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<br />200808908 <br /> <br />: . - . . <br />. . B,o~rower' ~hilll promptly disc~arge any Him which ha~ priority over thi/J. S~uritY In.s~ment unless . <br />Borrower: . (a) agree~ 'in. wr~t4ig .t.Q 't1;1e payine.ij.t ~f the.obligariQn se.~ure~ by the lien in a m~.}1~r .ac~eptable: <br />to i"ender.'. bu.t on!y so .l.otig':~ ~,ciriower is pert9f~ing' .sue4 ag~eem~*;' (b), c.orit~~ts' tQ~)ie~ in, 'goo,a '~aicJi. ' <br />- by. 'Qr iiefei1<l~. agWitst- enf9J;ce~ent' ot-IA~ .lien in. .legiJ,l. prdCe~g& wW~~: .in 4ti4~r~i. QPID,ion :6per~~ - to' _ <br />.prevenf #l~ ehforCem~Dt-Of the'~ien while ~?S~~:P.Z:9.~~~~~.~-p~{i.~~~g;.':~~t r;>.~yulltH ~~ch p~6c~l;:.~~gs <br />. are 'conc~'Qded; .or (c) ~~iii~ from the"bolder of .tli~ ..lien' an -agreem.~~t S.a.tisfactqry .t9 :4nd~t.:su.oot.4il1atiJ:!g- <br />. tiie'lleii to 'tbls Seeurj.!y. :Iii~iru:Ull(liL .If ,~U~~r 'dei~ruime:s_ :di~ any P-!lrt' Qf..$~'_ PfOP~i# 'iil:'s.Wje~t _to -il '.Ji&'il - <br />'- . whiCh crUi. ati~jn 'priority.. oyer. ~js."s~C!lritY J~enil 4nd~r -m~y 'gi~li 'Bon:~wer. a. '.ii~#ce.,the . <br />. iifili..:' Vr.i$iIi . io aays '9f .~~. df!lte. on ~bi~ ~~ilt. n()rl'~ .~ .-w.v~n; )3oJtQwer ~aU iaii~ff.lh~: ].~en. Qt.t\lke .oIi.e ot . <br />more ofthe' actions &eHorth. tlbt>ye:in .this S~tioi:J. 4: ": ... ....:. '. ............ :': .... '.": . -. '. -, . .. . ....:-.. ".. ';:'" :.'_. '. <br />. '. ...... ~d~r .~~y 're,quif~'.~o!J:'p~e~. ~o',p~y :'a:'~J:i.e,~tirra{cb.~~e. fcir.:ti. r~~ -es~~tc' taX'.~eii~c~t~6~.},ndior: '.'_ <br />, . . r~pcjrii:ng'.servic~ ~~~.~y \v~th. this'LQ~;". ..... '.': ..... ':., ":' :'.,: ::': ':',":": '_:' . '. . ". : . .'.: . ". . " <br />. . .'- '., ....S:. Pi-op'er~' ItlSurance;.:-Bi)rtowe(shilll '~ii:.tlie 1mptCivement& nth\". 'existmg:);ir'lier~aftet e.rectcd".d.n' . ". . .: . . <br />'" '::': .-. . ilie)~~qp.ehf;\~~~.~~g.~$i)~~ ~b~ ,*~/li~.a~~ Aii.~~~de.(~:~~ :i#~.:'i~~~i:'. ':~~~~~~id'.:.~~y~~~i?/~)irid:~y" :., '. . '. .' . : "_' ..... '.:':' <br />. . ':,'. " . '. . '.otber:.hi!iardf.j4c)Ul:lil;lg;':':~.~f:~ot)iffiit~d 'to,..-:e'~q~fl.k.e{a.i14. flQ.Q~~~:.:t'ot--;w~#Ji'::~e~de'i- f.eqiiir.e's -~n~9.r$c~'., :...:.....:: " <br />- ... ." . ..' .:'1iU~ '.lnsu:r.~n~:$Ii@:~e '~l\biriilil~(fm:.thlf"$l.'!~qtHl~~lu'(iini:.deq~~ij:bte.:lev~l~) :3ii'4.:rQj!:ih~":.p.~ri~q$'- .,' '. .... . . <br />:. '~nd~{~equi~~;: Wiiat:'.Liiri~J~f :'ie,ci\iif.~..'p~i ~to'::-th.e. prc#4~i_ :~~nte~~$-~Q$;~liiijfgejj~#Jft:he:;Ji#: Or' :.-_ <br />-' '. t~_~):f.i.~~.:._~t~~'~~.sW~~'::~~{~ '~f?'1~~*~ :~~.:~%~~.'-~~#l)~':~~9~~~_::~.(~~E~~:*~r.__--,~,ij{~j.?9r~o.Y#~.~~_r!"~'-' ..- ,:-. -_ _ <br />. '.~~g~~. ~~: ..(l~s.ap?~py.e_:_B.o~.~~e(s.~9~~J~~i.. -~~t~9:'r~t }~W -~~o~....;~,e\,~A~;~e~~~!!~~~:\:Y~q~r; n:~Y. _', '-" -. , . _.', _. <br />.IQquu:e. :~Q~rowe~ )0. pay,_.' ~:~.,CODJ.l~qon-~.t;b.u:t1'!l~___.-r;gart, ';el~~r:,'.(aJ'_<l;'_~J)~:tin.j.~.:'~l$g~:.,fot:--t1ql?4 -?:.l?HC" ': __ <br />.. lier~in~ti~ri._ .t:~~_o."t.j~~ . ~f;-tt~?kitW :~e~~e.s;-:.oJ:::(b) --:~_. ~~e".ti~~ ~-~~r$~.'}o:~ .'$.~~j(~~n~:~~t~~~tiqrt..:' '.' "_' ' <br />, ',' '.:~d. 'c~rtifica~ori.. setvi.c~ ~~. .su.~!ie~rc}.~ti(cp:~ge~ - ~aqlj, tiI~e. :~~~p.P~llg's '.D:rll~~C~ap.ges :~~~:Uf' Which: ". . <br />. "reaSonablY might affect snell detenriinati.on 'Of "certification,. - Borrpwer' sp.aJ1' aisQ p'e te~l?oij,Sible .fCldbe . <br />. '.p.aymlmt -Of ~Y'.feel!'.impOSed"by the")<e4e!.".i1 EIP~ig~ncy 'Mil1;ll'tgem~rit '~g~ncy '.in connecQon with :!he' <br />'. :revle~. of 'any flood ione de~nninatio1l, tci$ultiI)g .from. an. olljectioIl- .by J3~irower;' .' -..... ....:. '. '" . _. <br />': '. ". If :B9fr.ower'.ia:UII'.,tq' majnt~iIi.:an1 pf the..:'cov:erag~s '4e~9iibe~"al?ove'\ .'Le~'d~{tPay :.obtai.-n.'-insu.raiice .. <br />: .CO'Yer~g((,." '~i . Uiiq!ll" s 9Ptiori. .iUisl, "~orrow~i"' ~. '~p.eIi$~.', .r:eMet \:~s *~der' -fiq . 'l'Jbligatioh "to' j?~r.:cha$e"any- . <br />" -.. - .particUlar' type. Of' ~ount of cover~ge,:'1'~_er~t9re~. s1ii.':}:! cioyerag~ :sh~f 'C(5,vet l~na~i; :but- iitjght ':or :Dajght .. . <br />.: . Dot pz:otect. Borro~er; Botio\vei's' equity: iU fue.j>ropc1tj;;' Or:the. cont$his of l4e' .Property.; 'agairist iU!y- risk, <br />. '.hazard' or. liability and '~iitit;proYide g~e~ter '?r .l~s~r--cqv~f~g~_ than '-w~~ .pI;evi~Hi~l); .i:i .~fiebt:j3ot!(I\~er <br />ack:no~ledges' - tba~ !he. c~.~r. of ~~ )nspiai:1c~ . tover.agc_' s9 ?b~ai.rie~. ~i:i~t .$i~jt:ican'tlf: exc~ ~tb.e 'Cost .pf . <br />.. insUrance 'that B.OffOWl.7.T' !?qu1~ ~.av.e '_~?~ea. i\ny ~tpit$ di~~$"~~~ 'Py Le.n.4ei :~~de)." ~9js-. ~ect~o4 5 ~llal] <br />. Q~come additioIialdeb.f of Bpr!owene:c::lired by this Sepupty.InslrUrnent. Th~s.e iltUQUIits shill] bear.mtel:est <br />. .at the' jiiQ'te:rat~'fr~ni. t9.e .d~t~ qf d.lsb~~ein~nt aiiri'$iiatl.~e. pay'a..ble.~-_iitJi$u~~- mter~~.: ~P'o~.i,1~.t.lce'.frbIIl <br />.~nde.r.tOBo.irow_e(~eqti~tW~:pay.m~n~. -:':- .: .-:','. _'_. '" '._ - .... ,..'_ :'>. .--_.:-;'." ;..---... <br />. :. - All instiraii~ policies required -by LeDi1~r . arid .r.eDe~lllii of stich :p~licie~ ah31J b~ ~libj$C~ to '~elidei's <br />- 'right t<;i. .diS.ap'pr6v~ 'sucp :poliCi~~; - ~l ~ci'ili:le .~ staijdar4 .m~rtgaie .cl!li.llie. "an4. .s~aiL h~~ - Len!i-er -as _ . <br />. mortgagee an~/or as an additioi!al J.o~s_payee.- Lender -s~,a11 have ibe 'right tci'.hQ~d thf1'pcilic-ies $:I :~enew~ <br />c~rtif.iclltes.: I(r..end*r"iequiiei, Bojrower sh~1I p'r~ihptly giVe to' ~ndei itIlreCeipt~'of paj~ pt~Jlliurlis 'and <br />. renew~ ~otjlfes. If any fo~- or iDllui~ce ~ovet~e...nof othe~Wis~ l~ender~ <br />. for .dw$g~ to; .or desr;rucdon ot,. the Prope#y;.such polity s~l"'ncili!ie' a standard .ino~gage',clmise aild <br />shllll ~e 'tende('liS mOI~gag-ee ~dto.r as an ;i~di~ioq;ll.loss payee. . .:. -. .'- '. -. .' .... . _ '. . .. -. -'; : . <br />. .' In .tlie ev~nt 'of loss.; . Bbrr9wer $haII give' pto~Pt notjce .'to the 1nsur~Of1 cartier ap'd Lerid~r. -Le~qei: <br />.may m$:e proof oqo~s if Ilot made.prQmptly by Sorrower.. Unless'Le!lder.'and.5.on-ower;' ag,i'Qe <br />in. ~iting, any' insutance_ pr9~e:~.. wheth~I' or n~t t!:xe 'l!-D-derly~g. insuranCe y.'l~ requb:l;d_ b)~ 4nder; .~~U <br />_~e'l\ppli~<;l '19. .restoratipn :~I: 'r~p1l-irofthe ~operty. if.tl1e- re~tQration' j~' ~ci)~onii;~aUy.'f~il;lXe: and <br />-. LelJder,' s. s.~qrity ~s. not, ]e.s~ened. ,.J? ..&~C~l.~~pair .~l;i.. I'~s~9ratjon p~.1?l?4, 'Lell~.~ .s9l;l11'h.av~...~~ :right to.'. ._. . ...... .' __ '._ <br />.hold 81.ich 'ins~rarice proCeea$\l~~i~ Lep4~r-~as'l1ad:~ oPpo.rtunity. t9..insPect S~~l Prop'~rty.~o e~slJre th~ '. <br /> <br />.\ -. <br /> <br />..:t;INEI c04on.o2 .- <br />.~. . <br /> <br />POD'; ~ of 1 ~ . <br /> <br />". .:nh"I~' .0:-7']' ." (l.1.i~2~3173 <br />. . : ~ .': . Form 3028 1/01 <br />