<br />Uaar~+~~.zu ~'cxv~ut~tn~t~rs: ;13zarrcax~+er and lender c~~venaaxt 4xead a~re~ rxs fcallcxws:
<br />-~, ~'as~Rnleaat erf Pz•iaaci)pal An+d Insteaa`t. ~orrnwer shrill faa'naxaptly' la~ay when due the principal caf and interest caia the:
<br />ir~„dchtedn~ss evidenc~ec3 by the N+ofe, prepayment aard lrtte chzarges has fsrrsvided in tlrc 1'~rate, and the: principaB ref .and interest
<br />,,,, oIa an~• f~irtur~ Advia~a~:ca secirrcrl t,ti- this~~eed~caf "Crazst.
<br />~. lFzzncls, fir 'it'aae~ areef ~aacearaa~rx~r.. Subject try applzcahle taw rar t0 a written waiver Shy I.r;nder, Iior•rrawer shalt' p8y
<br />t~> Lender on flee ctay saacanihl~• znst~aitrn~°nt5 cit. ~~+°incipal and ilit~rest art }~aya~+le tFnc3er tht; i~cat.e, arntii tl•ae Nate is ~azicl iai ftafi,
<br />a srarra (herein "k~errlds"'c r;c~ual tc, rant-t~'*'t.lf"th sit` t:he yc~i•ly t~i.xati ;anti ~xssu~srra~;ntar which za~ay attain ~riaarty c~•~~s~.r thiti
<br />;t~~eed ~°+f `1"rust, rlnd g;rc,unct rents c~ta tl~e; E'rcataert~; if any. p]rs, tine-twelfth <;rf v>n:arty prezniun'a installnrentsfor hazard insurance.
<br />pkaas cane-tci~elfttr caf yearty prerxzia]rra irkstaltnaerats 1°us°i~rrartr;rst~; izrsatzanc;e, iY aray,allas raga;>cynabtyestirnateci initially and'frntxt
<br />tin-se to tirnr: h'r l:elr{9cr can the: taa:~is cat assessrrac.arts .araki a~~tl« and>rt;ascanal:~lyd estianat,es'thr~reof;
<br />'T'he: ~'unc~is shall he hetri in act iztsritssti<ara the tlepcsit~ti ~r raccr3arnts cif wh~icti rare inserted ear aaar•atxteedkay ~i i~'e~(er~xl car
<br />Mate a~erwcy {i,acltaeling; l..ender if ~.e.nilc.r i, sa~ch an in~titsatia~n). T:,endw:r shallapply t.hrv ~'aatr~.ls tea pay sa+~tsx~e~:~, s~r~s~~sn7~nt~s,
<br />irlsaarance tar~nxiaznrs anti ~rcaurscl {°r`rats. i.ender m:ayiacat >~h~r~e~ fcsrsralrealcting rand ;xpplyingthw F'aazads, arlalyaizrgsaicl aca;narnt
<br />ray, ~°erif4rizag ~ln~d crazrrpilirag sass assesstxre°nts atrcl iaiila+, aazrles~.v l~,ezrdcr taays li;carrcawtwr iirterest a:an tlxd*. F`tazacl:~ FZnd rap~licable law
<br />pi~rtr-aits l_.c;ra~rler to aaral;e such a. ch<xr};;c. ilcaz-rca~~';~r grad Y:~~ndr~r rxt~y ragree~ irawriting ate the ~tiznc caf exectitzran cif this
<br />1~te€i ~f `l'r•ust that irYterr,st ~~la flee 1~c+atcis shraiii~e paid ta'~ csrr~awcr, rrnd aazrtess suc;h'ragreeent iw rn~de err applicalale liar
<br />rckclrzires Sucta interest t« lacy raaici. t,a;sac#er si7rs!! r,c,t £~~ r°eclui~ed rcx l~rty l~a~rra?wer ~-ny int~r~st cir t;rarzairz~~ can ths: ~atnds: tcrad~a°
<br />shall avc;, to li~rrrreswcr, sa~itk~~tkt charge, <aaa aaantzat acccat.antira~g cat' the ~tl~acls ~i+eawiarf* cxedits rand alt~l~it,~; tcathe 'l~am~ards~~ard the
<br />p~~ra-faose fc,r wl~icix each cl~hit two tlas:. wands ~.~ra:c rrrad~. TFie ~~azr~ds raze; plecta~d' as-rrdditi~na ss~curity fcar~the'sura"ts~~~ecuz°ed
<br />ls~}- this I~eec! b;7f '1'F-tast.
<br />tf the. ~aaneaunt of itle f'azrads l~ctd lay l..ender, ta~agetixsdr'with the lutaaTe nrnrathty zratra~ln"aents caf ~'aands pFxya~hte pzinr tea
<br />ttlc clue :;fates rif taxes. assessmY~rats, irasaararace ptc:.raiilrrt: ;aard grraurrcl rcnttw, :sla~a.li ~trc;ca~.al tlar~,raztacxaxr-t 'regarir~d tc"i ~~ly sruc"1 trax~~,
<br />asse:,`ynaezats, iz5rzxrar,cr~ tarerxaicaraa~; aFacl z~rraaarrd reart~ as thr`~y t"rili dare;. such e.~iwess shta;ll ha., rat raz•rrawez"s saptaran; rdittr~r
<br />1>~c;Frrptlg' >•n~Eaaici t~ iic,rF°cawcr or~ cz'cCiit+etl in'cazrcawaxr «n~nnnnthly instrrllhrents ra't' ~l°'t.arrds: ;tfthe rarneaa.ant cif t;he ~^aand
<br />held lay Lera~icr .hail scat hr°. sssiliczl~rat tea taay taxr~s, assessrxrea~at:~, iaasurarrr;e taremitazrrs and gr~aarrcl rrdnt} ras they frali aitrr;.
<br />i3sarrnr>r~cr shall tray tc? 1_s~rader ~iFarr arraratrzrt arcecl9sary tra naak+e alp the de~ienrMy iaithn :ifD d=ays frcarra the rlxrte aaratics: rs rrrailecl
<br />h.~ Learela?r tea 13orrawer regarr:stiFZg lazayttreaat thereaf,
<br />T.3}ac,aa ta1~'rnerit in roll caf all sunxssecaarecl try this teed ref"1'z°a'as;t, ~l:..r:zrdershral't p'rcanr'lat;ly z°et''trrrd tcsf3r~rrrawe~r any ~'~'aatrrls
<br />ixi~ld bye i..erzde,~r. if u;ader gaaragza~ah 1SIrere~'f' tl~a~e f~rrape.rty is sc~,tel car thca E~rnpcrty is nttaerwise to<r~uirg~ri h;y ~l.aezrdcz, l..rbnder
<br />shall apply, rac: lkater ;lxran itrarraedcltately prirar tea tare sa'ttd ca4' the lbrrrperty ear it's ar:rizr~;itiaaFa lay 1;..,t,„rtcie;r, t:any f~a~rad:s laulrl 1?v
<br />I.errder at ?hay ttarr~4 rr~ appti%atiran.as ~. credit against the sararrs sa:~carred by this 1.7r~ed cat i~zazst.
<br />:~grfNli~catir,:r cpf ~'ra;~ameantat. l.l'nless applicable law larravir~lsd~; eatherwise„ rrll taayrnts received by t..eradr:r sander the
<br />Nrate hncl la:xragrapias i tenet ~, lrereraf sh~:lf he applied by l,,enda;r first izr laaytarent: a~af ararraarrrts l~aayabtc tra l..endr Fay lricsrrs•awea°
<br />gander p~,t`a~,a~alah ilereeal~, Rtzrwra tea ia~stcrest pay~bt~ aan the l'~lcate, then t;ca the larizrr;ipal r:af the i`+lratr:. and ilrera ice itrterest arnd
<br />principal ran aaxy Iraaturc~ ,~d~ances.
<br />4. ~f;l~aa~r~;et+; ~iens> ~carrc~wer shall fray all tsrxes, assessirrsearts :tncl rather c:hares, braes atrcl inrprasit:irar-s <attrilaaatakalc t.ca
<br />the .Property, ~rrhicla xrray,attaitr ~ ls!rinrityr eaves this ~9eed cat' "f'zarst.» :acad. leasehratrl paytrrerats tar grraaand rents, if airy, tzr thud
<br />ntrra~rner.provided az~der pAx°artgraph ht~reraf tar, if neat laairi iaa saact'a arrrxnnedr, hay 13a~rrrrxwer irraing <ayment, ~vhsMra clue:, cliree.tly
<br />tea the payer thrercot`, k~orreawer t~hall prtarrtrptly €aarnisla ta~a l:.ezrrler rail zaratic;r.s sal' azzroaants rlazie rrndez this paragraph, find in the
<br />ev€dzrt_Bcarrovvcr Shari! zraaice isayixaent diccctly, I~tarrcawer shrall praarnptty faarrrish tta l..,ci'ader recrdipts e.virlc;racirrg stiach <rynre.nts,
<br />Borrcawer shiall procrrptly da'scharge any flare which lras laricarity aver this [~rdaWd c';yf "Trust; lazravidecl„ that f3s°arreawer sha.tt Fact lac.
<br />r~dquircd tta {tiscfaart,e any such flair so lair rxs lforrowier shalt agree izx 'r~rz°itin; tra the faayarrent I:af the Iahligraiiran sccuredd fay
<br />larch bear izr a:arianne;r ascceptabl tr.a l..cnder, raz• staail in good faith contest saach liemrr lay, car defend r;nforcemerat ref sarch lien ira...
<br />tcgal ~rocrwedir~s wvhich operate to preva~nt t:he enfc~ra:enrent cat tiara iiear eaz' 1'carfeitaare caf t.tre t'~rraperty car azay part thereraf.
<br />S. ltl~ta~u`d instarance« 13orrowedr ~hallwlr+eep the imprrrvcrraa:nts rtraav raxistiarg ear ha~zeaftez errvcted rear tNrad 1'raapa:rty .insured
<br />against loss Iby fNraw, haz~!•ds iarc;taaded ithitr thrd t;erirr `"rda±tendec;l r:.cave'a°<agad", and leach eatlaer i~arazarcls axs l..crnder array reclaaire
<br />and in-such ~zraourait,t and for such periads as fwender irray rt:siuire, pz`eavideal, thrat l,e;trclcr sihall prat reyaaii•e that thrd amoaant e,f
<br />saich coverage exceed that amount arf' r;overage ree}aairr;d tea pay the sarFras sawcured by this 1'Jeadd caf "t"mist.
<br />T'he insu~°ance carrier praviding the insatranced shall he r.hosrdza fay f3orrsawrdr saatajer~t tc' rapproval lay l,a:nder, przavideri,
<br />that saxc~r apprarral hall,rrot he unreasonalaly withheld. X11 prenriua~as razr izrsarzarace taolir;ies shall Sac paid iar tl°zrd tirantrer
<br />lvar~rrided attaa~er paragraph ~ heradcaf ox, if not paid in such zr~aranner, lay lorrowea° irraking taayrrrarrrt, when dead, directly to the
<br />irtsurr~sice rarru~r.
<br />,All irasttratnrre palicies azad renewals thereaaf shalt he in frarm ae;ceptatale tra C..enrler and shall inclaade rr standard ra:aortgdre
<br />claarse irx fra~tor of acrd in forma ac:ceptalale tea Leander. l..ezrr'ler shall have the right to lrrald the policies rand r°a:raewals thereof.
<br />;atxd F~carrrau'er Shall prcarntly:furnish to ~'~cirder rail rearr;wai raot:ic:es and tall r°eceipts cal' paid prerrriarnrs. lzr the ewvetrt caf feels,
<br />l~orreawc:.t° shalil give lararzlpt nntic:e tra the insurance carrier and l..errder, l..encier may nralcr~ proral' caf bass it" zarat rarade prcarirptly°
<br />by borrower.
<br />~ral~,ss I.rwrrd,~r arrr3 8~rr~rver ~th~r^«vise area ira wzitizag, irasaarsatxc;e tarrar»~cds ~hatt lea rappli~+~ tea z~sdst~zaticara car r'~pair rat'.
<br />tire; property dlaztrag~d, provided such restsaraticaar car z°epair is ccraraonaic~rtly feasible 4and the security caf this 1^)eed caf ~l"raast i:s
<br />nut thereby irrapaize+~. if each rt~staraticair err repair is zrrat ~c:oarc+ar~ais~ally feasible saz if ttrr~ ~;~i'i„gasify cat this ~~ecl caf "f'rasst weauld
<br />be icrapraia-c:r.i, the ;rasiurance prraceeds slraitll be applia~d tea that saanrs sec:aaaserl key this 1)ced aaf "1"rust, with the exr,r::as, if atry, pait;l
<br />tea 13orrcae~•c.~r: if the Pre±perty is abancloarerl lay Barreawcz•, tar if lttarruwcz 1'aals tea respearrd tra ~,r;nder within 3 day*~ frcanr the
<br />elate ncstir;e is :txaaile.cl by i.encier tea Borrower that the iarsurance carrirr caffea°s aaa settle ra r,lairrr fret insatrance laer~aefits, l..ncler
<br />i; aaathcarizc.ll to s,callei:t grad apply tlra insuzaaa~e prcaceeds rat:. Lezider,s raptican either tra r°estearatiozr ar' repair ref the 1'rcaperty
<br />ar to the suarr~'i secured by dais ~3eed cif "6">r°ust.
<br />CJraiess l.,°rxder grad 13orrcawer ,atlir;r>+rise agree in writitrg. any sur:h applicatirara caf proceeds to principal shall prat. eactend
<br />car pcstt>+~ne the ciare~ cizte~ of the nac,rathly istailraaerrts refer.-'red to in paragzap~s 1 and. ? hereof car change. tlrar arnCaunt caf
<br />wuch installr°netrts. if arrcrle.r praragragata i ti tr:reuf tiro Properly is ac:cpureci fray 1_earder°, :Il! rriglrt, title gird interest a~f" Ffnrrrawea°
<br />in arrci tsa yazay izxsurarai:e txalieic~s anti ira ~taail ti> the sartaceed~ therecaf resarltia~ag fa;oraF rtaFraa~e tta the Praapezty prior to the sralyd
<br />or a.Gyuisiticsn siaall pass tea i>elarter au :the ~exterat rat'the sutra~~secure+~ fay tl'ais Clued of '~'ruMS inredi~ el~y priorto suchsale car•
<br />acquisiiieazr.
<br />6. f''areservaEi®a~ rand 'vtatSnstEraasilee t~f li'ara~phearly, ~seb+aNd~ +~>aa~tti+~air~iuara~s; ~'""ltenrte+t~ tlnet ~)~w^t~lofrm~t~t. ~rruvvc:r°
<br />~,iaali heeia ti~ae 1'rQatacrtg' in f;ctc+rl repair sand shall neat +;raa~nait 'bwaste tar i>eYkaait inrprrirrtran~t car cletericar~ation caf the property
<br />aaxrt shalt ccaarapiy with the l`rc''visicsaas caf <tnv lease if this I"~eecl ref ~raast is egad a,leasehold. Tf this Deed rat' Trust is care a unit iar,ra
<br />w~radonairaiutar or a talauraed unit clevelcapraavrat. fscarrcas~~er hail pe~foraa~ ail crt Boria'rvez's obligations wander the det;laratiaazr
<br />c°:r c:raverrants +rreratitas~ sat g;c,vi'.rFliFra~ the ccarrricar:rizsiaarra M1ar t}3tarilaea3 rarait developzarezrt; the fay-laws and. regulatirrns c'f the
<br />t~nciarrainiuna car utanaxerl unit c3eveical.~na,eixt, :Ynd cucxstittac;r4t dr~c;irnrcr~ts,. if ,~»crand~orninitt +~r platrne+d aanitdtaveloprneirt
<br />rider is c;~;eru3:ed by f3t~rrcawc:r- anti r~es::rrrdecf t~ge~ther ~ itla ttti4 weed ot~~ "'Trust; the ccavenants and agreezryen'ts r-f saac~lr_r•icler
<br />shall tae ia:ietarlacarKate:d iattca seed sl,<xll bartxelaci ara4i ~;upp4elaaelxt tla~- a~;of,r:nant~sandagreenrr;nts of his ~Je o#' "f"rustas if the rider
<br />~~~~ i~ ~o~i-a sicxciiz.
<br />°~. I`rait>Qr"tiazr aaf 'i,eztder,s Sea;aMac7t~~. It ~orrrawvea t';:iis its tacilr~rn~ flee cta'~eazrarats aric! ~et:rt'~~trnents ccaotaitred in thus
<br />l.)ea;rl taf "I'raast, car it raray as`ticrta r~r }'~ri:4~r'dita£? is ~s_,;arsxlwtacecl .vixscla lliu'tl°ri::~il4~' :atle:cts =.e.esuea's interest in the prcaperty.
<br />ittcludtraa;, ~~rat axcat liraaited try, cixlitas:r~t C1C~IIldlri, ±rast`=ivc€xC}~. caae:i<~ ~rai~r+~_~rlxeFrra s~a~ ;ars~ar~a~~rs~ii;axts err r~.°:GC'~caita~~s iit~raping _ra
<br />t:rFarikrupt ~:>r decedent, t$aen d~endea° <tt C_a~.Fadcr'4 r~ptir~n~ iapuza Ia~tiec tc, x~t:~rs°E,t>tier, ra?asy~ rr,~.har scarf; :~19is-:er,~rlc~a, ciiaiattrs~ sucl'A
<br />~icrnxs at1Cl ir~iCf' StrCir :.`<:taC?t3 :.15 li Iae:r:t-S'.i'i3r~d+ [6. ~)r)QkCt f er@a:'Fcr''~ tizt~('e"St, 4llr'iUrtlaa~',; llYlt is+5t ~it'FiNtCCE t~), tS;'i~?iti'v<rrreart t,)t~
<br />Ik°:;t'SCAL5i1~3eG,` r~Nt.'tC,T7a~'y'S tb~";+ aaflii r'latC'}~' Ltp4i3i tll[; 47ri~t1A'.3'tV its Tttliirr F'e~aa!d'ti. et ~-.C`(aCicr C'Ciiltat'C~ r1PliC[t.Y,id~>{= ?tl;~ilr;°f3t'e,' Its ~a
<br />ca~radtii.i> c±;i rYaakira~ flee a{aara r;a"c:tal°esi lx~' ts~Ya: ;e#eer€1 c,i `t"rust. t3car:c,+.~s~r 5laesi c,ay ~lzr: x~rs.;IipiaFla7s Ye~iari.-+~rt ,u r~,~.irita;i, ti,k~'fc
<br />1P~4atd'i~rai:.c; Iax 4„tr~C:t t}nlFi 4iaC:id tiTal~E: ~a*+ 1if~ CC'Cpi,flrt,'i3a4lii ~F:iP' +itr:it 13i~iat3il4:t' tf'f t''.11C1f~t4°,S ;S3 ~4;:t:1?i't.~dLtl4l:° v~liti7 ~~i(?Til3iw s''!''~, ,liai;~
<br />~.:£:Y}.~t:rt Vkl9tls.:ii a~F'[;S'-Tk24^.Cxi t?i" 'Lt3~8tFS:ztt,r~ t,:YV?. t;t7r'`i11,§'r`;' tiititlt r,i+.~' SiY(' iit<1(tt8ri4 tli 111; ~rl(.1rt~e}~.=t C;4:~Sft':iili:C: i~CA:N`e1i5.119Eti :3i i°?E`
<br />raxi~aazxer larra~ricz„aa ua3chx~ ;aa.r;xgrafifa <~ lne;a°ec~r_
<br />F ~ E 4 ` } :.}
<br />.. 3 ~. ' ..., ._ ., t 3 Cta;=: l7 aC:i.£;C tt?1S ~ , Wita1 ic,tY".6't'S1 t.ili;t'Y,'E;YiI, "+faitl~ c~'(viYlt, S3i~Li9tfC'3Sa~l
<br />~cag ~~sxara.ara7t5 et sk,raasuaf .,~ l cYr~i~~r tacaN`scr:~aIt
<br />3ld~1~1:1tr~li~t?:s5 i~~ idr~k%rr>!~~:a" 5a„CrN')°r°rl F ~ it?1~ l ~~~:A,t ('v-~ ~ rOnbRt. ~ lfi3f.",1 ~3jF~Ftl111'i,?a" ;#IaC'1 ~ .l"@aclr•r' ~~rtE• r#) s?tlar;d° t4:tdf4„4 L%i l'Iffl~ 911{'N"it, ~(dl.'f`
<br />;Yir3t7tata:{~;.t?i~i~~~ ~}~w }5i~l~!il~°r~f' t,l€3f)Yl Sti?4fi:'~; tr4,rlPt ~.d,`,431.tt'i" Y,) ~'~[;31"tt:>~Mt.P i'r^a~4i4'.'sC1S~~ z~.iy'il~t.t'S F;~b!,!'{.`M1:t~, ,;F1i{ '?~3~i~~ iii'.rfit ilit{;3"~k+~ tfr7:l3 1Ttt'.
<br />rl~lc r:t~ e~t!~~:a19t'Rak'ifaa*t~~ it. t¢iE; r~(~~ 1.3ca.yatalc~' §~'ri.Fja'a ($rKY4: ~i€) lataaY_ tft) eieattii,`cafll.iktr~; i"YtanSi'ts?.'af t;raeier ti)t^. ~F`ti(~1~': N3Ni16'1ti ]l`::#~`a7~t;alt tt>' ilkll'rC'S'a
<br />sYL .'v;r3;E riati" 'zNrzl.a3il 11I; a:#:etatr~Ia`~' tt) ',tlbl'9ilCithi. iJs~~d, ?il Lw`~as4ti a°sa'1tE ~.tlti:$! .{aatiilEGt3 , ~;Y3i ~ak.'.;.ea '+Ci~`['+.~I <t~ ikal', ~iij;~Ft:tii. Stt{,'
<br />tac;rrzta~$i3~le~ trrl<f~'~'*.Y~,f'1124;ca~.7~i: }kti°N, '~de~4irPtr~.; t:Lytldv2;Y7t:(.1 i;l tFl1~ ~t~}tiil::,rd })iS ~" .ixKlSi s'd;Cjlai3t`' N.7,:4i1i~;9 ::? ~r2A 4E3 }tre tint=#"ll:ir,' ~'r f.i!'.C'
<br />. la`F~iipiaa°3'~asY>ri.. ~-,t::',fi4,;.Y 6d'@4p'' 71i4Y.~k~ {1I #7:_'it. aryl: ~`e;; 3.~,S,a{:' +. +3ti~]3-t:2t',d~ k'?z3 T'E~ti ;.i~Jt t3 ,t11,? .„Ati~}e'.~Ilft~47i +. ~ .t;t a pi"~3i: 3i}`, IYdc_s~: ys's k;a?
<br />kl;kQ i,#-E~{i~'a ?., }i ~»'1L: I~~DY•rfY~e~ "i... .; ~' t-Ft;.~' $a3 :ir~ti, ~tx~.,t? r3`42; F~,.:, r~a'si< ;N,."t:i' j[#ir.~ a:s_ eti t_;~fi t~Et" .::,S3f e .~i4`Tt'l~•..Ti, ice ltii'i~ S-1',3~~,°k n
<br />tbita`="sa 4r§ ~ht:; `~~Yi'a~~^~!;'~rY.
<br />' ti "s „.
<br />