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<br />200808908 <br /> <br />J '. ". <br /> <br />, ' THIS' SECURITY !NSTRqMENT . combines Ui1iform /XlvejJ.llpts .for' nationi!1 Use Wid nOD-unifOlln . <br />covenat!ts. y~.~t~oll!i by' ju~s~~ti~~ ~ ,copstitute -a .Qnif9Iitt.S~fY' i~~~iii c.ovcitit!.g 't~aJ: . <br /> <br />'property.. ". ,. .......,... ~.' .'.: ..'....'. ".','" ..... ':. ,...: ..,....... '. .' , <br /> <br />, '~O~~,C~vE~A~TS:-~b~w<lr ~d. u:n~.~r..~~~~~t. ai1~,~gfe~'~, ~?~~~<'.';." :. '.-:. . .' , .' ':, <br />. 1,. Payme1J,t of .,:Pri~clp~l, ,r~.ter~t. E~(;r~w .J~~s.! . P.~epllym~t. c;~l.lrg~! ,~n~', L~te CbHr.g~~ " . <br />BorJ:ow~~ .sh~rpay':when.!ip.e the,pr~~~p~. of, ~d i~tet~t'q~,.':the;~~~t ev-idt~~~ '~Y'$e: Note 'and ;a~y : <br />prepayment ~afges aild 'la~ c~rg~ "~J,le'u1;l4ei tii~ '}\l'!:ite';, :Uo#<>wel;' slial:J 'a1~o..P'~~Y '.mnds, f9f l;;sqro\v :Ytems' . <br />. P.\li'su~t to'Seption j. P.iiY~~~s. 4uy, \l~(leJ:jhe -]~()t~ ~~d '~iS)l;lci~~ty) :~.!\~ .jn.'(:J:~. . :'-'" <br />'currcp.oy. Howeyer;: if'aIlY "~~k- ~t 'Q~ei' 'ins~'e~~. ;i~.~iv~. by .t.en,i;Ier ~s" J?aYI!li;;~t, 1:lridet ~h~. N.6!~' or t~is. . . . <br />. Secuj:l~ Jnstitimel1t i(retupled. t<i .t;ender u.npiUd';.-LenC}er may.'~'-t4iir.ll,rii ot.aU:.siib~.~qu~nt:p'aYlilents . . <br />due undef '-me N ote,"-a*~.. i:~s '.Sedul'itY. bistillllieQi' lie"iJiade' in : qJlli i.Jr- inilr,e: 'i;>f J~e '.fqllc;rwing :fom'1~. . as . . <br />. ~e~~i~, .by'. Le~d~i:, :.(a) . .c~~;',' (b):, 'n:i.6hlq'" "l?rder:~ ~ .(c) : '1ei1ifi~.d.. .CQ.~cl< "l?~:'e.he~~. ' ,tr~?sui:er"s, : cli~~ - or' ..' . <br />". c~~~efts');~~;)~~Y~~,~(~y'.'~~~: '~~~9.~',~':(ir,~~;~~.Q.~::~}!is,ji1:W~Q~. *"P?~~.:~~p~~i~ ~~~::~.~~:~~r'.;II'.,. ...., <br />: ..~~ral~~e/~PYi)?!i~~~~l:'t!l~m\~J:::.~~t~!Y.;"~r..(~~..~~rr.?I~~q:.~p~!;l.:T.K,~~t~r',:',:-,".. :-':.:', (.,".:, '~: :'>;':::"";...:,'.,:',: '..:<.... .' .'. '.' ",' <br />.' :.: :,p~Yni~.fitfar.~ .{ieem~d..rt:.Cei#d..bYJ.;<\Mei'.,~4en..:r~.~ry,~Q :a~. .tlUt:rPRa,tfp"tr.a~.i&p:aMl.i:n, 'f1irr :Note or::at. .,... . , . ...... <br />. ." '. "s\li;ih 'othei-19,~ati.qn.anii!lY ,h~'d~$igiiar&r~y.14~~~r.::i~ ~~of4.aJlce:\Wij,..\h~:~i.#ice:'pr~~~.i6ilsjn;S&cti~~)~.,.., :'.: <br />. .." , '.' i&ild~i :'rifay ,'re~t.Ii:',&pn?~yiqe.Q(oqi.~n~Lli~Yi1;iifjt)(:tlkpit~~-Pr9f-.pilt,i,!81j)~ym~#$' iiI:e.J~~ii.fqc~irin6' '. . ,.-'. ",:' . .", '. ',' .. <br />' :, ".'. ~d~g"~~.Lp~:'~~r:~~!;Jf~~~t~~j<~~,~p.~.::!ii!X:ji~t~~'n.t.~(p.~!~.~~r~~Bt..~ij$.q~9~~f~:t9,;b.,p.4ihii~)::;?#'::,',:. ',' <br />. . '. 'cuu.~~t.'.. :W:~~oll('!Y~iye~ Q.~'~p.Y:~~~t~ )l.~~~t!~:o.~~ ;5li)~ej~l.CU~'.:~~}~: t!~b-~s::~~.;~~f.U~~.:.~~~: ~.aY~~iit.~r ~~iaL', <br />. '. p~y'tJ1~Ol:S 'm the :fUtiJr~1 :'Q~t. 1-;enqer)s. .not :Qb~.Jg*~ :S~<fh' p.flywen~s:'.-al tpe.\~$~: :~l-lOh ':P~Ym~Iit~, ~l'~ '. .' <br />. .~~~~ied:;'--rf each.\P~.?~~ )Pli~~j~,t ':~~ '..a.p~~~~4 :;~ :.~f:.,~ti;'''.~C~~YI~~i':d~~'~d.~te.!': ~~~..:'t.~~d~r;J!.'~.". ~~r. ~~y: ." , .' <br />h\t~rest,:(Ii:1 'ui1appli.ea {tin.ds: 4nd~!. 'may . hol.d ::sil;c'i.-',lJ~HippJ~~d ,'~nds'. ui,Jij~ '~qf!owe( 1p~lf~ -:p~~~i~. <br />' . Qi'i~~ 'ih~. ~~.. cup.EiD,t. .J(BoI:i'o.:W~ ~?e~"'riot: d.o . ~~ '~~,iil. .a' T~~ol~lli1~l!. ~<~iiCi(( 6~:,~i#e:~: ~i1(Wr.:~i!Jl)i~et' '.' . <br />.. . ' . apply Si,lch funds or..tetu~ .theDlc to .1:!~i:rower.,)f n,i:I,t ..appHep :~arlj~r, . suc/:l.1jlj1ds,:wU,l be:"appl.i~.. to 't):!.~ . ' , <br />.' o~~taiJ<ti~i '~riJ?ci'pal ~l\l~ce ~:der' tp..~ '.~bie:. 4nmediar~lY' pn9.r ~, f9~~lds.~r.~.: :N~ ."6i'fi~t:.:oi-..~~~ ':Whic~, .'. ..'.... . <br />. BO~fO\~~r' JAi:IM '~aY~ .J?-oviik iIi. *e."fu-'vie, al,t~.ins{ :kri~~r)~~~. 'teli~ye :~op'~Y.{er ::t:ro.p;l"~ng'\ P-a.Y.J!.i~~tS'. ..:'. '. . . . <br />.. ,..' N9.te'.lIii~ :~(d( S~~ritY :I:IIi!iiUO?Bnt. "6I, 'fu,e "Covei~~~s .atili,.:agre,eii!'(~4 'QY~" ..... .,.' . <br />' . this Security InSttilinent. ,.'., :. .... :'........ ....: ~.' '. "::'.: ~ d, :'", , '..' ,:,,::'-". ..,:.'. ", .:,,',;': .' <br />" ~:'Applicatioh of,.'P~Y.mep.~'~r'p.rociled~.: &x~p( as 'oTbeiWise"rl~ctibeu 'in:ihi~.S~c~on .2~' a,ii' <br />payilleht~: it~epted' 'and .applleci bi.Lend~i 's~J 'be i:!Pp)ied ~n the. foHuwlng."Otde".9f ,prl,ptitji:'.'<il). in.ter~t' <br />.d,ue tinder.'the Note; (b) ptinciplll. dilf.: 'unO-et :the. Note; (c)' ainl;lunts".due Untler~:SectioD' 3.S.W.;h: p'aYnie~ts ' <br />,sp~1 be .applied to 'ell~q :f'eqQdic j:layIrie~t in. the. order iU whi~h.:it .b~ca~e:~ltri.' A,i1y:.te.tnau,ii~g'a~ounis <br />snall 'Qe'ap-pU~d .first to la.te'charges.:~ecorid,to 'iJnY .otn~r amo,\!ilts Queunpenbis SeciJJ:itY Ilistt.\lm~bt. .and . . <br />the~'t9teaucetheprinc:ipalbalan'~:of.tli~N6t~. " ....'....,. ',:.__ ' ..... ..... ,,:'.' ,:.' ....,..:'..__ :,'. <br />'. ' , . jf LepC1pr receiy~s' a ,payr,n.ent froni :Bof.r~~~r. for. !I:'~eliri.q__ue.rit :r~ti.oili~ !Jay~nt ,~~icb: i!l.cili~~~ --e.. <br />.suffiCie,n~ amount tJ? p~y ~Y late' c~atge .du~, 'tQ.~paymeist inay be appl.le~ to ijl..e. q~liI!-qu~r,lt' payment "and <br />--the late ch~ge: .jfm6J'~:i:ban 'QD.e:penQdic.PaYment'i~cQuisl:<iIil1.l11g~ Lender may appl)'- ~y.p~ynient'r~ceivtid <br />from .aQITower 1:0 ihe r~payrilent of .ti!~ peri.09ic Pa~enti; ,'if;' ~d ~o J:h~ detent. th~i:, 'eaCh 'paYIIi,ent cliJfbc ' .. <br />.paid in 'full.. eTo the extent that aliY e~.ces~ eXi~~. ~tttr '~~,p~Jilerit'is ~pp)l~, to ..tne:iu1.1.p~yti'1en.t:pt o~ri or.: <br />m.ore J;'~~o.di~ Paym.~nts. :s.~~ 'ex~~s ~'ay .be:apPlie4:iQ o:.Ul~ Y~te ,q~lifg~s 4~~; V~lt1n$ylitep,~~.ent(shai~ <br />be,applied first to any.prepayment eh~ges and th~n as'dt;~otib~ ~ the N~te. '. :. . ...',....'. '.', <br />. Apy appiicatiOli of payments.. ~i.tranc~::Pfoceed$., 'or M:i~Celi~eo~~ Pioce,el;I~. to PrlUCipill. ~tie ul!der ,: <br />th~,Note sbaii not eXtei,1d 'or Po~.tporl("the'q.ue qat~I"or'Chang~ $~'.a:iJltiiint,",ohl1~ 'Petioq~c Paym~~U;', ", ' <br />. '3. .FUnds. for :i,!:scrow' '~fem.s.. .BOJ;l'o:wer. sil;ill pay to)..efldel: oil' th.e .'daY . Pei~odic 'Payments. lire 'du~ .' <br />~d(:!r:the ~ote; until tl1~':NQte:is p'ai~ 'il1 ~l~ a'su~'(u,.e li:r-:~ds-'~)'to provid.~ for 'p~y~ei1t'6.f ~(lU.r~ts due " <br />for:' (a) taxCl) 'arid. ass.essm.enq; 'arid 'other i~ems.-whicb. cat:!'. attain priq~ty axer this S.ecut.ity Insti'4Iilep.t :as ~. <br />.. . . .li~n .at: :~ncUT1lbriinqe :o~'tl}.e:.p.1'Qp~m;' . (b) .le~ehoid: PrtYin~htS.' 9r .gio,~nd. 'r~n,ts..o.tJ l;h~.> ~rp'perty,. "1-f':IIAYJ (c):. ..'.' <br />premiUms. fot :any' 'and alUnSut~ce reqiUred :by .tend-er under Sectiqu.'5; . and '(d)' Mortgag~ IpS~ian~ . <br />-, . . - . . . '.. . .'. . -. -' - .' .:. . . - , ~' '. . . - . <br /> <br />'~:~BIN.Ej IOOl011.0:i' '. <br />~. ..' <br /> <br />. jij' " "oi~ci~.~:3?~3 <br />." . ;nIIIBls. : .' . . '.: .:. <br />.Flirin 30213'. 1/01 . <br /> <br />PDg. 4 ?f Hi . <br /> <br />~. '. . . . <br /> <br />-.' .' <br />