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<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST is IIIlIde dIis
<br />I~ ,l1IIKlIlIatlle1nlllor. llIAl TER L.
<br />(IIwtiR .~.'),
<br />.... '''INItee''), _tile ..lIlt...,. ....
<br />a~""""""____ die....,
<br />GMND IeLMD. HI _ (:wcIR "LcndIr"). '. "ii;ce;),,,,;.i
<br />BOIUtOWllll, ill ~ Ir. ..doA of die lllllbTl'um__ m:lIId _die trustllerwilUlnlltcd; mew il....,_ '
<br />in tnIIt. With poww of -. dIe.foIowiq ~ prvperty kIested in tlleCoaty of Ii
<br />Slate ofNdlrub:
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />The Rider to the Deed of Trust which is attached hereto and executed on the same day
<br />is hereby incorporated into the mortgage. The Hider shall amend and supplement the
<br />covenants and agreements of this Mortgage as if the Rider was a part thereof.
<br />
<br />wIlich bas tile addrcIf. of
<br />
<br />1412 Coventry Place
<br />(STREET)
<br />
<br />r; r Flnri T c; 1 "'M
<br />(ClTY)
<br />
<br />Nebraska 68601 (herein "Property Address");
<br />(ST"'TE.t ZIP CODE)
<br />'J'OCJIITItEa with aU tile _0~_1U now or hereafter erected on the property, _ aU _15. rislIU, ~. rents
<br />~ Itowcv<< to tile riIhts and authoritia Ii- IlerwiOlo Lender 10 colloct and apply such rents), royalties. minenIl. oil - .. riIhts -
<br />prvf\b. ........... riIhts. and..... stock, and aU fixtures now or hereafter attlIl:bed 10 tile property. aU of wIlich. indvdiIJa rcP!llU_ts and
<br />~ ma.o. ....lIccleelMd to lIcand remain a part of tile propcny covered by this Deed of Trust; and aU of tile forqolna, topther With
<br />said prvperty (or die IceIdloW ntate if ttm Deed of Trust is OIl a ~) are herein referred to as the "Property";
<br />
<br />1'0 secuRE to LcndIr (a) tile ...~ of the ~ eviden<:lld by IJorrowv'SItotC dated Oar Pmhl>. r ?A, 1 QAl.I
<br />.....~.1,intlle~_of THIRTY FIVE THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED AND ND/IOO--------------lleIIam,
<br />wim lRRmt mer-. provlcIina for IIIOIldtlv inIcaImmu of prillCioal and illlere5t, witlt tile baJuc:e of the ~. if l10l _ PIlid. due
<br />....,... ~!uaryl,_?Dl~) ----_____...._.._______... tIIe~ofaUother-,
<br />With iaIercet __, IiIIvIIIoId in ~ Itcnwitlt 10 protect tile _ity of this Deed of Trust; . tile performtllACC of lhe ~ and
<br />_.. ... of Ikmowcr __ 4:OIItlIlMd; and (b) lhe repayment of MY future adv_, witlt interest themm, made 10 IJorrowv b)' LemIeI'
<br />~ to ~ 211t1nc1fCMcin "Future ..wv-"),
<br />
<br />~ ___ that IJorrowv i$llIwfully sclICId of IIIe eslllle her~by conveyed and lias IIIe right to arMt and 00Ilve)' lhe Property,
<br />that die Propcny l$ _mllltl.ed, and 'that Borrower will warrant and defettd .-aUy tile title 10 IIIe Property apinll aU claims and
<br />....... ~ to .., ....lI&iom. ~ or rmrictions listed in a !lclIedule of exceptions to cover. in any title i__ poIky
<br />~ LciDdIr's iaCercIt in the I!'ropcny,
<br />~~. Bonowtir and I.Ander COVCMDt and qrce as follows:
<br />I. r..-............ ....... Bonowtir slWl 1If0000000y pay when due the princ:ipIl of and inlerest OOlhe indebtedMu evidaIccd
<br />.., the NtIIe. iIIf~-. _ .. ~. ~ 1ft lhe Note. and tile prindJl8l of and interm OIl any PUlure Adv_liCCured by ttm Deed
<br />of 'l'twt.
<br />:a. ...... T_'" ......... ~ to ~ Ill" or 10 II wriltea waiver by I.GRdGf, Borrower slWl pay 10 lftIdcr ootM day
<br />~ intUltll1 1l~1 of ~ . ifitcmt _ pa)'Hle U\IIder the Nole, will the Note II _in full, II sum (her1lin "P'uOOs") equal to OM-
<br />twIftII of die,....,.... II nlllll~ wIIldll\l8Y ~ prklritY 0Wif tm. Deed of Trust, and srOllIl4 ram OOlite Property, jf any, pM OM.
<br />......of"...~ Imrtllil UJnTI f<< ~i!mIr_, "'_Iwelftll of~b prlIIRi_ iMt&llmems for ~ i_,lfuy.1lI1
<br />_1_" _~ ~~ -.1 rr-I~IO" by ~ OIlthe__of Rim 1Illlllsand bIIh and ~.tim8tGlllhercof,
<br />1'IillI! I'IiII8 did IiMIilIIld IA III ~ I," ~ 01' _ of wlMdl_ i-ee 01' .-lIIltoed by a fed<<llIllf Itale lIIftlCY (1m11111lu$
<br />~ It ~ ill'" M~. I~ slWl .... I," f1lA4lllo fNlY IIllkIt_, __" i__ pmlliu_lUId ...-OOIUI$,
<br />~ __ _ .... f. !ll!I ~ M~ ~ the ..... Malyii-. IIllkIlI(ll._1 or vaifyi-.lUId ~~ 1IllkI__' alld bllh.
<br />... ~ pap Ionowtr "'-00 dle ~.. ~ fn, ~ih I,~ 10 mUt I\II;!!. dWIf, IJofrow<< and l~ !tIlIY -,_In
<br />~ 1M the 1m. e4'~ ,,,, dIis DIiIIIII e4 'TfWlllllll ~ 1m I,", I'umt!l md he ~ 10 Ik_, alld "nk>. .""llllSJmMllt il made 0'
<br />
<br />
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