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<br />Prepared by: ,.;; :c C> CO ....,
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<br />Kiallll Rjdgewny 0 r :J: IT1
<br />Lincoln JieU\'I':11 m -0 l> (D
<br />250 I South 4!!th Slreel m :::a I ;:u
<br /> 0 r l>
<br />Lim'oln, NE 68506 Ul (.fl
<br />(402) 488-3642 (..J :::><:
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<br />ISpllce AboH This Lw(' For Recording 1>ullll
<br />
<br />
<br />MIN: 1000102000302037(,6
<br />
<br />DEFIN1Tl(JNS
<br />
<br />Words "'l'd in lllul1iplc scctioll' oCthis dl)cun)l'tlt ar~ ddined bcl.llW a LId other wun.ls are ddined ill Sections 3, I J, 13.. IX. 20
<br />and 2 J Certllill rules regarding th" lisage or words lised in this d(.lCUlllGnl ar~ also provilbl ill Seclion 16,
<br />
<br />(A) "Secu.I'ily lusll'lImelll" nll'anS Ihi~ documellt. which is dated ___ M:I)'..~~,._
<br />all Ridels to Ihi~ dOCUlll~lll.
<br />(n) "nOITOWer" is :!el'I'Y L. Kleine and Sanllrll K. KJdlll', lIs husband lInd wifl'
<br />
<br />2008 lo"ethcr with
<br />..~~~, ~
<br />
<br />Borrower is Ihe trllstor tinder 1Ilio Seeuritv inslrument.
<br />(C) "Lendc.'" is L;neuln FNlcl'HI Snviilgs Blink of Nebrusk:\ .... . Lct1lkr
<br />is a ~:orllOr!!tloll==~gllniz"'d ,;;1d~~;:;s1il1g lilldc'lhe l,,\;:~ or ilK: Uniie(j"Statl's of Aii~;')cn_=__
<br />L<'ll(kr's add,e,s is 2501 SOlllh 48th Str~~I_!J!!.~..!I..l".tiJ.~ 68506 .... ..,,," ..... _.,,__ .
<br />(I)) "'l'ruslel'" i,Lincolll Jiederal Snvillgs Bank 1}.Q.l. N Sln'N UnCI/In, NE 1I85()~~_..___~~
<br />
<br />(E)" '-:Z~iERS" i~~~~l()j.tgagc Ekctronic Rc:::gis1ration Sy':\lC1ll$1 IilC, ,f\.lERS is n SepalI\tc corporalj~H1 tlwL is a(;'li~~g~'l(JklY'''i'~l
<br />nominltt' lor Lender 1II1l1 Lendet"s slIccessors and llssigns, MERS is rhe belll'ficiary under lhi~ St'cllrity Instrument.
<br />MERS is ()'gunizcd and eKisling, ullder the laws ofDdawa,e, and has ,\II add,ess and tdephone Illllnbc' of P..O. fh)s 2026,
<br />Flint, M148501.2026, lei (1\88) 679"MLRS,
<br />(F) "Not"" means th~ promissory nole signed by Bo,rowc, alld daled __.. !\ll1v 1st ,_.' 2UO!!..... TI1~ NolL'
<br />srfltos that Boullwn owes l.ellder Q.!!.!' nnll(h"EtT~y'C!\ty Olll'Jhol!!!!!.!!.Ull!II1..QCJlHIO_.___._",___""
<br />..... ____.._ D\>!Iars (U ,S, $121,UUO,..~_) plus illtcrest ROl1"ower has promised
<br />hI pay this debt in regula'l'erilldic Payments and 10 pay til~ debl in fillt not laler IIl,HI .hlll(....!.~~(l~L~.
<br />(G) "Pr'''l'c'"I:y'' IntallS th" properly that is described below under tile Iw,lding "Transkr of Righls inllle J'rop""ly."
<br />(n) "L":ln" means the (kbl evitkll"ed by tl1\: Note, pills il1ltrGSl, allY prepayment dtargt" alld late dlilrges due ~Il\(.1er lhe
<br />Nolc, ""d "II sums due "nder this Sentrity lnslt'tlinctlt, plus imerc~1.
<br />(J) "Ridel'S" means nil Riders to Ihis Socurily lnslnunont th"lll,.e executed by Borrow"," ThetillJowing. Riders Hre III be
<br />t'xcLuled by l3orrowcr f<:hed, bo\ as nppliLubk]:
<br />
<br />o ^dju~tublc Rrlle RilleI'
<br />o BalJO()Jl Ki,kr
<br />o 1.4 Fmllily Ri,!<:r
<br />
<br />o COlldoll1illiLllll Rider
<br />o l'laruled Unit Development Rider
<br />o Biweekly Paymem Rider
<br />
<br />o Second HOlne Rjdcr
<br />o Olher(s) [specilYi __
<br />
<br />(./) "API'Ucl.bll' LllW" mea", all controlJin~ ,'pplicabJe kdcrnl, stale 11l1d lotal stalllte..s, regllblions, ordinunees and
<br />adl.llinisrraliyt, rules alld urders (thul have the ctkcl oflllw) as well'ls allllPplicable Gmll, nOIHlppl'alable jl1didal opi"ions,
<br />(K) "COlllIllUUity Associnlion Dues, Fees, nud Ass('SSmellts" means all du('s, lues, assessmcnts and other duu'gc's that are
<br />imposed on Borrower tlI' the Propeny by a c(\I1dmniniuill associalio", ImlUel1wl1ers ass'wiation 01' similar <lIWlllilation.
<br />(L) "Ell,rtrouk I;'uru/s TrulIsfer" mealls nlly transl"r (,,'rul1d,~, otller tllall a tnlnsaction originllted by dlt'ck, dm!\' Or similar
<br />l'''lwr il1Slnll11.enL which is initinted through un electronic terminal, telephonic instrument, computer, or rnnj?llctic lapc so a$
<br />10 ordlt!", IIlSlTUel. or aulllllrize a tJnullcial institution 1\) dcbil or credit an account, Sueli IeI'm includes, bllt IS uotlil1litcd to.
<br />pOinl-GI~sl\lt tnln~IGrs, IHltolllared tdler IUllChiue InUJS<lelions, transkrs initiuted by lelcphone, wire [l"Iluskl', and automated
<br />ckaringhouse IransIers,
<br />([\,;1) ""Ese"o"' {tetus'; n\~ans those items that arC d<:.~sel'ibed in Sedion J.
<br />(N) "MisccJl:llIeuus I'nll'l'l,ds" meallS allY cOlllpensmit1l1, seltlemelH.award ol'dunl;lgl'~. or pl'Oee~,ls paid by any third pany
<br />(,'tiler rhan iusurancc proceeds paid umkr Ille: eOI'~l"lIges described III Seetion 5) f()r: (i) damagc to, Or deslruetion 01; the
<br />Property; (ii) condemmllion or 0111<,1' taking oYall 01' any pan oflhc Property: (iii) eOllveyanc~ in liell oYeolldemll<llion; ')1'
<br />(iv) Illi~r~presenlali(ms ('C \11" omissions as tLl, the I'nllle and/or condition of\he Property,
<br />(0) "lVJorlgllgc Insurance" mcnns insurance protecting Lenlkr against Ihe nonpayment oJ: or dclilUlt on. th~Loall.
<br />(I') "l'l'ri"ule I'llymclll" mean:; lhe regularly seh~duled umounl due Illi' (i) pl'ill~ipall\nd illterest undel' the Nole, pl~ls (ii)
<br />allY "IllOUllts under Scction 3 of this SC\~Urily IJlStrullIenL
<br />
<br />NEllRAS1(A,-SiJ,gk t....IlIli1y-l'all..io l'>I"o/F"OI"lIo ~""'o UNIFORM INSTRUM.ENT
<br />l:'i:~5il.('\'(i:~;(J6) O~-]IJ!
<br />
<br />(MERS)
<br />
<br />FOJ'III3028 1/01 (f)lIPJ,III..\/Ja.#es)
<br />Cn'al'i'~t~ Tlilllklng... Jill".
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