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<br />84 - 0066.15 <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />Plovided. however. thallhe acceptance by Assignee of this Assignment. with all of the rights. powelS, privileges and <br />autIloIlty so cleated. sMiI not. Pfiol to entry upon and taking of POSseSSion of said premises bv, be deemed or constlued to <br />cOllStil1lte Assignee a mortgagee In possession nor thereafter 01 al any time or in any evenl obligate the Assignee to appe31 in 01 defend <br />any actiGll or pmceedine retating to the said 01 to the said premises. 01 to take any action heleunder, or to expend any money <br />Ilf illClll any expellSeS or perfOllll or dischillge any obligation, duty 01 liability undel said leasels), or to assume any otllilatiOll 01 <br />~Iity fOl any seclllity l!epo$ltS 01 othel deposits delivered to ASSignor by any lessee thereundel and not aniped ancI <br />delimed to Assignee, IlOI slim I Assignee be liable in any way 101 any ini\llY or damage to pelSOll 01 property sustailllld by any <br />pemlI 01 persons. film 01 COlpolatlon in or about lhe said premises: <br /> <br />And proVIded furthel that the collection 01 said roots and application as aforesaid and/OI tile eIllry upon aIllItaILiIlg <br />possesSion of the said premIses shall not cure 01 waive any default or modify or aflect any nOtice of defaultlllldetsaidftgte <br />_ MoItIage or Deed 01 Trust 01 invalidate any acl done llUIsU3llt 10 such nollce. and tile eIllorteMl1t 01 sudlna!tt Ollemlllly~ <br />Ass~. once exelclsed. shall ctllllmlle for so long as Assignee sIIall elect. notVlitllstandmg tllat tile collectilm and appIitatilm 11M. <br />sad 01 such rents Il\iY have cmoo 101 the time the ollglllal default. II ASSignee shall thereafter eleet to disconttnue the elUlKise of <br />any SIIClIliPl or remedy. the same 01 any other flghl 01 remedy herell!1dClI~ay be leasserted at any time and frlllll time Illti_fllllewillg <br />any ~ def3ll1t. <br /> <br />7. That AsslflOr dces hereby cOIlstitute and appoint Asslgore ltte Ime and lawful attorney, coupled willi an illtelllst,of <br />said ASSlgoor and in the naM. place and stead 01 ASSignor, 10 demand, sue IUI. attad1, levy, leeom and ftceive iIIlY pmmilllll 01 penalty <br />payallie upol1 tile exerCISe, by any lessee under any lease 01 the said premises, 01 a privilege 01 canteltalilm Illigillally provided ill said <br />lease, and to give proper receipts. releases and aCQUIttances therefol and, aftel deducting expellstS 01 coll<<:tiOll, to apply \lie net pmceeds <br />as a credit upon any portion. as seiected by ASSignee, of the indebtedness seculed heleby, notwitllstllllliing tile fact that tile alIIOIlftt owi!lI <br />tl1erCllllller may not then be due and payable or that the ir'~ebledness is otherwise adequately seOlred, aIId Assignor doesherelly Mllorize <br />and dllett any such lessee to deliver suer. paymont to ASSignee in accordance with the Imegoinl!, and does lIereby ratify and crofillll all <br />wIlalsoever that ItS said attorney. the Assignee herein shall do or cause to be done by virtue olllle powers grillllell~. The wi\llin.,* <br />menl sIIall be irrevocable ",.d continuing and such nghts. power5 3nd privileges shall be uclusive in Assignee. its successors and as- <br />signs so long as any part of the irdebtedness secured hereby shall remain unpaid. <br /> <br />____ B. That ASSignor does ~.ereby crnstrlute and appoint Assignee the lrue and lilwlvI altomey, coopled witll an interest at <br />-'-Sid As'slfiOr and-in lhe niiie,-place '3nd stead ofsaiifimlgnor fIlsiJi)ject ';m{fsuOOfai1'-alnlnanftmjniilflfiillrllllll!-W-t~edW-at.---J, <br />leeting the said ptemises or any part thereol, 10 the hen of the said Morlgage 01 Deed of Tlust Of any other lllOIlll. Of deed of 11m on <br />or to any grOlllld lease of said Pfemises or 10 reQuesl or ICquile such su!iClrdinatlOn, ",'here such reservallon. optiOll 01 aufholity was Ie. <br />sefVelIlllldel any said lease to the ASSignor. or in any case, where the ASSignor otherWIse would have the lIgIIt. power Of Ili'ivilellll SO <br />to 00. This appointment IS to be IlIevocable and Cul1!mUlOg and these lights, powers and Ili'lvileges sI1Jll be exclUSIve III Assipee. its <br />SUCceSSOlS and assigns so long as any part of the indebledness secured hereby shall remain UIIjllIld, and AsSIgnor does 00relly wallin <br />thaI Assrgoor has nol. at any time Ili'lOf to lhe dale hereof, exercised any such fight and CllVenanls Ilo\ to ellt!lcise any SUCAlIgllt 10 SO <br />suOOfl!ill4le any such lease 10 this MOflgage or Deed of Trust 01 to any other mortgage CI deed 01 trusl Of 10 any i\IOll!Id lease. <br />two months <br />9. That ASSIgnor hereby agrees to indemmly and hold the ASSignee harmless of and heir. any and allliaflility, loss, <br />damage or expense which It Ir.ay or migh! incur ur~er or by reason of Ihis ASSignment. 01 for any acliOlllaken by tile Assignee heleundet. <br />Of by rea500 0110 delense 01 any and all claims and demands whalsoevel which may be asserted against ASSIgnee ilIising out 01 said <br />leasels). ,"cluGing. bIlt ....lthoollrml1alion thelfto, any claim by any lessee 01 credlllor rental paid 10 and received by Assi r, bill not <br />delivelell tc r,sslgnee, 101 any penca under any said lease more than In advance 01 the due date Ihereof; ~~lIld the ASSIgnee <br />Il1ClIr any such halJi!ily. loss. da;nage Of expense. the amount Ihereof (,"cludlOg reasonable attorney's fees) wilh rnterest IhellOlllll tile <br />~ally fate setlorth 'n salct Nole and Mortgage or Deed of TlllSt shall be Dilyahle by ASSignor im;nedlately ....lthOllI demand. and sI1aIl <br />be SCC1lroo hereby and by SOlO MOIl gage or Deed of T lUSt. <br /> <br />10. Th.t untl! the Indebtedness secured hereby shall :lave !:teen paid In full. ASSIgnor Will delaver to the ASSIgnee <br />execllled ccplt!S of any and all Cltirer and luture leases upon all or any pall ollhe said p;emrses and will transfer ;;nd assign such other <br />and Mille leases upon the same telrlS and coO(hlions as herein conlalOed and ASSignor heleby covenants and agrees to ll\ike, exc<u!e <br />_ deliver ooto Ass.gnee upOn demand and at any lime or times, any and all aSSignments ilnd olher Instruments sufficienllor the purpose <br />Of that tl1e ASSignee may deem to be adVisable tOf cally,ng oullhe true ~ulposes and lotenl of t~ls ASSignment (lncludmg assignment or <br />IlIe rent Undel any lease With the United Slates Gove,nmenl aller allowance of t~ie lental claim, ascerlamr.lenl of Ihe amounl due and <br />Issuance 01 the warlanl for payr'fnt thereofl. <br /> <br />I!. That tile failure oflhe ASSignee to avail Itself cl aflY of the terms. covenants and COIldillOns of Ihls ASSignment <br />'~I M1'f D~r100 cf time Of ,I any tl~\e 01 tr;o1es. Sl1ell nol be w~51;uea 01 drti",{'!llo be a waiver 01 any 5uch light. ;!lid nothing herem coo. <br />tal~,1'I01 il>;ything OO!lll or o'llIlted to be done by .~SSlgne~ Di)!',u.nt ~'~'el(' ,'!ail :Je dee;nNj a \O>.)'vel bv A"slgn~e of any 011\5 lightS <br />Ilf1d ftmed!f$ undel said Note and r.'ortgilge 01 Op.,~ 01 TICS\. or uMel t~e 11." oI1he 51;t~ ,,,,,hliM t'ie S),d pre'nlses ale situale. T~e <br />"&11101 tl1e ASSignee to (ollee,! \he Silld "ldebteane!~ and 10 ~"io'(e ..ny o~hei ~\'(,"'li O'f.dor na; ti<! emclsed by ASSignee, clther <br />pllor 10, SIIllliltillltll!Jsly wltll, or sub~eqr.leot to ~ny ~(llon I,l-en t',c'e\iildcl. <br /> <br />12. Th31 $0 l!Jog aSt ~'l'f of the F;dp~;!eo!'je!i!t ;;~(\;H~C !;c:d)';,' <Hllj t1v :t<t;' SJld Nol~ ~vld ~,t:llrf,3ie IH Deed ot Trust ~aU <br />;~mJjtfllJfl~jH.t. uoif$s frn~ ~$ ~h~1i o:hflt'td~~ C;'1!;e'f\t HI ",flt:~;~. ~Pt:' lIne ;1'ld !li(> l~as~hold (lSL1!~~:S) Wl ~:~id plenllses as <br />htltllloolllll! duolbed Sh~1l ilOt 'ile'te, ~'Jt ;~\aH ill />,1, ~ ,";'i <,ep.lIJ:e ~ ',: ill>: I, ,,'I ,,,PI', :,)~d'iI~ Ihe unIon of '",e bl,.le( 5\ either <br />1ft lne A$~4"l(H or HI ~n)' teSi$.e-e 1); Hi iil thHd ~iajty ttf ~'(HCiJ:f,e r;: c\~;{'rftjl'~. <br /> <br />n. T~~ flpL'fl rhlV:;)l!nf f:! f.Jll d all 01 tf;r')',,'~""'i1~dnt~~l ,jlf'(: bv ~h~H~ ~Jot~ ~lnu '.\Htga~e 01 CN'O olllU5t ~liid 01 <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />I' 1 f,.'t" II> t. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />..J <br />