<br />200803980
<br />
<br />d"'C1'Illin"tioll ur """tiJlcll\ion, 81JITOW('1' shull <lisu he resl'lJllSible I'Jr the p(Iynlel1l or any k~s illlIN,"'d by Ilw I'~"kr<ll
<br />bl1<'rgcnC)' Mailage/lIt:m Agency nl COIHK'dloJ1 wllh Ihe review <"I illlY Hood lO1\e (klel'l1l1Wlllonl'C"snltlilg Jrclill '"l ohle'I,:II\)II
<br />hv BornJ\v"r
<br />, If Borrower Urils III lI1ainl"llI nny 0(' lh~ .;overages desnil",d ab()vc, Lender n1(lV obtuin in,urallce' coverage, "I
<br />I..t"llkr's oJ'.li(lI1 alld DOITO\\'n's e,'pt'ilse, Lemler is under no oblignt.iun 10 purc'has,: allY pnnil'ldllr Iypc, Or '")lOUIll 01'
<br />"ov~ragl', I krclurc, ,lid, CO\nall-c shall e:Owr Lender, bllll11lght or 111lghl not prote"t Oornlwcr, l:lornJlve, ,elJllIl)' Inlh..
<br />Prupclly, or the c.:UlltL"'l1H;. ur tlH~ Pn)pl;:.'Jty, (\gai~js( (lilY /'isk. l1i:ll.an.:l Of liability and migllt pl'()vidt:..~ great(,~j' or leSS!:..'!" ...:UVl:"l"llg~':
<br />[hiln \l,/ils pr!:~\'i(Jl\,';-.I~! ill rUcl..:l. Bon uwer th..:klhJwkdgr:-:i t1Hll the (O~l ur the insunllh.:r c()'\r~rage su ()btnillrd Inighl ~iglli flc1.1 11 t1y
<br />c,~e:l'ed th~ "','$t ur lll~Ui'l\IlC" I"''' Bon'<)\I'~'r cOlild Ita"" nbtailled, AliI" HJllO'''\!..< disbllrsed bv Ll'llder under Ihis Sel'lk'll) shHl1
<br />b",:ollle nthlllI('llllI dcbt orBorr0w,,,,ecul',d by thh Set'lir;ty Illstrlilllenl, The,,' 'lilHllilllS s!J'lll bellr illl,'resl '1'1 the Note rlll('
<br />Ijl"n Ille' date of di,bLII's"lllcnl and ,1",11 b<, paynble, wilh sncoll illlerc,l, lIpOllllulice IhJl1ll.ender to Borrow"r req".sl;llg.
<br />paYl.Ilcnt.
<br />
<br />All iJlslIl"HKe p"llcies reqliil,'d by Ltl1dcr nlld rellcwals Dr s,,~h polie:ies shall he SLlbj"cI tD L~IHJer', righl 10
<br />disapproVe' ~"dl policies, shull includ~ II standard mortgugc' dallse, alld shall IHllllc L,,"d.r liS Im'l'lgagee '"ld;'H ns an
<br />addiliollllllo" paYl'e, 1.l'l1del' slwllim"" lhe righl to hold Ill" policies alld rcnewul e:<.:rtilkat~s, IfLende,- requil'es, Dor".>wL'1'
<br />shall prul1lplJy gi"" In LeJlder .dl n'ecipls ofpllid pl'emiLllJ1s .1ml renewal Jlolices. IfBolTo\wr oblains Cln)'I('I'I11 of insnnlne:I"
<br />e:o""rag',- not olberwisc rcquit,<'d by L<',ndcr, lor damage 10, Ill' de~tl'uelion of, lhe Prnpel'ly, such polk,y shall inclnrk a
<br />slfllKlard lilorigalie ~llIlIse and shllllnal1lc Loudel' liS nl\'rtgllgee and/ol' as an additional I(>ss payee.
<br />Iii lite event ufloss, BOI'rower shall giw promplnotie<'10 the iIlSlIrllnce e:arricr "nd Lender. Lender 11l11YIUilkc proof
<br />oflos~ i rllot Ill"'''' promplly by BOI'I\\wer Unless Lender lInd 1301'l\lIwr mlterwise ngl'ce- in wl'itiug, any inSlinnc" proe:eed,.
<br />wh,elhcr Or nut Ihe nnd~rlYlUg insurance was required by Lender, sltall be- applied to reslonilion 01 Ie-pail' oflhe Ploperly, ir
<br />Ihe rcstumliun Or rcp'lir is eeonomiClIlly tea~ibk and Lender's s<cul'ily;, npt I""encd, DUl'ing ~uelt l'~p"lil' alHI rl"SlOI'1liOIl
<br />period, LelJ(kr shall have Ihe nghl In hold sl'lcb in~unlllce proe:eedl Ulllil Lcmler 1m, hlld an opporlonily lu ilhP'-c:( ",I"h
<br />Prop"rty to ensure Ihe: work has btell cl'llllplcted to Lcndn's satdhcrion, proVided thm sllch insp"ctioll shall be I.\IKkrlnkefl
<br />pl"umptly. Lendcl. muy disburse I:H~H...'ceds f()f l'IK~ repairs aud n.'s!OJ'iHiull jn a singk", pnYlllCl11. ~)r ill a St'n~~s of progll..:'ss
<br />I"'!', llcnls as the WDI''' is cOJllI,lekd, LJllkss all, 3gr"ellle1\r is made in writing or Applicable Law It, 'qlli.re~ inler,',tlo be paid
<br />Oil su~~11 iH~UnillCf.,~ pru~eed$, __ender shall11or. b~ required to P~IY BQH.()'\\,cr nny intel.cst Dr earnings On ::lIc!1 pnJrecds. J:""i:t.'s
<br />I,'r Pllblir: "diuslel", or oth",.third p'u'U,s, rr:lnilled by BOITowcr shall nol be p"id ('Lit oflhc il1~U1aI1Le proceed, and ,h,,1I (w
<br />Ibe sole lIbligatiOll <,,1' Borro\vcl. Jf Ihe !'c,tornli"!1 I"r !'epair IS not cLonomkillly It'~sible O!' Ll'lldc'r'" Icr:lInly \\'onld b!:
<br />Iess!:llcd, II", insurall~c pro~ccd" shall bc lIpplicd 10 Ibe WfIlS ,e'",red by Ihis Sen"ilY lliSlllllllelll, whtther Or nOltbm due,
<br />wilh Ihe e,e:ess, ifany, paid to Burrower SLldl in""'Hlceproc<:eds ,IIlIII be applied in till' order plo"id~d ((lr ill Seni\Hl 2
<br />I r Bormw"" abn1l</(Hls Ihe hop~rty, L,ender may liJe',lle,\c'liate alid settle allY ",vai labk ilislinlllc" claim""'d l.clalt'd
<br />maller" I[BolTowcr docs Ilolrespolld wltlllll 30 day, tl) ",not.ec h-olll Lctlder thlll the Insuranc'c carl'l~1' has lIl1er.'d III '"'tile'"
<br />claim, llil"n L,,"def may negotiale and S€UIe lilt, claj"" ThG 30-day periud will begin \"Ilcn the IIoli",I" is gil'cII, In "ilhl"1'
<br />('ve"l, or IrLClldcr llC<lllil'es tk Prupertv unda Sectioll22 or otherwi,e, Borrower herehy assiglis 10 Lender (a) Borrower'"
<br />rrghlS to ,Illy illsural1"" proceeds in 'HI <lH10lUlI not IU exceed Ihe all\oUnt< \Inpl1id 1I1ldel' Ih,' NOle m Ihi, Secllrity Instl'ulllent,
<br />~1I1,d l:b) 'Iny" olhc'l' ("rBt)rrowC,'" rights 10Ihe,I,'lhan Ihc rigJUto nny relllll,dofuneill'Jl,ed PI,,'''",'liulII,S I~aid by B'"TPW\,:r,.Il1111kr all
<br />IllSUrllll"~ l'ohGlts ~overJng the Properly, IIlso1ar as slld\ 1'lghts ell'e nppllcablc 10 the cO\'l'ra,\le 01 thc l'roperty. Lelldel' II Illy
<br />u,e the' II'hllmlll", Pl'o<;""ds eilher to rel'l1il' or rcstor, lhe Propel'l)' Dr 10 pny anlOllll[s unpaid u",:I,r Ihe Note PI' tbis S<'ellrity
<br />()lSlI'UIIII"III, whcth~r 01' nol 11'('n dLle.
<br />I., OC'''''l'llllcy. Born!\wr shall OCCIlPY, ",tablish, <llld use t.he Properly l1S Bnrrower's pnllcipallt'si<i(:IILC' wtlhin
<br />bl! day, aHer 'hl' exc(.'ulion orthi, Security Ill,IrU'llent and shall eOHlinue 10 "e:cupy Ihe Property 'IS Burl'l'Iw('I', prim:ip,,1
<br />l"\;:'sjdr,;:Il\.;t; 1~.Il' allcwH (lilt' year afk'l' the d<ltt:
<br />ur I'Iccllpancy, UII:i"SS Lender olhcl'wise agr~es in writing, whkh COllx!"nt shall nOI be ulireasonably withheld, "r IlIlk"
<br />~x{enl.lHtiHg l,.':irC~l1ns(un(:t'~ exist I,'v'hich an.:~ beyond Bot'1'owt,~r's CQUtl\JI.
<br />7, l'r~S\'l'''nlioll, MalUlelHlIlCl' aud I'nJlfetioll or till-Properly; I"SI"'clioIlS, Burro\wr shall 1101 destroy,
<br />dal11age "III1IIMir Ihe Property. allow the Pmpeny 10 rlelq-ioralc lJr eon\lnltlVnst~
<br />Oil Ihe I'ropen", Whether 1'.'1' n"t Borro\\'Cr is r~sid,lJ1g ,ill the i'1\,pcrly., BDlTov~cr shlilllllainl"i!1 lhe Pr('l'c'ly ill ",dn I',
<br />pl"eV<'~lll tilt: Pf'Op~l"ty from d~t(~l'ltm.Hl.ng OJ' dt':(::I'CUSHI,K ljl value due to IlS ':OJldn.II:lI.1, Ullk"~s It' IS (kleI"1l1IHt"d punalfllll l'u
<br />Seclion 5 Ih,,1 repuir OJ' "'~sllJ,.,.tilJn is nOI ceollomicully kilSihlc, BrllT(lWCr shall plOl1Iplly rep,lir Ihe Properly il'damaged to
<br />U vI..)id l\;tnllcr delCrlOnHil>.n or dUJllagt+, If insuraJ1Ct~ or C(lnd~llllH~1 ion pI'(H.:t'cds a 1-(". paid in con.llccliOll, \\iilh d~\l1\lIge t~\ Or Lilt
<br />lliking "r. Ihe .l'lOpcrty, l3I'H'rl1\Ver slmll be rcspoll,ibk lor repairillg or rcsloring the Propel'ly ollly lfLendcr b:,,, rclc'lscd
<br />pJ'oee"ds llll' such purpo~"s, Lender ImlY disburse proceed~ lor Ihe repnir~ and reSlorallon in a singl" p~lyrn"lll 01' ilia -:cries
<br />uf progn.:''ss p~lYlnenl~ as the vtOl'k j~ c.ol'l1pleted. U the i~ls11rance 01" (,;ondemmuioH prOCI.,~eds al"(~ not suITic.K'nllO l"('pnjl. ur
<br />I~store lit" l'l'ol'cony, BorllJwel' i, nol ldieved ofl:hH'I'l.wer's obligalion !'i:>1' the enlnpletiOIl ofs\leh rqJair or re<;l(\ralion,
<br />LClIuer or ils (lgent' Il1lJ} mak~ rea~<)n"ble cmrit's lIpon nnu inspections of the Properly, If il has 1'('a"""lble C(Hlsc.
<br />Le.ndcr Ill"Y illsp.ed Ihe Intcriorot' Ihe il~IP!'ovelllellts on the Property, Lellder shall giv~ llorr"wer noticc "I' llie limc \,1' l'r
<br />prior 10 sud, allll1lCrlor 11lSP~"ll0l1 spec' dYing slIch rl'("on'lbl~ e:allS~,
<br />8, Borrower's LonnAppuclIlioll, Borrower shull be in detimlt it: during tht, 1.0:1\'1 appli<;i1liol1 pro"~ss,,
<br />Bornnver l,'1' nny pcr~oll:;; or entities nCling nt the dircctiOJl ofBorn.lwcl' OJ" wil.ll13orrowt'r's knl)wk~dge or \..~OIUjt'11l' g~IVt.~
<br />Illllr('rinlly !.:rlse, miskndill~, 01' hWCClii'l\te inljll'luntioll 01' <;tl.ll(,m~nl, 10 LenJer (or li\iJcd to provide Lemler willi o1<llel'inl
<br />iullll.llwli"n) in cOtlll~elil}u w illllhe LoaJ\. Material repl'csenmtiol1,s irlclude, bill .11'(., not limiled 10, IcpreS"tJl"I"'ll, l'Ol1cemill!,(
<br />Dorrowel"s (\ee:lIp'll1cy of Ihe Properly 'IS BCllT()W~"'s pl'il\oipall'~.oid"",,c,
<br />9. I'I'0tcdion of Lcn{/t'r's lulel'l'st III tllc Properly aud Hights l'ndl'l' this S""urilylllslnllUl'lll, JI'
<br />(a) Burnlwn !ilib 10 perlOl'lll Ih" eO\'l'llilillS aud Clgn,ements cI,mtained ill {/lis SC~lIriIY 1l1strutl1enl, Ib .I111ere is n leg:"
<br />jlJ'("~cedj"g t1tallllighl signjti~nntly ullecrL<;n<Ier's illlel'est inlhe Pr()p<~r1y and/ur righlH ullder this Securily InSll'Llillml (.such
<br />(I,,, "well,-ding in b"nkrllptcy, pmb"lc" lor C.'Ondellllwllon or Ii:>rkilurc, (or enforcement or a lien whidl nUlY uuain primily
<br />"vcr Ihls Stellrity In'lrllmenl Or to enlOI'e:e laws or rcg\ll"tions), or (e) Bonow~r h(ls abandoned lIw Prope,rty. I he'll Lender
<br />Ill")' do (Illd pay lor whnle"er i~ reasonilbie or IIppropl'iute to p,ot(,et Lenlkl"s interest illl!t" Propel'ly alld righls under Ihis
<br />St""I';I)' 1111(ilnnent, including prote(:ling al1'1'ol' nssessing tlie 1',,11.1(' or lh~ Pil'l,l('IlY, ilnd sl"c'uring and/or repiliring Ih"
<br />Properly, Lemb"s acti(lIls eilll incll.I<lc, but are nOllimiled 10' (l\) payinlJ nny Selllls ~"cur<'d by a li"n whiCh h~IS prinrily OI'Cr
<br />this St'GlIllt)' l:nSU'lliner1l: (b) appearing in ,",'urt: """j (c) paying r.a~<lnable attorneys' 'lees to protecl its illten~st illth"
<br />Properly tnlllinr righls under Ihi~ Set'lIrilY InSlntl\lcltl, including its secllred PO~il,ion ill u bankruptcy proceeding, Sl'r:lIrin!,(
<br />Ihe I'n'>p<'rty ineludes, blll i, not Jilniled 1.0, entering Ihe Property to !\lake repuirs, change lo<.:ks, r"plae:" Or board lip door,
<br />nnd window" dl'aill wllter li'onl pipes, eJirninat.e bllilding OJ' olhl'r cnde violuliolls or dangclOlIs (:ooditions, and ha vc uliliti",
<br />IiJrned on (]I' olf Although L.ender lHiI)' I<lke aelion under this Scetinn ;), Lender l\(,es llotlin ve 10 do so and i~ not L1mkr nn\
<br />dLlI)' ur oblig.atiOJllo do su. II i~ agl'e~d Ihlll Lcnder inl1Uls no lillbility Il)r nl'.'tlnking <lilY ,'r all actions authoriled ullder tllis
<br />Section !J.
<br />Anv arn"unts disbu!"",l bv Lcmkr (Ind"l tllis Section Y ,h<lll bC(:(lI\lC (lddililHII,1 ddH "fOOl nlll''''' s~c'U1<'d bl' Ihis
<br />S"e:lll'HV In,t'rLlnl<:m, The"~ IlrllOlilJi, sil:lll bellf interest. althe Noll' rate li'ol11lil~ rkite 1',l'd>slHlIsemclll and ,hall be l'a:abk.
<br />wit.h such inkJ "sl, UpOIlIIl.>li<:e liul\l Lcond~r to Bornm'Cl' requesting paYll1ell1.
<br />if Ibi~ SClUrily ImlrulUelll is 011 a I~a~ehold, Borrower shall comply wilh all th€ proviSlollS oflh" lease, Jrl:lurrOWlT
<br />n"qoires kt' title 10 the, Ploperly Ille leasehold and til, k. Litk. shnllnot metge unless Lemler ngr"~s 10 till' merger in wriling,
<br />11,1. ~lortg"ge Illslu'lllle.,. II.' Lender required Ml.)rtgil~e JIl,\lIf(IIK,' as it COnditIOn ",I.' Illakinglh" L""n,
<br />flurn.>l""r shull pay Ihe pr"'niull\S r~'lllired to lIwintaillthe Monguge U1SUmtlce ill efteeL If 1(", '1I1Y reilSOIl, Ihc Mortgag<'
<br />IllSurmKC, ('('verage reqllirt'd by Lender cei!S(:S t<.\ be' available frolIllhc Illongngc insurer lltat previuusly IHovi'bl stl,,11
<br />
<br />NEnHASh..\,.-Sil,gl~' 1~;tl]]jly~-F:ll1uh.~ :\ll'('fl~l-~'dd\c Mal.:" UN1FORI\'1IN:S'I'RUM.ENT
<br />lS\5ll.('V (i:.' \il.\) (.,~,Il 3i
<br />
<br />1!\llmS)
<br />
<br />FOI"JII J02X 1;'(1,1 "h.I,~'~".J I~":I( fI\/,\!J.''\"J
<br />CI'l,)llth't." Thiuking, III~.
<br />
<br />~ i\)'i't'II,(;\I: (I~:> =::',
<br />