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<br />AdvaIIl:es, if MY, !lad noaa:ekntloa 0I:CIImId; (b) Borrow<<alfCS all brClldlesof MY othcrQJVCll8llts or,aar-us of 8orrow(lfcoat8ineclill
<br />11m Deed of Truat; (c) Borrow<< pII)'ll all rllUOllillble expcIlICS illl:llrred by Lender and Truttoc ill enforciDs tile ~ aa4 ~
<br />Borrow<< c:oa&IIaed ill IIIis DIed of Truat and ill enCoraaI Lender's and TnlStee's ~ u provided inpenqraph 18hcNof. iaclIId!q;cbut ,...
<br />\lOt IlmiMd to, ~ lIUOI1le)f's f.-; lltld (cI) Borrower lakes s\ldl ac:cion u LencIer .., _l>Iy require to ......thattbcJien of'~"'"
<br />Deed of Truat. LencIer's iIltertIl ill tile Propmy lltldBorrower's obIiptloato pay tbc _ ~ bylllisDmlof1'ntst
<br />~ Upaa sudI pafIIIent lltld CUR by Borrower, IIIis Deed of Trust lltld the obtipdons secure4 hIJWy.........inf
<br />cffCdllllifnoaa:ekntloa...--., ' ""."..<<..",,',.'.>
<br />.. .to ~ I...... t,Jl..IIlllI..ef--....;IAMIr...., 'I. Aaadcli1'-lsecurity~..~~ '
<br />Lcndcr the NII1a of dle PropIrtJ, pmw1dedtMl 8qrrowcr ......, prior. to ___liOA __ ........... ~'!
<br />~,hsml theriallltocolleGt lltld NClliasudl NII1a uthey ~_lltld payable. ','..,'.. '. ././
<br />Upaa aa:ekntloa __.......... .. Mnof or __"!Not of the Properly, Lender, ill pmoa,by...or.,bj
<br />receMr, shall be entitled to enter upon, lIIce pel.flSsion of _ maIIIP the Property _ to coIIec:t the __of"
<br />-. Alhents coIIec:telt by Lender or the rec:dwr shall buppliecUlrst to payment of tile GOI1aof 111ft.'" lilt of
<br />I'Ints, iacIudIIItI, but not IlmiMd to, m:ciYcr's r.., pnmIums OIl nl:fIiver's IloIId:J and mn.." ~s __..~
<br />bylllis Deed ofTruat. Lcndcr IIIId the m:ciYcr sIIIII be liable to___oaIy for 1hoIle tenl$actuaIlJ~...
<br />Zl. ,......w.-. Upoa requa( of Borr_. LencIer, at Lender's opciOll, prior to full ~ of the'~
<br />8orrow(lf, .., ..u Future AdvaIIl:es to Borrower. Such Future Advances, with iatenst 1Mnoa, ... be ..........~......
<br />cvidc8ald by JlI'OlDitsor) notes s1atins tllatsaid notes arc secured hcnby. At no tim..haII the ~_of"', ,"<
<br />IIIis Deed of Trust, not indudilIa _lIdY1Uad ill ___ herewith to protec;t the -u,. of IIIis Decdofn.t"...... tile.
<br />of lbe Note plus U.S. S >l , ?") QO
<br />22, 8IC1Il-.q--' Upoa lIIymmt of alI_ secured by this Decd of Trust, Lender... r...- Truttoc to 1tIlOllYq" .
<br />slid surreIIdcr tlm DIed of Trust and all notes cvicIeRc:ias iacIcbteclMss soamd by tIIis Deed of Trust to Truttoc.' TnIItet,. ,~.
<br />Property without warrucy lltld without cllarst to IIIe penon or penons IcpIly entitJcct thento. Such pmoa or .........,............~
<br />..-nIaUOR, if MY: " '."., ....'.
<br />U. ......... n.tIe. Lender, at Lender's option, may frOlll time 10 time ~ Truttoc lltld appoiac . __ ~to"'1\~.
<br />appoiatecIllcmmder by IUl m.u-t rec:orded i. tile tolinI}' in whicl1this Deed of Trust is rec:orded. Withoat ~ of.. ~...
<br />~!.l1II1ft sIIIII SUCClIId to all the title. power and dulles CORfene\! upon the Trustee bertia _ by ~ law.
<br />J4. ..... fer NoIIIlII. Borrower nquestS that c:opics of the notice of ddauk IIIId notil:c of _ be seelt 10 lJorroww's ........ wIlIcIl is
<br />tfH: 'ropcny Addnss.
<br />
<br />~~~~~~~~m~~&~~irJrf:.~~e~~~:t~~rijts(j~fi3'i6~h!!BQl'W~!~~e'..' e
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<br />'Ii
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<br />v...........t..t.7i1 /.J~
<br />Donald L. Butts BORROWER
<br />
<br />Ji cjJ~~ I/~
<br />Betty R. Butts
<br />
<br />Sf ATEOf' NEBRASKA, fi ALL, COUIlly 15:
<br />011 tIUs :( l.,t day of. OR('Pmh'il. . 19.a4.- . before me, IIIe undersipcd. a Nocary PllbIk: duly
<br />c~lIllllllirMdudquliftcdforNidtollDly.pmooaIIycamc: .lflNAlD.L_RIITTS llNO eETTV R ElUTTS, hUlitullnQ aRGI wife
<br />..___ , to mcltllOWll to be the
<br />iOIutiall pcnoIICs) wlloIe namc(1) are subl<:ribcd 10 lhe forqoiOl in.mulmnclllld llCknowledlCd the cxCClltlon thereof 10 be _ t h.. i ..
<br />~ lICt 1IIId.....
<br />"'__lIlY Iludud ~ ,_ at ,___ ~r ;;;00 l:;.laoa...J~ebr aska in Nid county, tile datcafomaid,
<br />
<br />My Commitl'ioa ~:'
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<br />/"-'~"
<br />, "P ;!//. /.#'
<br />/. ..zh'z<</{ ~A(~~~~
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<br />TO TJUSTU:
<br />n., Ij, ~lId ill dle..... of the _ or lIOIa *und by Ibis Deed of Trill<<. Said note or _. tOlCtha' witIl all at_ ~
<br />-- by IIIis 'DlIied of Truat. have becIIl paid in full. You an hereby dil'Cded 10 canOO Nid _ or lIOIa and 11m Deed of Truat, wIlkh an
<br />~...,. _to~, 'lridIout w_anty. a11111e CIlIate now hcId by you ulldGr tllil Deed of Trill<< 10 IIIe pcnoa or penoOs letally
<br />....~,
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<br />Da1e:. _____~___'......
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<br />(Sp_1hlow 'Ibili line R_ved f'ar tender and Ihoonkr)
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