<br />200803980
<br />
<br />any paYlll01lt or pill'tiJI payment IIlsu Ilk ".:nl to bring th~ Lmlll curren!, without waiver OLlllY rig.hts h~reLlll,kr ell' pr'~udic" to
<br />ih righh 10 rd,,,~ such payment or ['iHtial !Hly,nents i1l th~ I1mll'e, but Lendcr is nOt obligm~d 10 apply sueh payments at Ib"
<br />lime su~h paymcnls are accepted. It ellcllP"no,hc Puyment IS applwd as 01 ItS sGhe(htlcd uue dalC, then u'lHkr need not pay
<br />illkn:sl ollunapplil'd linKls. Len(b IHay hold such ullapplilOd hlllds unlil Borrowl'r 1I1akes p'1Ylllcnt 10 bring Ihe I.Dancun~nl.
<br />If Borrower do~s lint do '0 wilhin II I'easollable peri<ld of Ijlll~, Lendc,' shall eithor apply such l'Inds nr return thelll to
<br />Borrower. lfllot appji~d carher, sudlllmds will be applicd to Ihe e)lll~tallding principal balallce ullder th~ Note immcdiately
<br />prior to tOJ'~c1()surc. No olls~t Or claim which BOLTlllVeI' Ill,ight have now or in the Illture <lgnil1st LCllder shall relieve
<br />Borrower li'om tnaking paymc.nts due under tile Note ,md tbis Sewrity I.I\,lnlment Or perl"l'I11ing th~ '''lVenant~ and
<br />ngr~cments secured by thi~ Security Tmtrull\wl.
<br />2, APII!lculloll of Paym~nt~ 01" l'rncceds, Except ns oth~rwise described in thi, Section2, .tll paymcnt'
<br />nccel'ted "1Il1 applied by L~Jl,kr ,hall be applied in the l'ollowing onkr of prillrity: (<\) int,,,.,,S! dlle ulldor the Note;
<br />(b) prillCi/nll due UJl(krth~ Note; (C) iUl10WltS duc.,mdcl' Section3. Such paymenLQ,shnll b~ nppbcd to eneh Periodic Paymcnt
<br />Hlthc ()("( "I' 111 wlucll II becamc due. Any l'emallHlIg amounts ~hall be "pphed Ill'st to late chnrges, s"cond l<J any other
<br />HlI\OU1\lS due' ulldel' this Security lnstrument, and thelltO r~dlle~ the principii I balallce ()fth~ Not~.
<br />lfLellder rec~ives a paymentfi'om Borrower 1,,1' a dclinqu~ntl'crtodic l'ilYln~nt which includes a sllmci~nt 1111101'1111
<br />10 pay any Inte charg~ dm" the payment may be applicd 10 the dClinqll"ntl'aYlllent and th~ lak charge. If more thall one
<br />P~riodic Payment is (lutstanding, Lcnd~r n,,'y ()pl'ly allY paY'llent reeciv~d Jwm Borrowel to tho rcpuyment orthe p.'nodic
<br />l'''ymclll, i L and to the ex ICIII that, each pUYlI.lellt cun be paid in tiJll. 'ro IIw extenl that any excess ex ists aJlellhe payment is
<br />applied to thc full/-"IYl1\~nIOfone ur nlCll'~ Penodie Payments, such cxe~" may be apphed 10 any late dlorg~s dlle. Volllnlllry
<br />plcpllymcllls shal b~ "ppil~t1 Iirst to any pn:paYll1ellt charges and then a, de~eribed in the Note.
<br />Any "pplication orpaYJll~lIls, InSUlanec proceeds, or M.i~cellan~nus Proceeds 10 principal dll" IIndcl' \hc Notc
<br />,hallnol c"t~nd or ptlstptllle Ihe due d,lle, or change lill' amount, tli'the Periodic PuynlenLs.
<br />3, Funds for Escrow I telliS, B("TOWI.T shall pay tn Lendcr on the day Pel'i.)dic Payment>: ar~ dlle 'IINkr Ihe Note,
<br />lInlilth~ Note i.s paid illll,1I, a SUlll (tile "Funds") tn pl'Mid. tar paym~llt oblnoUllt.s due /'''1": (a) taxes and asse,(smetHS (Ind
<br />.)tlwr itcms which "Oil ullain priority IJVt\' lhis Security ll1SlrlllllentllS a lien or encLllllhnlllc" On thc Prl1p,"'ly; (h) leasehold
<br />p~lynH~IHs or ground n:nl~ 0.1.1 lht?' Propeny" iri.lIlY~ (c) prelUiUJII~ 1c..1I" any and all inslIranc(:': l"('q~llred by l...end~I' undcrS~l'ti.o1l5~
<br />IInd (d) Mortgage lnsuranec prellliullls, ifany, or any SlllllS payabk byHtlIT()w~" l() Lende.. inlierl OfUle payment ofMurtgage
<br />lnsllrance p..emilllllS inllceordance with th~ provisions of Sed ion 10. Tbcse il~1l.ls 'n'e c~llled "Escrow Items." At l1riginntioll
<br />0.. lit any time dllring Ihe t~nnoflhe Loan, Lender l\lay reqll.il'e Ihal COllllllunity AssOl:iatiun Dues, Fees, and A."essments, if
<br />1I11Y, be cscrowed by DOlT"wcr, and sllch dlles, tecs alld 'Issessrnellls shall b~ <In Escrow hem. BmTower shall promptly
<br />llllTli"lr tn Lend~1' aU llotices Ofalll<.HJt1(S to hc paid und~r this S~CtiOll. BOIT()wel' shnll PllY Lender thc Fund, 1'01' E,emw Items
<br />lInkss Lemler waives BOI'I'owcr'" obligation to puy th~ Funds 1,)1' any "I' nil E"cww Itellls. Lelld~r may waiw Borrowcr's
<br />oblig<ltion 10 pay to Lender FlInds fiJr any or all Eser,)w It"llls at allY time. Ally ,lIeli waiver may ollly be in writinl,? In the
<br /><:'VCllt ofsllcli waiver, Borrowcr shall pl1.y directly, whcn and where payable., the lllllllunts dlle hI' allY Esel'Ow hem" lor which
<br />payment of FlIllds bns been waived by Lellder and, if Lelld~r reqllires, shall tllrnish to Lender reecipts evidencing sLldl
<br />paytnent within sllch time period as Lend~r nl<lY reqllir~. Borrower's obligation to makc sllch payments and to provid~
<br />recdpts shall t,)I' all purposes be deetn~d to be a C(lVGllllllt ,",d agreement containcd in this Securily Illstl'llln~nL as the phr'l.se
<br />"covenant imd 'Igreemenl" is lIsed in Scetion 9. IfBor['()wer is obligated to pay Escrow ltelllS dircetly, pursm.lnl to a waivcr,
<br />and Burro\vcr lliil, to pay th~ amOUnt dtl~ tor an Escrow lL~m, L~nd~r muy exereis~ ils rights nnder Seetiun 9 and puy such
<br />amOllllt and Borrower shall then b~ obligatcd "udcr Section '-I to rep"y to Lender any SUcl, amount. [,,'IKler lllay rGvoke the
<br />wnivel' as to any 01' ullEscrow IJ~llls Ut any tjm~ by (I noti.e glven inllccordunec with Section 15 und, upon sllch revo"ation,
<br />Borrower shall pay to ullder all funds, alld in such '.trllount~, that'1l'e then r,,()uired undcl' thi~ Section 3.
<br />. Leud~r n'''y, <It 'H\~.!illle, tolk"t and huld FUllds in an lHllount ((1) sulhcienL to pcrmit LeI'tdcI' to apply. the FlItld" Ut
<br />the tlmr speclhrd Llnd"r RE::;!' A, and (b) IKlt to exee~d the lna'llllurn alllOunt a knder cllllre'IUlr" under RESl'A. L~nder
<br />shall estinlllte tht amount of 'Funds due on the basiS ,lfelU"rent d,lta a1\(1 n;,a~onable estimat"s ol"expcllditlil'es ofli.tn,,'('. Escrow
<br />ItUllS Dr olh~rwise in accordanc,: wilh Applie.able Law.
<br />The r\lIlds shall be held in an institution whose depo~its al~ insllred by a I(;del'<11 "gency, instrumen!lllity, or entity
<br />(illeluding L~nder, ifLelld~r is an mstitut(Oll whose deposits arc ~o insul'ed) or in anv F~d~l'lll H.olUc LDanUank. Lender shall
<br />upply the FUllds to pay Ihe Escruw itcms no Imel' thun the time speeified ulld~l.' RESP A. Lcnder shall not chargc Borrower
<br />I(w holding ami ttpplying the Funds, annually analyzing the ~scrow account, or v~rifyjng Ihc E~crow ltems, unless Lender
<br />pays Borrowcr inten;st on tlte Funds and ApplieJbk Law p~rmiL, Lendcr 10 rnal" such a ch:,rge. Unless au agreement i~
<br />mmlc in writing llr Applicllblc Law requir~s Interest to be paid ,.It.lth~ FlInds, Lend~r shall not hc required (() llaY l3orr(lw~r
<br />",ny imeresl or earning, on thl' Funds, Borrower lInd Lend~r can agree in wl'lting, how.cvel', th,ll interest ~11<I1I.?c. paid on the
<br />I'unds. Lendcr shall give to BlItTOWer, wtthoLlt chllrge, an annual acee)lJn!lllg 01 the hillds as reqUIred by RES}> A.
<br />If there is a surplus (lfFlJnd~ held in cscrow, as ddjn~d lindeI' RESPA, Lender shalllle"OUnt tll130ITOWCr for the
<br />exel'S.' n.mds in accordance with IliiSPA, lfthcrc is a shortage t)I'FlItlds hdd in C"erOW, us dc!ined lIndeI'RESPA, Lend",'
<br />shall notily l3orl'ower a" required by Ilii::;Pt\, and BlllTOWC,' shull pay to Lendcr the attlOUI)1 Ileeessnry tOnlake up the
<br />,hurtag," ill a".C\.lnlallce with )tESPA, bUI in no mOI:e ,han 12 llIonthly paYlllents: Jf therc is :.1 dcliciency of FUllds held in
<br />e"OrOW, as delmed tinder RESI' A, L~ndcl' shull notdy Borrower as r~qutl'ed by Rl.:Sl' A, and Borrower Sh,ll1 pay to Lender tile
<br />:HlIotllllneeessul'Y to milke up the deficiency in uccordattce with lU'SPA, but in no nlOrC than 12 monthly paymellts.
<br />[Ipoll payme1\t i1\ IlllI 01':.111 sums "ecul',.,d by this S~c'lriIY IJ1StrLIllleIlt, Le1\der shall!lI'lllnptly relilnd tuBOlTower allY
<br />Fllnds hdd bl' L~lIdcr.
<br />4, 'Clulrges; Liens, Borl'ower Shllll pay all laxcs, ass~ssll.l~nlS, dmrges,lilles, alld impositi"", auributubk 10 the
<br />Property whiCh eiln nttain priority o\'~r this Sc"urity TnSlrnmelll.leilsdlOld pilyn\<,lHS or ground renh on the Property, irany,
<br />and Comnlllnity Association Du~s, I:ees. nnd Assessments, ifilny. To lile cxt"llIllli\tlhe~~ items arc Escrow hems, llort\lwer
<br />,lmll pay thcm in the nmnner pro";(kd in Section 3.
<br />Borrower shall promplty di~dli\l'g~ allY lien which h,IS priority over Ihis S,'curity lnslrumcnl unk" Borrower: (a)
<br />agrees in writing to the payment ofthe obli~ati()n sccurcd by the lien in u manner a('eeptablr: to Lcnd~r, but only so long as
<br />Borrower is performing sudt agre.emcllt; (b) contests the licn in good fuith by, or dcknds " <(ainS! cnli)('eelllent of the lien in,
<br />legal proc,,~dings which in Lcnd~r's opinion opcrate [0 pr~wnt the entoreement of' th~ ITen while thusc proceedings al'e
<br />pending, bUI only l!'ltil such prueeedin,gs are condudcd; or (~) secllres fi'Oln the holder orthe lie~ anagrCCllltlus<\lisJilcmry 10
<br />Lender subordlllilllllg thc hell tll 1lllS SC(:urtty Tn~trUl11cnl. II Lcnder detemllnes thilt any P!lIt of the Property IS suhJect 10 !I
<br />lIell which can attain priority ovcr this Security Instrulllellt, Lelld~1' may give Borrower a lIoli<,~ identifyillg tlte lien. Within
<br />I () days orthe dal" oil which thaI n()tice is giv~n, Borl"'\.lWI;'1' shallsatis1y the li~n Or tal", one 01' 1110re ofthc ad ions set I.(mh
<br />~Ihove in this S~ctio)l 4.
<br />Lcmlcl: IlUlY requ~rc BC,;H"H)\.l,,:Cl" h"l pay a one~t.illH~ charge tbr ~I nt-a!. e~tatc ta)!. vcril'1cutiof\ and/ur reporting service
<br />uscd by L~l1(ler III connection wltIllh,s Loan.
<br />S, PnlllCl'ty I"SlU"IlICl', Borl'ow"r ~hall keep the inlpl'ovemenls now existing or herc,iller erected 0\1 tlie l'mp"nv
<br />insured against loss by lir~, huzards included within the IeI'm "extended coverage," and any olher ha/-Urds including, lHI! m;t
<br />IituiWd .10, ~l\rthqunkes and Ooods, Illl' Whic.'1l Lel.l,.krrequircs insurance. n~is illsuranee shall bc.' maintailled in Ih~ ,nnou!'ts
<br />{Indudmg deductible kl'els) and 1m the l',:nods 111llt ,Lcnder req'"rl's. What Lelld~r requu'e.' pursllantl" the preceding
<br />st'nkIlC~s clln challge dunng. Ihe tenn 01 the Loall. rhe IIlSUnlnee 'lIrner provld.l1lg tlte IIlsura.uce shall be ehos,," by
<br />BOl'l'o\wr subject to Lellder's right to disapprove Borro',,'r's choice, which right sh"lI not be ellcrcised unreasonably.
<br />Lender may require Borrow"r to puy, in CllllneetiCltl with this Loan, either: (.1')" olle..tinw chH"g~ It". 1100d 70ne
<br />determinatiOll, ~crtitieatl(lJ) and tnlckillg serviGes; or (b) a oll~.til1l~ (,hargelur l100d zon~ detcrminal.ionnnd ccrtili"ntion
<br />servkl.'s und subsequ(:nl ehllrges ca~h lin1t' renlllpping~ or similur cll:lllg.es OGCLlI' which reasonubly might atke! such
<br />
<br />NEnItAS1\A--Sillgto r'"Hil,...Falllllc ~'I",'/~I'<'ddi. M"" UNIFORM INSTllUM(o;NT
<br />1~:.%,('V !1:H.J1l.1 O~.II:~7
<br />
<br />(>\tERS)
<br />
<br />FUI'ln J01H I/U I (iHlge 3 (!l8/mgl"s)
<br />C.'C'llUVt;" Thiukjn~. Illl',
<br />
<br />(iU:i){{)(lIO.~2~r:
<br />