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<br />84 - ~ ctt)"6551.
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<br />Advaaccs. if uy, bad DO 8l:A."dcntioa occurred; (b) Borrower cures all bmIcbes of any ocher covenaats or ~ of Borrower COIltIIiDed in
<br />l!lis Deed of Trust; (c) Borrower pays all mIliOII&blc cxpcnaa incurml by l.c9da" UId Tl'VS'.ce in cafon:irIc the COYCDUtS UId ..._01
<br />Borroww COIltIIiDed in this Deed of TIWt UId in cafon:irIc l.c9da"'s UId Trustee's remedies as provided in JII.flI8I'8IlIa II bcreof, iDdudina. but'
<br />not Iimftcd to, ~Il.bic attomcy's fe8; UId (eI) Borrower takes sudt acIioa as Lender may .-ably require to _ tIIat _Iim of this
<br />Deed of Trust, Lalder's iIItcnist in tile Propany UId Borrower's obIipIioG to pay die _ KIl:URd by this n.J. of Trust ....1lGI!Idmie
<br />~... Upon sudt paymcIDt lIIICl cure by Borrower, thls Deed of Trust lIIICl tile tAl1.1J _I KIl:URd Ilcrcby....
<br />effect lIS if DO 8Cl:III<<Iticm bad oecurml.
<br />., .A '1 I........",.JII. '''IIIIeIIw;~..r In. Asaddidoald~"""""'.~~
<br />Lalder die ,.. of Ihl: Property, proYidlld tlla IIonowcI' sW. prior to __atioR 1IIIIIIIIl' .........tlllcnofw
<br />Prupcrty,lIa~me ript to coIJeet IlIIlI rdlIin sudt,.. as tlwy bec::oIIIC_1lIIlI ~
<br />Upoa -*'<<atiOR UIIlIlIr ~ II bcreof or ahllll[IIIIUIIC of tile Property, Lc:mtIr, in pcI'IOR. by ...~bJ
<br />receiver, sW becatided to _upon, !like p. rv' DII of_1MIIUIIC _ Property md to coIJeet die ,..ofdW.
<br />due. All nlIItS ccIiIcted by Lc:mtIr OE tile ~ sW be applied ftntso paJIIICIIt of me COllI of In' il lilt of*
<br />n:IICs, iDdudina. but not IiIImed to, nlClliva"s fa$, ~ 011 nlClliva"s llondIIllIIlI ~ ~$ -. met tWR
<br />by thls Deed cfTrust. Lander _ die nlClliva' .... be IiIllIIe to aealUIIt ClIlIy for thole ,.. ~ recci\oed.
<br />n, ........ ~ Upoa reqmm of~, Lalder, al Lander'I oplioR. prior SO fd lecoD~of_
<br />Borroww, IIIIIY IIIIIte Future Advuca to Borrower. Sudl Future Advuca, wid! imcnst ___..... be__~"'.
<br />evidcm:cd by prOllliHory llOtCI statiDllIIa! Slid _ _ __ hcnby. At 110 u-.... _ ~ _<<_
<br />thls Deed of TIWt. not iacIudias _ adv1IIIced in _daac:e hcrewida to proteid _ ~ of thls Deed of~""'''<
<br />of die Note plus U.s. $ 8.000.00
<br />n. ...__....__ Upoa paJIIICIIt of all _ KIl:URd by t!lis Deed of TIWt, Lemler .... RqIIlIIt 1'nIItIIe to ~_
<br />sII.alI surrmder this Deed of Trust IlIIlI all notes evicImciac i~ -=d by thls Deed of TruIt to Trustft. TnIIIlIit
<br />Property withouc wvranty IIId without cllara= to die pcrSOII or pmoas IeplIy entitW tbcreto. Sudl pcrSOII or .....'.....
<br />~,if&lly:
<br />13. ~ n... Lander, al Lalder's opIioft, IIIIIY frOlll filM to time fIlIIIllft Trustee -1IJIIIlCIiac.~""
<br />appoiated hcmmdcr by U iIIItr - nlCIllflied in die COIIIIty in wbicIllhis Deed of TruIt is nconted. WitlIClIlt ..0..,_,....... of_
<br />sua:asor tnBtee sW ~ to all die title, power and dutia COIIfemd upon the Trustee'" _ bJ ~Iaw.
<br />24. .......... Netka. IIonowcI' requests lIIat copies of the notice of ddlWlt IlIIlI notice of 5IIIe be.. to ~$
<br />{Dc PMpaty Addms.
<br />25. Borrower further reauests that coates of the notice of default, and notice.:Gt,....r!i...,.. ,.~........,>6.'>
<br />Qe=-=s~tQ_e.a.cD_C~~~ WflO ~s a Hqi~~,.t=I..U dt.. t:n't: ,:uuJ.t:::':J ur-SOC.1 ~.L;:n.n1 ~1.:.... .:";'>S'.
<br />IN\VlTNESSWHEItEQIi, rllas~thisDeedo rust. here~n.
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<br />
<br />/2.~.~
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<br />/!l'lorrls A, Or 'e owmt . '
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<br />) a r .?
<br />,j-";:.[t!ij / . J,.~1j~.A/
<br />Bet ty J JI et'eher BORROWER
<br />
<br />Grann isl~nrl, ~ehra~~a
<br />
<br />
<br />STATE OF NEBItASKA, HAll CouDtyss:
<br />011 this ] 7th day of _ December . 19 -B5L- , before me, the IlIIIh!!sipcd. a Now)' ......
<br />~llIIlIquatifiedrorsaidCOUllty,penoaaIlyc;ame_ MORRIS A. DREHER AND BETTY J. DREHER.
<br />hllAA.1rlri i1nn eli fe ,IOme~tolledle
<br />idaItic&I pcnon(s) IIIl'IwR IWH(s)aruubs.."'ribed to lhe foregoina instrllmelll and admowledled the eMlclItioubcreofto be the] r
<br />volumary act UId decld.
<br />W_IIIY Iumd IIId notarial. at
<br />
<br />in Slid COIIIIty, the elate afonuId.
<br />
<br />/)
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<br />MyC~~:
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<br />IIlfIfMl W'I_ - $,... ...........
<br />JWIInra ~
<br />1IIr_____.
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<br />
<br />TO T1I.USTEf.:
<br />The .danilllllll iG die Ileldcr of die DOle or _ MlC\lfCId by lms Deed of Trust, Said _ or llOtCI, l~ with all other ~
<br />~ by this Deed of Tnasl, bavc 110m paid in full, You An' IIereby dim:tcd 10 cancel said note or notes IIId Uris Deed of TIWt, wbicIl An'
<br />.~ "",1IId to nlCOlIYey, without wliffMly, lIll the male !lOW hdd by you IIIlder IIris Deed of Tnasl to the pcrSOII or penofts leplIy
<br />~~.
<br />
<br />~:
<br />
<br />{Sp&ee 1Mlo... This Une kCKIVOO For LeIlder and Rerordcrl
<br />
<br />