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<br />"I
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<br />84 - 006551
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<br />
<br />THISADJUSTAIH.E RATE IUDE. ismadotllis 17th dayof December .I~,
<br />lIRd is ~flClC'" iao lIRd sW be ___ to ll1RCIld lIRd HPPllllIllIIIt tIIc Monpp, DIed of TruIlt. or DIed to SllcuR DdIt__.~
<br />1__'') oftlle_da1cpwm lily the__.qpud {tIIc "IIonoww") to_ Borrower's"'Ai ~II .... NoIeto .. ..- nr~
<br />SAVINeS . lOAN II8IOCtAT1ON OF GRANO ISl.AND. NBIRASKA {tIIc''IAIIdcr'')ofthe_'''_~
<br />lIRdl:m'Crina tile propcny dacribod ill the Socumy I~t lIRdloc:ated I&l:
<br />
<br />1307 and 1311 West 6th Street, Grand Island. Nebraska 68801
<br />(Property Addma)
<br />ne NeIe c....- ............ ....... fer'dIuIB fa die ~ ,.. If die ......... .....
<br />~ at ....v__ 's ......, ,.,.... will lie ...... If at ~ ..... ......... .-
<br />~......,,.,.... wllllIe.....
<br />
<br />ADDITIONAL COVENANTS. In addition to llIe coveIIlUIt lIRd .-u made ill tIIc Sea1rity .. II I.~-
<br />hB1tIcr ~ lIRd qRelll follows:
<br />
<br />The No!e provides for all iDiri&I i~ rate of 11 .,.. Section 4 of the No!e provides for dIIuIpI ill tIIc.........
<br />mofithIy pa~ as foilows:
<br />
<br />(A) ca...r DatIl ..,.. .'<~<;'.
<br />TheiMemlttatehrilpay_ycllallacOllthe----lst day of February ,W~._.
<br />00 thel day of tile IIIOI11h CYCtY 1 s t mondIs lbercafter. Eadt date 011 which my interest ... couW cIIaIIac is;;alhd.~.
<br />
<br />.. ne.....iL..
<br />t-..,. -- ~ willi the rant Cbanp Dele. my intf.RSC rate ..ill be baed on an "Index." lbe----.--.-Ji Ole......,....... ..-- ....,.'..,.................
<br />. Tr~ ~ adjusted to a ~ maturity of one years. as m8de availHk by tIIc FelImIl ...... ~ 'Dlllh~
<br />. rcccDt IRda flpR avUallle.. of 4' da,. before cad1 CbaIqe Dele is c:aIled tIIc "CurmIt 1Dda."
<br />If the 1!Ida is 110 Ionccr ..vaiabk. tile Note Holder will dIoose a new iRda wbicl1 is buN upcm............ i8forlDlllillll 11Ie~'1IdiI!I'
<br />will Jive lIRe DOtil:e of its dIoic:c.
<br />
<br />(C) c.-. . ~...,~
<br />Bcforecad1 CbaIqe Dele, tile Note HoWer will ~emynew imm:It rate byaddins two and one-half _ I~'''''
<br />I 2 . 5 ').0 the eun-t 1!Ida. aad rOUAditla to the _ liS.,.. The sum will be my __ interest.... Tbe IIIIiIIim1B ......
<br />OIl tlIis Iou will be DO !as Ulan ----S. .5- _ "",, The lII&IliIlwm i~ rate 011 this lolIII will be DO _ tIIlm 114 ,S7S . ..,
<br />The Note Holder will tlIea dcMnlliRe!lle __ of llIe lIIOOlII!y paymcm thel would be ItIfficieDt to repay in fd tIIc ~J_
<br />~ to ~ em !he CbaIqe 0. ill wbfilUtially cqIMJ payments by tM maturity date It my new iatcmt late. TIle malt of dIiI.....<hI'IL
<br />will be tile new amoom of my _!lAy paymml.
<br />
<br />(0) ~ DaIIt.,~
<br />My .... i-.c r_ will bel:o&ne cffoctiw 00 caclt Chaqe Date:, 1 ..ill pay llIe __ of my newlRllDChly paymc:at bcIi4IIiaI 011_ lint
<br />_Illy paymml date after the C'llute Date ulWl tbe amoom of my _!lAy plIymeut c!IaIIps apio.
<br />
<br />(I:) N-."~
<br />The Nole HoWer will mail 01' deliver 10 mea DOtil:ebefORcaclt ~ Date:. TIle notitt will adYiIc me of:
<br />II) tile new im<<cst race 00 my 10M lIS of lite: Olaqe Date:
<br />Iii) tile __ of my IRlIDChIy pIlymml foilowialtlle ctwaec Dele;
<br />(ii) uy adcItiOIIaI_1Cn ..lHdItlle Note HoWer ~ rIQllIlred tJ disclose; lIRd
<br />(r.) tile title lIRd ~ number of a ~ who wiII__ BY qllaCiOlll _y Ilcve rcprdillc tile lIOIicr.
<br />
<br />.. CIIAIlGD; LIVIS
<br />Uaiform em-t 4 of tile Scatrity I~ is IImmUd to reed... foilmJn:
<br />
<br />"" ~....... ~ sIuaIl pay Ultu., Ultllmmtl. lIRd otller ctw.-. fi_ &I1d iIDpositioos allribut... to the Property wtMdl mar
<br />IltUlll pOgrity _ om Slatrity I_~. aM ~ pa~ of Ilrotmd rail., if IIBY, in tile __ prtMded under parap..- 2l1cnof
<br />OS'. if not paid ill mdI __. by Ior.- ~ plIymc:at. wlml due, di~ly to !lie plIyee tlleroof. ~ sW ~ f~ to
<br />I..... Ul-u of _ due under IbiI ~, aM in IIIe cYOOl D<xr_ shall make par- dinctly. ~ sW ~
<br />~ to I.-hr ~ ~ men pa~, ~ ~halI promptly diadlarlC any lien ..-bicl111aa pOgrity over 1M Scwrity
<br />I~;~, e.:m-o- .. not lle ~ 10 ~ MY sucll !ic:sl so Ioos lIIi ~: (a) sllall asrec in ..Titina to the par- of
<br />lhe ~ __ by mdI!ic:sl in. __ ~llbIc: to l.emtcf; (bl slIail in IlOOd faW! contCllI such lien by, or defend apioalenf-=-t
<br />of ~ lia!Iw.1epA pr~ wIHdI in 1M ~ "r lMder opmKC I" pr~llllc: c:ftf~ of 1M lia!I or forfeiture: of IIlc:'Property or
<br />., pan Ulenof: iIII' (clllld _we from 1M ~ 01 sU<.illic:n an ..- In . form wisfactory 10 l.mdcr subordinatina such lim 10 tills
<br />~yl_~.
<br />If ~ ~ IhiII Ul 06.my part of tilt l"f0Jlel1, l~ S~l<<,II(\ a !1m ....!lkh may atlllUfi II pt10flly over this Security In5tru_I, l..cndc:r
<br />... ~ ~ a _ .!1IUYll'III!%belt lien, Iormwn ~IWI iilhsh' ,,,,n Iic:n Of lake: OIW o. mOle: ,,( tile actiom m lonfl above witkin len
<br />_of 1_~O)fllle_,".
<br />
<br />14. ~.I:.~,.... 1Ilt'l1' n\:.llcOO '<lqU>f<<1fl ....... lI~llbIc:!.lI... to be ~"ffi m MOflle< fThllI'nff. ill an' ".\1"",:" !l<'lOI"""" I"IO,,,led 'Of mllll>
<br />~1Il, 1__. ~ ~ ~'IV'm!lv 4dt~,..1lt<<I tl .n t.y RWlU;~ ,. h hfTh' <.I"". ......i to 1or10"~ "' 1M I-'"~",, Add,,,,,, '" .1 ",,,II ofllet MIdi"'"'
<br />.. ~l'l;jl" 1lfta)1 ~ tt1f I:~~~ 10 I.~ &51 ptuvkkd Mr~fj. ii100 Hn :wn'lf ntltKf' to i efidt:t \hsU ~ .l\t"fl P\- !f~\, i.IAM rnad 111 l t'fl\.kr',
<br />~,~~~ ~*$fl\~W' h~ ~tK:~ fW_ ~'m _, ~.fW. tM)' ~J.MH~ b~ f<<:Mh:.lf rn ~)'H'*ff liB prlh;,_~ /1t'ft'1t1 i\fn n,~H\\" rii\Hlkd tilr IIi 1hl'\
<br />~_~h ~~*tlf'~ ~~ fl!f ~~ h~ R.31Hi!' ~ l~v-trf1 ~o ~}f'fr}~ u~ I e?t'HJ:('''r 'iIll'M:F4 Ilj"f'n lf~ th.(' :nl!"'H('f l~l_fH'Pf'd ht'1if'l!\
<br />
<br />
<br />L
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<br />C fIoIOTKl:
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<br />l~ C_ .4 of 1M ~..lIty 1_"_1 .. ~ ro rCNMl a. fol,,,,.,
<br />
<br />-1
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