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<br />B4'-- 006666 <br /> <br />r- <br /> <br /> <br />I. <br />~ <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />applicabk' ~~latcraIt to lie PIid. Lender sllallDOt lie reqllirod to pay Borrow<< any interest or camiaet OD the Funds. LcIIdersllall <br />live 10 Borrower, wltho1lt clIIrtc. U llRIIlIlIIlICCOIIIldnI of the Funds sbowina credits oand debits to the Funds anci the purpose for whidt 'bacb <br />debit to tbc FIIBds _ made. The FIIBds are pIIdpd u additional SCCUI'it)' for lhe su_ aecvred by this Deed of Trust. <br />If tM.-t of tM f\mds IIdd by I.tmd<<.1OplIJIr with the future IIlOIItbly ~ of Ftlllds payable prior to U\C,~""!1!f.'" <br />~. i&urIDCI ~ and sruund ..... ... exceed tIIe.-t requlmI to pay ... ~JL.I., .IH"'.~~ '. i/ <br />lJI'OOI'ld teIIta u dMy fall... tueh __ sIIaII....,llais:nJwcr.s...... JII'OlIlPdyrepaid 10 Borrow.-or ~to~~, <br />iAat~ of........ fftlleamODBt ofdlePlmdtIldd by LcIIder.'" DOt IIeSllfficicat 10..,....1151. ' <br />BJOlIIlCl.... u cMy full chic, Borroww "pay 10 l.-IIr ID)'lIIJilOUIIt ~ 10 make up tile ~,... <br />is RlIiIcd by l.-IIr 10 Borroww requatlDc ~ 1Ilaeof. . '., , ,.iii; <br />u.oo ~ in full of all.... __ by this Deed of Trust.Lcadet sIIaII pmmpdy~1O ......~i,...".< " <br />-- pat'IIIrIph l'lImof tile Propcny is IlIkI or the PropertY is othInriIc acquired by LcIIder'. ~~~'IlI).* <br />prior 10 the sale of the Property or Its ac:qulsiUoo by l.-IIr, any FIIBds hcId by Lender . tile daM of appIi~lIIilillua' , <br /> <br />s<<undbythisDeedofTnut. , ' ,..'.;.,'.....;ii"."..'i ..'... <br />3. AIllllud.. of ...,..... U'" applicable law providl!I othInriIc, all payments received by l.-IIr lUl4er the Nete anci P~~,.l <br />and 21lereof sllaII be applied by l.-IIr tint in pa~ of amODBtS payable to LcIIder by Borroww lUl4er pal'IIplIpII2 __.tlleato.~ <br />payable OD the Noce, then to the IlIinciPaI of the Noce. and then to int<<al anci prlncip&l on any Future AdYances. <br />4, CIIIIrpI; u... Borr_ sllallpay aU tuft. USCHlIICfttS anci other cIlarps, fiaes anci impMitiODsattribatallletcJtheJil~~/~I~'.. <br />mayattain a priority OWl' this Deed ofTnMl. and '-bold payments or BJOlIIlCl..... If any. in tile _PrOYiCW lUl4er "'......2.~~ <br />or, if not PIid in sudl _. by Borroww maldlll pa~. when due, direcdy 10 die payee tbcrtof. Borroww'" prompdr flIrIIiIh,lO <br />Lcl!dcr all ROtica of IDIOIIllU dIIC under this parqrapb. anci in the event Borrower sIIaII make ~ dlnl:dy. Borrowwsllall,.....,.., <br />fumisIl to Lender rcaipU cvidcncins such payments. Borrower shall promptly disdw'ee any lien wIIicII bas priority OWl' this Deed of1'nlst; <br />provided. lbat Borroww sllaII not be reqllirod to disclwae any sucl1lien so lOIII as Botrowv sllaII qne in wrItiq 10 tile ~ of 1IIc <br />obIiption aecvred by such lien in 1_ acceptable to Lcl!dcr, or shall in ,ODd flith c:on&at such lien by. or defeacl caforcemcat of sucllliea <br />in. Iepl )lI'(IaICldinp wilida opcntC to prevent the enforcement of lhe lien or forfeiture of tile Property 01' any pan tbcrtof. <br />5. .--.. --. Borro_ shall keep tile improvements now exi5tins or hereafter crcc:ted OD the Property itlSUl'ld apinst Iou by file, <br />h-* induded within the lerm "e.tCftdod covcrqe" , and such other hazards as Lender may require anci in such IUIIOUIICI ud for such PIriodI <br />as Lcl!dcr may rcquiI'e; provided. that Lender sllallllot require lhal [he amount of such coverqc exceed that lIlMIIIlt of ccmnp requinll to.., <br />lbe .... NCUI'ed by lhis Deed of Trust. <br />11Ie i__ carrier ~ tM insurance shall be choml by Borrower 5ubject to approval by LctIdcr; provided. that such appnmIl <br />~_~_beu~_ withlteld~"'lprclDiums()llill5\ll'~l'<I~cies~_bl: ,~I1!n.theIll8llllCrJ".ovided~J~r~ ~ benof_<!! ifll!!_~_______ <br />-- paid in sudllnanA<< ~ by Borrower matiRa paymcIlI, when due, directly to lhe insurance carrier. <br />All i__ policies and rmewaIs tllmof sbaII be In form aa:eptable 10 Lender and sha!1 indude a slallclard mortaaIC clause ill favor of <br />_ in form acceptable to l.-IIr. Lender shallllave the "",110 hold lhe policies and renewals IlImof. and Botrowv'" promptly furaillllO <br />Leader all rencwaI ROtica and aU receipts of paid premiums. In the event of loss, Botrowv shall live prompt notice 10 lhe insurance carrier and <br />Lender. Lender maylnakc proof of loss if not made promptly by BorrOWff, <br />UDIen lcIIder and ~ odIcrwisc qne in writill8. i__ proceeds 5hall be applied 10 ratoration or ropaiI of the Propcny <br />damapd. provided such rCIlOnIdon or repW it tlCOIIOIlIicaIly feasible and the security of this Deed of Trust is DOt tIImIby ~. If such <br />I'tIIOrablIn or ItIpClir is not _lIIlolly feasible or if lhe security of lhis Deed of Trust would be impIIircId. tbe itmIrIDc:c proceeda .. .. <br />applled to tile _ NCUI'ed by this Deed of Trust, withlhe CllCCSS, if any, paid 10 Botrowv. If die Propcny i$ abandoDcd by Botrowv, or if <br />Borroww faila 10 rapoad 10 LcndIr within 30 days from lhe date notice is mailed by Lender to Borrowcr that tile itmIrIDc:c carrier offtn to <br />little II clEm for itmIrIDc:c "'-fits, LcndIr is authorized to collect and apply the insurance proaleds at lender's option either to ~ or <br />repW of the Property or 10 tile __ _cd by this Deed of Trusl. <br />um- l.-IIr and Borroww odIerwiIe qne in wrItiq. any such appIiatioo of proaleds 10 princip&I sballnot catand or ~ tile due <br />date of lllc IIlOIItbly ~ A Itm mIl refmcd 10 in parqraplIs I and 2 heroof or cballle lbe MlOUlIt of such inatallll!llRlI, If __ ))III'8IInlIlb III <br />IlIrwf tbe Propcny is acquired by Lmdcr, all riPt. title and intcrest of Bor~ in and to IIBY inIlIt'ul:e potic::iG and in and to 1IIc ~ <br />IbenIlIf multina rr- ..... to the Propany prior 10 tile IaIe or acqumtioo sball pus 10 tender to 1IIc __ of the .... __ by ttUs Deed <br />of TI'lIII illl, III Jill III prior 10 such sale or 1l'qUiIitiOD. <br />.. PN... II .. 1IA. 1 n of .....,..,; I ".,..; C.... I I l;..... VIIIl DaHl J "Borrower sllaII at., tile <br />Propuny in pod repW and .. not commit wu&e or permlt impWmenl or deterioration of tile f"ropcny aM sbaII COOIil'IY wittllhe ~ <br />of any ieUDiftbia Deed of Trust iaOll.'-boId.lfthis Deed of Trust is 011 a WUI in a coodominium or II ~ IIait dln~. Botrowv <br />sbaII pcrf'clrm all of Borrower's ollllp'i<;ms 1IIlder the dcdaratloo or ~ crIatiD8 or ~ the ccMDllliniWIII or pI--.1l1ait <br />_llIp 1I1D1.1IIcby-lawaand repIaticlnsl)(tlleCOGdomini_ 01' pIaaacd WId~. and coutit_~. If a ro..6lmlni1dll_ <br />..... - .~t1Ap.Ullt ri4II' is ___ by Botrowv and neordcd loaetller with tbia Deed of Trust, the ~ and _ 1011 of such <br />rlder sbaII be ie<<:oI,..atM iIlIO and .. lMMIId and ~ the ~ and .- of tbia Deed of Trust as if 1M rider __ II pan <br />1lIrwf. <br />7, '" II. of............" If Borrowcr faila 10 perform lhe ro~s and ..- ~ mlhis Deed of Trust, or if any <br />-- or lIlo..l llilll is tAmmlllced whldllMtCrlally affects Leader', i~ in lhe Propany,I~, bIlC not Ilmllcd to. ~ cIomaift, <br />~, ~ ---. or ~ or ~ involvins II bankrupt or dectIdcRt, lbeiIl..ender all..cnder', option. upon noti<< <br />!liI~. .., IIl'IllIIe such 111"'-, diMIune sUllIt ._ aad take suclllll:tioo as is ~ 10 prot<<I Lender', ~, ~. bu1 <br />IIliICII5IliiIed 10. MlIfl I nil of t-we lIltOmey's f_ and entry upoII the Property 10 make repairs. If (..cnder f1Iquind DlC.W'tIIIJC--- <br />III a ~ of __tile .. __ by... Deed of TI'lIII. Borr_ shlIlI pay the premiums ~ 10 maintain such iIIswaIsL-e in elfec:l <br />\lid ~ tiIM as tile "".UI for ~ i_ance ~ in ~ witlllofroww', aad I..cnder'. writtm ~ or ~ <br />.. ~...,., tlleatllOlSlltof aU ~1ftIIlIf_ praums In lhe __ prov\del.IlUl4er ~ 21tmof. <br />Mr ..... ~ by Lmdcr piUmMRC 10 this parqrapb 7, witllllltaat 1'-'-, ... bet:oIM IIddItlonaI i~ of Borrow<< <br />--a by tbia Deed of Tnstt. UDIen hn_ aad Lender qne 10 other 1_ of pa~. such .-tl ... be pa)'RbIe llpon notice from <br />~ !liI ~ requatlDc ___ tIlereof. aIllS sbaII tItar ~ frOOlIM date of diIImf_ III lilt flue P4l)'Rble from li_ 10 li_ OIl <br />.1 HII .... ~ ....tIIe "'*' MIlIIlI ~ of ~ lit Iud! ratfl would be COIllfary to applkable law, in III'hicll f\'ent such a_nl3 <br />... tItar ... .1IIe ~ rate penIIIlllllillle ~ ~ 1&",. Not_ OOIIlIAlMd in IIlH ~ 7 sball require I.ender tt) i_ 811)' <br />.........any~~. <br />8. faI~ III! , Lmdcr..,... m I_to be __ ~ _00 llpOlllllDd i~ 0/11It ~Y. provit!lld (hltll..... sball <br />~~~~ !liI1lIilt'~~lPII'IItf~ "-1Ml.llbc_l~mf~ lol.mdef'. illfaatinllM PT~IY, <br />.. (:~ I ~ n L <T'be P'~ of all' awvd IJf elailll/or ~, dl_t Of <~w, in COIlll<<Iioo ...illlllllY "tllldctnl\lllinn Of <br />~ ~of!be ~,., m _lbemllf.llf f. _~ in Iiw of ~ioo, 811! ~ -lsMd alll! fthltll httmd III I ,mdef , <br />~ lbef\'entofll" ~oftlle "'lfl*11.lhe Jll'ot"!JW IM~ Iollle._ _-wild bv IhilllJftld ,,'1'1\1$1, "lllllhu~~.. II elt". <br />~IO~. In Ibe _ or. ~Idina ohM Pt~y, ..~ hf~ lUl4 l~ (lliwfwl~ ~ III wtitll111. 111<<r ~hlllt 1M a~ <br />!<l! It!iI_ --lily ~ DMsl of TI1IIIlIllal;i! ~(ioo (}f tile ~~t ... i. ~tlHlll(llhJIIII'f<.>flioo ",hkh I tw ~mmml ,,' .h" 'U"" ~"t...t <br /> <br /> <br />'~ <br /> <br />l <br /> <br />-.J <br />