortgagee a!i mils for taxes, assessments and rents and Mortgagee will use <br />.,aid advance payments for the payment of said bills. ;=4ortyagee may, `nom ±ime to time, <br />- .. ,iS not (ran, s:a i..e, ~n ri afrnr c, inn w~i yar reinc'tate any anri a! t _, ,~,~,,,., of -l-h~g <br />:ragrapt~ requiring such advanc<, payments, b, native to r~~rtcaagc:r in «riting. While such <br />•_~iuer is in efte~*; t~artgagar she![ pay a1l~taxes, assessments and rents as otherwise <br />r~,viCed hereinafter, <br />&. tf the fatal afi 'the advance payments made by 'he ~tcrtgaaar shah exceed the- <br />=mvun# of gaymerts actually made .~y 'the t."~artGagee #or 'axes, assessments ar rents, as the <br />se may be; such excess, at -the optian of the '~tortg.sgee, s~,aii be credited t,y 'the <br />;rtgagee on subsequent payments to oe made by "he rvart~;agog, er refunded to the Mortgagor. <br />hawever, ~tYie monthly advance r~ayments r;ade ray the i'n~~rt•cagor shelf rot be sufficient <br />:?ay such taxes, assessments and rent=_, r?s the rase rtay t;e, when the same shah become <br />and payab#c:, than the P~rt4a~r sha11 ~, .e "s'ar-tagee any ari;ou~,f necessary to make <br />"the deficiency, cn ur ui:f"nre the date .ohen pay;rer,f of, Taxes, assessments or rents <br />+;~,i be due. f± ai an, time the ?fir#gagor shei! fencer to tr,e `•;artgages, ir; accordance <br />i±h ttte provisions of the irate secured hereby, u.i pavr^rant ~. the entlr-e indebtedness <br />ai~re5ented there~y, the "•tcrtgagee 51•,aii, ir: :~-amputin;-; ,~ _.rrrura ~, soon indebtedness, <br />..r :aC i t v i'he accaunt of , he i'c;rtnagor ;; r,~; ,. rr~d i t ua anc2 _, ' . ,, , +.ta.d ,:r;der '..e above <br />r.aragraph. !# (henna r,hai s be. ~. :iefau,. ,.~;;a: .~ry ,~r ,v <i-,ice _ on ~r1,., =k~r (cage <br />re5uiting in a i;ubt'.= Sale of the premises ..aver<~u ~reGy ~: rh~ '~~r (:,ayes acquires ?'he <br />r:roperty otre.wlse after detau!° fire !•tc~r'.o-ogee =.#~ari ;.pi~i _... r:=anner 3_ "`#ort~agee <br />sna f ; Qeterrai ne the ba I arses of odvancc; oavmenf s ;her; Tema i n i r; , i ;; , _ iur.d = accumu i ated <br />,.,rider the-above paragraph, as a ~rw:it egair?S'' `h .r;debteare~:_; :.soured ht:re@y. <br />5. That i n the event an,= of t;;c month. i y acvancu ,c:ymen ~ ;_ rc:v i ded Herein ar rx°! y <br />Ins#al lmerts pr-avided ,..~ ur.Cer the terms . .,aid r.,,m~iss,,~y i=Jo`r= anti any oft?er notes or <br />agreements it;r ad^itlar,Gi advances i13L'e "„)t teen maGB h, c_° tc"1;i ..~.*,~ ~. the Rh7r!1l? in <br />wtilcn such payr=-~~=,z tires cue, ~. late charge a+ up .~ .c~n '.J; ;errant cn 1,.G ar;r,unt of said <br />r?r.~nthly payment naay h+; a~soss+3a by ts,e -,_s~oci?ti~; .~ ~-owar rha L._.... atipensa ,r~vo'vad <br />i n hand t i rig d8! i rrgtiG'n i paym@nt5. ThB ;\S SisC i st iCr; .,+..~'.I '- .v. lie ~JCi i i as-fed to .z::Ce U.f. any <br />r~,nth!y payment r.^,ade altar Fhe tenth <iay or the era€i~h .,r~ta~ss said r:rarrthl7 pa{rr;ent sP;al i <br />.3e accompanied by the fu11 amount crf the late^,e :s~assad ey the Ass::ciation as <br />~=rwic~ea nr3rain, <br />b. Tn pay any and all 'axes, assessr'~nts i,ienerzat or special), rents and other similar <br />,^`,~ar=g~s levied and .assessed against the premises, ;his r=;GrtgaGe, or indebtedness(;erehy <br />=t~cureC, beFare :hey become delinc`#uant, for which provisions Has na~t been mace #;ereirrbefare, <br />,~n<l i n de#au! t ;hereon the !9artgagee may ;.gay th© same, ar;d a f l r:x~neys so adv:r;ced ~r i th <br />interest at 14 ______~ from the date of such payment <.hai1 oe repaid by t•~irtgac}ar upon <br />ernattd, and shell Ge secured by This h'artgage. <br />7--.- Tbat~farfigagar wit! keep the ir~ravements an said premises insured against loss <br />f;nom.#ire, lightning and other hazards. included ;n fire standard extended caver:sgc. endcrsa- <br />aiett~t P{us flood insurance where required Gy rnortgageei in an amount rot less than; the <br />;.%arc`~&rl ;Da lance of the #nd~~btedness secured hereby, with lass, i€ arty, JayaL.le #, said <br />=`,ssocat'+on, 'sn a-Company or campanies acceptaE?ie to th.- ~ssaciation; a:~d .he=Uid each poi icy <br />p€3;t~i~cie5 c~tai-n ar~y crovision that ::euFd f unit the insurance company=rs ; iaGi! ity to <br /><y t=~ra smortnfl Uf any ;ass- or damage up .~ the fui': amaa;.t Tor which poi Icy .„ wr itten, <br />arrx~xrn~t'-o9- -ins~~>4e- to be-;<res,°i~~ed s~ra ! ua r~ ~., a,~ount s.u#ciciant to, 3"t al I *;mEa, <br />.v p:o#~ct #h~_r~s~ociatiara. !Y ~~rtagor fai#s to procure or rrraintain sac;~ insurance <br />r.L ^:3:6It@,^-~,js9E;fii~d herein, t;'1~ ~5'.`i,CS~tion ?~'y, ,a its ap#Iv=?, p ,mute anC pw `~>r <br />r ~,i ar,c:e, ar~d at P rxarieys so aaa°crseed with intera~~t at 14 ~ ir`:ern `7e ri-::tz~ ,k~: <br />~.~r~,t-shall=kq t-s#z~id by '=7ortgrq,^,r uswn ;:~-a;~:rrd, ar;~ n~?all :~« secure.d rr ..,_ <br />:a _~. <br />.s. .';ofi ":FYS t~ortgi~yzsr w's S { li0ep the bui idings ~pc~n sera p~ri;rtices .~~:,v r,;r sir, <rrrd <br />°•<?r _a,miY 2c,r G.c.~mdt ~e~sf`e open acid land, nctr~ ~cr#it.r Yhc~ rsarrrer pru'r1i,a5 .o :c° u5~;d <br />.-, :nr:t r:Ntui (?U+`;vS C'. i'7Pt~1cf" f;7 rther ti~refl& Y'tt a"i 7ri rthC3Ut "h~' s-~ i 1'-e_,t ,.-:;7p gwrE'1'fi :?$ <br />c:::ter ai Savinc;~. end tq,~~ r'ro buetd+n o:' adtti7`3~wr, fc; ,,xts;riot I ~;. i:iirz~rs ~, r he <br />,., and, at( ,clri.i nc{ snd 9~ ri-v rp rtd dF^E3~~ :.t3snit be :; rz~tisTactnrii'r r=vyirt- r 3r)C1. <br />•. inA~ :r: ,:,e ~ r~r~s,; r~r-~nv part t?;er~ac~r kr~ ; ., r3:r e;rr~ea F=asor; <br />" t;iv 1ri+:+i i,_ r;,1=.=vercauf _, - F..m,'t<Y~. iL>R- t)i'aL:£f6s'GiAT~.,?~, t}F U-+dnr' ri.,.t ~,. ., „tz..r"'T ,~~raz3i.1, <br />~,,, -.Beer n~,~r,sr, sr?~ ~ 'h,~fl ~~ ~n'tsT~tar~ sr . , ~.,, rrU:aa __?.vex+T _:i'. "ri~r, •e9; =+r, <br />