<br />*thirteen (13%) percent per annum or such
<br />greater rate spec1ried in the Note, ir any
<br />
<br />84 -- 008641
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />14. That upon defaull by MOftgagor in performance of any of the terlnS, covenants 01 conditiOll$hereitllllil'rSlid
<br />Note conlallled, MOllgagee may, at its optiOll and whether elediAl to declllle the whole indebtedness due and payalllUllfltill'fftlll
<br />the same wilhoul waiver 01 any olhef remedy, and any alllOllllt paid or advanced by Mortgagte in cormeclion lhefewith;or..'~'
<br />costs, ihatges ll( expenses incurred in the prolectiOll of said premises and the maintenance of tIIislilmwilh interestt
<br />rate ot:.l1itlttgela~lOt~ shall be repayable by the Morlgagor without demand, sllall bealien upoIlllle
<br />llIiOlto any rigllt Of title 10. interest in Of claim thefeon attachiAl 01 accruing Subsequent 10 the lien oIllIis MIll"."
<br />deemed to be inc luded in and secured by Ihis Mortgage.
<br />
<br />
<br />15. That Mortgagee, in making any payment herelll and heleby authorized, in the place and steadof\M~.;
<br />relaltng to laxes, assessments, water rates, ~ewer rentals and other governmental 01 municipal c/larges, filles, impositialtslllil!U
<br />asserted allainstthe lllemises may do so accOlding to any bill, slatement Of estimale prOCUled from the appropriate public office
<br />wlthwt inquiry mto the accuracy of the bill, statement or estimate or into the validity 01 any tax, assessment, sale,f~"talt
<br />lien or tille 01 claim thereof: or relating to any awarent or threatened adverse title, lien, statement ofliell; 1IlG__e'jclaillulI
<br />charge shall be the sole 1~'jj6e of the legality 01 validity of same; or otherwise relating to any other /llIpose herein and hereIIy,auttIar"
<br />ized, but not enumerated in this paragraph may do so whenever, in its judgment and disCleliOll, such advance 01 advances sItIll..
<br />necessary or desllable to proleclthe full secuflty intended to be created by this instrument, and provided further thatiR'clllllllictillR
<br />witll any such advance, Mortgagee, at its option, may and is hereby authorized to obtain a continuation report of title,np."U"1
<br />title insulance company, the cost arod expenses of which shall be repayable by the Mortgagor without demand and sballllt SKlItdller.,.
<br />
<br />16. In the event of any foreclosure sale hereunder, Mortgagee Of its successors 01 assigns may becOllll the purd\IsIr
<br />of the Il10Itgaged premis~$ or any part thereof.
<br />
<br />17. That the Mortgagee in any suit to foreclcse this Mortgage, shall be entilled to the appointment of I receiver 01
<br />the rents, issues and profits of lhe mortgaged premises as a wIIller of right and without notice, with power to collect tile rents, m.
<br />and lIofits 01 said mortgaged premises, due and becoming due dUling the pendency of such fOleclosure suit and untilllle cGRfirllllMGn
<br />or sa~UilOer Ii Judgwenl 01 SUCIiT<X'eClosUle, SUC" iei11s aoo proTItsoemg "erelly eXllessly asslgiiilf'aiifjiieiliiaas adiiit~--'
<br />secUlity for the payment of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage without regard to the value of lhe marta. premises II tlle
<br />solvency of ;lny person or persons liable for the payment of the Il10Itgage indebtedness, and regardless of wIletller Morlppe Ills.
<br />adequate remedy at law. The MOItgagOf for itself and any subsequent owner hereby waives any and all defenses to the appflcatillR III
<br />a receivef. as above and hereby specifically consents to such appointment without nollee but nothing herein contained is to lit tall-
<br />strued to deprive lhe holder of the Mortgage of any other right, remedy or privilege it may now have under the law to have a receiwr
<br />appointed. The rights and remedies herem provided fOl shall be deemed to be cumulative and in addilillllto, and not in limiation of,
<br />those lllovided by law. From any said lents, issues and p10fits collected by the receiver priOltO a foreclosure sale, shall be dedlIl:ted
<br />lhe cas! of collechonthereof, mcludmg but not hmlted to real estate commissions, receiver's and attorney's lees and court costs and
<br />the remainder shall be applied 3gamst the IOdebledness hereby secured,
<br />
<br />18. Thai in case of foreclosure 01 lhls Mortgage in any court ot Jawor equity, whelhel Of not any ordeI or decree
<br />shal! have been enlerellthelem, and to the extent permtltell b)' law, a reasonable sum shall be allowed lor attOfney's fen 01 the
<br />plalnllff in such lJoceedlng fO! stenoglaphels' fees and 101 all moneys e~pended tor documentary evidence and the cost Q( a cllm\llete
<br />abstract of title and hlle repOlt for the purpose of such foreclosure, such sums to be secured by the lien helelllldel; and, 10 the elllent
<br />permitted by law, there shalllle Included in any ludgment or decree 100ecloslOg this r.\OIlgage and be paid out of said rents, issues and
<br />plalits 01 out 01 lite proceeds of any sale made 10 pursuance 01 any such Judgmenl or decree: (a) All costs and expenses of sIlt" SUIt
<br />01 sUllS, advel\,sing, sale and conveyance, Inc1udlOg attomeys', soliCitors' and stenograplters' fees, outlays for documentary evidellce
<br />and the cost :;l said abstract exammallon of hlle and title leporl; (hI All 1n000eys advanced by Morlgagee, if Illy, fOlllly purpose
<br />Julhomed In Ihls ~,~O!tgage, With Intcrcst as herein plovlded; (c) All the awued intetest remaiOlAl unpaid on the indellledRess
<br />heJelly secUled: Idi A!llhe said ~;lOclpal money ret1lillflillll unpaid. The o'/erplus of the plOCeeds, If any, shall be paid to the said
<br />'"ort,agO! 00 l~asonable ler-Jest, III as lhe court may dllecl.
<br />
<br />19. ThaI I" case of Jny fOleclosule sale oJ said plemlSeS, lhe same ~,ay be sold In O11e or mllle pilIce!s.
<br />
<br />20, That t~,e f;~tIUle of lhe MDlt,.1gee to p~erClSe the oplion fOl acceleratIOn of malullly oodOl fOlKIClSllIe loiklw.
<br />lOi any default as J!c,esard CIllo eJlelCIs-t' any olher opllon granted 10 lhe r,lortgagee hereliOOelln allY one or ll10Ie 1O$1;\l!Ce$, III tl1e
<br />acceplance by t,IOIlgallee 01 fJltlal ~aymtl1lS l1eleunder shall not c011st,tule a waiver (o! any such default, t101 extellll 01 allt!:t tile
<br />glace ;1!'Hxl, If any but $1#;11 (pilon shall remain continuously In tOlce. Acceleration ct malullty, ooce clmlf.ed tleIellllOO by MoItg~lll!,
<br />"'''I <lllh;; c~"oo "I ,.klig~.~e, b~ reSCinded by y.Illlen .1cilnowiedgl1'enllo thaI r.lfecl by the Mortgagee, bullhe ternlel and KcejltM-Ce
<br />(;1 ;alllal P,l~c'tnls ai(jl~' s~.1i not In ,1:1Y way a!fect u reSCind such acceleralioo 01 Flatu,,!y, nor eK!end Of afletl lhe &tm:e 1101100,,1 any.
<br />
<br />71. U"':f> afl~ Sut!1 dfl,lult JoO 101l0,""lg any acceleration 01 rnalullly as aforesaid, ii lendtr of pavllltllt of the am00l11
<br />;\fCenlMY to ,all$ly lh~ entire '''vebledr.ess ~,er.ured heleby, "lade at any time pltOf to fcJet!oswe sale by the MoTlg~()I 01 by ilIlyOflt
<br />in I,~Nll of nit ~.'\l1il~ar, ;,hall Wl,t:IIJlr an p',a,IG,' of the raynJent fer",s hClcol and shall be deemed to be a volunlar~ plepayllltllt
<br />fMllew~, ~li<IlIIlV SiKh f&lirefll, I,) Pre extent r~fmllted by I;lW, "Ill, tl1elrlofe, Include the ,~ell'lum leqUlrW ut1dellllt plepaymelll
<br />;iiV'~!l'. ,f lIIly. (v"!~lP~g Ie !~)1? ~:(}le seculed h',eby I,Ir " ~llhal tlrne Ihere he no ~"ch ['(lYIlep,e (1l r~eP<'yment, lhen such paymel1tlo
<br />l!lil e.l~n! t~",ltl~d by !~"" ,',1iII~chA1~ a ,rc~;",,,, h, :,Ii(h f,ep,l,r.1;)nl of ." ;'ertunl 01 the then pllllcipal bal$lICe.
<br />
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<br />.. t"n (J()'7.)
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<br />i I J t} 'J ~1
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