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<br />200807402 <br /> <br />b. All unfinished interior surfaces of the perimeter walls, floors, or ceilings not <br />comprising a Unit as described in Section 6 above, and serving less than all Units, <br />shall be deemed part of the Limited Common Elements allocated to all Units within <br />the Building. <br /> <br />c. If any chute, flue, duct, wire, conduit, bearing wall, bearing column, or any other <br />fixture lies partially within and partially outside the designated boundaries of a Unit, <br />any portion thereof serving only that Unit is a Limited Common Element allocated <br />solely to that Unit, and any portion thereof serving more than one Unit and less than <br />all Units is a Limited Common Element allocated to all Units to which it serves. <br /> <br />d. The Limited Common Elements shall be owned by the Unit Owners to which the <br />Limited Common Elements are allocated based upon their Allocated Interests and <br />shall be subject to those limitations and restrictions provided Common Elements in <br />Section 8. <br /> <br />13. Allocated Interest. The allocated interests for the Units ("Allocated Interests") for voting, <br />expenses, and other purposes described herein, are shown on the Schedule of Allocated <br />Interests in Exhibit "B". Except as otherwise provided herein, wherever the vote or <br />approval of the Unit Owners is required herein, such vote or approval shall require the <br />majority vote or approval of Unit Owners holding no less than seventy five percent (75%) of <br />the Allocated Interests. <br /> <br />14. Easements. In addition to the easements as provided by the Act and easements of record, the <br />Association and each Unit Owner shall have the following nonexclusive easements which <br />shall run with the land: <br /> <br />a. Encroachments. To the extent that Units, Limited Common Elements or Common <br />Elements encroach on any other Unit, Limited Common Elements or Common <br />Elements, a valid easement for the encroachment exists. The easement does not <br />relieve a Unit Owner of liability in case of his, her or its willful misconduct nor <br />relieve a Declarant or any other person of liability for failure to adhere to the Plats <br />and Plans. <br /> <br />b. Utili tv. Utility easements through the Property as may be required for utility <br />installation, maintenance, service, and repair, in order to adequately serve the <br />Condominium and the individual Units. <br /> <br />c. Common Elements. A nonexclusive easement for the use of all of the Limited <br />Common Elements appurtenant to said Unit as well as all of the Common Elements. <br /> <br />15. Easements over Common Elements. The Board may grant easements, leases, licenses, and <br />concessions over the Common Elements for the installation and maintenance of utilities and <br />for such other purposes as the Board deems to be in the best interests of the Condominium. <br /> <br />-6- <br />