<br />I
<br />84....... i:OOBr 4 6 .
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<br />by lhlI Deed of Trull UmaldiMlIy prior to tile daM of takinI bean to the faiT mark. vaIuc of tile Property immecIia4eIy prior to the daM of
<br />tKlaa. With tile baIuce of the pI'OCIeds plIid to Borrower.
<br />If tile Property is........ by Borrower, or if. after notk:e by Lender to Eortower tlIat the c:ondcmaoc on- to make ..a~ or SIlUIc a
<br />claim for damqos, Borrower fails to mpoB1I to Lender wl3IIiD 30 days after tile daM sudl notk:e is maiIel:. Lender is audIoriIrlIdto coIIIGtud
<br />apply the procoaIs, at LcIlder's opdoa.lIither to r~'" or repair of the Propmy or to tIle.- securecl by tbis Deal oflWlL "
<br />r U-.s LCIIdcr - Borrower othcnriIc qrw ia WficiII& lIlY sudl ~ of JIPX'Ida to priadpIl s!uII DIll..... .~....~
<br />: datcofthemootllly~.. refemd toiaJlllflllRillils I and211creofordwleethulllouDt ofsudl illltnlllRlUl ,i//://.j
<br />Ie. ___. Net...... ExteMioR of the.. for ..,... or IIIOdifkatioa of _tiItIti l1li of the... .......1Iy_~~~
<br />JHDt;ed by Lender to lIlY __ ia iIIIInSt of Borroww s!ull1IOt operate to flIIeaae. ia lIlY _. dle IiIdIiIit7 of the. ., .
<br />~'5 ~ ia iIIIInSt. LCIIdcr sIlaIIlIOt be requirlId to (ommIDt:e proceecliap...... sudl_.~..
<br />..,... or otIIIniR lIIOdify .....!ii..otkwI of the __ securecl by tI:iI Deed of Trull by ~ of lIlY ___ ___-
<br />_ ~5__iaintenlt.
<br />11. F..Ao.-_ ., ....... Net a Wahw. Any fOl'beanmce by Lender ia ~ lIlY riPt or niMdy. .........or
<br />by ~ law. sIlaII DIll bea...mr of or preclude the -aseof IIIYsudl riP! or remedy. The~ of ~_dle~"
<br />tuIII or odIer ~ or dIaqes by l...cIIdcr sllalllIOt be . ...mr of l...cIIdcr's riIht to aa:dcntc tile ~ of tile i_tl ~ ru --.a:_diis
<br />Deed of Trull.
<br />11. ....... C I 11_ AI rc:mcdics provided ia tbis Deed of Trust are distinct _ tlIDIIIIatM: to lIlY __ riPt or.--,..... diis
<br />Deed of Trust or affonIId by law or equity, and may becxcrciRd COIlCUrrCIIdy, indcpmdQtly or ~"'"
<br />13. S ... ~-....; w.........1JdIItr. ~ The covenants and.- hcnia llOIItaiMd........_
<br />tile fiabts ........ sIIaII iaIIre to. tile respective successors IUld assips of Lender and Borrower. subject to the proYisioa of ........11
<br />1Icreof, AI covenants _ _ l>ll.~ of Borrower sIIaII be joint and several. The captions and headiap of the plIrlIIr&pha of tbis Deal of TnIst
<br />are for UHI. milllln olIIy ud are DIll to be IISCd 10 inHrpm or define tile provisions 1Icreof.
<br />N. NelIIeI. Exeept for lIlY notic:e required UIIder appIil:able law 10 be liven in anolller _. (.) any notic:e to ~ ~ foria
<br />tbis Deed of Tnut sIIaIIlle pvm by maiIins such notic:e by certified mail addressed to Borrower at tile Property AddRIS or at sudl other......
<br />as Borrower may dIIipate by notic:e to Lender as provided herein. and (b) any ootice to Lender sIIaII be &i- by a:nifiaIllllliJ.:nbInI RIlldpt
<br />rcqlICded, to Lender's IIddIaI stated hcrciD or to such other address as I.ender may dcsia;Date by notic:e to Borrower as provided hcnia. Aziy
<br />IlOlice provided for in 1_ Deed of Trust sIIaII be deemed to have been liven to Borrower or Leader wbal liven in tile _ ~ hcnia.
<br />1', VllllenlOIIlterTlWl; ~ LIw; 5&,......,.. This form of deed oftnut combines uniform covenants for aationIII__
<br />I\OO.-..f_ ~ witb Iiali1ed vllriatiods by jurisdidion to constitule a uniform security instrumcDI aJVCriaa reel property. TIIi5 Deal of
<br />Tnut .. he ~ by tile law of the jurisdiction in which tile Propcny is Iocaled. In the event tlIat any provisioB or daUR of this Deed of
<br />--ar"'Ortlicl'iOlC-~~-su;;;b w..f.kt ~l'l:ttuthc. "'....;.;..... "r~NoIl: 1IIIIis _-lIe------'--,-'-..L~
<br />&i- el'fe:t without the coaf1ictiaa provisioB. and to lhlI end the prOvisions of the Deed of Tnut and tile Note are declared to be scvcrabJc.
<br />16. ___.'. CeIJJ. Borrower sIIaII be furnished a conformed copy of the Note and of tM Deed of Tnut at the time of CDCUtioII or
<br />after r.cordatioa 1Icniof.
<br />1'7. T....... of..........,; All'll'''''. If all or any pan of the Property or an interest therein is sold or transferred by Borrower
<br />witlIoul Lcsdcr's prior writlCll COIIHDt. cxdudial (a) the creation of a lien or cncumbrllDCC subordiaate to tM Deed of TI1I5t, (b) tile c:mItioa of
<br />a ~ IBOIlCy -nty iIIIInSt for llousebokI appliances, (c) a transfer by devise, desmlt or by operation of law upon the death of a joint
<br />1_ or (d)tlle Ilatl! of lIIlY IeaseboId interest of three years or less not containillJ an option 10 purclwc. Leader may, at Lcsdcr's optiotl.
<br />declare alIlhe MUDS JCClUtld by tM Deed of Trust to be immediately due and pay.ble, Leader shall have waived such option to ~ if.
<br />prior 10 tile sale 01' lramf.. Leader and tile person to whom the Property is to be sold or uansfcrrcd rcacl1 agreement in wrilillJ thIIt the aedit of
<br />such penon is satisfactory to l...cIIdcr and thIIt the interest pay.bIe onlhe SUID5 secured by lhis Deed of Trust s!Wl be at sllCb rate as Leader sbalI
<br />rcqlIcst. If Lender bas 'A'lIimI the option to acl,:dcrate provided in Ihis parqraph 17. and if Borrower's successor in interest bas executed a
<br />wrillCII uwmption qnlICIIICIIt IICtCIlted in wriWII by lender. l.endcr shall release Borrower from all obliptiOll5 under 1M Deed of TI1I5t and
<br />IIle Note.
<br />If Leader CKftiscs such option 10 acceIer.te, Lender sball mail Borrower notice of acceleration in accordance with JlUlI&fIII)lt 14 IIcreof.
<br />5Ych I>OCicc sIIaII pc'ovidc a period of IIOt leu than 30 days from the dale [he notice is mailed within which Borrower may pay the SU1D5 declared
<br /><:1ft. If!.klrrow<< fllih to pay sllCb s_ prior to the expiration of sUl:n pmod, t-endct r...y. Wlthoul further notice or demand on Borrower.
<br />imook.llUlY r___ permitted by ~ 18 bcreof,
<br />
<br />
<br />NON-UNIfORM COVENANTS, Borrower and Lender further coymant and ~cc as folloM:
<br />Ie. AlE..... ......~ ........ ElIftIlI . ........ ill ........ J7 1ImIoI, lIIIIIIII a...-'. lII-.dt of lIIlY c..-t or ",l1-.al of
<br />t...... ill II1II.... er TtwI. ",-,-lIIe ~ to ,., ..... .. lIIlY _ ....... ., II1II.... of T... ....., priIIr .. _Ill!'"
<br />,...... .......Ierrnw......... ill"""" I. ....., apedfyiIIa: (I).. lII-.dt; (2).. KtIoe......... _ sudl brudI; (J).
<br />.... 111M....... 31...,..... ....... .. ..... .. .... to ~, ., MiIdI.... lII-.dt .... lie cwmI; .... (ot) lIIld falilln .. ClIft....
<br />lII-.dt.. _................... .. .... .., ..... .. n 1 r ........ of.. _......, .... .... er T.... _.... of .. ........"
<br />n. ..... .... ......, ..... Ierrnw er .. ..... Ie ........ .... --........ ... .... ..... to ... . ~ KtIoe tel -' .. _
<br />...... ......... -lIIlY......w-er ___. 18111 111 II........... It lIIe......... IIIM....._ or IIehIft lIIedale......... ellt
<br />...... ...... Ill.....,.........,..... aD er.... _....... III! drls 0Ied.. T.- ..lie 1..11111111, ......,.,......-. flInIItr
<br />..........., ... ....,... of.. ... .., ..... ........ ~ ., ......... law. ........ s!uIIlle eddeII .. collect aD .-Ollllllle
<br />............-........ ill........................... iIIl111a ~ .1, ........ 111M _iIlIIItett.., fIU...1IIe ........,'. f_,
<br />It..,... of ....11........ T............ -" . .... of ...... IB ~ _, IB MiIdI .. ........., or _ port I""" IllIoeMel1
<br />... .... ... ..... .. ... .... iIIl11e __ ~ by ......... ..... .. hrNwer .... .. .. ..... penlIIIII ~ III! .........
<br />.... MlIr .. ..... of.... .... . .., lit ..... ., ............, T""*.... aM ...... .... .. ale 10 lilt P"MIII'" ill .. __
<br />~.,............. TIWtII. wtdMMd....... ~..... me tile f'tepenJ M ......1IlKUDlI .. lilt ~ hIlhIlIr at IlIe ....
<br />....................... 4. 1 'ill....... of ale ill _ IN' _ ~ ... IB _II onIef as '1_ _Y ~. l'",,*_y
<br />........... of III .,., ..... er.. .....,.,., by ...... ...... JID._I lit tile .... .... ptan of all' ~ ~ lIIIIe. l.nder or
<br />.....,.........,.....lIIe........, III .., ...
<br />.......,..er...... er....... _1.................... (mIdllll_ '1_'..... rna~)'iIls tile ~y..ml. Tilt redtahlB
<br />..~'..... s!ulllIe ..... ... ~ .. tile ...,. .. tile IlablR1815 -* 1IImIiII. T""* .... "t 11M! ~ of 11M! HIe ill I"
<br />................, IBt Ie ..IU II MIll... _.- of tile HIe. ~, ..... _....... Ie, '1",,*'1'" of lIot _IIIH ': "'e
<br />................ JIh.................<<mII ef~"*'-; (bll.. d_llKUI"ed III! 'lib IMd 0' "mal: aM Ctllt.~_.lf
<br />..,. .... liIIHIlII-.........................
<br />W, ~1""1e"""', NoI..~:~.fIi I ~f" ""<eiM"liOlI"" "I Ill.. ,ym. "",..rod hv I/m Ilffd 1" Ir..". 11m","'" ,hall h~'e
<br />I>_'~ t'fJ ~ _ ~ ~W1 by t~kt 10 e-nfOf~,if uhi1i (~nl finH! I.ltM.:onunuro at any lane p-fhlr to ~ht' cadler !(' \'\.'dH llf (H fht~
<br />n~'b M' MffJIf'fl d'Nt.. of * Ptflff"Jf1V pt4f~n4 hJI t~ p:~ of s&k ~(Jntjt-ll~ !fJ lhss t~t .of Tru'Jot (If (lit elHr \' \11 a luJ~meuf ~>nhlhHlM thl~
<br />t~ -r~ ~f, tea hf~ ~ L~ Dill MWilJJ w~h w~ he OMm iJl"~ ~li~ rfll' I~ ~tl r fU\t. thl' ,......0((" .Hld I\'~h'~ '<.f'<l:qllntt hHtJh~
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