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<br />r <br /> <br />84- <br /> <br />i~ <br />'>.:' ,"_:. <br />. "".,.:"l- ..... ;'_,'- '.' C.- "1, <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />by tllisDocd of Trust i~y prior to the d8te of lakins beat. to the fair market value of the Property it1llllCdialdy prior to tile dale of <br />lakins, witll the blIlaac:c of tIIc prOt;CCds paid to Bcmowcr, <br />I f the Property is abaodoned by Bcmcw<<. or if, after notice by Lender to Bcmower that tIIc COIId>:mnor offers to make an awant or ~ a <br /> for damaaa. Borrower fails to rospoIld to l.cDdcr within 30 days after tIIc date such notice is mai~. l.cDdcr is HlborizecI to colIel:t ud <br />apply tIIc Pl'Ot;CCds, at Lender's oplioa, either to mtoration or repair of tIIc Property or to tIIc _ secured by this Deed ofTndt. <br />Unless Lender ud Borrower odIcrwise aarte in such appticatioR of proa:eds to priIIl:ipII daIlllOt atead or ~ tbe.. <br />date of tIIc lIWftlhly iastaDmmts rcfemd to iR panaraphs J and 2 hereof or ~ the IlIlOUIIt of such '--"-mv <br />It. ~ Net........ ~ of the lime for paymc:tlt or modificatioft of ~of,dIe___ by dlis~of,TrIHt <br />...-od by Lender to Ill}' .-or ia iatemt of Borrower shaD IIOt operate to '*-, iR Ill}' _. tllC'tiabiIity of tbe ~~ <br />Borrower's succnson iR iRten:st, Lender shaD IIOt ~ required to COlIlIBmCt procccdinp apiBst such SUCCIIIOr ('! ,..... to.. <br />payment or odIcrwise modify amortizatioB of tIIc sums secured by thill Deed of Trust by muoa of 1lI}'..... ....1lJ.. . <br />and Bcmowcr's succ:cuoB ia iRten:st, <br />11. 1"......._ ." ...... Net. W.... Any forbellnncl: by l.cDdcr ia exercisina Ill)' ri&ht orNllllldy~... <br />by appijcablc law, s!WIllOt be a waivu of or pm:Iudc tIIc eurcisc of &IIY such risht or mMdy. The ~ of~__. ..... <br />taMs or otllc:r liens or clIarlCS by Lender shalJlIOt be a waiver of l.cDdcr's risht to ~ tile IIIlIt1Irity of tile itlllltl' ~~tii:lllil <br />Deed of Trust. <br />11. --... C_...II..,. AD remedies provided in this Deed of Trust are distinc:t and ~ to Uf odIcr ri&ht or~c"""'. <br />Deed of Trust or affonted by law or eqllity. aDd may beexcrtised COIlCW'I'C&tIy, i~ or sw: mlillly. <br />U. s....-.... AIIIIpI..................... 1..iIIIII1bJ;~, The cov...u aDd _- 7"'q hcnin CGRtlIiIMlll.......JllI4, <br />the rights hc!'eunder shaD iRun to, tile respective sua:essors and assips of Lender aDd Borrower. subject to tbe JN~of IMR-.:,l! <br />lIc:rcof, All coveMIItS aDd qrccIIICDtS of Borrower shalJ be joint and several. TIle captiom and IIcIII:Iinp of tIIc par~-4. of *is DlIedof"'rrillt <br />ar~ for coo\lftlicnce 0IIly and are IIOt to be IIIICld to interpret or define tile provisWni herl:cf. ,. ....,.',' <br />14. Nc". EKcpl for Ill}' notice required under app!icabIc: law to be liven in aootber _. 'a) lIDY BOticc 10 Bar.- ~~ila <br />this Deed of Trust s!WI be liven by mailin& suclIlIOtice by certillCd mail addressed to Borrower at the Property ~ or at slIllII.....~ <br />lIS Bcmower may daipatc by IlOtice to Leader as provided herein, and (b) any !lOtia: to Leader shalJ be &iYca by CCI1ified .... atum ftIIIlIipt <br />requested, to Lender's lIlIGras SUIted Ilen:in or to suclI otllc:r addrcu .t> Lender may dmpat~ by notice to Bar.- . pmWdal.... .., <br />ooticePl'ovidcd for in this Deed ofTl'\I5t shaU be deemed tohltve been I'ven to Borrower or l..eoda' whalli- iatlle_ jll'~ JJIJ..... <br />15. U.......ef y,..; GtmnIIII..... Sn.eIIIit). This form of deed of ll'UIt ~ wUfot1lll ~ for 1IIIiaHl__ <br />",,,,,-uniform covenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security iutnlJaeDt GOVCriaa n:aI~. nu. DellI ~ <br />Tnm tball be soverned by the law of the jurisdic:tion in wtlich the Property is located. In tIIc _ that any pnMsion or dauR of *is DlIedof <br />J. n.1St or ifiCSOtr couiiK;u-wRi1 ~ole-U...-;Tucin;un~."1iU\aJ'cx.'1 OlDCil:ftuvkiiOliiutumri)iftii-Ui~-l~ <br />given eHa:1 ..ithoul tile ronfuctins provision, and 10 tbis end the pro\isions of the Deed of Trusl and tIIc Note 1IR declared 10 be____ <br />16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be furnisllcd a conformed copy of IIle Note and of !his Deed of Trust at tile lime of esec:ution or <br />alter recordalJOO lIc:reof, <br />1,. TNMfIr........,..,: ~II J ~ J,1Iea. If all or any pan of Ihe Property or an inlerest therein is sold or tl'lIIISferrcd by Bonoww <br />"itlwut Lender's prior written consent, excludins (a) tIIc creation 0:. a ben or eIlCllmbrance 5Ubordillllt~ to this Deed of Trust, (b) tIIc acaOosI of <br />ill purcM\C IIK>MY SClCtIIity interest for hotudIokI applianca. (e) allallSfer by devise, dacml or by operation of law upoo the dcatlI of a joint <br />tenant or (dJ the uut of any IcasdIoId interest of three years or less not containil1l an option to purcllue, Lender _Yo at l..eoda"$ opIioR, <br />Jcclar. ,",llhe sums secured by this Deed of Trust to be immediately due and l'&yable, Lender s!WIove waived sudt option .0 aa:elcnIte if, <br />prior !O tbe We or trander, Leader and tIIc person to whom the Property is to be sold or transferred reach agrec:mcaI in WI"itiRs that dle CRldit of <br />'uch person 15 satiMac:tory to Leader and tOt tile interest payable on the sums secured by this Deed of Trust shalJ be at such rate as l..eoda'sW <br />reqUftt, If L~ bas Waived the option tel ICl:derllte provided in Ihis p&rllll"aph 17. and if Borrower's SIICalUOf in iIlICnIt bas executed a <br />....allen assumption qreemenl ICcepted in "criUIl8 by Lender, Lender shall release Borrower from all obliptiom under !his Deed of Trusl _ <br />,he NOll.', <br />If Lender exercises such option to accc:lerate, Lender shall mail Borrower notice of acreleration in accordaact: wilh pacqraph 14 1lc:Ruf. <br />Strll notl<< ohall pro'itde a period of not Ieoli llum 30 days from the date the nOli<:~ i. mmled WIthin which Bcmower may pay tIIc s_ dedlmld <br />dllC if Bonowu f.u., to pay such .ums prior to the e~pirllltiOll of such period, Lender may, without lunllc:r notice or demand 00 Bon-owcr, <br />"wote any rClMdia permitled by p&rqraph 18 hercof, <br /> <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />NON.UNIfOttM COVENANTS, Bcmo_ and i~ funher covenilllll and agree "" follow$; <br />.1. ~""':.dI : --.... ... .. pnnolded IIII1U'111'811l1 11 1IcRof. ..... Berruwer's IN-.dI of H)' ~ or ~ . of <br />...-.-. - Deed 81 TrlDI. ~.. ~ 10 Pl\y wllnI dR uy _ MClIftd ..,. _ Deed 81 T... ........ prior .. _,L..lln <br />dial ... __ .. ~ .. pnnolded III JIII8I"IIIII14 IIcRof spedfJiDl: m die 1N-.dI; (1) .. adtn ........ te ftIft slIllIIlInadt: (3) a <br />... _............,. rn. .....of.... Is....... \o~, 11)' ..1ilkII1IIdt 1N-.dI__1Ie amd; _ (4)..... f1IIhIRteftlftllldt <br />~.. 01' '""-............ Ia........, rmdI III ~_dll. of die _ MClIftd." _ o.d 81 y.... _... 81 die ~. <br />.TIIe ... ... .... ..... -....- 81 .. ....... III m.tIlIe after ~(....... .... die ....... III ..... a _ ..... \0 ~ die _ <br />...... 81 II...... ... ., ..... ~ of ...-.- \0 ~ .... ... If die IInId . _ amd .. or IIef1Ire *' tIale IIpI!C:UIM Ia .. <br />.... IAodIr ..lAMer's........, thdIft all 81 .. _ MClIftd Ity IIW Deed of Trust te lie 1..rll6alety dM.... Pl\yaIIIe...... .... <br />..... - .., IMeM die........ 81... _.,....... ~ pcno!tlM Ity ~ ..... 1___'" lie ~ III ~ d na...... <br />.-........- islalrmlla (IIII'IIIIiIIa" ~ provided la _ ~ II. ~, IMIt _1IaIlIM III, ...__1. "-"'$ r-. <br />If die........ of ............, t,..... nconI 0 aetIce of lIdlHllll. n1Cll ooeaty III ..1Ile1t.1Ie Property Of _ part.1Mnef Is 1--.1 <br />.... ...""*' of... ....111 *' _ ~ IIy ~ la.. 10 1Ionu_ aDd to tile....... peneu ~ Ii)' ~ <br />In. .4._ die'" 81...... II .., lie .........,., T,..... iii"' ,..... aetIce of .... tile peneu _ III dIe_ <br />~ 1Iy............ tr..-................~, sIIlllI H:lItlle Pmpn1y 0',..... tIUCtletIlllllIe ~ IIhkhr o. .. time <br />...... - 1IIIdIr.. __ '111....1 . III .. .... of .. III _ Of ~ ~ aDd IIII11dt onIer .. 1'.- IMY ~. T~ _y <br />IfIIII'IIPl\M ... of lIIII 01' HJI ...... of die ~ IIy pu!oIk ".OIlIKe_,,1 II' IIIe lime IInd pton! of OilY ~y !IC~ ,,*, 1___ M <br />........... ....... .., ..... me '""""' .. IIIIJ .... <br />1)1*1 ~ of ___ 81 tile ,"*!Md. T,.... ~ '0 IIIf 1"1"'''-' Tnt.Ift'o dftcI <'0...)"1... IIIe PfUIlMY ....... rile fI'riIaIs III <br />_1'_".... dlallllIe rm-.... nidIIIa of _ !nIlll of lIMo ___to.... 1ItermI, Tnaetft sIIlllIlIlJt>l. lIMo ......... of lIMo .. Ie lIMo <br />""........., '11.111 d. .ldl>d!~" __......- of _ ,,*, 11ICIOdt0ll. ""1 BotlinrilM 10. Tnaetft'. f_ of "'" _I"'. ' .~ <br />of dIe...-......... I 1111 ~'. 1_.... r_ of lIt~~; 11'1 '0 all ....... __mil by IIIIa ImtI of TI'Ml; II"" It'ltlMo n._, if <br />...." ...... """"'"' ... peneu"" ~......... <br />it. ~ll""" to~. N(1f'Wl-th~tandH'f.iit'o., i!(:...:ehl"fatl(tll id :he "urn... '"i"UHt'd tt-y lhl~ (:t<<-d of lru\r ~~r'lr\l\.\\:.~l ~hlf!.ll h~\( <br />,-tlf! filM lu MV1" aR,' Pfi:W;~tl$i ~un h'Y U.~ 10 enkt!','(' ,tH~ !~"'d \11 I r tl"_l 111';\~'nllnUf.'d dl i.un- t:me pliot Il' !h(' t'Alllcr ~('. ,\" ,\I' pI (11 tht' <br />rHt~ d4a. ~~fou tk ~ Hf lM P'10f)C'f1~ INt'tWUlt to ~h(' tltHlIft"f "f 1oJ!~t' \.lltlt./!lHH~<J :p !tll'i. I k'et' \11 rni~l t~r lli! rnn" ,'" i! :'U~nH"tll niJll1 l,'inf lh,,, <br />t~ of h~ tf (:u ~Mtv"," f1ta'Vi\. l,€'~r aU li-unl~j V,hH:h "'('fuld ht" l~wn lbt' 117d-er lhlll P~€"i' o! ! t:l'.j lh,' '-i.i,lt' ,I;H,i q~, ,-!y,n)i I :IlHf: <br /> <br />"I <br /> <br />