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<br />83-t~t~d33.i~ 4. <br />,dditionat advances;. or in ttie event the Mortgagor should sell, either outright, by land- <br />contract, cy laas~s purch3s$ agreements., or otherwise, ar tide thereto should otherwise: <br />ua,~cme vested in persons other thin-the Mortgagor; then the whose indebtedness hereby <br />secured shall thereupc.:r or at"any time ther$after, at t"hc option of the Association, become <br />~nrnsdiately due ::, d colieetifaie without further notice and this-tortgage may then be fore- <br />:-Nosed tc rarover the- ame; wi~,`i, in#erest thereon, a# 19 °~ and ail realonabfe costs <br />.inn expenses qP suit;taelud~i:rg~tastracfiing ar title search fieos. Rcceptance by N!ortc~agoe_ <br />cne or"rncr2 ins'alinvent payments an the indebteuness secured hereby subsequent to any <br />~. .~r change is owrte,r^ship=o- passes-ion ofi said real estate-, or any part thereof, as <br />p"cviderJ; as ta.which mortgage-has not granted its written consent, shah not <br />:itute a-tiraPVer of 1~"~rtgagae's option 'to accelerate the whole indeb#edness hereby <br />^r:ct, whf-Ch gption may be exercised by l~rtgagee at ary fitme. Pte def ay or vmmission of <br />?ogee to exercise any right or option aeruing upon any default snail impair any such <br />t •ar opti~h, or shall be.oonstrued tc be a wai~~er of ar.y such default, or an acquiescenee <br />ing and euery option and eemedy :riven av this Mortgage tc the f~artgagee.may be exercised <br />:, ti m$ to often as may he deemed expedient tc r~~:rtgagee. <br />i?rouid$d further tha# in the event of default to the performance of any of the-terms <br />.~r;d coaditians of-this Mortgage, tFie ivote secured b•~~ thi, ~~rtgace, or any other notes for <br />~adi#ianal adva~xces, on the part of the Mortgagor, the Association =hall be entitlzd to the <br />.,.aic-:dilate prassession of the premises above describeG, together with all the rent, revenues <br />{d neY7rne, inctuding any land contract payments due the i~~rtgagor or any other incomes of <br />stp type vFhats©ever, to l.~e derived therefrom, and said Associat"ron may, in its discretion, <br />- ,-.~ the-: r'$at5. 5~ far as it ile$m5 necessary T?r Thv' purpose et making r-epoi rS Upon the <br />~za;s2s, arrd for the payments of insurance Uren?iums, taxes and assessrr~ents upon said <br />€emises, and for necessary expenses incurred in renting said premises and coilectina rents. <br />urefrtrzn, and tc apply on said note and notes and agreements for future advances, until <br />irade6#edness Secured is futlp~ paid; but said Assocaticn shah ir, na case be iia6le for <br />failure to procure tenants, to calie~ct rants, ar n prosecute actic,~s to recover <br />;e5sioa of said aremises. <br />i:~+:cu#ed this 17th coy of January +`$3 . <br />., ~. . <br />-...5l~'i tjh l-fA~4 , <br />rin this 17th dozy ;f Jdnuar,~ ,i9$3, before ^~, :: ;votary Puz:;iic in and for said <br />:.zni~y , parsana± 1 v cams the :!Goya named R~ERT NINf~iAN ANO VINCENT 1. d©WQING, general <br />FartnerS to me w.vli known to be The :ndentical persorz5 whose name 5 <br />ar'e'~~af f i xed to the above '`9or#gage as grantc+r 5 and dre __severa i i y <~ know f edged the <br />?;;iLf .instrument and. the ex$cutitan th$recf, to be their vuiuntary act and deed. <br />'~ii7NES8 my head and Notarial Seal, the day and year last above written. <br />~. <br />'dorary due; i<~ ~' <br />'y cc+srmi ss f iit3 expires car, the ° .2 day of Vic,--,,,a,. ~_, ! 9_ ~ 3 . <br />~~ <br />~ ~c+nap~mr•~.~wr,,,~,, <br />