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<br />200808908 <br /> <br />. . <br />9. Protection of Lender's Interest in the Property and Rights Under this Security Inst-runlent. If <br />(a) Borrower fails to peifo~ the CQvenants and agreeme~ts contained in tb~ Security Instrurrient, (b) the:re. <br />is a legal proQe~ding ~at.mig~t- signifi~~tly .affect ~~d.~r's intcIestin th~'Property lind/ot rights under <br />this Security Instrumeijt (suph as a pio~ding _~h bapla'Uptcy..ptobate, for conde~a.tio~ o.:rforfeiture, for <br />enfot:ce~ent of a lien I;Ilay attain.. -p~i9rity over this . S~urity Instruiiient or. to . elifot~~ 4ws or <br />regp.lations), or -(c) BorrQ",~r has abandoned th~ Prcjpertj, ..then Lenq~.i:nay ao ilJ?d pay for: whate~er ~s <br />re~oI1~ble or apptopriiJte t9 prot~ct. Lender's i~terest in the PropertyaJ;ip rights .UJ;l~eI: -this Security <br />InWwneIit, .iiicl~diIi.g prot~cting and,/oqsses&ing the Vll!ue of the 'prop'erty, 'ant;l Set~ng an<;llor.reJiai.ting - <br />-the Pr-Qp~~. 4n9:e(' s acti~~' Can IPchide. but uare .not liniite4. to.: (a) P/l~iri.g any i;~~ '!iec,w:ed by. _a lien . <br />which ~'Priority_ over this .Security .Instni~~J:!.t;' '(0) .appfla!ills co~it; .~~ (c) payi,rig 'ieaso~ilble <br />~ttom~YS."fees ~o pro~ect: .its.i.Ii~eres[ in the Pr.o?~rty_'~?r-rights. ~(ier ~ .Se,~ty -~ns~ument, ,.ii;1~ltJd~ng <br />Its .secured. POSlti~~ ~n a banlauptcy proce~~1ng. Secunng. t):1e. Prop.erty UJcludes, btJt. 1$ ~Qt -.lmu:tM. to. . <br />ent~ring the .Pi6pet:ty to, mak~ repaiis, .change IOck;s, 'replace or bQ~d up ijQot~ Lind WllJ4Qws, dr~in ~at'er <br />, fi6~, di!D.lnate '.b~d.i~~ or .othei.~o~e .'.ViQ~~~i~~ :oi '~_@~eto\lS. ~_~nl1i~oiiS,:.:aii4.h!lV~ t~tili~~s.' tpr~ed <br />on. Pz::~ff,' ~rho~gh.LeD;qet ~ay; t~e, acti~n. u~d(,'r. ~~.sec;ti,lln 9, :Len!ie~ doefp;~ot have. to ',~o:so and 1.S. J?o.t. <br />l.lti!?~r: aJlfd~tr~. ~r: ()~,li~l;t.tiQ~ to :?C! :~Q.)~ i~ _ ~~rp~d. -~a.t ~p.~~t; ,.jn.~i~~s.' ~Q l~ab~l~o/: fo,r_ .b.Q~' .t;iki!1g. aiif O( ~l,' . <br />'. ~Qtlons.aufll~nz~. Ut1d!'lr.tbis-SectiOJ;1..9;:. . _ ":: . .': :'; _ :. _'.'_ ..... .-' . '._: _ . .... :. .,...., .''- ; _.: _ :._.....: _, _'.: ' '. ._.. . <br />'. - . .Any .~.o~tll.dis~~~ed. by 'l..ender:.ulli;ler- tllJ~. $esn.on-9 ~b~l 'b~cQIi1e a~(htIOna:Lc;l(M'_of. B~rt?Wer <br />.secured by.tlJis $ecurjty IQs.tfllh).ent.: Tl)e'se 'aniouijts 'Shall ,bear 'int~rest 'at tile' Not.e rate.from 'the 'date 'of '.. <br />, diaburs.e~~~ .art.d: .s~ii.II: b~ 'p~y~~'e.. ~ith. &UCh. ~'1:er~.s'tj 'upoii notice fi:a~, L~nd~r:: to: ~oi'ro.~~t'.re:q\i~~tjn~ . <br /> <br />payment. -. .. '.' . - ". '.' '. . _ . .. _ . . . . , " ' . . . _' . . <br />. '. ,If tp,is ,Securlt{Ii1stpJinent .i~ on a le~~hoid;' Borrowct. -~ha11 r.Qmply ' all .the pi!Jv~sio1iS - o($~ <br />le~e'. If 'Borrower llCq\lire~ :fe.e--titJe .ta 41e. Ptapet.1y, ,the le~~eQQld' and t~e.fee ti4e shall not merg~ ~illes!!. _ <br />Len~er a:g~~~$ to,~e'J;i1:~~g~r-in writing: ". : . '. .":. __ - '.:_.' -.: . '_' : - '" -:, : :_" . _ ,--::__" '_':..': :'.' -'_ . <br />- . '10. 'Mortgage Insuta.nce. If Ler1~e.r. required ,Mortgage'~Ii,'a C9nditi.oil, of malting the .Loan; '. <br />. Boo-ower shnll pay t!1e preIiliUIl)S requited to 'n:ui41tairi the- Mortgage'lnsura.nce in effect, If, 'for anY-reason. <br />the Mortg~ge:Insuran<;:e coverag~ requir~ by Lender ceases'to be av~iiable fro~ the i1'1ortgage insurer-that. <br />pi.evi.o~siy proyide4 st!ch inimr.ance /lnd :aorrower.was requir~4 to make'seI;ara.~ely'd~$lgnated payments . <br />. tow<lfd ':J:he pr~~ums 'fot Mortgage. Insut;an~,.'B_6r(OW'er shall pay .~e p:t:ewums r~guire.d to 'obtain' <br />.. covefag(,' substantially tiquiya1e~t to the Mortgage' mstIrance .p'l:ev~Qus.1Y -in' a' .post stibsrantially' . <br />eqw,vweJ:lt to the cOllt JO' J3orr9wer 'of the' M-or;:gage' ~s1.ii~ce:pteviou~ly in' eff~'Ct; 'from .an al.t~i:nate <br />~9rtgag.e - ins~ei -selected by. ~der. If sij.b~#m_ti~y equ1v~ezi.t Mortga~e In&ui'~()~, 'Cl;)Vi;liage. -is not <br />available, Bci~rower .shall contin\le to pay to.l, tlie amount of the separatt:ly deSlgnate4 payments that <br />were' due when J:he .lli1;ur!uice ~verage ceaSed to be in eft'e,ct, Lender will ~ccep(, use and retain these <br />payments as a no~-refundable lo~s reserve .in 1i~u of M~rtgage In.s-qial;lre.- Suon .1ossrooerve shall be <br />non-reflJDdable, notw.ithsta:Qding the fact tha~ the ~ani~ ulti#lateiy pai9 w: MI, aild Lender shall not'be <br />required to pay Borrower any interest ot eamiligs on such loss resetve~ Lender'~au no 'longer require loss <br />reserv~ payme~ts if Mortgage Insurance covei:age (in _ thi<;' amol!nt :md for ~e peri04 that teri~et Teqtlires) <br />providetj. by an insurer selected by Lender: .again becoin~ avililable. - is optained;. llI)d wilder i:~uires <br />separately ~esignated payments tow~d the premiwrls for M~rigage Insurance. :u: 4nder requited. Mortgage <br />InS\,lrance as a condition. Qf making' the Loan and. SorrOWer was required to ~ake separately de$ignl~teq <br />payments .tow~d ~e prem~ums. for Mortgage InsurailC~. - norrower.. shall pay tPe pre@.iums requ_ireil to <br />ma~ntain Mortgage I~surance i~ effect, or to provide a :qoii..refunda~le '10.$8 ~eJVe. until "'s <br />requireIi1en~ fOf Mortgage IIisuian~ ends in accor~anca with any writt~it.agreeI;llent between .:eorrowerand <br />Lender providing for.such tenilinatiot:l or until. terriiiDation i:8 requirei:l by App~icable Law, Noth~ng in.this . <br />Section 10 affects Borrower's'obligation to pay interest atthe.tate'provided in,the Note.. .' <br />Mortgag~ Insl!-t<ince reimburses Lender (or aiiy e!1t~ty 'that purthas~ the. Note) fot cenain losses it <br />may incur if Borrower does not. repay the Loan as agreed. B9rrower is not a party to .the Mortgage <br />. Insurance. ' .' - . " . <br />Mortgage ins.urers eYaJu~te their total1'is~,o.n 'all such insurance in force froin tilDe to ti!lle. and -may <br />enter into I1gr~enien~s wi~ other partie$ that l!hare or moelity their risk, or .requce los~es. These agre~mei1ts <br />are_on terms and conditions l~at are s~tiSfac~ory to the m9i1gage hisuter anq the other patty (or patties) to <br />these agree~ents. 1.'lwse agreements may requlfe the mortgage ins~rer to make pay'm~nts u~il)&. any S9U!ce <br />of fundS lli~t the mortgage insurer may have avallilble '(wliich may mClude runas obfiliied from ,Mortgage <br />Insurapce 1?r~mi~s): <br /> <br />~-6nilEI IOilO?I.02 <br /> <br />Pag.8 of 16 <br /> <br />.. . <br /> <br /> <br />~~ <br /> <br />011028377:3 <br /> <br />Forni 3028 1 (0 1 <br />