<br />84 --006644
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<br />
<br />UlIless within such period MOltgagOl. at its own cost and expense, shall have completed 01 shall have commencedandihllrealteJ.W;iUl
<br />diligence, complete such repairs and replacements, ,In such event, MartgagOl shall also reimburse the MortgageelhecostofSucll'~'
<br />rhe same being secured hereby. lithe survey determmes such maintenance to be adequate,tllen the cost thereof shall.belltlle,ex/!llll~' .
<br />ofllle Mortgagee, .
<br />
<br />7. That the MortgagOl will not voluntarily create 01 permit to be created Olliled againstthepr1)!lCf~$~t~,
<br />this Mortgage, any mortgage lien or other lien or liens inferior 01 superior to the lien of this Mortgage and lurU\er,tllatil~t!!~p
<br />and maintain the same free from Ihe claim of aU persons supplying labor Of materials which will enter into ihe c~uction.~,lIA)'
<br />and all buildings now being er~cted or which hereafter may be erected on said premises, notwithstanding by whOlllsuchlalllJrlll'
<br />materials may have been contracted, and on the fai lure of the Mortgagor to perfOlm these covenants, 01 any part thereof,tllertllilOll
<br />the principal and all arrears of interest shall, at the option of the MOItgagee, or any hoWer of tile Nole secured by the Mortgage,
<br />become due and payable, anything contained lherein to lhe contrary notwithstanding.
<br />
<br />8. That if al any time the United Stales Government, or any other governmental subdivision shall require ~
<br />Revenue or other documentary stamps hereon or on the Note secured by this Mortgage, or shall require paYmellt of the UllitedStates
<br />Interest Equalization Tax upon the obligation secured hereby,then the said indebtedness and the accrued in!efest!tllr_ .,1 lie
<br />and become due and payable at the election of lhe MOItgage~~) days alter the mailing of nolice of such election to~;
<br />provided, however, said election and the right to elect shall be unavailing and this Mortgage and Nole shall be aIIlI reNin in ~.if
<br />Mortgagor lawfully may pay for such stamps or such tax including interest and penalties thereon to or for Mortgagee lIfId does ill tadpIJ.
<br />when payable, lor all such stamps 01 such tax, as the case may be, including interest aOO penalties tlleleon. MortPllll' fllllllef ...to.
<br />deliver to MOItgagee, at any time, upon demand, evidence of cilizenship and such other evidence as may be rtqYKtd by any IllVIfmlllllt
<br />agency having jUlisdiction in Older to determine whelher the ebligalion secured hereby is subject to or exempt frOlllIRy such tB.
<br />
<br />9. To save Mortgagee harmless from all costs and expenses, including reasonable aUolllIlYS' fee aIIlI com II a
<br />title search, conlinuation of abslract and preparation of survey. incUlred by reason 01 any action, suit, IIGCetding !learilll_ion
<br />------'----'.-'-'---.--~ication-lIefOfe-al\'j'''toUlt-Of-1ldmillislraHw,-bOOrtextepling-arr-athoo~_w_mlet\'-l11t'dt:b1_ucllllllt~'iIr-------.
<br />and 10 which Mortgagee may be or become a party by reason hereof, including but not limited to condtl1lflllion. barlkrlqltq prlllllle
<br />and adminislration proceedings, as well as any other of the foregoing wherein proof of claims is by law relluiml to be filed GI' ill
<br />which it becomes necessary to defend or uphold the terms of and the lien created by Ihis Mortgage, and alllllOlley paid Of e~
<br />by Mortgagee in that regard. together wllh inlerest thereon from date of SUCh payment al the rate of JI__JlC....~..
<br />shall be so much additional indebtedness secured hereby and shall be immediately and without notice due and payable by Morlltl<<.
<br />..thirteen (13~) percent per annum,
<br />10. That Mortgagor Will give Mortgagee Immediate notice of the actual Olthleatened commencement of any pro-
<br />ceedlllgs unGer eminent domalO aflecting all Of any part of the said Plemlses or any easement therein 01 appurlenance thertel,
<br />loch,Mhng severanoe and cooseQuenlial damage and ch.1nge 10 .rade of streets, and will deliver to MOItgagee copies of any and all
<br />papers served In connection with any such procet'dings, MOItgs,Of Iwtner covenants and agrees to make, ~ecute and deliver to
<br />Mortgagee, at any lime Ct times upon request, free, clear and discharged of any encumbrances of any kind whatsoever, any and all
<br />IUlther assignments and/Oflllstruments deemed necessary by MOItgagee for the pwpose of vaiidly and sufficiently asSigning all
<br />3WlIfds and other compensatioo heretofore and hereaUer to be made to MorlgagOl (including the assignment of any award from the
<br />Unltell St~tes Go,clnmenl at any tline after the allowance of the claim therefor, the ascertammenl of the amount thereof and the
<br />.ssuance of the warnnt 100Rayment thereof) for any taklOg, either ~ermanent or temporary under any suth proceedinc.
<br />(See Paragraph 36 hereof)
<br />11. That Mortgagor within *** days upon request by mail, 'lvillfulOlsh a written slatement duly acknowlerlged
<br />or the amount due uPon thiS Mortgage and whether any offsets or delenses exist againstlhe morlgage debt.
<br />
<br />12. That the r,tortgagor and a II subsequent cwners of the Mor tgaged premises shafl keep and mamtam lull and
<br />COIICtt books and records ShOWiO& m delailthe cammgs and eA~enses 01 said premises and shall permit the r,torlgagee or its
<br />representa!ive to CKamlne such books and records and all suppor\lng vouchers and data al any tllne and rrnm lime to lil!lt on requesl
<br />at ,Is ofllCes, hercln!;efOle Identified, Of at such other locations as may be mutually agreed upon: I'IIthlO Ten' lOi days after demand
<br />therefor, and In any event, wlthm ,,,*If days followmg the eAplla\lon of r,1oltgagOf'S 'Irstliscal year and lollowmg lhe e~pllatUll1
<br />of each ristal year Ihereaftel dUling the term 01 thiS Mortgage wlillUlnlsh 10 the r,1orlgagee a stalement shOWing ill deta.1 all suth
<br />eiHnlngs and ex~~n~ies s,nte llie last s~ch 5talement vCllllca by I~e aHldavlt of the f.!l)rt~agOl orlhen owner, 01 ,f the same be a
<br />cOIfJOlallon, by an a!llaavlt of ,Is c~ln(I[.Jl e~ecull~e afheer, 'oclu,JlOg also, If so lequestoo, ~,Ialcm\'nls from all tenants or said
<br />prCllllSU showrng all sales "-ade Iherc.n, together also wllh a wlent lent loll of the S,J'O s!em,ses shoWing wllh resi'Ctllo eath
<br />lenancy: the narr,e af the lenant. tt'l€ space Cf.cu~;led, th.e ~i!~f arid 'e'm l;f svch lease, :~t; a:~~(JUHt 01 J~irHjallel1!al and JOdltlooal
<br />lenlal and all rene,val OIlelmlllatlon OpllonS, and In the event that Ihe r.!Cllgag(~ 511311 refuse Of ladle fUlnlsh any slJlerenl as
<br />alOlcdeswbed, or In the e'ienl stICh sl1!tement shall be 1I1ilCc,nte 01 'aise, orlflllle (,elll (.Ilhe failure 01 the r"~tgagor or any
<br />s~~nr O>lnel tel cerml! the ~,!;)ltgagee or ,Is le;teSenlat<~e to Insp~cll'lo pel~Isos 01 Ihe ~,lld tlOOl<S an\lloccrds on IOqlJest,
<br />r/.'Qllmil&ef mlly ([)'l$ldtl $lich "cIs 01 the '.'()ftg_gor as a de!,lull r~lounder aCid PO!.~M Ifl ,ltcoldanco wllh Ihe lights and IOmedlOS
<br />allllliWd II at la~ and un<l~, 1M rrO,{I~IOflS 01 thiS '.'ollga~e.
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />13. Thlllltlt lallme to comply With and ;"lfc~r. each Jnd ,1lf 01 Ii" .P!!'I) (",'en,IIlIS, u!1dlllolll. ,111d slll~Jlahons
<br />tltf~'~'~H' ~tl f"lh. sIlKIly <1110 hlerally, JrCU;d'llg 10 1~l'1? lli~ 1I1!i'nllll"'ol'll. tire hell1g c! Ihe eS~Ci1ce th~leof. sh,JIl fJUSe the
<br />hilt a:rr;otJut h@fttl'f ~i(lCUfft1 to ~:,{,CQf't due aiid c':'!:n:l!bH~ ~l! c,ij{,r, dt the flection 0t HIt' k:jt':el d s;l:d ilL:e ,":'\;1 thf.lIf\Jf'!Jt~dflt~S
<br />S~cuIH H~IObV, il'~j Ih's ~.""I!i"te "~'i 1'.'o"..on be bec'c:;ed l'i!'!'d.ately MId y"lhl)JI ;'''1 Iict'l~ 01 SIIi.h t'1~III(-III11 ho p,1V1'1l tOl
<br />Ulf. Wf'h-o!e rtr~"t)tH~~ ,j ~i~K1 f:',if'\ey, Hlli;re$1 t}n{j t(;:.I$, ,:df(; fO'I alt SLI'~.!) rnd IUII.'{H1N .111'; (:1lhe Pi(h'l~di,'il5 hel('of, wdh Inkf(~~llht'fei)n,
<br />.111(\ C,Ih;:,wI~ as tWfcm IJo"d,~jl, ,.,1110" ,j~:h(j~ '-'JV to f"e'c"ed I" "~!l1Iilt('ly OJ ,11 ;1:,,11"'1' Ih,'leallel ,lIlll 1'lo1Y he orl(ls"'1 "lid 11m
<br />',~tJlt~4i~ felns,lli\ft~j t;rdhtr J! ::e!ore. fA .lftt., ku~r: fOSLfH' IHtXf'(~Lllngs. h~h( !i't'f! ~. 1}!",;~':'j1{t"tJ. Such ON!OIlI'lil)' he t1Nrfllc,p.d ,~;H11t'-
<br />f".f,f.l(:!f~t"d Wjl~"~lIt HI ~!1:1 \'lIJy H::PJU11lft Ih~ 11~!l1~ or :he MDth:,I~d' L:N tfw Lll1 ('H'ICISI' ~ ')li\.h r<f'rt!()n~l ,)~\(j vpllP!l3 ,4'li.f I'uthml~ \'):,11
<br />bt (:~n)tr~-i!d t() ;'1 1i;:iIVe! (.If !~u{h rl~!t-J' Pktf\lp-t il!l f~'tJftSS h Hu: tllNt If ','ill,~, !\~\"\lf'i\.' ;\y 'hl~ ti,ltl:n (\f !hp~(\
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