<br />shall tel~ain 'fully eff~tiv~ as if no' acceler~tion had'qcCqrre{l. 'HQwev.er, '~s.' rig4~ to ~i~W~ ,~~J i:Jot
<br />.a.i>plYin.the'case~f8:cceleratiQnUlider$6l.:tio~l~, .,'. ..;.., '. ,:,.,' ,.... ..:..... '
<br />': . ~o. Sale'or NotejChange -Of Loan .set.vi~: Notk-e ot. GrJe~ance'.. The. Note ,Or 'a parti~l .iiiteri~t :in ,".
<br />,the No~e.'.(togeth~r ,w~~ .tltis ~e~Urlty ..b;i~i~erit). ~ap.)e. "$,014 9ne ~t mQ~':~~~ :WW~Q~t..pi;i9r,n9tice..~0 '
<br />.- Botrow~r. A' swe" 'migb.t r~ult -in a 'chfu:jge 4i ',th~, entity. .(krioW!l.,ns "the '~Loan .s~i:Vicer") .that 'coilects '
<br />, Penodi~ ~a~lfn~s. oJle ~~~r Jhe: N9te' an~: this '~~T;ity ~'instruIii!<n.t and ~eif9!in_s '-Qth~.r.' moriga.&e )~iltt ,
<br />'. S~.fVic!ng' Q).11~gatiQbs '\U19.~r. ~e' ~6te/ ,tliil> '$ec~dty, .J4st~~ntl ", aiitl.A'Pp'liQ~re '.4w.: 'T~~r.~ ' iu so '. rri.ight.b'~ '
<br />'one or llJ.on: ,ch;#1g~s '.qf.\h~: ~an ..Servicer.. u,nr'elated to -a ~~i of ~,~',Not~~'.If .tti~re ',i$ :a cha.~ig~ :6f'Ul~:L6;in.' -' .'
<br />". Seryie;'er ~ 'BoITO~ef' W.lIl.be;'giy~1}. Wti~te,Q: hoti~e ',QJ ,th~ Cb:llJ:g~ wiijch: --W!U)tate,'i:b~ '~ainejU~if:iuidreSs "fihe '. "
<br />. ' Dew ~an S~i:Vicer" t4.~ .a~~ess'''.t6 :whj~ "P~Yw~ilt$: '$oWd b~ IQaae: anti :in.:Y:.ot.ii~.( :mf9tUiati.onj~Jts.~~. . "
<br />..' requires hi coiirieci~Qtl. wIth ailcitiee of,trAA'Sfero.f 1'i~icm,g:-.t(.tbe Ndt/:i:ks'old ani;! theieafter'.fue .Ltiah is. '
<br />, '.: ::se~ic~:d '.~y. ~ .LQ'~ ::s~~i~~~ :'9ti:iei-.:.th.~~~','tb~.,'pili~v.iiS'~t~i'''di~}ft\Je;)~e ',Di^ohga~~jdan. ~4vjt,iiii:db,l.ig~ii~~ris:: .:' ... . .
<br />: . ..to 'B6i-iQw~i- 'wii"'remam..WtiifthlLo~'''SerViQ~: Br~bci--.tl'lirist~ttetl :(0', a .s1ii6:eS~QF:i.6iili seriilcer:.aha.*e'.,ildr :". ,', ".' . . ,.'. .
<br />," '. ".' :,As.~#~(t:~h~~:~N9~~: ii~F);1~~~~.~~~',~~~~,~i.~:~~oYW~}ktii.~:::~RWP~?#'~W::; 7,:'~.,;,;;.::):,\~i/;":<.:~;;:'. t:\:\:.:;'>: .: : ;:.:, . ,,' ' .'.:., .' ",'
<br />. ,.' .,,":. :,' N~itlj.e(1.l9r.f.o~e~':~pt J..~.~d~t :~~y., ~6~~pci~~':Jp.~;:. ~~.::b.~j()ir~el;l.'ti;i.:~y' j~di~ial.. aq~iQ~~.{{l,t~ithe~~: -. .. . , '. '" '. .
<br />" .i~diyi~u~. '*~zai!r'Pr- ~e.,'ln'~~R~!. ::~~, ~5}.PfstW~~'."~.e~::~r~lli;.'~~';g~~!?~..~~'!~{a.p~.io~:~~~.:lU~t-:.ti~:~~!.s.' '. '.'. ..'
<br />, :.: .~ec~r~ty ;~tfi1pilfnt...o~:.~!l-~~~~~~~'.~~~':~~:.o.~h~r: P.l~fti\~~~:~i.e.~~~~ .~W :jJ~9,v.i~j9* pt~::~i. apY.~~I.W: ~~~.:b~,,: .' ,:' . . .
<br />.' ..rf:m:;~:n.. ~S;'~~s,.~~~~tr~~~~.~t!".:~r~t~~}u~l1;~P:rt,d~~~':.~:~L,~,ri~'T~ h.~~}~~~1~,r.~:,~~",~~~~""~~~~~'f1.fli. ~~c~.; '. '. '. ".':.".
<br />..' n!lu~.~ :gl;V~~' '~n ~Wl?l11~n~~ :~~~ th~,. ~qwr~~~f~;:~~' S~~t19n}~) o~, ~1.lC~t ~~((g~d, ~~e.~~~,-,~~.:.af~9.rde.ct. th~ ..... '. " ',' .
<br />: '.' ." 9~~~, 'p'~. :.~e~~t9:. ~. r~a:sq4ab~~, 'pe~iOd:,:.:~~~ }h,.~ ::' gi~~~*:':.yr...sll~b." .~Pt.~c.~.::~~ ..t~~~;. 'P5j~J;~~~y~,.')ic~9,~,"'.,.If ."
<br />. . .AJip11l<i,1ble' L,a.~ prov~deli. a tlip.~ l?enl:!.d.:wb.l~ ',ml!st:..e~ap~~,.bef~~9.,oe~n' ~~q~;:t.:'c~'.:b~ ~akep.,:.t!tat.Jip.)e' .
<br />," periqtfWill be"deemeCl io"lie reasorii;l.ble'.for'4jtirP~ses':cif't:hls"panigT~plJ.:'~.nie'~dtice of:at~eleta~jQI)I.and' .: ,
<br />. '. . . ()P~o.rt~ty:'~:o cure giveI.1. '~o 139ii:OYv~ puisljUnt to: 'Seiniqu '22 . ~ti"..tli~. 1iotice..'or-..acc~ler~tiQP 'gi-i:en to: . . '
<br />. '. . ~orrow~~ ,p~rstia:tit' .t9' s.~tlon '18 s!1;ill ,be 'dllett:\ed ..to s'!ltisIy the' notice ~d 'opponmuty. to take c9trecriY.t:
<br />,aClioflproyisipns.ofth'ls.'Seciion'20.,. .', .:.... .,-:'. '.' ..... .:. ",'.: .:.:,:-,- .....:.....-,.:...... :....
<br />':. .' '..21;. :',I.IazahJ(j~fSul;J~t~gce's.' As. ~se4 In.. this :~eCti~ri. -21: "{!;it I~Ha~4~us.' .$ubst~~s",'..aici, th~se.'
<br />'-S~bsi~c~ (l~tU:ie4 .as :tQXrC or hilzar4ou~ .:>u.b$t~~;.'.P~ll:uta\)ts.{ or ''Yast~ ~y:'~.n~fr~~~ti!l L!i\"Y- .iui~: ~e.. . .
<br />.. ' . fOllowipg ..su~staqces: .gasoline; )ceroserie, .ciiQa'r.' f1ammaljk o'r..tox~c p~tro1~Uin 'pIoduds., "toxic 'P~ticides '
<br />' . an~ heri?ic~de~, "v.Qlalil~ soJve~ts, matt,-!'ials ~nti:iinfug aSbestos qr foi1iliiId~li}'de, '@d. ra!llQactfv.E: 'm~teriij]s;' ,
<br />'. (~) "'EnYiromnen#ilLaw" meiW.s fedcii'1I1Iaw& !Ui41.a.ws'of tJ:ie jiJ.t:ispicti,oii,.wl:1er~'.the.PtQP~iiyjs lq~al~:d:that'
<br />relate to h<<alth, sntely. qr, e~vitqOrp.e.ntal p.wt~ti9n; '(c) ~'~viro~niental ~Ieimi,lp" ~lu?es any re~P9rise,
<br />action, ieniedliil action, or remova! a~tiDi1, as'd~fii1ed ii1 Envird~eiitw::r..aw;'and,'(draU ."Ellvir-Qnln.ental
<br />' Cohdi,li,?n~ :rheans:a .~n4ltion tha(caii"Ga~S.~;, 'CO!icP1>Utt<'!o,-. Qf. Qi:1i~rviise"~igger:. iin ';Envi.ro~ent8J'
<br />,"C1e~itp.. . '.:' .:,':.:' :',:' ....-:'. . .-',:.' ,",:, ".,..':,'-".' '..'" ,:' .:.
<br />a(llto~e~ .sJil!l~ riot ca,u~e'or per~h i;he-'V~~~n~. i1!le,'Ai~p:os~; ~torage.; 61' t~19a~e' ~f i1;ri.y H~rq,9.us. .
<br />Substanc~s, 9r. threaten to r.elel.ise any Hazar~ou$' SUbstances. on or' in i:h~ Piope~ '. Bo~io\v~r: shall' ~()t qp, ' .
<br />nor al1aw 'anyon~, else to 'do, anything 3tfectiilg. the 'P.t9~ttY (a) ..that ,is '"in viaJ~iiQ~' of aiii En0roi:Ui:tent<U
<br />Law'-~) wliic.4 ~re~t~s ~ EnXironptentai .co~d~~i~ri";:~r'(c)' w1#h, dlieto.. th~ presei)ce,- us,c, or rele~(l.of a'
<br />'.' ':Hazardous 'Substance, 'ereates a C9ntfjtion that adver$~ly id'iects:the'yfll).le of the Piopetiy; The'preceding
<br />two" seilten~s shall not. apply 'to. .th~ ,p~eS.e1l,ce-, u.s~. '01' $totag~. bh.)he Property" 'of Srniill, qu~tities, 'I;)f.
<br />: ,H~ddUS' SUbstaDc,~' ilia~ 'iU:e. .geI)eral~y . rec,~griiz!'ld to.~!? app~opilli.t~ to rioirriiu t:t\sid.~n't~a}. tis~$ . ~4 fo "
<br />. ~a.m~~nlinc~"o,f~~ prpperty (inclliding, ,blit,n9t.1i~ted to; h~~l'~pu~'su.hsi~eeS.ln consutii~1" pr9d\lcts).;. .'
<br />, . ' ~PI!ower shall promptly, give 'L~i1~er. wI1tten noti~e 'Of., (a) ~l.i uivestigatlbli.,. 'ol",lm. 'dein~d, :'lliwSuit ,
<br />or other action by' any governilieht,a! ot J;'egUlatQIY .ag~~cy ,or .pI;"ivaw party invo.lvjng the Pr6p~rty 3*' llfiY' ,
<br />. Hazardol!S SubstliJIoe .or .Enviroilmental LaYf ,of"wruch .Bon-ower has' /'j,GtUiiI 'knqwle4te, '(b) 'any
<br />. . ~nvii-oimientlll.Con~ition. 'ipc,luding' but, ri.ot l~~ted t~. 'ap.y'.spU~g, i~al9,ng.. d~schi!rge, i'elease .or' tli~t ~#
<br />. .releas~,:of., any..l:Iazrli:doQs, ;Subst8nc~, '~d (c) , any. C6~dititi-P cauSed' .tiy',$.e.. P~s~iic.e,. ''~se -:6rcJ;'elCil$c:: of-, a- " '.. ,. '." _, ,
<br />fIazardo'!lS 'Si.ibstanc~ 'which.adversely . affects th~ vahi~ of the')?iopbtt)r. If Borro.w,er i~arns, '01' is nO:tifled "
<br />- '. '" . .. I . '. '. .", .... _. _ ,.' ',' .... .' ..' . .
<br />
<br />'.- . '.
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