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<br />84 - 006645
<br />
<br />IN LEASE(S)
<br />._--_.__._,---~._--
<br />
<br />tIS",?, l'\ I.
<br />THIS ASSIGNMENT made this 1~i4 day of ve~e~ per 19 7t by
<br />CONESTOGA JOINT VENTURE, a~ Ohio general partnersnip, having a business
<br />address as 25425 Center Ridge Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44145-------------__
<br />
<br />-------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />
<br />- - - -- --------- --- -------------- -- - - ---- ----------------- (hereinafter called "Assignor")
<br />in tawl of TEACHERS INSURANCE AND ANNUITY ASSOCIATION OF Ar,IERICA, a corporation organized and existing Ilooer
<br />and by virtue of the laws of the Stale of New York, having its principal office at 730 Third Avenue, New York, New YOlk 10017
<br />(hereinafler called "Assignee"),
<br />
<br />
<br />Ihe Assignee. the leasel Sl more parliculaflYldenlified in the Schedule of Leases attached hereto as Exhillit "An \\mdl said
<br />leasei S) cOvt!n s) portions of the premises together with build;r.gs ;,nd i:nprovements thereon (hereinafter called "said iHemises").
<br />situate In tile Cl ty of Grand Island , County of Hall
<br />__~~:..~i____1!.ebraska , and more parllculariy destrl~ Ifi the Mcrtgage or Deedof Tmslllereinafter idelltirtell.
<br />
<br />TOGEiHER with any ana all extenSions and renewals thereof and any and all further leases (including suO-
<br />leases thereat. tenanCies follOWing attamment and 011 anC! Ras leasesl upon all or any part of fhe said premises (all SIIdIleues,
<br />suoleases and tenancies heretofore menlloned a:e herelnaHer collectIVely Included III the deSignation "said leaselsf').
<br />
<br />TOGETHER WIth any and all ~uaraOiees of lessee's performance under any of silld lease(s), an<!
<br />
<br />TOGE THERNltr, the i'!w\ediale and conhnurng right to collect and recelvt! all ollhe rents, iflCOOle. receipts.
<br />revenues, is:,ues and profits now due or which ma'~ become c~e 01 to :.~Ich ASSignor may now or sllall hereafter (InClucmg tile
<br />period of rede'!lption, If any) become entifled or ffiilY demand N claim, aJlSlng 01 iSSUing hom or oot 01 the said lease's) or from
<br />or oul 01 t'le said prellllses or any partlhereof, Inc!udlng but not by way of !imllalloD: mlnH1'iUm renls, additional renls. percentage
<br />rents. parking "'alntenance, tax and !Ilsu\ance CJnlrlhullcns ~;(Ireeds of sale of eiectnc.ty gas, chllied and heated ~';alerlll1fl
<br />other utilities and serVices, dellc1ency rents a:IG Ilculdatec d.Jcc,ages foiioNlng default. the p:t>mrum payallle by any lessee upon
<br />t::e exerCise of a cancellat,Oll pJlvJlcge oTlginally prO~lded III any said lease, af}~ ail p'oceeds p31'illJle un<r.!1 allY policy of m.
<br />SUf~r}r.e cove{mg :oss of ~ents It'sLd:lng :iQ:n t:nte;'j;~;jL~bd,i~r c.)l;~~cd t;' Gestlu::tlcn D: d.:nage 10 the Sill[; ;J~emISes togt'ther .vlth
<br />an,' and allllgt\!s and c:a:~s o~ 3n~' i-.Hld wtllch Assr!:IlGr ~~,~'i tlJ'.'e .-~,~2;:-~S: aH'; ltiS$e~ under soch ieaSe1S) or any sub-tenants or
<br />occupants of l~ said p:e'l'ses i 311 such mOI1!!YS, lights and dam.s IT: thIS paraglapll described bemg tlelemaller calle\:: "rents").
<br />EXCEPTINC, THEREFRGr,', any' St;,7S "hlcl1 by the e~p;ess prov,slons 01 a:'v said lease ale payahle dllectlv to anV g~vt!ll1Il:ental
<br />au:nolltv 0: to.anV ~~!her person, firm or ~crjicr31!O!1 ~~Pl.:'r th2:1 U:e le~so; under U1f' saK1lease:
<br />
<br />SUBJtCl, however, 10 a license !le:eDy granted by Asslg".ee to ASSignor. 'JullH11Ited as hereto'lllel prcvlaeQ.
<br />to colieet ana recel'Je all 01 lhe 5a:d rents.
<br />
<br />TO HAVE ArlO TO HOLD Ih~ S,l"e unlo :~'e AS$lgnee, .ts sucressors ,llle ;)$S');'''5 bever, or fur s:Jch shorter
<br />Ptrtod as Me:tlflaftef ~::.,. ~Ie ncicatrd.
<br />
<br />FOR THE PUHPOSE OF SEC'.jRrlG the p\,':~nt 01 l~e :r.0~b1edness ~V1denced by that certain tJot~ dated
<br />of evt:o date heX'c.li th ':, the ;,':c.".J31 Sri'" cf TilIRTF:E;~ l-.lILLION fIVE-HU;mRED THOUSAND
<br />AND OO!l'.)OTHS------., --,----- --.------- - ------------ 'S 13.500,000.00----- e'OLUIR,
<br />"2:e hy A,,~,'~"ol ;aya')!e 10 the Older 01 TEl\CliERS ':::)URiIliCE i,im j,iiriU I TY AScjOC J ATl ON OF AMER reA
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<br />Hall CC'I,nly Of t:~ Lt f€'v.-lre:1 ~"i"f:!f) I":,:~_r'~l;;~etv Pit:" Plll~"J~ to I'IP Ir(CrdHlg herpul, ;nd q ;my
<br />f.'_.tt1+"$tOf'fS, $Jvllltment$ ar:~ r:on$CIH~J~tf.'nS l;f':If'A, LO'f~rHlt Iht ~a!d r;t"'11~~$ (Jnd ~('tullng Ihe SJHJ Note and sUPlll~""~ItUI
<br />"Olt$, .1 JfIy i~lelni!llltl r,clleWve1y (ailed ":'~ :,J,d Nal~ ,)',a '.:',fi,;;',ii' ei Deed pi T,ust"l,
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<br />iO PklJTECT THf ~LCU":II Y 'if nH; :,",IV,','f.rn IT IS COVr:WHUJ AiW .\CI{iTO AS f'CllOI';S:
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