<br />200803980
<br />
<br />(Q) "RESI'A" me~1\1S the Real Eslale Settlement Proced'lres Act (12 1.1,$.C. *260 I et soq.) >HId its implementing I'<:gullll;on.
<br />Regul<lt;Oll X (24 c.r.n. Part 35(0), as they might be umended fro~ll tin~e to time, or any Rdd.itioll<\1 o,r SucceSSM le~islation
<br />or "cguhlllolllhat governs tllC same sub.Je\:tlllatlel'. As used IrI th~s Secunty lnstrument, "RESPA" lekrs te' alll'eqllll'emellls
<br />'1\1d lestlicti,)1lS thilt (Ire impo.sed in regard to a "federally related mortgage loan" evc" if thc Loan does Ilot qualil)' as :,
<br />"kderally rdOled mortgage 10""" umkr RESPA,
<br />(Il) "Successor luluterest of ""rrower" lllea\U; allY pany that ha, taken title to the !'l'Operty, whdhel or not thai parly has
<br />assumed Bormwer's obligal.iutLs "Ilder the Note and;'or this Seculity [nslnllnent.
<br />
<br />
<br />Tile bend,clHIY "I'this Securily Instrument is MERS (solely as nOJ1liilee f(lr Lender und Lellder'~ "u(;t('~sors anda",igns) and
<br />the SUGe<"s"rs and assigns "fMERS. This Securily Instnnnent ,ecures to Lellder: (I) Ihe rep"Yllletll of the L.oan, and ~,II
<br />renewals, exten,;iuns and modifications of the Nol.e; Hnd (ii) the performance ,,1' Borrower's covel!"nts and ag,-<,cments
<br />under Ulis Security Instrument and the Note, For thi~ purpose, Borrel\ver il'l'e\'o,ubly grants and conveys to Trustee, ill
<br />tru~t, with power orsak, thc follllwing described property kleated in the f.l!!}!!.ty_"._,__~___..__,,~.
<br />or Han_______.__._..__,,_____~'" [Type llfRenlrding Jurisdiction]
<br />[Nan", urRecording .Jurisdiction]
<br />
<br />LIll Fin' (5), .Iefl'n'y Ollks Eighth SubdiviS!(ln, in the City of Grand island, Hull Coullly, Nebrllska
<br />
<br />witich currently lias I.he address of 402~1'!~rsenlnn ~ venlle
<br />
<br />[City]
<br />
<br />[Slreell
<br />, Neb,,,sku 68803 ... ~ ("Property Address''):
<br />[Zip Code)
<br />
<br />Gnllld bland ___
<br />
<br />TOGETHER WITH ,Ill the improvements now or hereafter "reclcd ou the property, ami all ea~enlellls,
<br />appul'lerUHlees, and lixlures ll()\\i ()r hcrcafl.t'r a pal-( ()fthe property. All replflcel1lent.~ and ndditiolls sl,,1I1 also be covered by
<br />this Security 11Istnlll1enl. All of (he k"-cg<ling is refcrr~d 10 in this Securily lnstnllnent as rhc "PI'(lpel'ly." Borrower
<br />nllderslollds ol)d agree, that MERS holds only kgal titk to the interest, grankd by Borrower inlhis Security II~qrUmcllt, but,
<br />ifneeessary to cllmply wilh l(tIV ()r cuslom, MERS (a~ nominee f'Or Lender and Lender', SU(ei"ssors (llld assigns) has tli~ right:
<br />to ex~rcise any or all uflll\Jse inter~sts, including, but not limited tn, the I'ight to ((1reclClse and sdl th~ Property; alld to take
<br />any acti()1l req\Jll'~d of L"nder including, but nClt limited to, rei caging lInd calleding thig Security Instrumellt.
<br />
<br />BORROWER COVENANTS thaI. Borrower is lawfully seised of the cgtale hereby conveyed lllld ha~ tlte right to
<br />grunt and convey the Property und thut the Property is unencu111bered, exeept tor eneumbrances of record, Borrower
<br />warrullts and will defend generally the titk to the Property against nil cJail1l~ IInd demands, subject I() IIny encumbrances of
<br />ree"rd,
<br />
<br />THIS SECURITY INSTRl.JMENT col1lbine5 unitlmu covenants j(ll- national USe IInd nOll-uniform covenalllS with
<br />limit,:d vllr;aliL\n~ by juri~dictiQn to eonslitute a unifonll ~ecurity in$tnunent covering real propeny.
<br />
<br />UNIFORM COVENANTS, BOl'rower and Lender covenunt und agree as follows:
<br />10 hl.l'lUClIl of l'rillcipnl, IlItHcst, Escl'OW Items, Prepuyment Chal'ges, lIud Lnle Charges, Borrower shall
<br />pi'y w"~t\ due the principal 01'; and int~rest on, the debt evidenced by the Note und IIny prepayment charges and late charges
<br />duc under the Note. BOl'rower shall also PHY tlmds j(ll' Escrow [ten" pur,ulInt to Seet;,m}, Paymcnts duc under the Nllle
<br />lInd Ihi~ S~curily I.nstrument shaH be made in U.S, currency, Howeyer, ifany check or other insll'lltllelllr~ceived by Lendel'
<br />[l!-i paymcnl uJld~t' (he NOle 01' tllis SeclIl"ity 1,J\~trument i.s returned to Lender unpaid, Lender 111\1)' require I'hnt i:\ny (')1" all
<br />subsequent payments due lltlder Ihe Note Hnd this Secmity Instrument be lllnd~ in one or Il)ore llf the lollowing 'I'(1I'In~, as
<br />Sdccled by Lemler: (a) cash; (b) m()Jley order; (e) cel'lilied check, bank check, tl'tasurer', check or <:llshier's check,
<br />pl'oYi<kd any such che"k is drnwlI UpOll an in~litution whose deposit~ ~lre insured by n kd<,ral agency, in~trumel1tality, or
<br />cntity: m (d) F1eclronic Funds Transfer_
<br />l'aymenLs are deemed j'cceivcd by' Lender when received al the location designated iHlhc Nnte or al such otht'r
<br />localion as may be designaled by Leuder in accordance with the llotice provisions in Section] 5_ Louder InllY rcntl'll any
<br />paYIllt'nt 01' panill[ paymcnt iflhe payment or pal'lial payments are in$ufficient lo bring the Loan Cllrrent. L.ender nlllY1JCc;ept
<br />
<br />NEBRASI,A.-';;inllk ['amily.-Fannie Mae/f,oeddte Mac UNIFORM INSTlW~1.ENT
<br />I::::J5f,.('V i 12:~)I.1 US-II3"!
<br />
<br />(MERS)
<br />
<br />Form 3028 1/0 t ('p(lgt' 2o/8IJage.\')
<br />Cn:lItin' Thinldll~. lill',
<br />
<br />(: \ J I \ )'. ',Ill; \ '.~~ ..;. ,\ :
<br />