~~~~ ~~~~
<br />tih<~ ~tan~s sect~rec[ by ih~s il)ccti ~~9 .~s'r~tit. ~h~R(~ s~~:,,~itiri(te.urDiiDl~a~~+rt.ct, !)g~u~ra ~;ti,.~l~ l~av~+'te~~t a~~~.l ct{t~++ i,~ay ~a{±rrc~7~vt:!~, tiDi~, I-3~~c.~(1 nt>
<br />"T'ri~sr aa7a! PI'te cy~li~"~tiit~n^y sec!~t•e~ tltt'f;l-~t° sPl:~ll rsat~~sirD in f~,t11 it~r<~~ a~ru! t~fl's°~r~t ots ~1 ,DC+ ;u.•(.R'l(^r~at~~n~ rr~t(1 (D~:c(orretl.
<br />2(P, ,~h~u,~~!~cx~~ ~~ ~~axtra; ~~l~~at~~slis~~.r~~ ~ryf ~~ee~u'var~l ~a(°~nsk~a- xre ~~~r~,~~a~i4~~~. r~ti tDdic,~~tit?tril scurs~-y ,~{?f~•i!nt.i~~~'. 63(Dt~trrw~:r'
<br />hGrest~y <tssi~n~s t~r.a !_c~~•icicr' the rci7ts cal' th{~ !''DrDlacfty, ~~rr3~=i~.tc~(s tfD:{z f4orr(~~y~r t:Pa,~ll, ~.rit~a~ r{,~ ~?~.:i;eicr:Dta(Daa itrD(Icr ~~,~r~~~.>,r~z}~h ?y~
<br />hcrz:ot' c7r c~b~in(ior~rrl(~~r~t c}f the f'r(~perty, ha~'e: i.i34. rir~Dt tc1 c~~:~D€<>~cz s~~r~(1 ~~f.:~i3t ~:~.u,~tl ~'f~r~t~" ;~~, fYD(.~~ t~{~~•a:rrD~<? class ;aa~s.l f~r,{y~thl~;.
<br />E~~~«r~ ~tc~ce~lcr~atiti~n und(~r' ~a~~z~age:~a~l~~ I~ k~~~re(a,C c`+r ;-{~~~rrcfcDr~~(th,~it {sf ti~ti' f't~t,E~~~d-ty. 8.~;°r~t.6t°s', is{ IDer:~cx~~, h+; :~~,<:~~r nt~ by
<br />jt.x9iea~-(iu apa~pUieDte(1 rete€~iver, ~;Ptnli fae. c-t~tit'~eC~ t(D {~rttc:~~ i.{~(arz, ta~?~t~ fD~>5,t~tsic~ol t,,f ;~iracl (x~tas~isf;c: tlitr C's'cjl?~1'ty ~(m1~ t{> t~~sl9es:t t}~tc
<br />rants iaF ti'i~ 'r~~°~gaet~ty +nc~udirti~ lhtasr~ ~,~tsi (late. A11 f(.r?ts (`c~ll~~cac:cl I;y L a;~rrlc:r ~~r' z6~~; rec%~i~,(,a' =~,PD~Ii t~se° ,.{ra}al~ed~ flr~5t 9c> f~~a~~n~~nz
<br />of thy: ecDSts cDf ~a~an€e~;t:ment caf tlae I't~c,~7c°rty~ ~tnr'] i't~iic~ti(~Dr~ ~:~f ?~esrol~, i~u~fi(dirD~, tla~t t~~(~t kirl~ii;~d #(~, t'~:.~e.:vTMr'^ f~~c:,, ~;r~°pD~~i~.u71<,
<br />(>rs r(~reiver's t~r~rt~3s ~rld 1~('.asoreithlt' ,~tt«rney's ttrk~s. <~~a(i If1rWt1 iO th{u s,~.trtas ~~c:{~r~.,(i ~~y ttDiw D~~~~cl itt .~"ris~;t. 7_cr~(fer ,~r7rt file
<br />re.cr.~w(;r s&z~li fae~. ii~t~l(; zo ,~cc;(artRZt a~niy f~>r ltlia~e r~ ate, ;u-t~~ illy t({ (~~°(..i
<br />~.1. ~'s~ite~~~rrr Actw,a~ucc~~;. 6..i~~rcDr~ zcc~ue.st «t ~3~~rr«~t~t. ~-cns.ler, .at 6,(~utiie~°'~, cD~atic~r~. ;aritrr ;:~~ i~i~li ~i~ac:(anv(>y~ur~~e (~f the i'r~D}~erAt~
<br />by °f'rt.~wtes~. !cr t3~rarr(»r~:r, ~7zz~y r'i~~~lsc ~°t~rur'e. ~~t:fv,~r2r~,:~ti tc, ~3'~ri~(rcvs~.r. ~~t,t~~~ ~~°~it~.~rc il~lvar~,~•(es. watl,+ i~~t(~:c~~;t tlxcr~n(~so, :,i~~~11 ~~ri~
<br />s(°~:ur~.d by ~~17is [sec°~{ (Dk~'1"rz{vt whGtx i:vic'fet~C.CCI lay' ~?rc?(~ai~xxry rt~,tt.:, st~tt'i~~~; ;hit ,;ticl ~D~Dic~s :~~~~- secc~r(:{t iacrE~lay. ;~'~f s~,D tartti~; s,h~sli
<br />:the' pnr7ct~~i ~~nt(aunt ~Df the- i.tl(lehtt°tl(aess 5i's,~it°eti~l 9ay~ r,y~i, s~)ee~i~ (y9~ .~~t~ri~;i. tat eYt('-1~3~inkr st~-r~s t~c3v~ttrcc~(! iii ~~t'(.:rrsls~tnc,a ~,+;r~;wtth
<br />tq I~Dr~at.(.~t fife s(~rcttcity cif tdtis ~r',e(I t~f "hr~rst, t°xt:c:c,~ct the (~rit~ptt,tl ;3r~t~Dtra~t cat tfte. `~('~t~~ laltr~'; 6.)';; ~ 2 ~t)C)~). i3~
<br />2~, ~ceE~rzvev~a~ar~. tJ~c~oa ~~<(ytrzer;i of ~s11 s~.~nD^; :~ex(FS~t~(i f-,y, tN~is f3c.'t~c1 {,t ~l~i~(~~a, ~.t°~;~1er ~,fa;:)I 3(r:a~~e°st ~f•rti.4~~~r: #t~ rr°c(~tDe~~~~
<br />tine Prt~perty arsd sh;zlt ~urr~ ncde~• thiti ~ieetl ci4 ~~'rrast ~,rl~a tl! +1{:~t«~w ~~.vi{ac~ra~sa(i,, a, t~eclehitsdr~(~tis sc~.•~~recl ~'~' tlf's~; fa,.e~cl ~,f '~-i u~,t'
<br />CC) '~~(ltifef',. ~i CI.I;itf'~ 5}~'r3li 1'E.CC113V('~` t,hE'. 171C1~'1ert~ Lw'1t~5(?llt 4v;lri-<lill'r' :11i4~ 4L'lt~1E;)1St l_~l~xX'?~`G l~l r~t~ ~~ri:Y'it]11 ()j ,DL:T'xf,7f}ti il:'~°;¢I~~^_
<br />enuitlcd ttz~retc~. SzDCh~ ra~;r~s~n (a-- ~rt~~:~;on.~ sfz~cit ~,~v ~~Il ~(a.yts of res(>i'ii~itiori, st ~3r~`
<br />~~3, :~zzty<~tilltate ~~'z°u~;ge~. i_c.t7(ler, ai ~.entla~~r"s c?taiical~, a~r"u~;~ trc~r.~ that{:~ t(+ ~irr~~~ +~f:~st'~w(: "I~rtr,tre ~a~r+I ~z~pc~ir~t <{ E;a~cccs=;,,t
<br />t!`i15t(',f; t(7 iYXi'y 1'I'L15t(',(' I1[7~?OlntC.il I1cYl'-~[-S1({(.(' iw sln iti5l,S"1Sf1yC.=Il1 ?'C'.C(~T(~i4.'{e II? 'ili(', f'il[1f31~' iii "4.%~':li:~] :~1~'ro ~~C~'L~ ('>~ ~ C41h.~ !`. E~-L"OfS~lt"i~,
<br />L'~,idhdrui c:n~7v~;varzei. ctif the I'ri?pe^ztv, fk~t~ ~t~:c~~~~(>r t~'~~~r(^~° ~;i7all ~,~a~~~:(:~^.C3 t~~, e~~ ~!~~e~ tititr ~a(awe~r^ ,<~-~<1' c9tiztz~~ ~'E,saF(xr3-c(i ir}~t,n
<br />the `T'~~st~2eq~iestafxre~t~tisl[~~.i~{[3cDrr'c»,er regt~csz~ that c'('a~azs. ca1~ Y}z,, ~~(~tcr:~(af (iel'~tllt end n(~tic~ (•r~" ~al~ hf: serzt;cr lit~rt;=~ti~,•r";
<br />~zeiclress ~~hie:f~ i~, the 1'rapc;r'ty ~~cictress.
<br />bra lfi~z~rl~ >'a~ ~r~~_.3~r:(az=, l3c~r~c~i~re:r'~aR:. c~x,~.cztt~~~i tizis'~c~c~. ~rafi ~"ra~~t
<br />~,
<br />_ ,~
<br />~st1't~r ~. '~r~.cc~ ~ ~'^~....~~. ..................~e.,...' .....,.,,......,..
<br />~~'
<br />~,
<br />~..« liA 'p'lc -it;tr+'Y~t~~'
<br />~~r~'f t. e~~~ ~~ t:7~z~,~5~~:,^~. .. , , .....~~ ... . ... . .......... , .... +cz~rat~a ~s~: ;~ ~ ~, z ;,~. ,~.A l (rc~~
<br />,(.z~rze. l x. ra
<br />Can ti~i~ ... ~,:L~~ .. , .day (~f.. ;1~;1;~a°.... w ICI.., l~a~~`r~ rat, Q3~cy tacl~i~:r~,~~t~:•i, .. ~;(~t.}~~, ia«i~if
<br />:duly ccamzrtissi~~t~trel ~artc3 xatt~i~ied E~vr' S~i+~ c(~t~zr-t~ er~~,zrz~lty e;:.~rzz~° .... . .. . .... . ............ . ...... . ..... ~ .
<br />.k'arn~3.~• tip. •I.~~rtei~z~.o(ma •~nd~ K~;t~~trh .1~. • ie~l~~:raaz~,• a,~~•;:n .<ax~c#• ~ZU~n(, , ., ~~~ ~z~~ ~,z~(zwe~rz .:~ ~~,,..,,*,
<br />tili;rittc:~.i~ i~4!'SC?tl(ti,~ ~~;17(JSt'. 211`tYTt~~fs~ ~C,~„ ;41:t~J'~(:!'!t'f:~ ~(') tht'. ;(bI"t}'()ti1d:* 1S1SCr`Ltll~k*rl~ ."141fa~ il~fIl(~tiy~i 1':"~~ d~':t` `+:t'~:Uit?1~
<br />il~;;~€~of t(~ l~u..~kz.~ix .... ....v~c~lutary dtc;t z~r~tcl cit~ccl.
<br />'a'~Jitn~~<> r!z}, Iz~ncl ~z+~ ra~tria~ ~c:l ~zt:.... o ... , . f~~t~rtc~ x:x~~,~.r~cx. ~~~~~. , .... , ,z ~.{~~3 . c~~~7:8>. ,},~,
<br />~~i,.tic ~zY'ort~~aicl.
<br />~`~ ~"(~tmr~ai~litan +~xres . r , .
<br />GEMEtt~l 'l~iU'6NR1f - ~e s~ N1b+~pM~r .....~;'".;~~'"':-"-;» .~°,~-~ ..,~.;-:° .. , ~~:.....' .... , ... a w . , , . .
<br />~~?f~MlE S. i~l4t.l~'i~ r~~s,~~y r>u~.>~~~~:
<br />Cornet. exp. fk~t. D1,1~8
<br />~~"h~ Land€~!'si~r~La~ ~~ the hE,~c}c;' caf tl~~ nc~t~ (~r rz(~t(~s ~(~czar+~cl l~ tht~ l~e;~ (~` 'I"rz.z~t. ~S~z~c~ ^(ao~ c~l~ rat3i~~4, ;(s~~<t~t~g
<br />~~ct€~ ~zlt (~t~zec in(3e~t~cirzes~ 5ecurt:(i by~ this ~3~ci czt "~~'z-ut, Izit~(r ~~ce'rz. p;~i~i i!a t'tzl~, ~a r3!'+~'~tre~?' ~i.re:~~te't,i :~, ~~.i:~-~i
<br />~<11Ci P()tE. (J!' Sl()CeS i3ll(i Itl?4 ~~~(~ C7~ ~3'Lt6t, 'W'~PtC~k lC~' ~"ie~rt~z°!e(~ hret~y ~ea~l t(~ C(*G(:!!D"4'k`4`x ;F"3ti~;Dtl~ '~~~3t'f;ts~?_t, :'.'1 ii?C
<br />:;state n~,w l7e~l(~ ily y'cu etn(iez' i.izzs F)~e(i (af "t''rzzst tea t€; (•f~(azz car ~r~~zrts I,~ail (:ntitl~ci t~Z~x(;t(~.
<br />-~ ---~-~-----gym-- ,,., ir.1.':v C;E3G~v 3tF~5 (~it'a~ Rt?5~ryc;d l~Ur ;..i;teis ~:r' a[~tl ~1tt~„c]zrr ------- - ------
<br />.w+ .._ _ _
<br />*R _4i~:C1,Fa ~ i'a nT~i r~~tn.i~y a :§.3 : a'?"i y'r ~ t~~C~~3."~~ ~~ .s4 _
<br />~.)~z il3ls . . . . . . . ..e' . . .(~il~ oaf ,; ~ry;, (:a ~'k.~'( #" _.. ~~ .k~ '.«-;..t"~;$ti)I'~ ?1L'~, r;l: Cdi3:~t°T~l~i`i.'C~, :; ~'tc)t~'i'1~crt.3~S~!:
<br />~~Iz~l~ ~~~zzlkz~~~l~t~zz~ ~t~d t}u~z3~h~:~i Pc~r ~~~cri~~,~,~~,~~~~ilt~ c;~zii~~.° ..... . , .. .. . , . _ . ~ ... .. ... n ,
<br />.~~. :: ~,» ~3C.k.~;.i-' .ataa~. 1~5.~.ttE:r,` . ~~~,~T''~,~~`,~ t?~~I~;~3~~~~i.~F1{~. iid.-1.~.t~. ~. . . I(? '?ZG ~;'L ~~$'9i i3 t>~ ~~?t
<br />i(Y~!"t"LI'~:i:l ~s(;)SC"Jn~'_ti? ~~13(')`il: ilcil3lt:~~~ ~'!~~~"S,~`V'.1~4~~B~U.4f'~'~ ti~'tc13'f !~{,,4C@'~., ~f1~~T11113tit1$ <%tii. :it'i'._?Lli~Cal?:',+.:C. : ii~t' tl.L.I,
<br />'7 $ ~y ~,
<br />tfzf tt~;(at- try ~~: , ~~~.~* i,~ . , .. .. ~zz~zt~l~~rer~~(9+.~.~.a ~. ~
<br />°b~lt!"t~..,~s;~ lll~ 51~9.T14~ a#T3~i tlLDfig~ll ~'C:'.:.5~ GiI ~::~~ ~ "nialt~~,,,m~+ ,,~F"`..>~.1,ss..., "Y,`.~.t`,,~~,. .+~~[~'a~V...: .it] ~~;dCi (.i?+:i;31'~, it~t'
<br />~ w
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<br />4~ x ~ E ~ '~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~
<br />~. r''~ ~ ti ,+, ~ ~ ,~3 ~ r
<br />~o?~, ~,~ a~ - r .
<br />~~,
<br />. ~.. ~.. 4k ~'46+b IrA3~;' Spa n;~wN,t,~.-+'. :, .. . .,
<br />~ ~-^
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<br />5"r~s, :;~-i~' "'' ~`.l~'~ _~. ~~~r,~.~f i',~~% ~.tS r .:$.: 6.1-~ ~ dd,~ R °..~:? , d . ~.. ~ 1 ..~~ t7ai ~ w. - _..: ~, _. w .. i} k~~ ,.
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