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<br />
<br />*thirteen (13%) pel'cont
<br />per annum or Bucn greater rate speci-
<br />fied in the Note, if any,
<br />
<br />3. To keep the premises free from statutOlY hens of every kind; to pay, befOle d~linquency and before any
<br />,)- penalty fOl non.payment attaches thereto, all taxes, assessments, including but not limited to sewer, sidewalk and stfeet lialltifll
<br />assessments, water rates, sewer rentals and otllet governmental or municipal orllublic dues, cl1arges, fines or i....illllSwIIidl
<br />are 01 may be levied against the premises or any part thereof; to pay any and alllaxesand assessments whidl maybeteviell'Gr
<br />assessed againsl this Mortgage or the Note secured herebY, including every mortgaae interest which MortIaaee llIIYh"lI--:
<br />deemed to have in sllCl1real eslale by reasOll of this Mortgaae, but OIIly to tilt eX,tent lhat any sIICl1JlllYmeat wllelllIdllW,to.'
<br />inletest payable heleunder and under said plomissory Note shall not exceed ~.lU_ I r-' -...bll,,~;~
<br />heleby secured, heteby waiving and releasing all fights of offsets or deductiOlls aa.iost the i~sectIIlI
<br />01 the payment 01 any such taxes, assessments 01 charges aforesaid; to deliver to Mortgagee at \eastleR (lOr......
<br />delinquency,receipted bills evidencing paymenl therefor; to pay, in full, under 1lI0test and in lhe IllIllMffll'OV_tl1~
<br />any tax, assessmenl, rate, fental, charge, line 01 impositiOll aforesaid which Mortgagor may desire to contest; tlllttlmililef_<CI
<br />the MortgagOl and also of the Mortgagee in such real eslate shall be assessed for taxation and tlHll t~; and iIltlle~CI
<br />the passage after the date of this Mortgage, of any law of the Slate deducting from the value of land fOf tIm IMIlllHG'llf.tmtillll
<br />of any lien thereon, or changing in any way the laws fOl the taxation 01 mortgages Of debts secured by lIlOItIaae for state _.t
<br />purposes, or the manner of the collection 01 any such taxes so as to affect this Morlgaae, or upon the femlitiorlby anycMof
<br />competent jurisdictiOll 01 a deCision that any undertaking by Mortgagor as in this paragraph provided, is 1eI-aUy iflGperltw..tIlell in
<br />any such event, the indebtedness secured hereby, at the option of the MOItgagee and upon thifty (3D) days' Ili<< writtelllllltlte,slIBU
<br />become immediately due, payatle and collectible, provided, however, said optiOll and right shall be unavailifll_thl__tltis
<br />Mortgage shall remain in effect In any event if, Mortgagor lawfully may pay all such taxes, asseSSlll8llIs _ chafges. iflcllllillg illttIeIt.
<br />and penalties thereon, to or for the Mortgagee and does in fact pay same when so payable. Any assessment wIlidI haIleR lIIIIlepay-
<br />able in installments at the application of the Mortgagor or any lessee 01 the premises shall, nevertheless fmthe IMpost of tilts JIll....
<br />be deemed due and payable in its entirety OIl the day the first installment becomes due or payable or a lien.
<br />
<br />4. To keep the imlJovements now existing or hereafter erected on the Ilemises described by tIlis t.Iortpge,
<br />Insured as may be required frOl1ltime to time by the M<<lgagee against loss or damage by, or abatement of rental incame result~
<br />from fife, and such othef hazatds,'casualties and contingencies (including, but nollimited 10 war risk insurance, if available/ill *
<br />, sucll, a,mooots, and lor sucb Il8Uods J1$JllasOIIablVmaV berl!jlllire.d bYJ~JIQ!tg~m~_wilIJI~lt~QIlll!!Iym..!lI!l!J!I!U~,-",j!!!!!!L_________,________.
<br />011 such Insurwe. All such Insurance shall be carried in companies approved by the Mortgagee and tIm policies and r_1s
<br />tllefeof shall be dePOSited WltIl and held by the Mortgagee and lIave attached thereto standard non-cOl1tfiblltiflllllOf1gllgee clue
<br />(in favor at and entitling Mortgagee to r.ollect any and all proceeds payable under all such Insurance), as well as standlrd waiver
<br />of slibfoptiOll endorsement, all 10 be in lorm acceptable to MGrtgagee. Mortgagor shall not callY separate insurance, concurrent ill
<br />kind or fOlm Of contllblllll'lll, in the event of loss, with any tnsurance required hefeunder. In the event of a chanC6 in OWMI'slIill or
<br />oloccupatlCy of the said pre!!\lses, Immediate notice theteof by mall shall be deliveted to all insurers alllI~\lIll evellt of loss,
<br />MorlgagOll'll1l give Il1Il1IfKliate notice to the Mortgagee. The Morlgagorlleteby autllOlizes the MortgagtfJ at its OIltiOll, to collect,
<br />adfUSI and COl1lp-omlse any losses under any of the insurance aforesaid and alter deducting costs of collection to apply the 110-
<br />ceeds, at ASoption, as follows: (a) As a credll upon any portlOl1, as selected by Mortllaaee. of the tndebtedness secured hefeby,
<br />or (hI To restOltng the Illl1JIovements, In wnicn event lhe MGrtgagee shall not be obligated to see to the prOjltf application theteof
<br />nOl shall Ute amount so released or used be deemed a payment on any indebtedness secured heteby, or (el To deliver same to tIm
<br />owner of said properly. In the event of fOleclosure 01 this Mortgage, 01 otllet transfer othlle to the prOjltfty covered hereby in
<br />extmgUlshment of the IndebtedneSS secwed heteby, allllllht, hlle and intetest 01 the Morlgagor. In and to any insurance policies
<br />then In lorce, shall pass to the purchaSe! or grantee.
<br />(See Paragraph 35)
<br />5. To carry and malntam such liability and mdemOlty msurance \Includll'll, but with01Jllllllltatlon to watm
<br />damage and the so.ulled assumed and contractual liability coverage) as may be requited from time to time by the Mortgaaee in
<br />fOf!!\S, amounts and With companies satisfactory 10 the Mortgagee. Certificates of such insurance, ~emHlllls prepaid, shall be
<br />lIenoSlted With the Mortgagee and shall contain provision for Ten (10) days' nohce to the MGrtgagee pl101 to any cancellatiorl
<br />thefeof.
<br />
<br />84 - 0066,1,1
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<br />6. Thai no build 109 Of other Improvement on the premises shall be/alleled, removed or demolished nOf mall any
<br />"~IUfes or appliances 00, In or about said buildmgs or improvements be severed, removed, sold 01 morlgaged, Without the consent
<br />at Mortgagee aoo In the event 01 the demollhOll or des!ruchCfl in whole 01 In part of any of the fixtures, challels OIll1tlCles 01
<br />pmsO/lJI pl'operly covered heleby. the same shall be replaced promptly by slmtlarlixhBes. chattels and articles of !)elsonal prOjlerty
<br />at ltul equal m Quality and condlliOll as those replaced, free from any sacurlly mterest 10 01 entumllrance tlleteon 01 reservation 01
<br />hlle thereto; to permit. COIMlI! Q! sultel no waste, Impallment or detellOfalion 01 said mOltgaged property or any palt theleal; to kllllp
<br />and milntalO saId ",emlses and every part thereol With buddmgs, I'Ktures, machinery and appUltenances m lhOlough tepalr and
<br />cllllllllion; to eltecl StICh lepalls as MOllgagee may lCasonably leOUI!e and 110m lime to lime to make all nllllf.llul and pro!)el,eplacemeoh
<br />so tilat said tUlkllngs, fl~lures, lnill:hlll;1IY and appultenilnces Will, al all limes. be m good cOOlIIIIOll, fll llnd proper fOl the respective
<br />P\IIpQSts fO! which they were OllglO;lliy erecled or Inslalied; 10 comply With ail statutes, orders, reQuHements or decrees relatmg 10
<br />said lJIelll'5eS by any Federal, State or MtJlllClpal authOllty to ODservr. and comply wllh all COnditionS and requl!ements necessilly to
<br />p-eM/ve ilIld edend any ami ail rIghts, licenses, pernuls Ilnclll(Jl!lg butnolllmlted 10 lOlling variances, speCIal excephCfls and norl'
<br />COllfllll1ll1ll IIsesl. f;llvlltges. franchises and concessions which are applicable to the said premises or which have been glanled to Of
<br />contlacled rOf by Motlg~or In ConllliCllOll Wllh any emltng 01 Plesently contemplaled use 01100 said plemlses, and to permll
<br />Motlpl" 01 lIs agents, al allleasonabie Innes, to enler IIP(JIl and Inspect tile mOlIp,aged property,
<br />
<br />The Mo!lgagel! shall ha~e nl~ "i:'1I, at any II('1e alld trom time 10 lime 10 engage ,III II1depel1denlleallO! 10 SUfvev
<br />the ~iI{y ol!tIt ('1alnlenance ollhe said ,~ell1!,e> 'I found IlIalJeQ!Jale. 5ueh realtOl shall deh"",lfIe ttlt estimated eo~t of such
<br />r@~lfS ami replac@mentsnecesuly h protect and pr~ser'ie tile rCllr;tlJlilly anI! useab,ltty of Ihe ;,111! rremtSCs ilnd tlm MoItg;1ilOl does
<br />tltl~ ackrnlW~ lhal tt1t' $~r;Uflty ollllls M<lrt~a~e 1'\ liWl"tly I !'jp;!I lI!il10 the extenl of Ihe e,tlmated cost of ,,,ch lepalls and re'
<br />place_illS, lIt 'illCh ev~tl. ;\1 the opllon ollhl' MoftRilflee Md Wllllln ~"xl~ !f,OJ ,1i1Y5 allet ",,,lien demand tht'H'IOI, ,) >L1111 ['(llIi1110 11m
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