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<br /> <br />r <br />84~-- 006668 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />by tills Deed of 1'ruat lmIalllately prior to tile dace oflaldatl been to !be fair marbe value of !be Property lmmlllately prior kil. tIlc~of' <br />tHifla,widltIle~of!be~paidtoa._. '.". ,.....:< <br />If!bePropertyls~ by a._, or if, after DOtiGe by Lcndctto ~ tIIat tile coMcauaot offen to ..lIIl....~ ~~~~~* <br />daim for...... Bormwu fall to nspmdto Lcndct 'WidIia :JO days.nw the date 'such' DOtiGe Is lIIlIiItd, iAadcr'Js ~i~"';'i, <br />apply tile pmeeecb, at Lcndct'.opdoa, ..... to ...... or",,* of tile Property or to lIto___"'...DltIlh,,' <br />Um- Lcndct _ ~ ~....iA"'" MY such appIiaaUoII ofproceecll to priac:l,.&.........lIlhll' <br />date of lito moatbIy iDIIaImnc. refemd to iA PUlllllpll$ 1 _ 2 kenof or clIaaac lito ___ ofsuch,~~' <br />It. ~Not....... .....oftlletimefor,.,-or~of*;~~ '. ,.,' <br />....... by Lcndct to IIIIY _ iA .... of a._ ..... _ ope!ate to ~ mllllY.......tIto......,.of.~ <br />~'. ~ iA iattnIt. Lcndct IlsaIl _ be requWdto!Xl lHlTCt proceecIlap ....such,......; <br />..,... or odterwise modify~ of lito __ __ by tills Deed ofTncat by~.ofllllY............."', <br />_a._..~iA..... <br />11. F...'-_ by f.AIIdIrNeta "... Aay forbelanmce by Lcndctin ~lIIIYrlIbtorrcmedy~.. <br />by~-. sIlaII IlOl lie. Wliverofor ........lIto~ofllllYsuch ri&lIt ormllCllly. The ...<loi.......... of..........~/>,',. I, <br />IUtS or otllcr liens or tIlarps by Lcndct sIlaII _ be I waiver of Lcndct's ri&lIt to ~ the 1lIIWrity of lito iaddU) --~"t.hIJ; <br />Deed of1'ruat. ' .'...,' .,., .,",,>,',./' <br />11. ...... C I fl... All mnedles provided iA tills DIed of Trust are distlAct _ cvmuIaliw to my ottiarrisht'orl'lilllM!dr~~~;j <br />0Ied of Trust or afforded by.... or equity, _ may lie lIMl'dnd cooeurrently, iDdcpeaclcotlyor ~Y', " . , ,.'.." .,,/'; <br />13. ~lIlllJ1Sn'" A8sIpJ -....; ,.............. UIIIIIIIy; CIpdHs. The _u _ .-u .. COIlt8iRetlllsallbilslt,.~ <br />!be rithU berctmdcr sW iAw'e to. the rapectivc s-. _ assigns of Lender and Borroww, subjec:lto the ~ of........I~;17 <br />heftof. All ~ -1IflICIMIlU of Borroww sIlaII be joint and several. The captiom and IIaIdiap of lito pIIrlIIfIIpbI of. tills DllIIdof.TIuIt <br />are for COIIVeIIiRce oaly and are_to be !lied to iaterprct or define Ute provisions kenof. <br />M. NaCIee.1ixaIpt for MY nocke required IIIlder appIlatblc law to be liven in another _. (I) MY DOtiGe to Itorroww pcevidedfofiA, <br />t!lis 0Ied of Trust sW lie livm by meililll'uclI notic.c by certified mail addressed to Borrower at the Property Addms or at such othar~ <br />lIII Borrower maydesipatc by notic.c to Lcndct IS provided herein, and (b) MY notic.cto Lender sW be lIi- by cenified lllllil.nuam receipt <br />rtqI.ICIllId. to Lcndct's ..... stated hcreia or to suc:b other address as Lender may desipatc by llOlK:e to Borrower IS provided ...... IVfJ <br />notice provided for in tbis Deed ofTru.uUll be deemed to have been givm to Borrower or Lender wbm liven in tbe _tll '. fld....., <br />IS. V.w- .......TrIIIt; GoftntIIIt law; Sti..-A.lIl), This form of deed of trust c:ombines uniform ~ for lIAtioMl_aIIIl <br />_-uniform CO\'CIlIIlU with limited variations by jurisdiction to cOllSlitUle a uniform security itutrument coverina real propeny. 'ThiI DllIId of <br />,TnlttWlll-be-~-b1t11e-Jew-of-thejwi!dictiolljn-whiclllhePropart)'i.10l'iltca. <br />Trust or lhe Now coaflku with applicable law. sw::h coaflid shaD not affect other provisions of Ibis Deed of Trust or the Note wItieh eaR be <br />Jiven cff...1 without the c:onfIiainc provision. and to l!lis end the provisions of the Deed of Trust and lhe Note are declared to be severable. <br />16. "'--'. CoItJ. Borroww shall be furnished a coafonned copy 0" the Note and of lhis Deed of Trust at the tillM' of execution or <br />after reeonlacion heftof. <br />11. T..... of dIe~; 0\5._...... If all or IIny part of the Property or an imcrest therein is sold or transferred by Borroww <br />without Lender's prior wriltCll corumt, cxciudilll (a) lhe creation of a lien or encumbran<< subordinate to this Deed of Tru,lI. (b) lbe creatioR of <br />a ~ moaey I<<lIrity illlefClt for housel1old appliaaces, (c) a transfer by devise. des..'Ctlt or by operation of law upon lbe death of a joim <br />I_t or (d) lhe II'IDt of ISDY IeucboId int<<at of three years or leu nol containillll an option to purchase, Lender may, III lmder'. option, <br />de4:iII'e aU till: _ HC\IRld by Ihis 0Ied ()f Trust (0 be immedialely due and paYllble. Lender sball have waived such option to accdcrate if. <br />prior 10 the" or transflll', Lender and the penon 10 whom tbe Property iSlo be sold or lransferred reach Il&rCC8lCllI in writintl that the emtit of <br />~ penon is Sltisfll:tory 10 IAIldcr and lhat the intercst payable on the sums H\.1Jred by thill Deed of Trust sball be lit such rate lIS Lender shall <br />~. If lAIIder has waiqll the option 10 lWXderate provided in Ihis parqrapll 11, and if ~'s sua:_ in interest has executed a <br />~ ~inn.- ac:tepted in writilll by I.ender. Lender .hall rclalse Borrower from all obliptions under this 0Ied of Trust and <br />till: Note~ <br />If l.mdcr _as. suclI ootinn 10 ac.;cleratc. I.mOO ,hall mail Ronower llOlice of acceleration in accordance wilh PIllllP'aplll4 hcroof. <br />~ ~ shall provick a period of not less IhaII 30 days from lbe date lhe llOlice is mailed within whidl Borrower may pay lhe sums dedared <br />M. if Borrower fails to JIlIY such sums prior to the npiration 0" .lICh period. Lender may, withoul further ootko..: or demand otl Borrower, <br />~e any r___ permitted by puqraph 18 hercof. <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />NON-UHII'ORM COVEHAHTS. IIIorl'O'Ml'lInd Lender further covenlllll and Il&rC1: Illl follows; <br />.. ,\1 A II .a; ....... .. . ......... .. .......... 11 !tcnof, .... "'--'s "'-II of H' .--m or ..-a .. <br />......... iII_ ..... of TNII....... die........ to,., ..... _ H)' _ ___ h:J' tfsla ..... .. Trust, ....... prior to _~..ltlIB <br />lIIiIlIII .. ...... to ~ . ......... ill.......... 14l1ene1 spedf:t'illl~ (I) die tnwdt: (2) .... llCdotI ...... to nre HdIlNud1; Il. . <br />............,...,..... die... of........... to 1lImrww. I),. wtddlllldl tnwdt __M nnd; I11III (4. ..... fIIIIIInt co ClIft'" <br />.............................. die ...... ....... ill aluhn". .. tile _ ___..,. _ ..... of Tnm I11III .. of die ".....,., <br />.. -- lIIiIlIII .... ...... ......... of ilia IfIId .. ...... .... ~.............. ... .... ...... IV Ilf1lIc a ~ llCdotIto __ .... _ <br />- eI..........., .... "'- of ~ to _vA. _lIa.1IIIII ... If ....1INMtI1II... nnd .. or IIefore die... ....... iA .... <br />..... ....... at ~....... .. .... d of .... _ ___ ..,. IfsIa Deed of T..... toM ....rdillkll' _II1II ,.,... ....... ,....... <br />..... ... ....... dIe...- of.. I11III .., ............ ~ II, appIk:HIe r.w. ........ slid lie ~ to ~ aM fllIIIlIlIIWr <br />............... ill........ die....... ~ II_ ......... II. iIdIIlIIIII. '"" lIlIt ......... to, nlllla...... ........,... r-. <br />If.....- of............ T..-lIIiIlIII__....... of ...... I. ... eoaety ill wtddl.... ~ IN' _ _ tIIIftef II kKlNd <br />- slid................... ill die _ pr-""d h:J' ........ r.w to IlImrww II1II to ......... ..- ~ ~ ......... <br />.... Mllrdle.............., ............,............... 'r....lIIiIlIII..,..pUIe.... ......1.. dIe..-1IIIII la __ <br />....... by ........... T..-, ....... ..... .. ...--. sIlaII HIlI die ".....,. IIC pUle ___ to die ....... ...... lit _ ... <br />............... ilia ..... b. I J II die ..... ., .. ill _ '" _ pamIls _Ill... ..., .. T.... .., ........,....... _,. <br />~.. "" d ..., ,... "" .... ........, ..,. pUle __~11If lIJe .. _ !IltIft lI' III)' ~ ~... IMllIIlI' or <br />...............,........ ".,..., IIC.., ... <br />VIII.U........-.. 1IIa.-. ~ sIId~... 1M ~ r......lked ~ tM I'rvpmy ...... 'n. ndtIIh... <br />.. ~ ....lIIiIlIII............ ~ of .. tnI$., .. ...._tt -*1tIm<II. r....1IW., -1IfwmlIi of lIJe _ iII_ <br />.........lIIIlIIn~todU.UIIilltI.._.....,lIJe... ~.... _ ~ N. ...............f..._t.. ..'., ~ <br />1If.......... f..U....J .....,.. _I11III_ of "Iu~: (1iI1 to aIt _ ___ by ItlMlleed.. TI'UlIt; lInd (filM -. If <br />.."............................ ... <br />It. ~."'to"""". NIMwIt~I.~', ~,';<rif"IR"'''' the,OOl*_II.fJdby thb I"",',,,. lru,t. tl<li'''''''f' ,hall lNi'f <br />!liIlI "lIJ... iNly llf~ ~ by l~ l<lfnl"'"", 1,".I~ vi I ruM <UM:''''!lm...d III any lime pOOl 1" lhe e~lh", I" ,,..,\1'''' (lI1h< <br />~ _1I>ri1~ me _l>f'lM ~l' p\1f_ II) 1M p\>WIIlf "I"" c""11Il1><J<I it. 'him l~ of '1''''''1 ." 1111 ""I<V '" . ,,"flllll""' fO""WI. Ill.. <br />1)Jjed l>f rnml'l ,f; (II) kr_ fl3Jli 1~ IIll _ ~ Oft;>t,ld "" t""1I .II>< "tld<\< tll.,. I~ or !'IIM. 1M Nor. ""<.1 ."'Ie. '<<Ufilljl hl"Hf <br /> <br /> <br />..J <br />