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<br />200808908 <br /> <br />. . . <br />w.o;k aas been Coinpte~ed to. Lencier'I's satisfacti<lA, pro~ii1~ -th,!t suCh inspe~tioI). shall be und~rrakeD_. <br />-promptiy. l.e.l;1der may disblU'Se proceeds f~r ,tbe repairs and n;storation -in a singJ~ p8,yinep~ Or tU 'a..s~j.i~ _ <br />ofpr9g.ress p:~yments M -tbe'. wode ls:eomp!eted._ p'nt~s an ' is ni~de:m WiiUng'~Qr ApP'IicaW~ Law <br />reqlJJre8" ~riterest to 'b~ paId.-ou s!I~l1)isu~anqe proci,:eds,--Len.der' -shall nqt bejeq\ pay .:a9rrc~w~r imy. <br />".,in~ere8t oi'~gs on. :sucl?- :pro~~, --F~e& fOr-'pi.1bli~::adjusters, .Qt. other .thti:d :pa;tt.i~s', r~~.ain~.l?Y <br />Borrower-shaH ~ot be paid out, of th~ in$Qi:a1jee 'Pt9~~S aIu:!, -sliaU'l!e. the'soJe.:o1;>ligatii?n-;of.-Bonqi.>.(er. If <br />. the' ~,obj,tioJi. Qfreplii.i ts -n~i'eCQlloim~ly ~e~~iiQl~ 9r' ~!ier' ~- sc.c~i:hY-'WQ\lld..~lh.qg~e~~" ihe".insv:l:an,ce <br />pi(jq~eqs shall ,,~ ~pIie.!i. to. the s.uriis 'sec!#ef;f by. this . ~e.ctjr'itr: lUS~.n~elJ:t,. Wlle~ei.. 'O,r: not: th~n dlle, . 'with _' : <br />.the' _ex.cess ...I(~y; p;iid ~o. Borrower; S:UCh iu.sQrance t>roc~e_o.s ~a1.I .pe. ~ppli~d in: the Qrtle:~' p.roY.icti.ld for' i~ _""_ . . <br />$eCtion..~'. . .-....,-.-...-....:.',....:. ......:_ .... :_._.....,.....':.: "-.'.:, ...._...-..-:....:. .:':::. .., <br />. . " .If., .Boi;rower 'a08Jldbp.s. t~e .:Properly. J..eiJMr' 'tnay - fil.e I . 'n.~g6tiate -_ and . senie ~y. . iw:ailable ; ID,suraiJce _' . <br />cl~.riI.. and':'ielateif ,ili~til;lrs;. .if J3ohowet does 'n~lt tcspptid .Withltt 3.0 _Qays.:-to, ii;no.ti~.froin Len~Qr-:'ui&t:':tl1e.: .' _ . <br />.' . -~tit8f:l~ -'c~~{li~ :offet~:i.~..~etH~ .~.~(~Ii'il/me~:~~~~j:.:rii.~~A~g9ti#t~'!.~__~e~I~J~~~i~~,.,:t~~.:j,o.~4.~Y.':',' -':. '. . . <br />.'. .'.: -. . .-p~?:o~;,~lf:~~~~)vli#'J~<~~~~":i~ :giy.~:n,::~,'f4fi~~F:::e~~.~~,.::~r.-i~.::~~~p~~,.:a9fil;l4:~r;m~:.,~~9P.~~iY...~~~~.." ..' '_ . ; .' : '. . ~: <br />. . '.. : '.' S~tA(jn' .~~. :6('QQ1~iWiS~;'J~~trowet. h~t:eqy."'if~~i~~...-t6 .teii~~{'.{aJ.. ~9u6\VeT:~s':'~~,glit~.,tq :ilJ)Y::ii1.~ilr~oo':" . . . .', . .:.': <br />.' '. -..: .p,iP9.e#.!s, i~ ~,:~~~Ar:~?q?::~~~~'--~~:aiJ;l6,~Dis':~p~~. ph~e~."ih.ej'l"~ieAt:~iS.~.~#ti.tY..'~tr#1~rit~..:$9',:; .' _ .... '.'- <br />.' ',(b) :$))": btl\et ~f J~9rrp~~J's' p$hts (otJi~f.'.~;m .:~~."i:i~b,q(raifY. '.J;~ild "9,f W~~;:~I:~UtQ~.:p~i4 :'~y' _' '. "..... '. <br />.' .. 'Boiroy.;et) '1;ind~(all)~il"iii'lm,* .p~ljbi.e~ .6oYff~g:::thfProp~#y~ :jn~ofar..,~&' ~c~~...tigij#;; '~e.' :aPpiiC':lbk~t~. the '.' .. <br />. coy~raM 'Q( m~)~(op~i'ty :,:L~~d#:~t~~~ '~~)H$ijt~~:piq~di;-:~i4i~r:tQ'.:~~p.aVi?r:-l#~q#db.6:PrQpei1y,'qi;'::' -" - , . <br />. . tq -p~ ~~io~nts }lliP:~q #~~: t)ie,,~~~~~, :\y~et#~~:~r,:~o.~:~~~ A~e.~> ::.':_ '.':'-:>~: ~.::.: .-: :" .'. . . <br />, . . ~." O1;cUp~D,c.r ;.:' ':a~nQwer.. ~h;il.!. .:ocpy-~;y~ '. "eS~~l~&Ii:i -;:~P, ':us.~ .*~:: :J,'t:QP'j;\~ty.:. '.~ . )~or:r~.\yer: s; .I?nnc~p~. <br />tesideJu;e wi~i~' ~,Q. d':lyil after. th~ ~X~Uti!>il"Of.this ~e~tity:I!iStruweIit:'~4 :~~!lIl'~o*Bn~e "to:o~*.BY the. _' <br />PropertY' as 'B.on:ower; s 'pr!U~ipilI f~siqei;J.ce. to~: at 1~fts:t;oIie :year '~e~ the d~t~. o~ qCCl.lP1illdy. '~rii~s.s- ~eP:4~i' .._' <br />,'othe~i~e. agre~. .i~ . writpi~, . \YAiC!J.' ~.nserit . not --be "Unr'-8asO~~bly "wi~1Jield.. or uDless ex~enu~~ig. . <br />,'ciT~staiices e~st\vJ:liph 'are'beyond Bonqwer!~ ~bntrQr.. ... .: - . '. < ....-:;- :.:, - .... .' . _ . <br />. - :- .1. '-Jires~h:atipn. ~iiit~ri~iJc_e "aii~ .~to'~(i~n' (if _-ib~ 'J1~Opf!x:t1.; 'Inspei;.ti6nS'-':.aorrqw~r-.:shaiJ :~l<)t: __- <br />.ij~~4"OY.. 'd!l1#~ge, Of. ixi1p~4"-..tli~J)rQPiriy; . .iilpw- tJj~ - '?i:Q~rt.y :~o4~tep'p~~~ .'.o~.:..CQn;im1t' wast~:~9i:i:tiie - <br />'PJ"Opefty.-'Wheth~r"or ~t ~ol:rQw~r -ls.te:sid:w~:.iii tiie-i)rQ~~i.- BorrQw~i..~hall m.a4italn'the.'~~Qpeity'1ri . <br />.o~et .to pre''-cnt. the .Proi>~rty 'from 4et~riof<!-tip.g .01' ~ d~c;r~asing i:q v?1ue' due: ~~ its' ~oQ.cliti~u: Vn1ess)t '-Is <br />CleteIIi1in~d puisu'!llt to - Seotion 5 that i~pair"br 're~torl\-tion Is'.not ecpi1Q.p:iically te.asibi~, '.Borfo\v:~r "shai1' <br />. prcwipi!y - repa,ir the Property if d~maged -t9 ~V'oid ~het' d~rerioration .9.r- i:lain~ge.._ .If. W$4railce or: <br />'.' co.ndemnatiqn proc:ceds are .~aiqip cl:lnl1e~tion with 'd~ge .tii, . or tat!_ raking of, tl!e fI:,!per~-y.' )~o~ro\v(lr <br />s~ati _ be responsible for repaiting w' restQrwg ~j;\ Property . ~~,I'Y . j~ I,.epder -lias ril~ed _ p.roceed~ "for su~h <br />. pUIj,>oses.: ~ndermay .disbu.rse proce,~-for:the Md.rC$toratl9ujil ~single a series Of. <br />ptqgreS$. payni'en_Ts. as. th~ work-,Is cO~np~e.t~d~ 'If th~: inS~~~i1Ce :01' coM~mn.~~ion P~.Q~~ ~e. Q.~t liu/fjc~ent ._ <br />. . to repair onestbre: the Prqpeny. Bo~row~r i~. npt [eJiev~ 'of BOrrower' s bb1ig~ti6n :fonl;le .Cl;ll;nplerion o~ _ . <br />such'repair oI'i'estoratian.' --. ,"'. - :' . " ...... '.'. -- . . ".:'. <br />- .' ie~der -or its .agerit in.~y .~ rea~i)Il~le.' e~tr.ies upp.n 'aqd ~Speciip'ns ~f ~~'Properw ,: if'it h~1l <br />reas6p~ble cause, r.end~r may 'mSpect (he miertor o.f the im.pr6vCril~D.ts Ort the :Ptopet-ry: 'i.ehdci: shalf give <br />'. Borrdwer ~otice at the tiin,e of or prior to suCh- an' int~rioi i4spection Sp.e~ifyirlg~~~ch J;~asonabl~ tails_e. . '_ . <br />. '8. Borrower"s'. Loan :Appli4::at~OIl" Borrower: s~al1. b~' .-hi default-. .If,-- during- the_ LoaD .applitatil>n <br />: Pt9cess, :Borrower. or, any p.ersl?P-s ot entities -'a~t~g: at the oirection. of.13oiToy.rer or. _WirhBorrowiir's : <br />. knowl~dge or consent. gave 'materially false, -misleaoih,g,"ot-iIiaccurate int'qnnatlon ot statements .tp tender' <br />(or' failed -to pro~ide t.efider' With illat(:ria( inf9rili~tion) in. CQo)iectfon w~th the: 19ail. :Material, <br />.I:~pteSentations .includeibut"are no.t 'lmuted 't(), '':ls Con~einirig Borrow~r' ~ .Qccupa:nrW of 'the <br />ProI>ei,ty as.~~rrbwer'.s Prinpip~' residence. ..... .' .. . '. ~ . _ . . <br /> <br />..: : -..,.' .' -... .. ". .... - . ",.: ~ .....-... '.. . .. . . ..... ... '-'". :-: . -.-. . .. :.... -..... '-'. . - <br /> <br />..6INE)IO~07),02 <br />ID . <br /> <br />. pagg 7 ot '6 <br /> <br />':JI; <br />. ( . . <br />'. . . l.nlual.~: . <br /> <br />OJ,lQ2.8.3?73 <br />Fo~m 3028.. ..1101 <br />