<br />200808908
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<br />by any govellUPental or regulatory !luthority, or any priv:ate party, that any l"emov~ or otber remediation
<br />of any Hazard~us Slil:ls~~ affec~il1g the Propertr is necessary. ~orrow~~ shall promptly take all n~essary
<br />rem~ial actiOilS in "ac!Xltdanee with Enviionme:iltaI: Law. Nothlng heTem shall ere'ate any .()~1ig!lti(lil on .
<br />'Lender, for ~:~nviro~~ntaJ:C;le~llP. " . . ' " " ',' .. ': . ' " ' . '". :. ' '
<br />, NON.UNIFORM COVENANTS. BQrrower an4 Lender funh.er covenant,imd, agree as'follows: ,
<br />, 22. 'AcceJetatlom R~medies. 'Lender 's~~lt give not.il:e to 'B~rt(,Wer pri,c;lt tQ 'accel~l:JtioJi (oUo~vi~g
<br />Borro~et's br~Cb, of any cQv~n~.~t' or ~iireeinent in ,this. S~~\ltity InsttUment Jbl;it. not 'pt!Q'r, ~o .
<br />aeteleratlon ....nUe( 'Sett.on '~8 u,n~~~ Applicable,taw provid,es !ithei-Wiae). The ilo,ti~ shaRsp~(y:. (8)
<br />the defatili.; (b) the ~~ti~p r~reii to cure 'the 'd~alJlt; (c) a dat~, hot l~s ~~~ ,~o. ~~ys frOlli .1:h~:<Jatc
<br />the hPii,ce;~ give~tO BQrrower,. by which the -4~atilt 1iru~t' be- cured; ~nd (d.) thai r~"Qre to_ ~I~e: ~he
<br />deCauIt:on'of be.ftire the date sp,epfltid -!h'the Il!ltice niily result (11 a~.e.,etJition,ofilie,s'u~s.s,ecti~~ by ,
<br />this S~urity- ..Ins,trument and, s,a.~, Qt tl~e:, J?ropettY~ '1:h,e: ~ptice ,~hall'f~.r.th~ ~~fo,rw ,B~ITo~~:r_~f t!u~', _
<br />dtltt-to :ret~~t~ :!ifi~,~"-~~~~i:a.,tt~n.-,,lJn~ -~~~',~~~t~,'~r~~~':,!\ '~O~l~~!lO:l;"'~o,'a,s~~~:,~~;~i9~7~l~~f*~ At "
<br />,n 'aiifaqlt',oi:-aJJY' otijei\def~n,s,e:of B~rro~te:r"tcr ~<<eleta~l.Qn ~q~ ,s!tle.:lf'th~,:4~{ap~t-,'is ,nQt:,t:1~t~d'.Q~ ,Qf .. ','
<br />': bfiprkiiii",!i,~i~' sp~d~i~d~~~,~ib~:~Pti~;: i;e~'~~,'apt#' :~p:ti,Qn.',m~r i~~i~it:ci, i(l\~~~i~:'p'ayme~li: iii "fliiJ:,Qf ,,'
<br />, aJhuins secu':'t:d,by, tb,i$ 'S~u'r.tY~l.~tt:utrl!$t, WitI;loiJf.rdJ1b~t:',deml1Jid.~~d 'fu'ay :i,llvoke ,the::pow~, M '
<br />, $al~_ ~,~~.,: any' O~~i rt#l~j,~" ':~li~~, 'I?Y' )\~~~~,Q~e" t~~. J",~~~' SI~,~.J!-::~~' ,~~,titi,~.. to, .-~~g~ :,illl
<br />, 'ex~~es, i~c~rr~~ ~li ,p~r&iif~t ,;~,~' -~~m~~: ~r.~~~~ Ip. ,t~,s Se:c~Oi~,~~" iiicl~d~iig;, ~u( Jl~tli!p!t~~_ to"
<br />r~6ri_a~I~,attQr.i~ers'_i'~,,-&,i1~~l;l~~ 9tti~le~~v~iieit'~... . ,-', ,_' _ _ -, :: _', >_ ,,"_,-" ': _,' -, ,', __:'_ ': '
<br />,: .", ,If, t~e.l)6~~r pC $~Il;Js'~u~o,ki;d,_ Tr~t~~-,$~Mn__ecord:_~ 'iotice',,~~ defa1i~~, i,p '~C~, COjl_~tr)~:, W'~icli,
<br />, ,any'paft~ (Jr,.the, Property '~ located ~~~ ~q~U -Q:J~[J '~op~~' {jfs,\u~h. notice in ~@ :m~f1,e.t ,p,~es~jlJ~'d"by
<br />AppUciible'Law to BI!~ower" and "to the' otluir pe~")Jls' {JrcScribed hjl, A;llpl~c3.ble ,L~w. ~~I':4i~':ti~e
<br />reqQir:~,by ApplicabJ~ Law, Trustee sha,U give PUblic_-IlQ,tice of s/lle'to ~e persons ,a:nd in the~an~,er .
<br />prescribed by AppUCal!'le'Law. tnis1;ee, 'without d,ent~iicl. on Bortt)wer; sllaU sell'tlie Pt:operti at ,
<br />pu~lic auction 'to the highest' bi.~del~ 'tl.~ ~e, time ~nd pJq_c~ !lnd 'up~er, th~ 'terms" desjgl)~t~{H~. the ,
<br />n~ii,ce 'ot sale in, o~eJ)r ttloie 'patcel~ and in any 'Jird,~r :'I\'iistee de~,1U,ine,<;. r~~~ee, ri1ay :po~tpo(J~,s,ale '
<br />oC aII' ot ,any 'p'ar~el ~f 't~e, ProPE;rty -by p.u~Uc ~ri(iO~tictmleiJt~~ the #me' a~d':ph\c~ ohiiiy" jlrevidu.~'ly
<br />scheduJ~il sale. Lender or-its de..<;ignee nlay purchase,l:4ePpJpeH.y,a't',UIY saie~' -_." __' ',' _: _', , ,': '
<br />,Upon J;eceipt of _PlIymen~ of ~~pi:'ice, bid, Trustee shall deliv.eJ: to the putclill~er "tr~~C\i's deed
<br />conveying the ':&operty. The' reci~s ,in the Trustee's deed,s,haiJ be prima' ract~ evidence ,at' the truth
<br />of the statelIl~nts' made therein. Tr:U~tee sh,~l ~p'ply the prg,ceeds of the ~a~e in the fo'Jio~ng or(fcr; (Ii)
<br />~o all costs and expeilsi:;!> of ~erclsll1g t~le 'po~e~ of sale, and the sale, lllclndillg tbe 'paymeu! of the'
<br />Trustee's fees llctuaUy incuri'ed SJid r~onahle attorneys' fees 'as perinitted '!Jy ~ppli~able ~a\y; (b) to
<br />aU SUIl4!1 -secur~~ bYtbili seCurity InS,:ru,mcnt; l1~d (e), any ,exces~ to the per'so~ or perso!J.9 lcga)~y
<br />elltiqed to it. " ' ,'" , , ' _ '-,'
<br />-, Z3. - -ReC'oi1Y.ey~ce. Upon, payment of all sums secur~ by this St;lctirity Ihstrument; Len(iet shall '_
<br />requl:lst Trustee to reconvey the Propeny and shall surrender this S~c;urity' Instrument al}d. a!J notes
<br />evidencing debt, secUI;ed by this Security Instrumen~ to- Trustee. Trustef; shllI! reconvey, the :Properiy
<br />without warianty t'o the person or persoill!legaIly entitleq 'to 'k Such person or persOlis - shall -gaY' any '.
<br />recordation costs. Lender may' charge'Su~b, per$ou'or perSOn!; l\ fee fOr,reconxeying the Propeity, bi.lt on~y
<br />if the fee is pllid to _a thirc;i party (such ,as -the Trust~e) for services re~dered im~ the 'chargmg .of the' fee is
<br />permitted under Applicab1e Law. " ", ' ' ',',:. ",_ _ " '_,
<br />24. SubsUtule Trustee. Lender, at its option, may.from tinie to ti~e 'iejt1ove Trus~ alld appoint asuccessor ttlistee to any Trustee appOinted hereunder by all i1istrument,J;'ecorded
<br /> ~n tl;l.e county in w!tiqh this
<br />secUrity Instru,wtnt is record,ed.. Without cqnveyance of the Property. ,!he successor trustee 'shall succeed to
<br />all the title, power ,and dutie1? conferred l!pon Trustee her~ui and by Applicable Law., , " ' , -
<br />, '~ZS. Request :for:,Notices.-Borrowe~ 'requests- that ..copies, of :the..notice of defau1t"an~, sale 'be 'sont ,to
<br />Borrower's address which 'is the Property Address. -,' -, - ,
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<br />..6CNEII0407I,02
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<br />P.g~ 13 of 16
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<br />, Q,~
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<br />Inli;IlI.,zjC:L(
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<br />0110283773
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<br />Form 3028 1/01
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