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~~ <br />~D. r['+nnt5evrs~atai~rr_ Tlrs prfacssds caF any aav;„ard or ctairrt for dant~°agss; ftireet far f~onssqusntiat, in connection aa„th rant/ <br />+~c~hder~trtatioz: nor other ta3cin~ raf the 1Presperty; car-wart thereo€, far for conveyance in tirstt of f:ondemnation, are hereby acsignstt <br />and !:ira1~ '{aC' paif~ tta I.,~'ne34'T. <br />try the cvr~rti of a totat taking cif the i'rcrnertw~p, the proceeds shaft he apgatied to the sums secur+vd by this Iaeed of 'Trust. <br />va>•itt•t tha exears{~,sf any', paifi tfa Borrorve>, fn the event of a partiat taking. of the f'rcrpcrty» unless Sorrfywer and Lender <br />~sthF:rwise agref~ in writiryg, there shah 1~-s agplied to the scans ,scored by this L3eed of Tratst such proportion of the proceeds <br />as i<_; egaaat ttia #l'tat i~rofwtartif~n which the amnunt caf ttts Burns secured fay this l~esd of 't'rust imntsdiatety prior to ttts dots iaf <br />taking bears rfa tike fair market value caf the Property immediately ~arior tce the dots of taking, with the hatartcs of the proceeds <br />pasdl to ~orrs.~r<~er. <br />` If the )k°iroiper•ty is abandoned tsy F~orrower, or if, after notice fay I.snder to ~orrfruFer that the cortdsiatnor offers to malls <br />an award or settle, ~~ clairry afar damages, l3orrawc;r faits to respond to I,snder withirt 3C? t3avs after the dots such notice is <br />rrrail':ed, Leafier is arathcrrized to cfaltect and apply the firoceeds, at Lender's optiaan either to restoration or t-epar'r of the <br />~'roi;aert}' or tcy tt;~e sttrrrs s~clued by this l3eed of '~`rttst. <br />[Jntess l.,encler and Bfrrrower fathet~xse agrsr~ in writing, any such application of proceeds to prir~cipai shalt nfat extend <br />far lrostporte the ~~ue d;~ts faf the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs t anfl 2. lterscaf or f:hange the amount f~f <br />sucfk instalimsrkts. <br />#tl. 1l?~re•rrfr~~+Lr l~ta-t It~lea4ed- Extension of the tints for. taayrryent car ntfaftification of atratartizatifatt faf the strtns secured <br />h}„ ttri , ~ssfa taf 'l~rust granted by !.ender to airy successor in interest oaf l3carrowsr shaft rrfat fapsrats to reteass, in y.ny rnannsr, <br />the tsrahilit}„ laf ttte fariginal '~arrfiwer and l~carrorrrsr's successors in interest. !..ender shat! not Las required tc~ corrrmenf;s <br />prc,f:esdings against stash succor or a°eftass to extend tints #'or payment. far fatherwiss rttfadifV antfir~tizatiort ca(' the punts <br /><:ecurr;ct by this ~Ee+ed fJf TrttsG'.h}~ reason crf any derrtand made by ths'carigirrat .Borrower rand. l~carrower"s suf~cessors ill interest, <br />~ ~. tHetrbsursrrecc by i:,edder l!ddt a 'R'Vativer. ~-try fiarbearance my !..ender in exercising say right or .t•erttsdy lteretander, car.. <br />otd~errr~isr' altorftect fay applic~tbls .:law, shall riot tarn a ovaiver caf far prsctuds the ca:xerciss taf any such right. ftsr rsrrasfiy. <br />"1"he iarfacura,craent of insurance or the payrxasnt of taxes or outer Liens car charges la}r l._sttdsr shaft riot tte a waiver fal~ Lender"s <br />right tfa accf~terate the ttraturity of the ittdstatednsss sscatrsd fay this esd of 'Trust. <br />12 'YZc~rerr4cties +ICiatrrculat3ve~ ~,tl rerrtsdiss proviclsd in this ;used faf Trust ors distinct anti. ctrrryutrtt:ivs to :arty father right <br />or remedy urtd~r this Deed of Trust or atl"earded kay taw car equity, and rttay he exercised concurrently, itadspenderttty car <br />successive!g„ <br />tE~. ;taec~rrrs trnd Assigns bound; ~'aaint and ~e~eral l.ealrldl`etyt C"aptiataas. "1'l~s frovcmztar3ts and agresntsnts tters,in <br />cc`ritairted-shall bind; and the rights hersta~adsr shall irrttxs tfa, the respectiti°s saaeet;ssors and assigns faf I.,srtder and borrower. <br />i sutaject to the ,~r~ttvisians of t7 ltereot'. A.11 cfavenarrts atncl aagrseraaents of tlorrfawer sha4l tae aoirat and several.: <br />T"tte :.»aptaons and headings taf tkre par~cgraptts ctf this Qeefi of "l»rtast rare 4'f>r c.otavr~nisrtce Canty rand aarc: not to tae r.rssd to <br />inter'taret car de~tme tht; prcavisions hereof, <br />~~. ;'~lotic~e: except for' any ttotics a'ecluir`sd unfler appticatale Paw taa tae g;ivsn ira ancatttsr rttKtrtrtcr, (at Parry ryotice tfa <br />lifar?~fawer proviclc„d ftrr rrr this ;£}eed.of Trust shalt: Las given fay rttailirt,g suf;h rrcatics fay c:ertit"td retail addressed to llorrower rkt <br />the t~ralperty ;'esr at such other. address as 13far°rfawsr stray designrat.s fay rrotice to !..ender as provifieft herein, arrfl <br />f b ~ s~ny aafatice tfa Lender slirall he given by c:srtitted rrtai:l, return receipt requested, tf> f~crttter's address rotated. trcreirr or tfa <br />sftch cathe.r aciclarwss sts t..ender ntay' designate k7y nestles to 13orrowc~r a,s prf:avidect !tea°cin.. harry notice provided fear itr this <br />f.~eect caf "Tr3.rst strrsti "tae dee~ed tfa have heert given to nrrcaavcr car Lerader° wvhsn given in the rttaarner ctssignated her•cin, <br />;t 5. Llsriftyr.a~r abet.Md aa~ 'rust! ar;vernlecg lr.i~w; .'"semertthil~ity» "i"'his for-rn of deed eaf irarst f.tamtairass r.rrrrt'a~rrrt e~fao+saarants fi:rr° <br />n~iti~aaral use rar,~d non,-tttriforzrr covenants with littritsd variatifarrs lay ~urisdiciion tea constitute rr uatiffarm sec:urity° irtstruttrent. <br />r~o~i!rit3g r+~al p:rfapetwty. "Phis Deed taf Trust shalt e govcarrrsd fay the lrtw of the ,jarrisdiction in rvhit;lt tha; l'rolasr~ty is lfacatc~d. <br />lrr tPat4 „+;`ertt th~~t any prrovisarr ur clause faf this 1:~esd faf "1»r°ust far° the hJfatc: coattlicts witty app{testate taw, suf:h c:fant'tict stall <br />taut ~a3lfcc--! cattier garovisi~eart~s ta.f' this 1">~eed cif '~"rust: tsar ttrs dots which cr~ar°a ht~ f;iven tw3't"c~;ct without the corads`c;tia~tg tarfar~isican, <br />4tnt1 tc> rl7ir; erld il!te pranvisicgty~ of ttyc 1Jeed fad' "1"r'ast and the dote ar•s cleclareel tfa st,vsrahte. <br />t ti. ~fxrt~ctvwer"s ~'opr~. 13arrtawf^r s~ltall taa; furrri~laed a corrfcar•rraed fxalay rat' the l'gfate arrd eat' this l~esfi tat` Trust. sat thr:. t:irrtt~ <br />ftf cxe;~articary +trafter re~;~tarc9aticasr hsreor~ <br />t'?`n 1l'rrtntrftar o~ t~tr~< ~'rrper•ty; ~ssitrretaifatt» 'l'f alt"cir• arty part. of the l~rfaper•ty tar ate interest therein is :scald car transferred <br />t}~ I~artv7~,r~er~ without l.rwneic.'~ tarifar writtrwrt consent., t°xc:lt.rdir`ag l;a~ the cr°eKatirrart Pal' a lia:n car ettccartrbrarrce roa:rlacerclnatc tfa <br />tk-tis 3:,cer.i caf °.t"t~t,rt, (two tl~e ere~ticart faf xt lattruita~e r'rcfaaat~y rorwc~trrity is~atere4l fear ttotasektols~ atxliraaaces, (c'p rr. trrattsfer la;~ fievise, <br />eies~.c;rat {ar• it}• ca~peratior:a caf l~sw upctrr the death caf a joint tenant or {d) tl'ae ~;r;aa-at fa#: r°erry leasekrold interest csl' tltrec~ ~er-•s far less <br />rii>t s:fara~aair;irag aft ctptifan to purchase, l,.erader~ ntay, ;at l.,eracter°'~; falatiort, declare rti}+ ti1~; srrrtts sa~t:ured fay this 1:}eeaci faf '1"rtrst to tae:. <br />iannic:cii:atr.?v ttt,'te a€rfl fay stale, t.,caradc:r shalt hs":tvs. waived such t:a ticart to accr~;~;a;af,e ilk sitar tfa tltt* stale t:>r tt•aacsf"r~r t.,ettf:4er <br />y p p <br />arcrt tltr~ t~f-r rrki tea rvl2c,laa the l'rcaperty is tfa he sold far tr°rartsfwwrr'eft rareertatrryt ira writing that the fareitit faf.' sucks fser•scar:y <br />is s~kri;~lr4~tcary ;.r> 1_eryci~~ir{ a.ra~l that tl1~e i.rttsrsst payrtbte tart the serrrtro sc:r"ured fay this l~eewfl c~aa' `l°rust W;Itrall taco ;~rt rats .ks <br />l,r~rtc[€;r :~li<r1P z•eya:3es.. tf i~rader has waivscl the faptifatt to <rccelerrate larovided in this prtr°<alar,atalt t"~„ rtnd if l3oa`rcawe,s°'s succ:s;;ssf'er° <br />krs interest leas „:.~ccer?.cuff ra written as;~urxrfatioat a~r~cerneatrt acfepted iri wr°itittg fay lender, l.wender sl°ratl r•slease borrower t~rfanr <br />;yil cairti~ratii~;tis craicler• ttais l.~eed f>t. "Trust <,artft tote ~Sfate. <br />If t..;;rk:itrr c;.xe3•cise~s Bush faprifarr tea a~cslsrrtte, l.craeisr strap rrtait llorrfawer• erotica of <acc:etea°rat.iora ira racf:cardancf:, with <br />IaFsa•a~;r~apla L ~~# ekt;refat'. ,~ucla notice shtttl pr»envide tt prwriod faf rtcat Less thsan :ltl days frcarn the flats t.arr trcrtic:e; is rrtttiletl wrttr%,rt <br />t~hicit fl~z~r-rar~:vt;:r r~t<fy i?tay th.° surtas cl~~f:tars:c3 titre, tf f3caa•rfrwc,:a~ fails tea la<f}~` scrc:lt sterns pri~ftr tea th, exlaratican caf such per•itad, <br />l..€;~,rr~e.r i'l~rat~„ ~.ithr~aat ;eaa~tlrW~~ r:r~7tir„e f:ar derrrsnd fan l~or•r`fawer, irtvfaice tarty reattedies pernrittecl t~}- g~~,ragraplt l~ hersoi', <br />Marv-t_~;ytr~tarz:.r C`cav~;'r~s;e,~ t~s, f~tarrfawsr• tract l„a:ntlsr frtrtl'ter• cfavsnrant <artd agree- as 9~oileaws: <br />;i h ~c-s. <br />,> y a~mclr atiFah; 0"tecfgrrtiit~s. ~~rc°epQ as f-rcrvlded In traratrxritxh,-'l:i" leer-fat', crpon oxr+arv+es taraaclr sat stay f:aaveatant tar <br />a~~re~a,nacetit aas~ 91~C1rg't~~w°are• ira t4ans ~~r±ec5 tp1 't 5'xt4t. iallewi~dliitg Rite Cr~~ertnettS tt? ~~y ~v0~ert c~a4c^ axr~ stArtpti seeltr'~:~~ dry tN"A~!a ~~9,@~d <br />., <br />of 1 resat, t,a~aaft~~r taricyx taa atcc:eic:rattic~n3 «;9taait aarair< xrotees tr;• ~'ore•iddw,~r ass tarfaevirleet Fes paaraagrzttxh t~A trr`rt~caif spec fy~~tngt v;t~ Hhie <br />ihrrwrte:h; f2~$ €he aa:ri~nat .regnire_at taa €.~are-c: ;rra~h irr'e~~rtr4 f-~9 ay ataVR~~ taawt s"trti;,~, #hnvc ~t4 tlbfds i~t^a>,3rt itee~ ttr~ate. the eta~tle°s' ie;-rtrrail+exltsr~ <br />[~crr~es~+~a~r, try a+vJaec'!s ~;aec~h lereaa:it raterst tee a~~ate•ett; ;tees 0;~t stmt Cats€rerc= tea i-rea~ ~aaf~sa tar~~act~y tsar tar• tief+rare-the ctatet~pe:eill+~d <br />in flare racrtia~a~ n~aay s~esta>;t ira ttc:ee~ic:raf;<care apt' t~h~ s~ana ~t.cesreaii 1a~~ fasts t~~rT~~ti a;;s 't"xaast zarrat ~,eie tati~ the 'r+~lrcrey. `t'he .~rf3tli'u"€' <br />strrtRt ftertlta~r arrfaarszr .k~u>;t-csrvea t>'i' th,~ rigtBt sty a~c:aaastate aCt~es' rer~<aa~rrytisase zaaet$ ttae s'i~tyfi tai tariar~ a euaer•ta+~taear tr,a ax+erf <br />the retaan•f^;ci~steaccra t~~li rt el+efracrti far aefey ~atitrtur atefe~.rrs,~ eaf ttesrxrs~we~a tr,r Gae~a~f~3es,a#saaea aaat~ oar e, tf thy: tsr•eaf:~iy i~ Ayasa f cxre~d <br />fY~1 a'sr ts~'icare ttr~ atadc~ twgaecifi~ci in t~igc rs>aSiee, C.e,ayc~ee arq Lertc-er'4~ tataiioea assay t9a°s~3aa-~t a>:it aef i<-y~ ~earxas ~c-t:atrt•ct Cyr tiies4 3i~y~c~d <br />crf 't"r~rast tcy btb eracrer~reectiate't,y clcri aatc~ tsay~rahi~ ~witT~a~krat f"settles ~ fte.rl~aszaad <sra~l aaray° ieaartyiktr dit+4. ¢aeswwer asf ~aYe tassel aarr~' cyttset- rc~nra~ttaes <br />~eranitteat try a~~'~'tieabte taw. t.f:rrdea shalt 'tic: t>r~etatlr~fi taa ~tektf apt Lott re~asaarcahtk +;~fb.'rtb tar~oai ~~taensea i~t~c'etrr-ea~ ies ssars~:~teaat~; R3a~ <br />s-er~nedies ~et-tat~i~r3s~at ira tfiais tastraat;a-:tpt~ tFl, arcrrir>;e~rrt;, t-eet eacst karri<itafi ter, r~asfnrrattate ,:rttterrrty`~, fef^s. <br />tf the ~~srl~er~ ttr sale as arrs~uka~ct, ~~'rcaste~ stgaat~~t s•cc'vrd ~a ryaacief: trf rtefacait tea c~a~ah caauraty' ter dviaiste tit€ t~"rtata4:r'ty_ r3e' »,c.!~Yae~ <br />pare! titerefat• as IP>rsa,'tae~f4 ;~ayd :~;txttit e~a~~ cotsirrs e,t Bete°ic eyaatsee in [i'rc, aytaayrace' t~u°esf•a°ihrd fey- ta~ptic:rnie, ta~v tt, i3srre•ae~e~ta' lAaea~ tts Ftte <br />catfrca~ taersvre:: lart~~sf:r~t-~ct hy. apptiaa~hlic taaw. ~.t`te~~ #€cc 9stpy+e 'i}C yary~bk tfiataf^ ass, etsayw~ t~ a-e~cptr~i~r+La~ te~~ ~ttetrtietelatc: iav~', '~'rcr~;ter ss:aRl <br />~Y.ti'6~ t-ertalrc tr/PrtC~ esr ;:LgNa" Tai Seta: ~7f.Ywi}at4 :isxai 4iCa Y[6v letieiidrf`M traRSf 3'34tr:ia a!y „s~~/ieiiiir0i ~ta'rr`, s' ~ e~~'ea-€, "riiRai~oum ani'so'.,un°e:a .:. <br />~~a°r•Gvve>?-„ sica>rltf s~tf dingy. t"rcrpr~s~y at ~-ablit an+r':tit~ira tta ttrti hw~;irc~i tre,ricter zit tRtt tirratr~ Fteaat taii:tc- aaeaai asraa$er aloft tea•aaati sty rt„saaat~r~ <br />tar tltc anratits^ tail satf~ art €atte oar rerae;rt•e paaf~els .-rnal ire :;rata tbrcter aye ~'e•ac~tc~~ rr-ay detcr?teirye, s._rr~vtie= eriaay terestpcxrereW ~;a~rli~. ,sir ,ah <br />far s:n,Y taarce6 faf the 1'~rto{a+~~y by ~trFnlic tmnrrfearrac~errrrwart :t4 t6aa~ s:asrz+G aartre6 fetatc~~c. fat' <~ygey~ grrec~af,aasi}~ ~~asaaa~drr6aaft asrRf. i,4:eaaif"a:~ art <br />t,+:arf#er's fta~~»igri~sr~ar stray' pc-~rcirs~aat She f~r~taert,~~ at :arty s<ailax. <br />~3 c-aa s°ti~c°esr ,t csf as 'ntc.rrt cef tttti r•;se tnett t~rca~tf.c~ wtatttt tBcti~'c~kr see t4y~ area•r:• t'raestse'.t rict°t~ r~rpra~~`~.aier tt <br />3r>!tfi. ~1<ef' 1~~GYtti~?~ @d- tiyc ~0"udSt:d' ~s axt^.daY a€~tstt tatT ~r34erterS Rteidd 4'itrSt.e3tt° d-fi tte~° ~uY'0-t~'li dP'~ rise SaSlft£'r6C6'8x4~i casaCit.° ~tdf`Yi`.9ee. ~i`~'4~tkR <br />rttatt ai~~t~' iite^ pr•fst^ec:els ca3' t'i-~~ e:a ifat see tine fast@tareAra¢t ~rrtt~a. fax') t~~ sett a~i=kt~:saeyatssE c~a:e±~ts~ zs~yrt ~nxtaeae,.~a iik• 8ta~ ;rasa:, ixa~-t3satiryt;. tarsi <br />rata titiaited seat, `t";raa~#+~e'~ t~ee~~ .;'i• rtts# eeaexre~t: tia:c-~e 1. ~ :~. cs f £ "<~ s,t the ~;a tees .~:;aie iaa'aa~«~, a•eF~s:•;ayr'faaiest sttsse-rs~ r ~ i'c:a:,, ;~a;rtrt t'tr^;t~ ~rt~ <br />tiefte c,wrYCseeee~; ~h'~ tak se@i<~,aBeee~ ~;et-eax~Y~ tr3~ tt,~s ~)+eirt$ cct ~~rrre~t; :erwti tt) tia+~ e~xer~^~s" it• rreat•, trv !'i-~ tsa;r~~cras asq~ ts~e~~aaees tf~aei'l;~° t•eeSi6ks=at <br />tt~ter~ar, <br />~~ I'~f?Tir~,iW~L.1'~i ~il~rrt Cta -ti'9r-st,llAti'.. `'^d4iEV ttP"Itit 4ey1~1€"4~' ,~ l ~iIPC.!'~a <it'cR ls'd'~3rtRiti t:}i '.t~~ `:~lr„k ",i'i~;„a~`t'~ ICY` liii'^; ~'.'r`Yl i'~~ ~ C't~~i, <br />~..Np t~t,d±di^l4~t,r .~P c#!~ iFaiti4: I~r"@f 63f4~1f ~i'r P'f%k~+t: Ffi$l' 11t;'1CG~4t~(r9~t'7~~n ~~3'~!t€`t !`4' ~.{ liir6'S~ „1 i`CY,i~411C:L' t,.li ~.`~C"s"CP ~:;i ~ ('1i7~ ~I> t;:~C3{;.ltia~`e3 ~`yY <br />:+;P;~ ~~;1~4: iJS.,,~' (,c.t $~7+„ F.".~t'itf'R" t6:i tPL,wt1G`i?i fl;) #~It" i{f~kd (l~s~, ~3i;~C~;t.: 7flq~ ~~f:l~",-t ~~3i' ~~~reGi~"'f'C4 F7i44~i3z1114 ~tl ;i`t°:'- ='Fi~1i~d 4ri tic~~4 a:~'€i1~i64?'f.'t. <br />tt'k~l3ty;.;lt:~'ixis,~~ ~tCSP.`+~ l,?C~iVPel~r1~S'~ ~~~ J1f4~~?,R~C~,t:~tl f:~Ftd4,~S.9I1~4?:Ci'• P1G;a.',t~ ~r~tt ~!'t;~~ >i' (..~'} t~s8?Ifii~h'~~;~ S'aaG",~ ~ t;l.x~Lf'a(~ E[i€)1 '6':~t"Ci~t 13.~tC;its <br />i's[ °,PiG"9'i i~Edii,: ir7(~~'; ~-~4`i ~.J$,~'ti tF'r tr'~YSA, rl7k': ~+t_t~f' ~illai S3iirF,`~ ~.v~i?'!41[tN ~"l f{{~'~; ,oztUiaii~.:{'~y, 1` ~~~EL', i"s;t+~ '1li :i .'i~:!'.tEEi.7tt tlC~ tP~l±'4~: <br />j~?) ~~+.aat'€t~k"~.., .: a:fb"a §~ }7s't:c:t~l~~;:~a t?~ .:i.E~~j' t 9FFt"~ ;. t,l`L'C1,~"tPt?ti tV„ ,lpfr+r'+,:)C!t.ilEW ,~a ~f~4'sp'!'ti~Rhk? , 1,t?f,;4rl,~~tf iti ~~11•, i~~°t'ii ,i~ ! F'il'`i; <br />riu~ $$t'Ari't;„!s"E j'"k'7 .b~~ 9`~ M4 ;93„yak! SL, ,`ti~9.:ii'b~'''~, trte:iirF~s£ a4"r ~ +.1~G,Pe:'1 +~iSe~b ~ r ^,~ t ~l. Eaf 1a,r' ,_~t~ ~; .+dxSE'- :.t C1 s ,~ <br />i ~ e ,1 <br />~~4,p,t,~,t~:S ,.'tI~P1~;t'~ Ftk- ~ats3; l~i,-`r•~ aJi ~T,;i-;i ,ilfia li'<. aal~ti;.~:t'ti' ~_r°,k~6.'ti~~ ~trEii~P~t,,,i=:. ,'•, .;~ ~s:,~p i<a rt; , _iu t1 <br />~ ~ i <br />1'~L"'t`:'e9,~. 3Yt:.113.~4fi~;~. tY~xt. ;'Y„s, bti?ft„.'1~ #c;. t,:.5^-r;11iti5„A. ~^~14;rs1(_b", `t'~:"". ri £.l (~4: ~#i~; r., ..('~ t:.s~ ~W `.its: ,ti:'iE~„. ,.. ~ , ,.~~~ ~.i~ ,kw. „ c;~, <br />L qq N p <br />~k'4~5 EP n.: o.., .~,!:~5: 4.iE6i i7.4' ~'. ~: ~~a l~ r~ar°, 8 gt.'fiofi 4.9 ~~. 7 i~'+k . 4. ~ -.4ai'} ~, : xP ~ $Y r_ - <br />.aC:1~~'^.d t~ fi' f;,t`i ~`.~ l t~ li, rt, .,~=.a°y rwM C"±~1t .e C14r.'Mf'PA OEt <br />~ - <br />