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<br />200808908
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<br />,.Th~re'~l!lay be only one' desigti.ated ~otice a~ares.s uhder'.tm~ SecWlty 'InStr:wue~it 'at any.:orj,C t4nci; A:q.y ,
<br />, notice to Lender. sl,1all be giv.eri. :by deliv~ring -it or by jJia,iIing it by fir!!t '~lass IAAU tQ l~i;ler's address
<br />.' stated het:eiil, :unIe;;~. tender: ' ~s 'd~~l~a~ea..: aii6~ef 'addt,ess . 'l;Jy.. ,no1j~' :to. 'Bpr.r.o,Wer.' IulY'. notice. ..'in
<br />, :C9nnectio.n With 1;hi!>. Se~tinty mStrVm.et1t.'.s~iij1., ii~(b.~' ~~~eQ ,tl) h8:Y~, heei(g~ven: tD).,etl~t. uritiJ .~ctt,liUly .' '.
<br />. reCeived by l~il(l~r.]f 'illy D,otice'required. by this" seCurity 'fus.tn,Urient 'i~' a($ci'.i~uired u'l}det )\ppncabl~.' . . '.
<br />.~~ '.' tb~ ~PPlic~bl~:. ~w ie~~en)~t' ~:Il' ~a~is~ ~~ ." cOj!e~p'ciIl4i~~. ~equ~r~~i~ ":u~dei... ~~s . ~.~~l~Jj.ty
<br />Instrument . . . -- '. . . ... '." . ",', . .' . . . . . .... . ." '.' '. .
<br />. ..', ,1.~; . " Gov~rniiig Law;'. "S~verajjilfty; . ,iiti1fs:: .of coris~Ctio~..' this.' .$etufity" ~lnslruiDeilt . sh~l" .lJe '" '.
<br />'. govepied py' fild~ri:lJ. 'law:ajId the l.aw or the "j~scl,~ctio)Hn, Which :the' 'Propeity is "located/'AIl :right:;;:- an.~"
<br />obl~g~t~oD~ :cbn~Wted ,in. .~&' ,Seca.~o/ 'In:Strt#n~J;it.: ju-i;.. '~u1?j~~t ,', tp . any,' "feqi4ri:;~1!:ent~' . ~~1.1imitaiiQ~s, . of" ,
<br />App*able'~~w~' .APP'~'i.ca~le,.~w .I#ig~! ex.pHci~!y..ot iiripliCitly ~loW: We'piitti..es. "to ':~gfe~"'by' p9~tr.itct' Qf i~ '. :'
<br />, ". . .:'i;ni&:ht..~e sile':1t" :~~~ s~~q: ~i1rP~~ s~'<!1t~o't..l:!~ ~O:Q.~~~,::i{; 'll. p.!.o~~biti9.~ a$aj~sr 'a,gr~~~~:~ :~~.:.c~~n:a~t. ',In '
<br />". . .PJ.~' '~y.~~~ ~~at.: '~y'. pr,~YW5>n,:. .q.~ :'o.~~~~~ .':or.,t~s':'$.~c;~t.itY: 'J~~~J).! }j.~.', ~.e.":li~~: ~C~~~~:!? ;~tb>\ll~l;p#~~' , .: .
<br />:.' '. ," . . ':. ~~W .)~\!94 '9p.ii.f,li.~($.,l;il!11 :Agplf.t:e.~t. '!=i.t1].f;.t,:P.t~.vi~~5j~Anhjf~~c~~itY J~tr.WA.~n~ ~~r \tl~y'~N6te..\Vhiqli Aim::,g~;, ',' ., :;
<br />.....: ,~. ': ::":'.. ': .::~iv~~~tJ~TI~~~~~~~~~~~~l~J#\~;i~{':~~i~r1f:::ili.'&~;~~~~'M~,:::i~~~~ii::~1~~i;:.~~~:~;~i:'/ii.~'@;::::.:.--:;':'.,
<br />. . . ~Q~~$p.~~9~ri.if~tife~A~?~4!l.:'Qr:'.~~.~~ 'i?~"~~..".~e~~#<$.ei'1d.~~?.~9:>) '-w~:~,.'i.b.Y~.("~i!l$~.I#Fs~~i :~~-:~a: '. .....
<br />... . lllc~l;1d~ l;ti(rphi~'.~d''X.C~',v~rs?-;''~~:{CrtJ?:!"....y.O~9..~~y~r, 1pY~&.S<?J~'-Q~~.~r~hi:;l~'.,W1t4gY.f any '~.p'~g~~wn;~~. '" .'
<br />. take any a~Hon,'" '. ,:'." \ ...:..... :'., ;.... '". '..' ".. ..:. ':.:' . ..'-." .."'.... .,'. .:': ". :."', :......:: ,,' ,'. ':.:.' '. . . .
<br />':, .. '17;':B:oif.cj,~.~,s':COP}<' B.qria\'y.e(Shml :\:ie.'gite~:one'c~,py oftIie 'N.Qt~..ana"of.trii~'.S~~~iy:'li;1~~rui~~Ilt: . ."
<br />.' '1~. -:I)'~~f~ ',,?r ~h~~:Pr'ape.nY:' qJ:' ~'''Be*ticlall~terfiSt 'In. 'B!?~r~\;,er~ ':A,s..:~se~riirthis '.S~QtiOl1 )8;." .
<br />. "interes~ :in.'~e "Pfopet1Y.. ~i "~,ean{fipY' iegal.oi".~e.ae.fiotaI :,~t~re~r{p.'.t:he.".~~op'ertj, :)npl~44ig ;'"\:>ut tio,t, 'limiteo .
<br />, 'to, 'thci'sb.. ~~neficial iilt~r~:Sts '.t(!iri#~e'd.'in a :bon!1.fp( qe.ed, '~6ntrapi for' C!~: 't~st8I~hj.erif:sales .CojiU'li~t or
<br />'. :. .escrow .agreem~t; the. 'lnie~t"'ot:wbjch i.s .the. 'tr~ruife~ ~6t i1.~1"e' J>:~'-)30iIOW~'"at '# 'fii"iWe i1{tt~ 'ip '.li .puttllasir; . '": ' '.
<br />',' .-. If.~l':o~ iWy.pari of th~'Prope~ 'or ~y."liit~rest.~,tM'ptop~ttY ~~:sold 'Qr,tiafuifeit~ (o.t if}3qiT~wcr . .
<br />is. not a.na,tut;'a] porson'ail~. ;:i..beriefi~iarint~r:est ill Boi1~\yet-is.sQld f).r trM~~er:r~d). Witb:~~t ~aer!s p~j6r.' "
<br />'Wj'~t1eQ. :c.o\l$en,t, -Le~~.er...~j ,r~qq.i~e :~~~F~e, l~aYm~t' :'ll;1. 'JulJ "~( ~ . ~Ul~ ':s.ecl,i,r~fl.: by.-'this ;s~ui:ity, .
<br />. . c..: InStJiunent:.'.a~wev~~, 'this :,optipn: sli811. no(.b~ ~ierci$tl4..b:y ~nder:: if '5ri9h.";~~e):'dse','i~ "pr9p.ibited ,by. .:'
<br />'. . Applicable Law'.' . :-- .... '-.,.'''. :": :.'.',,:.:.: .....".::......\...... ".' '.'".' ......:"..'':'-'....: c'". ':.';---" '. .'
<br />. '.. . '.....: If "~l~de~' ~xerci~~ 'rh~ :oPtioq, '4Uder sh.all giv:e..:BQrio.w~r noti~e :Q( a~ler'dti~n:' '.the "noi~ce: 'S.tilul' , ".
<br />.' . prQv'ide .a .pen9d,'of.not leB.s th~ ~O day~ fiom tb:e-4~te"Xhe notiCe is gi~en'.i.n ij.c66rd.~ce \~ith"~e~tion 15" . ,
<br />. Wit1lip.' 'W~ich Bor~oy,i~~ ~~~ pay' an ~unis :sectiJl:;d. by tl~s :Se.,?Urity Insr~m~nt.. .If 'BP!to~~~ .'fa11~ 'i? p.ay , . . .
<br />these siWls prior. t~ .the' expiralio~ ',of tb.is '.periOd, Le.nder. iD\lY ~voke': ;ii;l.y temei;lies tiem\itte.d by t4i$
<br />securiiyll;ist:nm.l~t without further nQtice or d~m.iiD.d .on Bor.l'ciwer.' ..:. '" . . .:..... '. . :., .
<br />. . .'W;' nOiT~wer's'.Rlg4t to R~qIstate ~re.: <,\~er~i.tiQil. I~ ~oiTb~ef' meet~ '.(:~l:t8;iri dihdiqons,
<br />. Borrower !lhall 'have th,~ rigli~ 't~ haye enf9tc~yi).t of. ~~~, ,.Sel<\lnty .ms,~eil.t dis<;oDtinUeq. at. ~y. .t!nl,e .
<br />" prior to ~eeatliest Q.f: (a) five ,days P!:-f.ore, ~~I~ of. tbe Prop em-. 'PU~~ant to' il9y p~v!~r 'Qf s.ale .co.Q.tai~dd :irt
<br />this Se~udty ~nst~~t; .:(b)- ~li9h .~ther peni:;la I\s. App!ICtlbl.e Law. might. .sp~c.itY.. f<;lr 'tM t~ation of
<br />..Bol!ower's right ~o. reinstate;. ~t -(~), ~~~. oCa' juq~e.rit .~iUorciug .tb.is. S~~l1:ri,O/"J~sh:urnept:,Thbile
<br />cont:liq,ons. . are thai-. Boirowei: :(a) .pays ~i1dei'.. all .s~ wb;ich then wo\!ld, b~ 'd!l~--'\lllde( thiS S~.uriry
<br />liis~ent, 'aii.l:I the Note as' if no a~l~r~tio:n' p~4, occuiTtxl;.: (b) tures auY'.def;iwt of:.ap.y: .p~ler covenai1is . or
<br />agr<:leme-nts; , (c) 'pays ali expenses 'inc~ri.e~ ip entpfc4tg ,tpis 'Sec9fity- Insti'Utnent; iiic,iu4ing,' b~i" i:io't lii~ted
<br />. t\?, re!lSonaJ:il~ .~ttorn~ys' fces.,' properly ~pecii~~' ~d vill~atiQ!l' fec:S, ".and '~'0iber.,f(les 'i'~l~u~e~ 'fo~ the'
<br />'P?tpose of pro~ecting. Le~der's 'mte~eilt 1p. th.e Prop'!}ny' ap.d ~~ghtSundet.this S~ciIrity .msttuni~nt; ',~o .(d)
<br />~ I;il,i'ch action 'md..eilder' $ay l'eaSop.abIY".i~qliir? tjj asSufc."tqat Le.ri.~c'#'s interest.in i:h~'''PropertY 1ll1!:l, .
<br />. rights .:Un~ef tbis Se.curitY Instrument\', .and BOf!ower' S 6~I.lgatio~ 'tq pay .~~ su'~s' s~cur6d by thi~' ~~.c:~n~
<br />Instni.ment., shall.coJitinue Wlcnl\iJ.gea,.' Lender :may. require tliaL~oi:row~r 'pay web reinsttit~ment SWIS, aqd'
<br />~xpensesin one or .'mote Of the followiiig.'fo$&, '.as sel~qted by Lel~de(:' (a) cljsh;, '(b) 'IDr,,*y otder;: (c).
<br />. .cettifi~d check;, bank check, tieasur~i'$ 'check or' cashie(s cIi~; .p~6vidyd .imy'~~ch' chedk"is dravro upi;>h .
<br />'.lU}. '~nstijutioti ",whose.. :d~"l!!fs. ~e 'hi.$,ured ':by. .a !l'<de~i:.:a.g~ricy-, '.inlltf!.iI;I1~AWitY : or ..enttty; ..o~ ~(d) . ~ec"tr9mc ", . . ,
<br />. Funds Trailsfe.r. 'Vpol'!'reinstatet;U~tl.t bY.'BQ.rro'Wer.)hi.s Sec.Urlty m.sinun.~i:J.t: anq oJ>Ugat~on.s secUred 'hereBy.
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<br />. .. . . . . . . .. ... ..,~O;' OUti2.j7i3
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<br />~~6(NEH04~'1f:02 ~Pag.ll 0115 . . .~, . Fo~~.3.02~ ~~01
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