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<br />r <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />84- 0067.16 <br /> <br />applicable ~ ~ ~ to be paid, Lmdcr shall not be required to pay Borrower any inlCreSt or caminp on the Funds. Lmdcr shall <br />Jive to Borrower, without clwge. ullMlllll aa:oualillll of the Funds showina cn:dits lIl1d debits 10 the Funds and the purpose for whid1 cacb <br />'. <br />debit 10 tbe Funds _.... The Funds are pIedpd lIS additional sccurit)' for tbe sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />If the amoulll of the Fun4s held by lcDdcr, topthcr with the future montbly installments of Funds payable prior to the due data of tucs, <br />-.s, i-.nce premiums and aroun4 1'CIlls, shall acced the amount required to pay _taxa, III mil;, iImiraIIc:& ~ .... <br />arouad reau as tbey fall due, SIIdl_ shall be, at Borrower's option, either promptly repaid to Borrower or cmDted to Iorrowor ORIIIOIldIIJ <br />~ of Funds. If tile amovat of tile Funds bcId by LcIIder shall DOl be sufftcimt to pa)' lUes, UJ mmllllS. ___ ~ .... <br />lIfOlUIlI_lIS they fall due, Borrower shall pay to LcIIder 8D)' amount IICIlCIarY to.-lce up the ~ witbia 30 dQs '- _.......... <br />is maiJCld by lcDdcr 10 Borrower requcstiaa paymcRt thereof. <br />Upoa PllY.-t ill ruB of all _ HCIII'ed by this Deed of Trust, Lmdcr shall prompd)- refuad to ~ lIIlY Fun4s held"'....... If <br />under parqrapb .11Iaeof the Property is sold or tbe Propcn)' is otbcrwisc lIllquircd by Leader, Leader shaIlapplJ, 1lO'" thae'~lJr -. .) <br />prior to the saIc of the Property or its lIllquisition by Lmdcr, any Funds hdd by Lmdcr at the time of appIkation as . credit ....._......' <br />secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />3. 4, Mil'. .. ~ Unless applicable law provides otherwise, all paymcats received by lcDdcr under the Note and ~ J <br />anQ 2 hcrwf shall be applied by Lmdcr lint ill paymnt of amounu payable to lender by Borrower under parqrapb 2 1Iaeof, tbcII to ___ <br />payable on the Note, tbcllto the principal of the Note, and tbcIIto interest and principal on any Future Advaaccs. <br />.. a..a-....... Borrower shall pay all taxes. assessments and other cIwaes, fmcs ucl impositiou attribIMblc t~ ~ Propcny ..... <br />may attailla priority 0YCt' this Deed of Trust, and leasehold payments or ground rrnu, if any, in the __ prcI\'idMI under JIlII'8lII1IPh 2 hInof <br />or, if DOl paid in sach __, by Borrow.- makina paymcnl. when due, directly to the payee thereof. Borrower shall JlRlIIIIPlIJ fumiIII to <br />Lmdcr alI110ticcs of _ due under this paraIfIIJlh, and in the event Borrower sball make PllY.-t directly, Borrower shall JlRlIIIIPlIJ <br />furnish to Lmdcr receipts mdencillll sud! payments, Borrower shall promptly disdwSC lilY Iicn which bas priority over this Deed of Trust; <br />provided. that Borrower shall not be required to dischaQIe any such lien 50 lon& as Borrower shall aarce in writint to the ~ of _ <br />oblipcion secured by sach Iicn in a __ aa:eptabIc to Lender. or shall in lood faith COlItcIt such lien by, or defend enfon:cmcnt of SIIdl_ <br />in.1epl pr<lCClllltiqs which operate 10 prcvCDl the enforcement of the lien or forfeiture of the Property or any pel thereof. <br />5. .--..___. Borrower shall keep the improvements now cxistinlor bcrcafter encttld on the Property inwIed apiIIat IoIs by fire. <br />buards iaduded withiII die term ..extended coveraec". and such olher hazards as Lender may require and in SIIdlamouats and for SIIdl periods <br />as Lmdcr may require; prcI\'idMI, that Leader shall DOl require tlutttbe amount of such coverqe acced that amount of coverqe required to pay <br />tbe sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />The i_ carrier IIfOVidiDI the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to approval by Lender; provided, that such 8ppnMIl <br />shall not be IUlRMORaIlIy witbbcId. All premiums on insurance policies sball be paid in die __ provided under parqnpb 2 hereof or, if DOl <br />paid in such __, by Borrower makina payment, when due, di.<<tIy to the insurance carrier. <br />All insuraDCC policies and rcncwals thereof shaIi be in form IICCq)lable to Lender and shall include a standard lIIOItpBC dauIc ia f_ of <br />and in form aa:eptabIc to lcDdcr. lcDdcr shall have the riahtto hold the policies and renewals thereof, and Borrower shall promptly fumiIIa to <br />lc:ndcr all rcncwaIlIoticcs and all receipts of paid premiums. In tbe event of loss, Borrower shaIlajve prompt notice to the insurance carrier and <br />lc:ndcr. Lender may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower, <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otbcrwisc agree in writilll, insurance proceeds shaIi be applied to restoration or repair of die Property <br />datHaed. provided such restoratioIl or repair is economically feasible and die security of tllil DMd of Trust is not tbarcby i~. If SIIdl <br />restoration or repair is DOl ec:ollomically feasible or if the security of this Deed of Trust 1l'OUld be impaired. the iDnraJIce ~ slid be <br />appticd to the _ secured by this DMd of Trust, with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. If the Property is abudoacd by Borrower. or if <br />Borrower fllis to nspoad to lcDdcr witlliD 30 days from the date notice is mailed by Lender to Borrowu that the insuraDCC carrier offen to <br />settle. claim for iaauruIcc bmdiU, Lender is ellthoriJed to collect and apply the insurance proceeds at Lender's option either to restoratioIl or <br />repair of the Property or to die I_secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />Unless lcDdcr and Borrower othcrwUc IIlClC in writillll, any such application of proceeds to principal shall DOl extend or postpoIIe the due <br />date of the IIIOIItbly iuWlmclus referred to in pantIr1Ipbs I and 2 hereof or cltansc tbe IIIIlOW1t of such installments, If under ~, II <br />bcrcof the Property is IIl:qIIind by Lender, all riabt, title and interest of Borrower in and to any insurance policies and in and to the ~ <br />Ibenof reIlIIdq from d-.e to die Property prior to the tale or lIllquisition .baIl pua to Lender to the extent of the lums seemed by this Deed <br />of Trust i_Ni....,. prior to SIIdl.. or 1QIUisition, <br />6. "-. .... ... F' r of ~; I TlIh1II111; C..'a.lJf L; ....... U'" DndJ'.la~. Borrower shall keep the <br />Property in eooct repair and shall DOl -.NI _ or permit imi*rmenl or deterioration of the Property and shall comply with die provisions <br />of MY ... if this Deed of TntIt iI OR . leasehold. If this DMd of Trust is on a unit ia a coadominium or a pIanaed unit devcIopmmt. Borrower <br />sW perform all of Borrower's obliptlons under tbe declaration or CO\'aWllS crcatiq or aovermDltbe coadominium or pluaecI unil <br />-"pmulI. the by....1lIlI npIations of the coadomiaium or pIanaed unit dcvdopmtmt, and constilueat dot:ummts, If a coodominium or <br />pluaecIlJIIit "Dlmlnt rider iI aec:uttd by Borrower and recorded toptbcr with IIlls DMd of Trust. lhe c:ovawIts IlIlIIIf_ts of such <br />rider shaIi lie ~JllIIatM iAto and shaIi .lIIatId and ~tthc COY_ts and ...-us of tllil DMd of Trust lIS if the rider wwc a pel <br />beMof , <br />7. PI u II II" ........'.........,. If Borrower faikto perform tbe covmants and "'-5 contained in IIliI DMd of Trust, or if any <br />aWoa or ptllm' is_mln'" which materially .ffects Lmdcr'. interest in the Propcny, includillll. but not limited 10, eminmt domIin. <br />~, code llIII_, or arrlll,lmllnlS or pr<lCClllltiqs invol\fillll a bankrupt or decedlmc, then lc:ndcr III Lmdcr's option, upon noli<< <br />to Borrower, IIIIlIJ 1Mb SIIdl.....-. dmIunc SIIdl_and talr.e such actiolI as is ~ to prolGCt Lender's intenal, includina. but <br />- ~ to. <1111 Id I mUll of I'fIIICIIIabIc atlorney's f_and ClItty upon die Propcny to make repairs. If lc:ndcr required ltlOI1JlIIC insUfMI:C <br />u II ~ of IIIUiRa the loan secured by this Deed of Tnm, Borrower shaIi pay the prmtiums fCQIlirod to maintain such InsuraDCC in cff<<t <br />~ such ~ Ii 1M rtIliW_st for sucll insurance ttflllitlala in _danoe with Borrowu's and lc:ndcr's written AIr_all or appIicabk <br />1Mir, Borrower shall.,., tile __ of alIl11lorlp1C insurance premi_ in the _ providec!uoo. parllflph 2 hereof, <br />Afq ---....... by Lcnder ,..~ to tills parllflll)h 7, with interest thcr_, shall bei:otM additiooal indebted_ of Borrower <br />-.d by dill DIed ef Tnm. lmIeM Bon_ lAd Lender agree 10 otbcr tCt_ of pe~, sudl amoullls shall be paYlbIe upon noti~ from <br />~ 10 --- ~ ~ tbcreof, and shall bftr imaesl horn the dale of cmbllf5elMR1 lIltbe rate PIIyabk fmm time 10 .i_ on <br />~m<iillllll ~lIIIdcrtlle Note~peymem of interest III such rale -wid beoomrary tOappMcable law, in wnidl CVCfIt sudlamwnts <br />lIW bftr... at 1M ~ rMe.....Hlbk l1ndlIf.ppIk:abIe 1Il\O', Nothillll contaillcd ill this pe...;.rRPh 7 shall require Lender 10 innlr Iny <br />~<<tMC I!!f ____11M, <br />I. I I 11 ~ -" mPe Of ._to lie ~ ~We mlKm upon ami in~ioom or the !'roperlY, provided thllll.endllf shall <br />,""Ikn_ ~ ~ to MY eN ~ speolifyiq ~ o:a_lbcrefor rdated 10 l.ender'~ int.,. inlhc f>IOjlefty <br />t. ('~ t Ihl. 'n. pt~ of MY 1_<1 Of cI&Im lor ~, dilC!<:1 Of ''OOlHIqlmllial. III ,'oIlMo.'1ioo wtlh any ,">Ildmrlllm",,, ." <br />~ ~lIfme ~l', -1Il'I<< t.ltet...f, 01' forOOllvey_ illlklu OJf wndemnaltoo, ate bcreby IISSi5ned and ~hall ~ paid tu lendfl <br />14I!lw_ uf I ~ ~ uf tlM ""'",,"y, I lie JIf~ shall...... applllld t<> 1M 'urn. !\('<'ured h,' thn I~ uf TmM, ..ith the e",,,,"'. If "n" <br />~ lo Ihm'_ 11'1 t,lM_ ,)f. .....tlel1takillC oftM Pr('1*ty, IJ"~ 8.,n,,,,,",, and I ernkr 4)lhn...,,,,, 1!.li\1t'< ,n "f1I"'~, '''..e ,hall (0(' "l'i>lIN <br />1M ~ ~ by (~h ~ M'T',.. ,~~h pt'opDfHc.m u' ttlr l)ft)('~~ .,It &~ eqwti hI th1ll1 I'HO{lollflloH whll-h 1t1(' t,1HH'lHI~ !if lht' 'i.unn 'lfiHrf'tJ <br /> <br />l <br /> <br />I <br /> <br /> <br />>,& <br />'>"".' <br />--~_.'~___'__~_-'-._,_,':~:.~~=0 <br /> <br />