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1i. awsf*9'9 S9N an O*ianAt: upon delsu" by Ymsim In payment of of any ;a ebtednaas secured hereby or In aetformanea of any agreement <br />here wdle, or arw oreernant stcured hereby. l wWiciwV may declare elf sums secured hereby Imm9dlately due and Pay *bit and shaf coast to be iN- <br />M oI rscard s wnitlen nrNke ol d*fauk and ahcllon to sell such prltfb as t After the lePSe� of Trustee. maybe <br />on Teuslor, shelf sell such pre• <br />delion of such notice of default. and "leaks' of sale having been glare" n then required by Tnnte9 <br />POP y. eftMi m a whelp a in separate Percale, and in such order as it announcement H irna and P to foam limit htto time thneslter <br />may Pe !so the say of so a, any portion of such proper Y by public t trades shelf deliver to such putchasm <br />may postpone He eels bypublic onnounc*^s^t at the lime and dace fired 6y the Mecedlrg PostPer�efrra^ <br />The r9cito M tech dead of" mallets Of feat w <br />fta Mad car wa tiling the Maps tY so sold. but whhoul say covwnerd of warre"ly, 9rpr9s TtusIM . Trustee w llanelitiaty, may ptrehee9 N such say. <br />90MwIm ~ be conclusive Prod of the t"ohhdnest thereof. Any person, IrO Arding 1M tbn secured hereby. and Truster waWts <br />Tnatee may also soli N any such gay and as Pert thereof stay shorn of corpwale stock securing oblfma soh, and Truster welves demand <br />demand and notice of such soh. 1g4moVkga, t fie kefa Mary &Vga foreclose Te an such sh @a by Tnu krct nga cool of ovldence of this In tDomiction <br />e"d nodes of such {sh.1 Alts, deducWM <br />with notice <br />sofa. Trustee shoo lhsl apply 1M proceeds of sale is payment "1 all sums expended under the terms hweof, not then ragas. with accrued <br />sourest at the role then payable uder the note or notes secured hereby, and than in P "Yrnent of all of soma second hereby <br />errd M thereafter <br />that* be OW proceeds remaining, distribute 11194 to the person or persons legally entitledtherein. n pitness secured hereby. Tamer agrees to ptY <br />If This Dead of Trust w any note seemed hereby Provides log any charge for prepaYmen <br />said charge. 11 any of said Axfobtedoess shelf be paid prior tP the matur{ty date 'hmaot sacred In sold his MW go lary sal vreasonathereof. <br />with INK14 lruslor shoo hero defaulted to payment thereof, or M performance Of" agreement <br />show have dt•:Isred ON auras eacured hereby AmnediHely due and payable. <br />7lS. Itltbstitlrlan of Trustee: That QwneNeiary may, from time to tiros, by Instrument In writing, substitute a successor or successors to any Trustee <br />named herein or acting hereurndw. which instrument. executed amt acknowledged by lieneliclary end recorded In IM office of the register h deeds <br />at the courtly er counties whale such properly is situated. shall be conclusive Moot of proper substitution of such Trustee or Trial who shgalf. <br />Without convevence Item the TTUO" Predecessor. smeared to elf its this, estate, r4gM9. power and dutles. <br />1g. Na waver by tferwlfelmy: No waiver by Sonslkisry of any right under this Deed of Trust shelf be oiective unless M writing. Waiver by <br />Berreflciwy of env right granted to Benefichry under this Deed of Trued or of any provision of this Deed of Trust to to any transaction Of occurrences <br />shoo nol be deerrlad a waiver M to any future vansection or occurre"CM By ar ceptMg payment of any sum secured hereby alter fps due data. of bit <br />making *nV psymeM o. performing any art on hehali o1 Tousam that Truslor was obligated hereuender, but tslfed to make or plenform, when b tlPa of payment so made by llern*ficiwy to the indebtedness secured hereby, 8"nehclary does not waive Its Tight to require Prof w rayrrre^t <br />ether sums so secured of to remote prompt pwformaacs of elf other eels required hereunder. at to declare a Mlouh for IG#we ao to Pal <br />17. Wei - of statele of timhetiars: Tim" is of the essence in of Trustor's obligations hereunder: and to the extent permitted by low, frusta <br />waives all Present a suture salutes of Nmltslhns with respect to stay debt, d9merd w obfgallon s9ewod hereby M any action or proceeding <br />for the <br />purpose r smotelno this Trust or any tight or remedies hereunder. <br />1g• Atapeelimg mad S1rtAlase Nacwds: 11 "Ilelary 61 any time during the continuelion of this Trust may enter and Inspect such property at any <br />reasonable time, lnislot gets that in IM event such property is now tar hereafter used Is, commercial w residential Income Pwroses, when re• <br />quested by Sentticiery. Truster will promptly deliver to Beneficiary such certified financial statements and Profit and Mss statements of such types <br />and at such irdervaN as may he required by SenOiciary, which will be In form and content prepared recording to the usual and acceptable accmnting <br />Principles and practices. which statements" Cover the financial operations relating to such property. Trustor hrthet agrees when requested <br />by sanslichry to r"amMlY dafvw In *tit" such further additional Information as tego _d by Beneticlsry total" to env such IInanclal slatemenle. <br />i! AccowNbn Climes! St%wM Ttosim he in dolauh under this Deed of Trust, or shoold Tnrstm, of any successor in interest of Truster• voAntath <br />Of invohtMmfy sell. exchoope. convey. transfer, cnnlroct to sell. legs" with option to Prachese, surbleo %e, dispose of• change the chwactm of tole of, <br />w aurally er.enxnbet such Prrrperty, or any Pmt theteol, or any Intstest therein, at it any of sold Parties shelf he divested of title to such property. er <br />any drat lhacwal such <br />interest therein. either volunlarlfy,er involvolarfy or it title to such Property he sudrjected to any lien or charge, voluntarily or In. <br />volumerfy. Contractual m statutory whhoul tie written consent of Beneficiary bllkng first had and obtained. then Berefieisry ahnf here the right, Of <br />its option. to declore as sums secured hereby forthwith due and psyst4e: and this same right of orceteratbn %half be *vafatsy 10 Aeneticlery if the <br />w de signed N a partnershlp and the Interest of a general partner terminetes, is assigned or ite sierred. or is diminished,or it the undersigned Is a eor- <br />poralion and aoy of the corporate stock is ttansiarted. sold a assigned: or If the undersignsd is a trustee o/ • trust end there Is a change of soy of the <br />beneficial interest of the trust. <br />20 Remedios! No remedy Mmin provided shelf be exclusive of any other remedy hr reia or now at her•eliet exi%tIng by low. bid shall he cumulative. <br />Every power or remedy Mtehy given 1011usree Of B "neliclary,Or in which either of them may be otherwise entitled, may he exercised Item time to <br />lime and as alien s% may be deemed exPedlent by them, and either at them may Prtroue inconsistent r"medtes. it Benaficisny holds any additional <br />serwily for any obligation secued hereby. It may "nlorce 1M say thereof at its option. either before. contemporansnusly with• or after the sale Is <br />mall. hereunder, and tan any deiruit a1 Trnrslor. Beneficiary may. at lu option'a ffset against any indebrrdne %s secured hereby. and IM Beneficiary N <br />hereby smhoilred and empowered at its oPliot% wilhord any ohfgallon on to do, and withnul ofleclint� the obfgellons hereof, 10 apply toward the <br />payment or any Indebtedness of the Truster to the Beneficiary any and all scans of money of Toustot which Beneficiary may have M Its Possession or <br />under its control. Including without limiting he genelafty of the foregoing. any savings account, deposit. investment carlificels, escrow of trust <br />funds. <br />Nebraska <br />21. taw Applicable: That Ills Deed of Trust shelf be construed according to the laws of the State of <br />22, fhrgoity: M 1htevent that any Provision or clalna of I" Deed at Trust conflicts with applicable law• aurch conflict shelf not allect other Provl- <br />alone of this Deed of Trust which can be give" 91180 without the Conflicting Provision, turd to this end IM provisions of this Deed of Trust me <br />declared to be sevet *619. <br />23. ti9a*rH /rovislons: lop 1149 Deed of Trust opPlles to. Inures 1n the benefit of, end hinds of parties hereto. their heirs. legatees, devisees. *it- <br />, lial 110fors, executors, successors and assigns. Ibf the term " Beneficiary" short mean the owner end holder thicluding a pledgee) of any sole <br />secured hereby, whe1Mr or not named as Bersficiary hovel. let Vvinerever the contest so regudres, the tn*srulk" gender Includes the feminine and <br />node., the skWow number factories the Phxsi, Poll vice vanso. Id) Captions and pargpreph headings used herein are Ion convenience only. are not a <br />purl of Nrle agree"ronl, and shelf not be used in construing H. If more Ihon one person is named herein as Titmor, each ohllgatln of Truster shaf be <br />the Wort and several obligation of each such parson. the rights at rarrledlet granted he- elndw, or by law, shelf not be aschbalve. but shelf be Concur- <br />�'M arnd c 1ve. <br />4. Funds or pay�tent of Taxes and Insurance. See Praise four. <br />TRUSTEE ACCE►TE IhN Trull when that Died of Trust, duly executed and scknowtodged, It mall a public retard at Movlded by law. Trustee it <br />oat obligated to nofIfY any Party herela of pending *ON undo arty other Deed eI Trust or any action or proceeding M which Truster, flemill le v of <br />T woo ahol be a party. antler bought by Trustee. <br />Ms" oddreesfoe notk9s 10 flutter: <br />1' • 0, fiat 1607. f rr moot ��F fi[t?'S <br />gt IMTNESS wt*0%DF. Trustor has *xeculed this Deed of Trust on the dele fret above written <br />I yin Ranch() Mot cl''. I1w. <br />tCORMnAll SEAL{ - -- - -- — <br />