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<br />leaselslls (are) valid arnJ unmoolhed except as II1dlcaled helem "nd III full tOlce and effecl: thal ASSignor has not plevlllllsly sold.
<br />assIgned. IrilllSterrtd, mortgaged or pledged the said rents. from saId premIses, whelher now due or hereafter to become lIue: that any of
<br />saKI rents due and Issumg from saw premises Of from any pall thereof for any penorl subseQUe1ltlo lhe dale I1ell!Of hM oot,_ collected
<br />and lhat paymelll 01 any 01 same has 001 othelWise been anlicipaled, waiwd. released. discolll1led. set-ofl, Of otlletwise Ilisdt~
<br />01 compromised; \hat Assignol has not Icceiwd any funds or deposils Irom any lessee fOI which credit has not alre.,!.leeR ~CllI
<br />account 01 accl\led renls; Ihal Assignor has nolleceived, prior to the date of recolding 01 the said Mortgage Of OeI4efTRiSt,'lIIIJ
<br />bona fide and acceptable olfel to pulchase the said premises 01 any pari thereof which WIlIIlIl in lIIlY WiIJI affect anyri&lltOfOlltiClll
<br />of first refusal to purchase same now contained in the identified lease(sl; and that the lessee{s) IlIlIIer the idenlifiedltaSe(s)is
<br />(aIel not in defaull 01 any of the terms thereof.
<br />
<br />2. That Assignol covenants and agrees as follows: To Obselve, perform and dlSchlllge. duly andP/IftClUaliYial'
<br />and singular tile obligaliOlls, terms, COvell ants. conditions and warranties of the said Note and t.\ortgage 01 Deed 01 Tmst,ef,llIe.
<br />idenllfied lease(s) and of all future leases affecting lhe said premises. en the part of the Assignolto be ke\ll. obselWd and!lllf"
<br />formed. andto give prOll'Vt nouce to Assignee of any failure on part of ASSIgnor to observe. perforrr. anddisc!lafgc same; to I/OtUy and
<br />direct In Wilting each and every presl'f\t or future lessee or occupant of the s~id premises or )f iJJP1 part th.ereof tflat anySlltll!itydepesit
<br />or oth!'r dejlOsits heretofore delivered to ,'l,sSlgncr nave been rEtained Do; ASSignor 01 aSSigned ane' deliveled to Assignee at !hetlSllllli'
<br />be: to enforce 01 secure In the na.'1le of the ASSIgnee the perfor"'ance of each and every oblig<'\Ion. term. t~l tClldition and at-
<br />ment in !aid lease(s\ tJ.; any lessee to be peri{1r.11!d: to appeal In and defend any action 01 proceedmg arising under, Ottllffing OlItot.llr
<br />10 any manner cor.netteti '''Itn the :;cid lease{s\ or the obligations. duties, or Ii abllilies otthe Assigner iI1l! any lessee tIltleUllder."
<br />upon request !1f AS>lgnee, Will do so in the name and !lenal! of fhe ASSIgnee but at the expense of the Assignor, and III pay all costs
<br />and expenses of the AsslEnee. IOcluclOg a!torney's fees 10 3 leasonable st:f' in any acllOll or PlIlceedill& ill \\mch the Assignee lIIlIJappeII'.
<br />two IllOftths
<br />
<br />3. That Assignor furttlel cOvenants and agrees as follows: Nol to receive Of collett allY rents frOllI any preSlIIlt Of
<br />future lessee of said premises 01 any parI 1~lereoi for ;J i'.'::M at c,ore :han ,n adV3!lte. h~hether III em or !1f PfelIIiDcry Rllllt~,
<br />nor plroge, transfer. mortgage or oltlerl'lIse eneu"'l')t" N :,ss,'" k1:::~ pa'Jents oi $3,rl renls: <1C! 10 w3ive, excuSl!. condone. cliscouIIt.
<br />set-off. cornproml5e. 01 rn an. manneT release e: C'SCh31ge 21! Irss;,e It'~,eunceL "i and ir0!:l;my o~ltgaltoos. covenants. cllllllitiorlS lIIIII
<br />agreements by sard lessee te be kePI, ",servea arv.l ~'tllolmea ",ciudlng tilt Cb!i~~:!on to pay the rents thereunder. ill tile _lIIld It
<br />!h~ ~_,_~,:~ ?_~ ~Irn~ ~flI.1:I.le~ !hl?n;~ql n."_,: ,.~ (~:1~L.!.f.l!~~~~!~_!';~!__c~!!~ent ~r: .1;l'.~..~i..1!i~~:'vjer (.~ an~ said tease. Of commence an acti9lof
<br />electment or ;my summar'! p10ceedlngs j'21 o'S;YJSSeSSlC<l of the lessee unoer ~1Y S3rn lease, 01 exercise any Ifilll 01 teeaplllfe ptOVldell
<br />many saKllease, nO( r'1odlfv, O! In anv way alter the terms thereof. not tD tezse any part of the said Pienllses. nor renew lll' eateIld tile
<br />telm of any lease 01 salo prefTl!ses unless an "pllon the.efO! "as Ollgrnaii, sa reserved hy lessee in said lease.:td lor a lilllllllllld
<br />ceflmte rental; <10110 relOCate any said lessee \I,thm s3,d W',,'ses, nO! consenllV any mOOlhcahOll 01 tt.e express purposes for YIIIidI
<br />;l1e plemlses have treen leased, r\QI cansentto any sutlettlilg 01 saId premises 0: anv part theleot. 0/10 any assignment of said ....)
<br />~y any i~ssee thereunder o/to any aSSignment or furlher sublettIng ni nn\' sublease, wl:ilout. In each such mstance eoome/ated ill tIlis
<br />paragrajlll, the plIO! wFllten consent 01 the ~sslgnee.
<br />
<br />4. ThallO the event any representation 0: warranty hOle," of ASSIgnor shall te found to be untrue or Assipr sl1aIl
<br />oefaullm the observance or ~!rfOlmance 01 any 11ollgallon. lelm. cc~enant ccnul\1on or warranty herein, ~en. in each sucli instance,
<br />Ihe same shall conslltute and be deemed to be a defaull under the said Note a.od r.1Drtgage or Deed of Trust thereby entitling Assignee to
<br />j;>c131C all sums secured therellv and ~,elebv Immedlatelv aue anll pavable and to exerCIse any and all of the nillts and remedies provided
<br />thereunder and h~leundel as ,'ell as bylaw.
<br />
<br />5. That so 11.1& as I!,ere shall e..st no deloul! '1'1 ASSlpnol "I the DiJyme!ll of any indebtedness securtd he/elly or ill
<br />Ihe [;'JseiVm'C~ and perlor~;ance of any otlm oblrgatlOn, term, covellant Dr ':CIldlll(.O (,rs,manly herem or In said No!e and Mortgage 01
<br />Deed of Trus! or In saId leasefs\ contained. ASSignor shall trave ttre ughl unoer a license granted hereby I !Jullimited as llIovided in !he
<br />1clioNmg palagl<l!)h) to collect: upon, but not pllor to accrual, ,15 ;jiOresal(j all of SJI1 rents. Jllsrng from or cut of the said lease(s~
<br />'J~ any rf1l{iwal~ N extens!ons thereot. Of from Of 0ut at tIle S31d r)I[,!~iSe5 Of any pall ~l-irf~oL .:no Ass!gnor shall receive suth rtftts.
<br />_...2'" s~.;lI r.oid sa'11e, ,1S well itS tho light and license tn rpee';';' SJ:c,e, as a t;u~t ~ulld 10 tJe appired. and ASSignor herelrt Cll_iIfIts to $0
<br />;4lf)I\' s_l I\ls! to the payment of laKes 311a .sse~s!'\ents upon ',;;;(j pfeClISeS ~ell1(e t,ena!:,' cr I-,teresl .'e C~ thereon. secondly to
<br />Inr cost tA SI/(h mswance ,mCI 01 such "'allltenance and rep""s ,IS '5 rCQulled ~, tl,e :elles 01 t~,e said ::cCltg~ 01 Deed oj Trust. ani!
<br />>;nrt:Hv to ~;~!lsfadlon 01 a;i 0bll~at!cns l2:rder H'i/'! SJ:(1leases. J~rC fourthly to tre ;;J:..:~,(!nt c.! ntefest and fXlrn;tpat bttoHung dYe 00 tbe
<br />:<,~Hj Note M~ '.~{Ht2:~l}.~ 0' De€'c of T rust ~:~for~ USing any p~nt of th~ S3i7'e for Jnv ~:O-:fr pc:ooses.
<br />
<br />~, Thai W~';", :1", sale ;,:"j l'_;r;p'"Hce hv ASS,.fiOi and its Sl.W',S"'s a;:~ OSSI~I1S (1 ::,~Il eal>ehol~ s~~~:~,~~~ in
<br />~.11 ~i:ttit 1il!e A::d Ir\I(f~l?st J~ p~'~':p'IS ;;::ant~d v,~~lr n\~ hcense 3fCJi('s;nd S!!JlI autc'JtIC.~:!~' rass ~0 and ~ay ~ e,.erClsed hy I!!icn such
<br />'_:~~:f~O:'Ju'!:nf {);.:~e: ;~;td d..ern (i! 11: ;)I1V tc,e ..siter (~.;:t.)ul\ !il1ne rJ~"~'e-n~ eif ':::1)1 1:~!Jei:~t"'~t:f:l'SS ~I"!::.;r~;~ ~'~le:>y cr Hl thf,i r:':servance or ~t~
<br />!'.r"'l!;)(f: (~ ;tf',V r,<;i]l~,1iH)f! !~rr'l CCVf;;-q-,'it (:'~ltqi:::l Of -"l~air.i.n~', ::(>tt'lfl (j! 1;" P,e ~:'~:d ~Lle ,-:f ..t':-!1?3;e c! Det'd or Tn;st (1$ Jf11~ 'S-~Id
<br />;t).](~~Sl c>~t:~H~~d, l1:,s!~n~~ ;~l Ib f1'P~I[)fI.~}i3Il hJ'..'~ 11\e (,Y' ;j'(~t-? flint. ~",_':,'Ct ~~_t:~ ;,;:!~. ..~! i1!;1@'U't--1p.r !~'~i) Oi there.1ftef to exeiU5e a.nd
<br />~'nkfce anV nr aH of l~tf~ f~-l!c...l!lg f:~!ht~ i$;vj le<T\t;(1!E's !I~:!C t'.;T:ilf:Jtt lht' license ~:l,:'lIo;"illo ASSI~nt)ll(1 collett as atvlfS3H! tfpt said
<br />ffr4!L ;~F1 then ,~,,1 Ht~rt~1ne:. ,'.ith/ut (;:~'...1I1~\ ~; !J~.L';\SliAl. PI ;l')~;,:~~qe~'~ <;,',l! iJ.\i"e Ie ,.I_'!~';~n(1. (t'~lefL receive. ~;,~~ fOf. 3H~ch ale f~vy
<br />:~'e "i,~lt~ f~r~~_ b ;,::'l"e pro~f1l'r i?:'C~l~>!~. (i::i":~~:~s J;C~;dl!L~nu.:'s !~feleloJ. ;~nr' ,",;ter ~';)Cl:C:I:'i~: ;1!\ ":~(f'$$31\o' ~:td P-Hi-fJ{'f (Us-15 ~rl{j cJ.j,reuses
<br />,){ r..,~1~li)n JiW COI\{'CtIC;"l ,y~ Celf;lf~n..~d ~', A5slgflte. iflCiLdJr.~ 'e~l$V\a~;!e ;:ltOliC'.'S' f('(lS, to Jrply t~r net PlOt~ffis t'1creot. t'l:ethtlr
<br />wlth~' iun6s (il r'S.!ii,I~~lN ~2~X'Slll;'\n,',\n1 ,GS~:iI~:li(\~, upen aT., l,\{\i_)btt:'f;n~ss S;'Ci~i':-'(' '\f~'lf~\\" ,,1:lC ~n SUe) C::'~J ;;S d}..'1~:if1e(l H'tlV ~~~ttHlllne:
<br />!U tc. e~~itt aU $Ul~'S ~@~tJH~d helf.'DY i~',::,~~jl(I~€lv i1,J-t' iH'f\' p'Wil~;lr. ,}lllL :\! :1~, optIon r'i.(,ltl~(l ~q ::1 ;hf' fi,;;hts J'H.1 r~:\~l~JleS t~,;lrJ!i1ed In
<br />'LHd ~i0~f I)od ~/rf>ft~a~ 0' Oti~d c-t T\'uSL and (c l....ilhout If:'f,w11:-)!ttfl ;t~:eG:;.lc\' ()! Un" ~ec\i"I\' ',',lih ;_1: i;.itht:ul ;: ,~' ,ldt()fl or r4c(~dHl!
<br />:>::rot,~ a;lY ptJ'fSon Of 0)' ~~,~FHjl. or ~\y U';~ !'i',;ftf:1!i; U-qt~f'f l~lf" DJ.."-f"t1 of TI~;q \f::'i:rt.'!~ ~'''';pfl",' (:r "v ;-) rfrL\;-;f't L' h' .:1;){\'":in1f'1d by (()utt
<br />\lH~SCe(tl'i~: of ),~Hd AS\\l':i(Jfj, ;<ir,':,.!:)~;r(!n th~~n Il"':','.ln~"( W ~"ltf" Ljh}l1, \."ll>l' ~,~".~"J')l' 1 c! ':,1!~:1;_' ,-~ ':.':'e:,i:e 'S-~'d p;~l"-~I~~
<br />1-: ~li[.,. p;~l; F-'f'f~'-:/.' f.!-,'~'l t:': 1\'.' ~t.,,!,-,.r' t' t ,~! ht'l,p;:::fl I;) ,d!('fI f1 S,)ld r':{l"'l~t'$
<br />\'1';; ~liUt Ihf;',~1>t. ir,l!) '\'h'1U. ,; :J \',Pi~')".jl~e tit) ,lilY t1{t 01
<br />..':, i ;11-, In t',:'l ~:,,\,"{\ fi"-lftllt JS ASS1i,::\f}f
<br />\11('11 ,1"': "J;Uf.:p'~'~r1t <)1 'S~Hd t\;~f~Wq~~. h;1
<br />; (lol.i'l ,':1;" ,\:~r\,.,)f:''t'S' !Pf'~
<br />
<br />
<br />'1 !;'1 '-'\>'I'w!'!('\}
<br />
<br />"otl(. pruvlslon5 of Article ]9 of the Mortgage or Dred of Trust
<br />
<br />. ",,"'4 <I ll'
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />-1
<br />