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caP~r~ ErdD r~tRT~nE~~ <br />83-- i~U03i~ <br />H & D PARTNERSHIP herein called the <br />__..~... <br />-tr,,3aor whether one or-mere, in consideration of FIFTY FIVE THOUSAND AND ND/1nn--.._-__-- <br />_______________:._.___.:_______~f: _a____-,_Dollars loaned to said t4ortgagor, does mortgage <br />HOtuE FEDERAL Sr"+.V t ~UG5 A23#3 LDA~iV a~SSUCI-ATI Otd, its succc-ssors and assigns, the fo! i cw i ng <br />•-:crbed rea! estate ih HALL- Cou;tty, !Jsbras#ta: <br />LOT THIRTEEN (13) EXCEPT THE 50UTHERLY`6c8-FEET OF THE WEST 116.2 FEET AND THE SOUTHERLY <br />2.0 FEET DF THE EASTERLY 34:'3 FEES THEREOF; IN BLOCK FOURTEEN (14) IN COLLEGE ADDITION <br />TO WEST LAWi4 IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />„nd a#i easements and appurtenances together with al! buildings, improvements, fixtures <br />crr appurtenances now,or hsrsatter erected thereon, inC#udina ai} apparatus, equipment, <br />€iictures or attic#es, who#hsr in singe units er centra!!y contrc!led, used to supply <br />heafi, gas, air-rand#tioninc, water., light, power, rsfrigsra#ion, venti!atien or other <br />services, and-any ether-thing now or hsreatter #herein cr thereon, the furnis!;ing at <br />,:i,ich by #essars to #sssees far an untarnished building si;n#lar fo The one nc+..~ or hers- <br />ritBr on said premises is customary or appropriate, including, but r,ot !imiTSd ta, screens, <br />~indaw shads, starrn doors and tiindaws, carpeting and other fI x,r coverings, screen doors, <br />;wnirigs, built-in dishwasher=_, stoves, refrigerators, and water hsat~,s anal afl renewals <br />ar-r~piaeemsnts thereof (ail of which are intended to e and :ors Hereby declared to be a <br />;,art at said real gistste wh:~ther physicail.= attached Thereto :~r not.) The nssc:.ietion <br />is hereby subrogated to 'the rights of a#'. rr~r-igagsas, liennoidsrs and owners paid off by <br />the proceeds of the loan hereby secured. <br />TQ HPi1fE ~~lG TQ HULD the said property, with said buildings, improvements, fixtures, <br />appurtenances, apparatus and etiuipmsnt, „nte said ~,ssec#.:Ti~n, :+.. sr,..~essors and as5!gns, <br />torsver. <br />Mortgagor tierehy covenants with said r!ssoeiatior~, its successors and assigns, tha# <br />rhorfigagor is lawfu#fy sized of said premises, Thai they are `roe et encumbrances, and <br />.. that t.4ortgagor wil) forsver warrani and defend the title to >aid atomises a;air=st the <br />law#ui_ciaims of all persons whamsasvsr. <br />TH,-S-Chi?TuAGE IM f~#.`EN TQ SECQfTE: i#; The payrrent of ~ ^ivt~ ex€~tiuted by t'-ortgagor <br />to i'hs Association bearing Sven date i?arrswith n tn> !:arincipa! sum as sat tarti~~ above, <br />whLtt t~fczts, r~rir,cipal and ir,tsrest, is payabis in rY;;thiy insta#!mants accc~rdinc to its <br />farms„-with a fina# maturity, un#ess saonsr paid, c;rt the 1St uay of Februdry, <br />2083.. The ha#der nereofi sha#i have the aatian to accaierate the maturity of T!:s note <br />for-which-.this mortgage is riven as security, at any tie's after the 5th _loan <br />year after first giving the undersigned or the Then owner of The premises described herein <br />) a written rtatice three manihs in advance of its intent to da sa. Fny prspavtnsnt of <br />pr:iAeips# made by virtue of the exercise of this option snail be without prepayment <br />premiutrs. (2} Any. addit#ooa! advances made by the Association, to t-lortgagor, or bbrtgagor's <br />successors in .tit#s,_tor any purpose, at the option of the Associat#an, at any time before <br />-the release arsd cancellation of this t~r#gage, but at n.> tune she#! this t~':ortgage secure <br />advances:on ageount of-said arigina# rote and such additional advances in a sum in excess <br />~' FIFTY;.FIVE THO[tSANO AhjD NOITOO--------- ---------------.Gal#ars; provided that nGthing <br />ner~in:ce»tained.shalf be can:,idsred as #imrting the amount that shall bs secured hereby <br />:,rren advanced to pr{>tect the security cr in accordance with covenants contained in lhis <br />`•hC~ r't ga ge . <br />Provided, neuerthefass, trtaa presents are uHon the fi#owing conditions: that whereas, <br />.~ said ttcrtgagar,#s a, member of said Association, t; as executed a Hate iF7 writ:r;q to=.c3id <br />,ssoc i at i an_ t~ =eepay suit of s:~;tey, w i tEt ,merest . i r, payrnen Ys as set f'orrh i n = ; i,'" <br />,;ote, and any- ana; al }-additiangi advances, with i<ateras~, u.=;d i~as agreed to abide t;y the <br />arr~;+tutior; and ~yrLaw5::ot said.As5~ciaT'ion, and rules and regu,a~tior;s adapted ;y its <br />..; :7 b'! Cif reCtGrS; and ag#-ead.a;rd:-dQ hereby ogres: - <br />1. Tc pUy the i~arlsbttdn855 hereby secured prc~~t:y and 1n fu4; orr,piianca with t#te <br />;m:: ,~t -!t+~a atoreSdiJ ^rpr~pss3ry,~iote and any ether Hates or agreements f<>r aJdi#ianai <br />.;r;•.:es as ~+rovidsJ hEran ~r;d ,.:f this !!'4o.rtgaye-and iurtiter agrees 't?^at at th;s cols. a{?tiC?n <br />'•1Grtga=y'6# this ', if:b Ot Duy'rrc?rrt V~t 'fi,.tr' inUe.GtetlneSS i:r:~.rcJy :, E:r,:i3""C'd, i~r' any pCS!'Iiar* IhU'r<- <br />} <br />'*,t~y oe axte;+dr~u arrene>red, ar,d :u=y par#io~ of 'the jremises her'air'r ~es~riued n;a~Y, <br />~:.u; notice, bu refaased tram t^,e~ ,en herea#.wrtn~.z,t releasrncr ~r aifc-t`t;rr ;+.a r~~;r~~t.nai <br />tbiiltyoi ±he ^kYrtgac~+~r t;erein .or fns peymea7l of slfd ;€tbt2adns's nsn r~c.r; r, G <br />.,~;.mid, and nut chsnEta in `h4 owner t.i; of ~a1d ~~re~r, shall release, reduuu ,, v+k?i3trrrsrr <br />.4lr}r_.# arty. sucrt p9P5at,al { i aril I i ?}' or tt~e 1 i%ra -har~5~y =~rt~3t4:ci.- <br />_ i;rttfersignEad +eac~rvtas tits: ri:~ht ,. -,net},a;;s ~t~€i in =:hats ter- ir; ,=aef cart ~qn;~ <br />,.531 iR3e7±'~f' y,)rly iriplf S- CF~3'I',ar '~ _5 + a42i a'r, ?r°: ~r-Tttk3 d1'tU il~aret~f ~y tt~€a t'e!Y [r~',tr'~t ~f =s71 <br />.,rr,~tk isfii'sst 'tr flits dates _;f ,sir pr~a~fjy,re~;,` ,_,~~~t;ter-with d~ F'HraY!sEn~4' €e:? L~c:uai .., <br />?~-f. 4*+: ;list' .i i =i c7,rS ,ion .1:-~i.unR ~: ria °~„+ :~ts"3 1 r' ';r~~, ~! .., ,r,., '-+U+';~c -i=.1?r,:- -S?r; r, <br />.. ~ g #?t? , ~5~*P.,(i'V:i,': i~],,1. '`f5-i}f Fj JwrK,t3 [' ~.~~ .. <xi; ~r53S1 '~}'i #i `_ ~~rT ti?x. ,C3S.,: .. 9p: t.,;Li!"~ <br />