<br />200808908
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<br />. , '. As a. fC\sult oh:Jleseagre~c;rits; Lep'der, '.any. pur'ch~~r'of..rp~ Note,: . another: insIH:er; ap.y: r~jn~lm~r;
<br />,;lilY other" entityi or any ~llia~"of aiiy .of the' foregQing, may-t~jy~ (dh:~ctly bt.i~diteCtly) ~Q!ints 'tlillt
<br />d~riv.l? frOin..(o,r '~g~t'be"cllarobte~d as) 'a p~r.tiPD, 'QfJ~o.)j'!)Wei"~.pay;n.~ts.fot'.MRi1g~g€;.1n&uratJ9t;.1.iil
<br />. ., e*b~~~,~.. ~9~' 'sp~g. :o(~,Q!iifY:~r~:' :t1l~ :.tii~~g~ge' :~s~e~~,~' ri~.f;: "of. Je9~~~~i; )ci~~.e.$ < ,I(.~*~h,.'~~~~r;:~ei1t . . .
<br />provld~s t4at ~ #'fil.la~e. of.~n(l~r takes .lu;4~.e :of.:~e ~nsurel,"'s .ns~".l~'.-excbange ,fot.a :,share '. IlL the ....
<br />premiuriJs 'paid..tP the 'inS.Ujer; the arrari,ge~e~t i~,'oft~ti.te.I#!-oo..licap.tiye'.i~m.sln~ce:"Q':l~~~r: :..': ,', :',:, ."
<br />'. "" ....(atAni sij.~, :~r~~nts';~i!J::ij~(:~ffe.Ct..:t.~e .!1~o.u.~l~ii .W.!\t::~,9..~~~y.er.~:~~Sj~gr~~:~{) ':'pay.: ~Qt . .
<br />M;oi1gage.:~~~~~e, '.:fj':':.~~.Y.A~~,:t~, '~.f,jlJe':~o.~i:J1. :S1jp'b'::lJgr~IJl~~..~~I\ '~'Jinp:ct~~~},h~)im..ijqi1t
<br />: ~Qfr,~\y.m.-.w.ffl',~~e..f~~ l~~a~t&~g~~~~hi~~~l..ij'*-~~~~t,vrin ~'.~t:~WI~~Rtr.(lW~~l~:..~:tt~:~n~~,"',,,,,,,, :':": ,'...-
<br />'. ',' -- :~}:All~ :.~u~;.-:~~~!U~~~'.:~I.!' n.~:t..:~~f,~:ft.i~fl~~(~".~Q~(I~~.J~~s.::~" 'r~~Y:"__:~~l~..r;~I?e~tJ~J~~
<br />. M~~~ge))~~~~~:c~.:!W4~"~~~ ~~,qt~,~.~~l~':.?~Q!~~~ "Act..!>f, },9.9~:,:or\~m~. 9.We,r;I,~'r''-,- t.r~es~.:qg~~
<br />'. m~Y":1fi~l~~~ ,tijil,"fU;"~ 'lb. :.fe~ej".~ :'~ei;'t\ilP:1' id~~losu.r,~;:,:t9' 're,qti~~ :'~n.d~ "(.lJ>~~n ':~ri~~I!l~'~p'__'of' the" ,
<br />'M:oi:tg~!'t~",ms.lj~~~~~;' tg :b~Y~J~~. 'N:~ijg~~ :Jd~,*;~j:ie.,J~~n.atel,l. -it~~p.Qi~ti~~Iy.~'*~d(6t't9:':'r~~W~,ii : ,
<br />. . . . ' . '.r.~fUiall:.~r,@y.'Mi:u'tgag~"~~r.u.Q~~p~mip~~:tblir'r~~e":u*.~r.~ea':*:jblqim:e\ohil~.:i;Ul~c~l~ti.Q~P~i;" ..' .''- .'
<br />. . . : .. '.teig;,bjiitlcm;.: ';>::' :>i:','';'-;. :''',:':':.,::. ,.::..~.:":: "":.': .;,':'.:.:.:.:":, \ >:' '; ';' ';::." .:::, ;::.: "":,\ ":":":':\':-, ,:.,. .o:::i.>~:..'-"::'.'::.
<br /> ';<"::":~ ".:..-."':..":. ..' .': . ':.": .'.,.,'
<br />'. "': .... .: :.~.' ;:jj~ "'Assi~~6Qf:':~~'CiilaJ)~uiPro~~;: ;~~rlclW~~' jJf.M.j&~.elltmg~Us':'pio~~~(f~ ';l<<e':'h~r~bY: . " :: .'.
<br />." .... '. '.:" : ~~i@~~.~~raii(~ii}~fp..~~)~:t;~Rd~r'.'::.::.:".>: :::'::::'~:~:,:::<,'.';;~',/:',:::':,:::,;,/,:,:':':':'.,~..J:.:.'.,":,::;,:<.",.:, ":...~:.::\~' ':::~Y':,::>,;,<':':,'.~.:-'..,::
<br />.:,...:. .:.... . >.. .. . ':';' :'.
<br />. . . . ...'... :: :.If :!:b.~ ;P.r,op'~rty.: .ilr-4t!mag~.d.; :~~cp. JYl.is.ce.llaireo,~.:P(o~,1'.4s :~,haJl. ~~::aPplle(.l. ~6: f.~toratipn. c)r- .repaitof- . " . . .
<br />. . . '. the '. PropertY; if '.th.e :. te~toi'a!IQ'n, ot':repaiI :.i:i..ecoi;ioij:ij~y Jea;sitiie'.;$d:Ltmdet's: sti'eUi:ity ::lS': nor lessened,': . , . .
<br />. :,' :'b~~~.:~)ic,~,"{~p:~.(~4. J-~sip't~~p~,~~~',Qt;l; :~~~~r#j;~ll ~~aif~6:~#~~t::~9 '4,9!4 '~~~:'~:~!J~~1)~ 'ff~~~a~' .: '. .....
<br />... .' '. . . Untl};:~rr9.~r ,1ias,1):~d .an:OPPQl't1Pilty.:to..ln~p.ec[:'.s'Qoh'~op~.1:;tY.';to..e:p.sl!l.e:'.~e.:l;vOt~ .ti'a,s..btl~ .cql:tiPlet~:to.. ..' '.
<br />. . ....Le1l4~i's ''s.litis(act,ipn, ,.p~p:vid~ thnt>~ilp)l"i!lSpeoo..Qn ~au be-liijd~rt~:'rJ~pwp.~iY<).~nd~r'illay ,pay ~for~tlle', ,'" ' ''', ..
<br />. '.. !epa:i~..;an4 're.~.iC!r~tjQ.n:..'~"..~.."s4iia,e.;.~isb4rS~liietir'..q~jn:'.:a.~.seij~h)(progfoss":'p~Y.ri}~nts, ~s:.t!l.~...-:w.9J;k:'js'.':." '.:. ". '.' .
<br />. .. . 'co~~le!~~,:UP1~s~;~,.-a~r~e~e.liti~Al~~}~..~ti?~(pt~PPn~~:h1e>:taw:t~q~ir:e~)J.l.t~re'~(t~~.~.fP.3id:'?*"s~ch' .: .... '. ..- . .... . ...-'.'
<br />. ", Mlst.e)"an~).I.s. .Proc~C\s;. Lelii:Je~ ;sh.all : not: be '.r~quJ~ .to ':p;,\y.' B,prrqwet: ail)!.. iMe'r~l 'o(.e(l.t:P'irlg$."6.i1 :~\)ch '. :' " .
<br />,'. '. ;MisCeiI{triwU'.s Pr.o~i1$.: If, $e r~si9ratiori or "iep'aii. :is n!=il:: ~hti.~~any. fe~i.q)f<::or. ,~iiC1e~rs 's~:CU:ntY:, wo~i.d " ,
<br />be ll,sset;lp~; th~'Miscellaneo1i~ ~roc.~~s sp.!llLbe"~pU~ ..to 'tpe su~. SeC1ll'ed.l:ij tliis:$e.curity..!J1.~.tni.f!1ent, '.
<br />YJhA~e.( i>r J;1o.~. ~en :d~~." ''wYW~ t~t7(C~?~,::i.f"an~, "p~d 't<.}. ~o.~o~~r. ~p'cE-: 'Mi~i:elIa.n~o*~ ~if'c<:ed.s ~haU"1J7 . . :
<br />. .' applIed 'm'\he":OIdyr'ptQv~ded .f9r:.ll!:~et<l'i,0J:1..Z.; ,'. ,,' . . ::'. .." < ,-,"".' .' ,": '.:'. ',:,.. :., ': .: . . '. :'., . . ...: .'. .'. ,',: .'
<br />..- ~,.Jldli~':e~ent '.of ':a 't9tal, ~aki.~lI">.~.d.el(~gti~.n;."Oi'.1os~ .-in'v~U~"br:.~~ -Jlr6p~ftY, .:~~::M.~s~.el1ili1f}.qr(s:. '. .' . .... . .. ,-. '.:
<br />'Prqqeeqs:':'llj.a]l. be'.:appl.il~d t~ .tl,1e..s\1,til~:.s.ecu~d .QY :this:Se.curity. Ii1stiw~~p~,''Wbc.~e(ot pot. .theq.d~; 'wiEh ..::.. '. .. . ,
<br />':the exqes~; ifji4Y~. plj.fd, tQ .B.6r:r.Qwei.-',: ::..:. .'. ..' ': ; ,.' -:... .. '. ' . ':'" '.' ':. ..... :.....-, . .' '.., . .:. '.: "':' ".;,.. :.'.: '. ." "'. .'
<br />'. '. ''In ...th~:ev~!Jt Qf.a'.P&rti~l ta1Q~g, d.~stj'(J.Ct,o~.. ~r IQsS hl'V.aIue' of)he Property ,.i):!' Wl1iqh 'the 'f~ir:' biai'~t'. " '.
<br />' 'y:ilU!l ~f$e 'PropertY i.p1riiegiarely 'befor~ ~e, parniU 'tfikiPg; ~estf4ctiQn. Or loss"in 'vaIue. 'j~ "~iI~ 'J~.br .:.
<br />.g:reater ili...an ,the': ~Oimt i:lf ~e, s~ seq~ea "bY J4.is . Secj1riiy, JIlStri$eb,t ~~d~at~ly ,Defore i:hot:; Partial, , .
<br />. taking; d,~ttuctic?~, .or' loss. in. v ~~~, . ~nIe:>s .'B.oITo\yer. ~~ "~~~c;lef ~~!,:rWi.se: agj'~~' in" w,r~tin$. '__th~ :.~Ums
<br />'secUJ:ed 'by.this Security lIJ.stiu.mc,nt Shi:L!1. 'be:'r:el!1.lbel;l-bY",t!?-e, l'!Ih6Uht. 'of,the':-Mi~c~Uan.el:>1.lk '~9~~9S'
<br />multiplied': by' tJ:i.e foUowin.f fta9~ion:' (a) the total iin9unt of the. stinis..seeureu hiunediateIY':Defore. the' .
<br />.PWtiaJ :~g,. destrU!':tiQn; or' 'Jos~' :'in. v8iu~'. divid~d, . by' "Cb)' ~e, leUr. rti!li:ket":vmue 'of' tli!' "ProPP.itY.
<br />" immediately.bifof.e tt.e PaItla1.~lil?p'g, Qestrp.6!j~n; ..o.r'I!>$~. An. vi:1l.ue:. Arty .bEi,l;u:ice..sh~l. ~.e ~.~i4 .t6..:a9ri:oW~~;: '
<br />' '. .. ," In,t.l~e '.e~elit at a 'p.~~~.aJ .t~8" 'destroc~I~~, :~J;~ 10~ii :lJl 'yjilue o.f.J;lt~ Prpperty. ~ '\~~lC~..~' flU~: ~aJ:k~~:' :.
<br />v,a1ue ,of ..the Prop.~rtr '~e9iarely ,b9fofe tl1e:partia.!. 'tiildp$. :des.!tUcttof!, 01' 10s$"~ v!iJ.ue IS. le$s:. th()i!. ;,the
<br />:ainCiUrit Qf tp.e..sum~' ~ecuf6d. :iInJi:!edWery be(()r~ .the.Ji.ilP-ia1-t~g, de~ttu~ti.oJ;l, '(1nqss)~ .valVe, ':unless
<br />BOUQ'Wer.,w4 .Lepd~r. ptl)er~.!j~l.qg(e.e. iri\viiting, t.Ii~.Mi!3~IJai'l~Qu:s rt~ce~ds)jh611 b\'__.ru,!pH~ t-o.,the'.suros
<br />secn-red bY this S~c:uritY In:s~ineni: whe.~~f orn.ot tl1,~:~UIii!l. ~~ 'ttieIl ii!le.: '. :.'...... : ' '. '. . '., .,....: " " '.' ,... . '
<br />.'- If \Jl~'Prqpei:LY is abandoned bY'.:aoitQw~r, :qr"if,'lit'r\lr'notic!:.oy',u::iic;ler'to ,Borrower ilii:ir,the
<br />. Qppos~g, PattY' :(as, MpI\ed..hi : the; : n6xt . sei1t~j1cefofferdo inalCe . aii' aw;trd ~o s~~l~ '8. Cl~ f6i:d.qh<ig~$, . '
<br />, . 'BorroW~r failS :-tp.resPQh~ to:Ujider w~i:biI,130.d~y~ 'a~~r .th~ "date the nOtl9,6 is 'given, .L~~det is autl;1oj'Jzed
<br />~o coltec~. arid" apply' the Iv1i.~cel1ai!e~~ .P!O~eds ei~er .,tq tes.t()ta~9n. o{ ryp~ir, o~ ~~e :Pr?pilrly' pr{o:tl)e
<br />. SUII\,S 'secur~, by ,~his ~~ul:ity ~~stiuri1ei1tj' wh.eth,e~ ,Q~. u~tthep.. d~e, Q Opp6si*~ .P!ltty '! ijle:~s th(t:b,i~d ~'~ . . ,
<br />. tha[owe~ BOIfQwer Mls'celJaIleOI1S P.roc.e~ '.or the party agamst. whom. BOgoWf;r hllS ..\J.'nght pf actioIUn
<br />.regllTd~o'Misc~llane.o~s,'PrQCe~as.''',,'' .........-..,.. ......:..:....'. ".: "'-:'.,:'..' ,.', ."
<br />. . ,'Borrower .so.aU be. in '~~f~1.dt if ~ny aq~on Qr:piq~ec;i.ing,' wheth~r'C;ivi1'Qr ~iniJ.l, js l?eg~' .that,. in:'
<br />'~ii~ei' s ~jiii:Igitieilt" '.co~a res ul f-il:l- .:rorIell"uftf.i:>Fthe".P.ibper"ty -Qf ptlliir mafei'iiU ~~airiIiei1r':61' l;e-tidBi' $ , ' . , .... .. ,. . '. .
<br />intere~t.in th~ PrQ~eity 'orrights.und.Qt tJii,s'Syc:uiity.Iri.!ittument. BOITQwei C<Ii~ -cJi~sucJi a'defa\j.li..iu~di if. .
<br />
<br />' . .'. :.,. ...... .". " '. ...... . ., .' . : .....: .' ',:. --. ..:'" .:" .:':. ';,,: "
<br />
<br />.. '.',,' .'~' . ..... :'o-l~:o~.a~f.~3 .
<br />
<br />. InlUsls: . .... .' .... '
<br />'.~6INE;I'lci40"I,li2 P"9~'9DI'5 '. :"'. , ". :.. .:" ..,'. Fo'rm'302S' 1/01 '
<br />
<br />\tl. .' .... . ."
<br />