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<br />200808908 <br /> <br />';. .".- <br /> <br />. " - <br /> <br />. .. . - . - <br /> <br />.-. .ae:eele.r~on 1,1~ ocCurred,. re~tate ~'proVicied'jfi Secti!Jn 19, by '~~s~g .the addoIl ei- proc~~g .t~ be <br />diiltP.isl1~d witl1 'a ~ling', thin; . in, Le~de(! s' jtid~nt, pt~chi~~s f6rf~iture .of .tl1e firoperty. ot.. other rifut~ri~ <br />imp~ifment ,of ~trid~r.! ~,. ip[.~rest hi. .~e' Ptopetty :.or tights...imder Ws .~~cu4ty,'lristnli:r1e.tit..', :the p):i;!!;~.t\;d!l . of <br />~Y.' ~~~~f~r. fl~ l?t. d~'~~~ .~~ 3f~" ~ttiipbt~~~~ .~Q ~~ ~p~im~tlt. ~~ ~p:~~r: s. ~.~~~t_ 41: ~e...f1<Ip',eio/ ' <br />,are,b~reby as~gned.and'sn@ ~-'P!Ud ~.oJ..en~er;.. . '." .::. " .. .: . ' . "'. ,'.':, ::'" "., "..; '.: ... '. ". <br />. . .... . Al~ .~t~G~lJ~~~~~ "~9.~,ee~,.'t~!lt. f)fd l1Qt .ilp.Pli~4 .t~ .~t~i'!tion .o~ .'~ep~r. .of.the 'Ptl?pe'rt? : s~al1.'b~ : <br />apphe4 m..1he.:o(d(){ F9YlI;l~.!I:J()):'~!1 S~~l;i~J:l.2.. ':'. '.--., ':. ,,'. :. >-'., '. 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': <br />, . ..... : 'arid,'.agre~':ffi,at':~'Q.#Qw(;t"~;obllg~tlo~&:~d 1i~iJjty.ji~!d(~e'.johi(iAld,~~~~r~:;-Ho~e~i:f~;.~:,Boti9-\Yer-.whq: .... .' '. .: ':' .' <br />.' . ": :~9;S~@s':'~'lS.:':.$,~~qtY-:~~~J.1t:1>y.t::4o:e('~pt'i~e~il~f:1:1;ie),~-.~t~'.:\ii. "~.~Q~siihl.~i~1J"X~):.:i$..:!?q~ft(g~~g::tlii~ '.: :.., . .' ....' .- ....: " <br />'. . :~.e:9urltY. JIis~:~*. .Q41Y ,tQ:.P,.1~11giig~.:'-gi'~r@q ~9n~~,Y.':~~.: ~.~~~.~81l~.i'~.s .~~t~r.~t~in-.':t~e:);~i(j~:~nY ~W;1~~t.14e ": '. ..... .... <br />..' }~..::~~,~i~.:~~~~o/',1,~,$~ei.i~~':"~))1!.'..~.?~)~.~~~~if.~.J~?Ml$~~!jd.J,C?:j?'~~)li~':'~!i~'1.t~~c~:r.~~,p.1'Jl#$~~<w.~:ty :.":. '. . " --~ ".: ,.--- . <br />. :~tIJ:lIP~nt; \anc;1.~(c):..ll-grces' .tpar Lim4~r.:aoo :''!O-Y~'Q1het'noI(CiVler''!."euo,:extemd.:,:~J;lQd.l'ij...:.:forb.e:l\t. .or: : .... <br />'. : make.~'jfuy. acoommo@tiGiDs '-witli"r~gat,rt(j:..ttie't~fmf Qf.'Ulls"SeC:iliit)<~l\stilifu~l:it"Or."i:h~"Not($.'\Viftiotir tho':'" '. : '.:- .-. .... .' <br />'. : co...~imier!s. ctlri~Ciit ", . ..: '. ':": :':','. .~ ...- ":/~'. :':~"::"".":--: .... ':, ;'~" ::: ';. ":.: .::" .',... :.' -:.': ....: .' :". :: ~:. . ',. ... ""; :'.',. ."" , <br /> . . <br />. '. :,.s,u1?jeG( tQ .the p:rov.~io~s.'.o(.~ttiiri.:.l~1 ..My "S~9c~s~ci~ :inO~teje~i '~(B9rr6.we~":':wbo' "~~Wii~ '.': <br />. . .B6rr~\Vet'.li 'qb)igati,o~S'.~4~i'..tIps.Se6?rity'.'Ins~e~t;~,~~g. :~q~. '~pp"rb~e.d. by .l.el!-del',; sb:all.oo~~jn <br />. . nll of Borrower! s ngbtli' and benefits ',un.den:ltis . ~ecurJty. IIistnUtlent. 'ijorro.'Wenhall not. b.e 're~eas~ f(om . <br />.'. . 'BQmj~~~\s.~~ljg?~!o.ri~ 'lW~}i~~9iti-IWd~i:~~fS~~~tY'.W~'en(qil1.~s.~t~tl-dk a$t~es !~.&qch;t~le~s~ ~ " '. '. '.:'., .__ <br />":. '. w~t:!~g;, . .The.: c~v~~t$, ::~~ '.,a:~~e,l,ii~it.t~. :.9t:.~~~':'.~~c~QJy '~~r1St!:u~e~t . ~ij~! .:~i~~.J.ex~e'pt . as.' .' <br />~ectll?n2,O):fUlii 'be~~fit..tlje sU~~esilo.rS'.~~~&S!8~fqf.M~~~~\.'...,,:'" .,:.:. :" :.' .:..-, . ".-:.::;',:':,.,::. ';' .'. ':.< :<. ,''-.>:, <br />", '" . .: '. 14. :L6atr:ChUrg~;' ~etider may, :CQatge' 'l!~ri6WBr-, fees ;for . servi.d:s p~i:f6riDeq. )ii 'cQ.i! ''WWi. <br />, . .... . Bp~i'ower~s defaUlt. .'fdr. the 'pUrpose :,~f.'pX:Q~et:ti~i J.e~a.~i',~. hite~es-t .~~ .~M Property an~ ..tigQ.t:(~4er'. ' <br />. -Jnstt1itn6n~! 'i~c~l,lding, . 9ut. ,*61 1iQ1~te~ t~; ;;tt~rneys' .fe-e~,. '.prop'e1.'tY .~.sp~lF)n. .l\n.d . ~ahill{iop. 't~e~. . <br />In ~e~ard .to. ~j .(i~~ ~~~s; 'tl1e__al?~e~~'o! ~~p.Je~s.'~utht?rity)n ,tl11~"~~91A:~o/: r~~~i1t. ~~ :~l.!lirg~'~ .~ec~~k;' <br />f~.tQ l;lo-rrower ~hilllnot.ll~ cons\.! a.!l?~ qn,1:be $8fg.m,g 9f'.~uch.f~~, ~e~(ler 1D.aY.1~on~harge ' <br />f~s that. arc expressly- ~rohiDite.d :by.,tl,iis S~urltyliliitninJ.e1lt: o(by APp*abl~ Law;'. '.' "." , .. :" ..... . , <br />'. .If the Loan is s~bJecnO a law wl1ich. ~et$'.tii.axj!rii.ifD. ]oi!j~ cA~ges;'and. thatlaw is fi~ijlyjnterpr<ited. S9 <br />'. that 'th~: interest 'OI' other 'loan 'cllliiges 'collectetf' or to b'e c01Ie~ted.W "conne'ctioh. with .the. Loiui .exceed'the . . . '. . <br />. . . petmi~Q. 'liiriirS, 'tuen; -ea) .any" s~ch .)o!ii:J.' .qhi4'ge ~h'aIl b~' te4iJc.~il' by uie.::iittiOQ11t : ~~~ssary 'to'-'r~li6e, tbe ,', <br />. .'" *ha!ge, ~o the'p~tniihtid iin:\it; and ,(b) I!PY 's~rii~: '*e~4y .c6~~tC4'.ff?ril. aoq(hv~r--W~9h exc~!1eq"P~t}ed , <br />. . lirti~t.s :\vil.l"be r~fun~ed. .to .BolT?wet. L!m.~t: ~a~ "~llOo~e tQ Jll~~ .,this 'refu:c:~, by ,.r~d~9j!,g '~e "l?~jric.ipll;I . <br />. 9wed 'UI:\qer the 'til.ote 'Q~ by miUdng. a <:hr~tpaY:Jl.lenqo B9n:.ow~r..l{- a''P!U1~~p;u!:tb.e <br />. 'redue~ion 'wUl be .trel\tim:88 ll, 'partial prepayuient'.wl:t:ijouf .any: p"tepaYni.~Ilt .,C:h~g~'{whetMr''-i?r:'*(j( '2 <br />"'. p~~p'a~.~nt ~h~.~e i~.ptovi~ f6r.?~d~~,~e. ~9te~.. .Bq~o~e.f.'!an~e. ~(.~y .~~c~.refuM, ~~~d,Jjy' <br />. 'd~~~ct.parment ~o '~.~rr:QWer:~l..~ns!1tu~~.f! .~al:~{ ~.f.~y.1?-ght. 9~ aa~~n..B.otT~~~r ~ght}i~Y~ llf.~&~ng ~llt. <br />".of.~l,lcp.ove~ch~g~. ,.' .'. --:-:.... .'.... .. '. '.'. ,.,',.... ' .' ,:' __.: " , ". . <br />'. . , l~. No#ceS..' AJI notiqesgi-ven 'by Borrower ,'-pr. 'Lender.hi co~ection With .thiS Sec~~:ity InStr~D,1ent <br /> jn. wi!.tir(g', AiJ.'y nQii~ ,tei Bofio\y~r in CQD[iectloD,\vith. this 'Se,Curity. Iruiin:Jmerit ,deeJ;Jied., t6' ' <br />ii~ve:.b~en giyeil' to"BorrQ~~r whe~ ~ai1eQ.l?Y' fi~sfClass milil or whe~::!lctU.iUIY:Q.~Uv(lie4 t6\vet~s . . <br />.. npti~ .,address' if- ~~~t by' other ~~ai1s, 'Notice. t9 any one. ~cirrov(~r ,slJ.~l cl?i1stitii~~. ~oti~e to'. all: BOr'!oWers ' . <br />u~es~ 'Applioabll: ..expi:~~$ly r~ql,l,h:~~ oth~tWi~e. .~Thl}, nQtjG~' ~dfe$~' sq'all., be .ijle. 'Pr9pertY ',Alfdres.s . <br />. ". '--lutl~ss'J3,(li-''ro~ei: b~ :d,*~gi;1at~"'.:a. '.~p.stitu.t(,,!ibU~;'a.d~es.s,~~Y"'J?ljtic.~,:t9'.~n!i~r, >~.pJ;io~er:.~I~l..-:pI:Q.n:i.P.tly,. ", ' . .,n ...... ".. <br />'nod.1y' I,.endet .or ~orrower'~'..~an$~ of adi'!J;~~s::If L8:n4~r speci:fi~s a p'~cedu~~'for.r:~i>oitmg- Eoti'Q:\yer's . <br />. .chang€! .o'(-ilddt~$~ .tf:ie!l B.oA'o~e( ah.a11 '~bJy teport .a Cb~ge of. ad4res!i t~ioUgh 'thllt s'p~~' prb~,qtite'. <br />"... . ". .', .....,. :" .' ..n... .., .' .' ... ..14.... ." '. ~ '.: .O'11'q~~~'7~3' <br /> <br />.. . . :. '. . lolU.~: . . .' . '. . . . ." <br />..~E;;(NEI ((j40;I,O~ . ".. . . 'P~g. 1~ of H.'. :..'...... .'. :. '.F~rm ~o~a: ~/o.i <br />. ..(!D,' .- '. . '. <br /> <br />, . , <br /> <br />.." . <br />