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<br />200808908 <br /> <br />.-.', <br /> <br />, . . <br /> <br />-., " <br /> <br />" proemiu~s" '~f 'any, ~r any' sUms .p.ayable by' .~bri-owe; to' i,.e!l~er in l~eu o~ ~.e P~yin~t ~f, fl4qrtg~g~ " <br />IDSurallPe' , Premiums in aCcordanCe .'.with the' Pf9"Visiqns of' S.~tioi1 '"l Ct ~ese i.te#~ ar~ "ca.l.l~ll ~;',13~cro.w <br />Iiq~.s.:" .At o.rig~pati~p.oi:' ~t ''-41lY: .ti~ cimlng .tli~ ~~rw. 'af. ih~ '.1piiP; Le)j~~r: 'm,ay .requ:He.:~~t 'C~i).irihy' . <br />,A.:Ss9cia~hri P~ei, .F~s,. and' A~sessIDeilts, .if .aiiy; ',"~ .-esp.rowed. ,Q)' ,-aqr~o.~er,-':~d :~~~li ','du:es...:f.~es..;'~~" <br />, asses$n:ie!1t~ shWoI ,be iiri.. ESCJ:9W Item::BorrQwer shallpro.mptly furnish :to; Lei:u:le.t:-all , nQtic~ . of .amounts . to . <br />, .,':$~ ~ectigl,l. 'B~~o*~r *~~ pa~ lf~d~),)h~',F.:un~~:,:fOI:'EsctQw'~i~e~"U1Il~~:Ss,,~nd~r W~v~s ' . , , <br />': Boj;:rower'.~ obligation t~ .pay '.j:be,:' fot..,a,ny ;r;j~ .all"~~~ro~ -It~ioS.~ "JAilder:"p:l,ay WaiYl! .:ao.i:rO\1I,i;t's '. . <br />. . .obligati.on to. pay .:to. '~pa,et '.Fund~' for' any 'Qr .~.~ '~cJ:'Qw)t:eJ:D.s. .at' any' lillJe.. .:t\ny';s~ch '~i.a,iYe:r: :~i3y,. oilly. J.;ie <br />, ':iIi w,ritwg....lQ thl::eyei'ij 'cirstich:',vei-: )liluQwei 'sh\!ii."pa:y"cUreet1y;' .wh~~::anc;l' Wh'~fe P~Y~I~,'-:t1:i~ :iunci\lijij. <br />. due, fcii.-apy '&9i'0\V."it~ins.f~i 'wh.~~:'-p~Ym.eIit 'Qr. '~d~ '~.~ .~li1i ,wiiiv~. ~Y. Vljd~~ '.ahd.;V:Leii$1Cr.~~q\iifes; . <br />. . '.. '. ' . ~Q~l. .~~~:"to;~P:~~:!.~e.tP~~.:~Y~Q,e#~b.j~..'Sq~:~.~Y.~~~~:.~thi~\$€i?d.~~~~~~~~.~~.y..~~~re.,'''' . . <br />. .' 'B~j:nye:f~q?l>l~~at~o~Jq II.l~e,.su~~..p.~yP\-e~t&'.~d,:t9:'1>r<?~1.~e:re,c~lpts .~~t:~l?r:~} 'P~~?SI~S,:b.t::..~~~~~. to: . --, '" ." , . <br />" '. ,.'?~:a:~9Y~1)~rt$~)lgr.~P.~t~9~.t.a.!~f~)~;,4~is~.~~~#.~;~~.~iJ,~.~,~~.}~~jlR~!{:.'~y~~~r,'~~.~~~~1~~!:~:..-- .' '<':' '. "~..' .' <br />, .... . ". .:}s: .~~~it .:~?- ,S~ti~~::~.;..}f}~fj~:~9!V~(.?~: ~~.!!i~J~4.:,~~'~'P.~~::.~~fWY!,~~~~~~. ,'~j;~:~F.~~,(1?*~!.~,~:":t~ :'fl;'~~~v.~t ~::~d.,: '" '.. :,.,: .' '__: .', .". <br /> . <br />.', '. .' ' ~qrro.~~r~f~ls t!1~ '~J;J1b\.lt:lt.:due. fQf',.an.. E&ctow .~t~m... ~nder rt;lay :e?ier~)se' its. t;lg~W,Ull~~i:"':$.~t:ib~l ;9' '".'" . ' :... .:' <br />.... ,'an4 'P!l)(i!ucl:i -,am~l!riflw!r~OndWer~~iLlLUJ~n :.I}~ :QbIig~te(i".uri.d~l: "$~q~(j~:"~ .i,o'~,'::Uiid~r .{ili.y: ~~~h . .... , .. .... '. ,-:": <br />'., .~~~~~: ~I~~~~r." ~~~'. t!~o~~}~~: w~~~~)s. :~d:.'~r"~i<:~.i, ;~s:~~f:-ii~~ii. .~~: ~y:'..~.~e':\l~,::.~ ::?p~fe':~.i,v~n"}~ .~: ". .::'.", ..:;....-.. <br />" .aQcqrdi!tice 'Vl.ltb ...S~t~on l~. .aX1C!!Y;l sl.wi).:revQCatiQA. :B.Q(rower... sliilll..PllY: to:,4~nder :~n ~(!,s. .-an4. m '. .' , '..... . <br />. . .such amountS' th:irli:!.:e'Then r.eqiilred iinaeHhis-Secti6n 3. .. < .' .::' '.: ...--.-:.:.., :":'.:.: ....' '.:.' - .,'::'," ..,.:--'....:.,... ',';' ':. ' <br />. ..... .:~n4er.~ay; :~t' ~y'lhU~,~ :coii~f ~~ :h:9i~ :Fiili4-{'i~ .~, ~~u#.. (a). ~u~deni"i!:>'~p~~l.t '~i.der. tb. applY:' . . . . . <br />.. .the Funds: at. the' i:Uh.e speoified tI-lJder: :R.E'SP A~. .'and "(l?) ..pot tt>"exceea the. 'niliX.immn .amo\lPt a)ende-d:an . . <br />.: r~qu~r~;UrtderRJ?SpA:.:'~~d~r' 's~ail"e~i~ate: ,frif~~unf~f .FHii~ :~ue 'on"th~:';~4s,js':'~i'!lui1:~ijt.-:-datiari~~: ..... , <br />. . rewicinabie :e$t1mates of- expenditures of futUre :~~toW' Itciris or "otlJetwlse in, ~GGbidance 'with' Appii~abi~.' , . , <br />'Law;.'" ....',... ':''-':,... : "'.' .'... ':. ,.' ...... ',:' d.. ......,' . .: :--.:' ':. ,". ..".' :,':' ." ....., . <br />. .". .1:he .~tinds ~aIl. ~e,'1ield: i~ ..~ '.in~t~fui:jo~:'; ~b9se.__'d~pps~t~. ~e Ins~ied'..:by' a', feqt;i:al. agency;'-..',' <br />.:' i~struine1).~ality ,"Ot ~rititY .(incli.iding L.Cpd,er~:>iI-~Mr..i~ '.~i~~ti.n!ti6* w~tis.~:'dep~slt~ ,ar~:~'o'i.*$~~eQ.rot'in., . <br />: :any' fe.dctal Hqme .L9an :B#~', t.en9~f .sl;ialt~p'lYJhe'.Fth.i~~to.'.i>a1Ahe-:$s9r~wJt~jiisjl~ t.a~f.'thJllfthe.' titll'e . <br />. . '.spec~fieo" 'J4lSP;A.: 't.ep~~r ~ijaII not. C<harge, fat nol~ing piid '. apply}:i;ig ~~"Fu:iid~,."~lp~,~lJY. . <br />, . 'ana1yzjiJ:g. the eSproW 'a~count, ,or verlfying t.h~ '~scrQw Items, Unless J,..eiider paY$ -narrower. iQ.tet~st oil tile .. <br />Fun~s. and Appli~able 'Law peiTni~ Lender,ke '~jjcb, a, .chllfg~. '.tJnI~ss '~ aireein'e~t. ,is ~a\i~ in 'writirig, <br />. :or APpljcab,l.e 1.:;w :'r~qui.res iUteiest to. be paid .on .th~. FIiIli;!S, . ~nder. slnil. D,Otbe, re~uiTeil to: pay B.orro"Wer' <br />any iIi;ter~st ar.' earnings on.:tl!e Fvnd&., Borrower .and ,Leridl?r .Can agree in writing, ',hbweve~. 'mat juteiest <br />~hiiIl be paid. i>,il the Fu'n~,. ~.n9-er ~h;a1I give to Boi:ro~e:i.; witholit ch!irge, ~)I1nu~ ~~9pri.tiilg,pf ~.~ <br />'~~s~req~ir~-by.~PA. '. .'" ,"':. .....' .... .:. ", . . . .->.... . . ;",:. . . .>, ..... "'-., <br />, ..If .~fieie IS a 'sufPlu$ 'of 'Fun~~ Aeld in escrow, as' d~fi.ned llDder'RI}Si'A.; .Lender .sha!i '! to. <br />BorrOWer 'foi the e~!lQs's. fu~~ hi ~C9rdance wicli. It~s~ A.' It thel'~ is 'a: 'sl:l(~itage".9f'fimid.s .hel~:i,ri esctow, ' '. <br />as Q~tuied under RasPA,. Lendei: slliiU j1~i:ify. B~,irCiw~r as ,required Qj nESP A.' an,d "~otrowe~ '~h~f pay ,'to <br />Len4er t1i~, amalint neCel1sar)/to ni.ake.Up. the sh~nage:in a~c9rd!li1ce with '$sP Ai qu~ .in no mote .~han. 12 <br />'moIithly 'payment/i. Ifth~re is.a deficiency of Funds :h~ld In eSCrow; as d~fiii.ed under RESPA; Lender shall <br />. nqdtY . Bqrrower as '~~ir~d .by RESJ?A; llDd Bo.riQwer ~all pay"to. ~n~er 'the alpQq.11i rieCe~sary '-to 'mike <br />up' th~ 'deficiency in acC9ti:iance witli'R;ESPA. bilt'in np mari;: 'than 12 li1~nthiy 'paymerits. .' . '" ......, . <br />, Vp9n.payment in '~Il of a11 slims '~ecured by tl).is SecuI:~ty Jns~lli.ent. Under'sh'l\li promptly ndupd . <br />: -to B01Tow~r -any. Funds'-held by' Lenctet. .' '.-- .", . ": . .. '..... . ,-., '.' . :'. : . ',' ',; '.. --. ' <br />. . .'. 4. . Charges; :Liens~ .B,Qn-ower ~all pay all taxes, as.se8sments. .c}\ai-ges, QUCJl,'and iinpo~iiions ' .. . <br />a~ib~table 'to the Prope.rJY whiCh can ~tcitb;l priOritY. over: uris -S~urity Instrii1i1el:1~. 'leJ:j.'jeh~id p~yin~rits :or.. , <br />grou~ll,t. tents on t4e Pl'~p~ro/, if any, iin4 C~,in.m,mlty A$.S'9ciitt~~ri Du~s, Fees: .~~ As~~sments, .if Ap.y.' .to . <br />." ~e-.ext~~~.~t~.<~ql,i.~~~.ite~s :<lre E!SC(O~ 1~f?IDs.,.:a~~~weJ;'. sha,t~,~ar ~~1!.l":iD-the-~apger f'j~yl~ed ~. ~~.~~.l?~"~,.' ,.... .'" . .. .... " <br /> <br />-- '.::' <br /> <br />. ~.- <br /> <br />'e-.6INEI (04071.02 " <br />liil . .' , <br /> <br />Pag.ll of 15. <br /> <br />'. 'i~m~;:,q~... ','.Q~10:?~3~73 <br />. .' J~. . . Form 3028 '1/0,1 <br />