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85 -- LL,fr,3 stt'� <br />void Bena"C4,pV• a said amarvt, a any por1lpiv tlrerepf, may M released to the Trwta- M arty s he @qm n & pa me t an a Indebtedneas� cured <br />tat otowod to ace the pops► application AMreol: stub slime site "any ati re10osed w used 1s Qaattrod a rr Do payment on MY _ <br />tent", SOeh Application. yea, once rah*"""of cure of waive eAy s el+apor in�ia�to go t t eenna/N el, and post tots�ho of taw trope ty <br />such nWke. Am yrursprkVA insurance and ant rRlsrr"able "hi pr bee Os s earrt to the newt, of 2810 conlainad herein a Dwauerd low" dense <br />offeredos re. no my T ^,tee s %fA"* old Trustoten H said towpf"y 10 let is to the rah. which 1100- <br />fl foreclosure. MI right, tk10 and kvtefetd el Tnrsta In and so the gacetrds 0t ikR 2nd atMf k/nranea pogc+es delnege Pr <br />eaeds we not received Prim to the data 01 said sac. sues belong to Beneficial V. all general and speelal loxes and <br />S. Taeas and Dow Sums Drs: TO p y. aw"isfy and discharge, al leers ion f 101 days before delMauencY, gene Mel may. with <br />assessmeMs affecting such propeftY. and in no evert tats then tfur data such awrrorrds become doe: 111 h erlclrlrl1 Of ces. charges <br />intenesl. on such peepberly, or any paws thereof, which ore, or appeal to BVnsllclarV to be Pr or s< aecued hereby M My am <br />demanded by <br />two must: whether a not described herein. Of fees a charges for any sl for at t regarding limto obligation _ <br />senetieisry may TO reasonable Tor stow ors Ant alto eel by is a and tarnished at t whom Such e spll st of Trequest d a any successor M interest to Trustor, <br />t51 H such property ifvclurdea a leasehold Vetere. AN payments and ohkgs'+orn cwt fed °�nd•Tcla.1+ge. a molrgY M e9sor in sera interest. <br />et+old M1e��t tx the towing on <br />kgirymenf a kfsuuarvefNs creating Such iessetobkd, Tremont hereby eg' • i^0 Ikat obtained. 181 all payments end <br />which 1108 hits such leasehold Interest. or to agree to tIn so. vndw a y declaration o co tvenant� covenants, conditions and feslrktl°ns pertaMkp to such pro• <br />mntetery obligations required of the owner of such Property lrreier any t Banefkiery, without congealing the validity a amount, may elect to <br />runty or any 1., lication thereof. Should Trustor IoM to make imy such pAVn'ven Counsel and payMll No <br />make no advance such payment. logalher with any coals. expenses, fie s or <br />rs by To <br />ustor Ot notice of arty incre Including In the employing value of such pro• <br />trasnnaMe lees. TnrarOr sgfees to notify tienelich ey immediately upon ale proceedings such krcreasa in aasessrfrefd. <br />perry and agrees that Beaefick" V - in the name of Trusts, may contest by appro rf <br />In live event of the passage of any law deducling from the value of test properly <br />for he purposes purposes, or any manner Thereon, or ehecti n Of any <br />WAY t laws for the f aAasion no deeds True,. Hve holder, of 1Ms Deed o Trust Trust 14" <br />a1 Aire otbNgat Ions which It see es sits" fveveithe fight otdeelMe Nl <br />such laves. so as to affect this Ogpd ed <br />Sens secured here" due as of a dale to M specified by not less than 30 level written notice to be given t° trusts by Beneliciawy: provide <br />tnwgande Ahat such election shah ineffective ds pay such�>�and agrees to pay any the w of such tpx In hole when holes tK addition assessed against srueh pro - <br />Mretadaw and il, pis 10 such specified <br />Petty <br />6. Sums Advanced to Bea Interest! To PAY immediately upon demand any slxn2 advanced s Paid by Beneficiary or Trustee under any clause or pro- <br />vision of This Deed of Trust. Any such sums. un1M se MPtrd, shah be secured hereby and beef interest from the dale advanced a paid al .* same rats <br />n on homi"Ory Note and shell be tecored M this Deed of Trust. <br />7. sslgrm"mt el Dap°sks: That as furlhe, sAdtrionel seemly if this be s construu:tkm town, Tnfs to hereby sired on rob assigns to Benelk ny du• <br />inq contimumce of these Trusts. sit right. Aka and inlnest to Any and AM msdes deposited by any s defroth body a e1gMeYV1 elf= IfmitMaliM <br />count .Mme: body of agency, SerMely dgst+kl. gas andfor electric company. tetePhong comparvY Y <br />a 10 sector* the installation of My UNITY by Tf"StOf, portelnkrs to itch property <br />B. fasus of ?rusts to Comoy with Deed of Towns: Shouts Trustor lain to make any pavmv nt. s to do any Act » Provided in this Deed of Trust. s tell <br />in perform any othFgslion seemed by this Deed of Trust, of do any Oct Trustor agreed not to do. Trusts shah M in default under INS Deed hereof <br />Benelkiitr y, but nithm" o}digetion so to do and whited notice to a demand upon Tnnta And whiten releasing Trustor tom any doe <br />Amt withers eonent1"g the vsNdHY a emolnt or Vhf! same. may eel make s do lire 221010108 in manner nd lward bl pray pownche e, contest s er*v- <br />lo protecl live seclrily hereof, flenelkiAfy toeing Outhoited to enter upon such prtrfberly or such purposes. <br />prornise any ety[1RTfbtirbee, charge s Men. winch in its judgment is M appears to be prlAr n sllPeriOr hereto. end Ice M eaetcising Any such power, pray <br />necessary *opens". employ Counsel and pay Me ressoubte fees. Trustor sgraes to repay any amax"1 so *upended on demand of NernaficiarY• <br />IT 13 MUTUALLY AGREED THAT: <br />!. ikigafifn: trusts shall defend this Trust in any Action or Proceeding Puportirrq to affect such properly. whether s not N effects the seenity owns and <br />hereof, a plrpotting to affect the rights a powers of Bens tici And either usts ustee s Benelktery is M9@bY *s dinrired, without obligation s to dote e and she" file and prosrCute <br />o recover 1s any damage 10 a destruction of such then Y• <br />cor.ervence. appear M a defend any aurcfi action. whether brought by or against Trusts. Befveficisty or <br />nt be entered M any aiclbn a pros �xd'^P: aryl <br />enforce any other tight, femedv or power av*ilable or conferred heteunder whether s net i"rdtltne <br />Trvratot or BerreTiciary may appear s intefverre in any action s proceeding. and retain cosset thefear: And take such action therexp es and maybe <br />advised and may iary m yap ear of or pay the same a Any other claims end. in 1M behalf and to env of sold purposes. may expend and advance <br />such xrrms of tnbn*Y n either may de necessary. whether or not Trusla so Appears or defends. Trustor on demand shell pay all costs and rA- <br />Penses of BefveticiawV and Trusee, inchtdirrg costs of evidence made and defendant s otherwise endak�spective Of whether ohs Interest of <br />which Benefiefs.y or Trustee may appear by virtue of Ming <br />fteneliciary a Trustee M such gopnty M directly questioned by such action. Including but not limited to any action la /M condemnation a pawNliOn <br />of such 0.0perlY <br />10 Ceedarrrnst10n: AM suns due, paid of Payable t° Trusts, s any successor in interest at Trysts. whether by way et Judgment. ch PI ty CR any p ll <br />otherwise, Ial !a kfjwy a damage to such property, s Ib) in connection with any condemnation for prlbNe use or krjury to such property a arbtr pawl <br />l aw"l, of del in eormecllon with the lrensoction financed by at or loan <br />onlrvcl InchrrNrvg causes n wig" Out 01 ell Causes 'of act actors for Iraud a conceefinent of a elerMfrIssm <br />before a eft, the date of taws Deed of Trust, sanding In <br />I°gether with the settlements, proceeds, swards and damages, direct and conseq"amliel, M cOrrr"eetlOn therewith, are herVM n end Mlosecu a i^ <br />revocably *ssigned and shelf be paid to Benefklary. <br />Beneficiary shall M entitled, Slits oonnec to commence. y s chtakin M, aam <br />its Awn name, Mfr action or pfoceeding, or to make any comMorrdse a settlement, in efnrteClten with MY such taking s damage. Trusts fgrsas l0 <br />aAetula such "urther assignments of any compensation, swawd, damages, rights of action and proceeds as BeneficisrY may feglrife. of <br />AM amounts received by Benefklery pruStant to this Deed of Trust t su e0eptyeor Intconnect on with the sronowlen financed by the loan secured <br />Tor public trot, of or Injery to such property, Is InjurY s dams�e <br />hell by awe to be apldied, Of the option of Benelidsry, upon any indebtedna secured hereby. Novi ch appiicetion, use s rsieass tlball ewe a valve elvY <br />dalaa it. or notice of do"t.heramderof Invelldate MY ad done pursuant to such notice, <br />11. Camara, hrdM 1Neonrayenee• tie.: that at env time. of from Ikea to lime, withoul Nobility therelof, and without notice, ups" written terrrest <br />of Benelkiery, and without affecting the woonal Nobildy of any person 10, paVf°Vnl Of the indebtedness secured hereby, or the lien of this Deed of <br />trust tgMn tare 1*theinder of such properly for the full amount of the indebtedness then s therealter secued hereby, s taw rights M powers of IM onseni 10 the <br />Bsnelkyary or the Trustee with respect to the remainder of such propeftY, Trustee may Is) r extension n y part Do s c pr pelly.tlerd srdlfrdMlatMfg <br />making 0f any reap a plea thereof. lei � In grMling any easement tMraon. a id) join In <br />the hen or Chags haeol, <br />12. fog Meom,*yanae: that, upon urns" reglMSI of Beneficiary feting that ant sync secured otter have been paid. Trntfes sear of of live <br />without wawrenty, he property than world hereundef. The y he d si ,ate as - IoVyanrs of any matters of feel site" be et ne Such Moo" of rtH <br />in,thlugness thereof. The ?pontes in such f@COnveymncv may its designated as "Ihs lq her or Pepsins legally o tilled thereto.'• Such ragtrfft a•d <br />tecefweye^ea 2f1el1 gpawHa M e 1eNSigr10mm of IM rams. Mcrrrne, issues and polio hereinMlsa assigned to 6emlklawy. <br />13. NVM t* Contact and 14COVe some and Poems! N °d ach erMSS IhVY hecifn`V M erentd Payable. but ssv the r gilt tier oke arch P �o <br />called and 9@181" the rams. kvcorrbe. Nslres std M Prop <br />@" <br />sfv of any tinge, with n without Carrie. by "Olice In writing to lmslor, meAed I° Tnnttn at his 1 *a1 known eAd9@as. M any event, f any agreement <br />to Truster autmnaNCaey afveM b! ,evek*d upon detevM fry T nitlo 1" payment of inAeMeAnefs aerured heehy s in Ihs PerinmAnee of any agtVement <br />he,etrntter On soy Such 601610Al, llwneficisf Y may N My Ilene wilhnul nofke. either in person, by nto," A m by receiver to ew APPolnted by Ihs Cant• <br />and willeflX regard t°"ade•ntacy of any aeryelly for the ireMhte.lneea seevxeA hereby. enter uPnn aril t *ice pnateaelon n1 frteh MOperty, a any <br />p*rl tharlol, mina, tarxel. Vnloce a mostly leases: °brain *nd ►)Act tM.ants, set m maMiy rents: Wit <br />i awn nanve spa n ethVrwita eoteel Ihs rine. <br />ir.esn". NS,t►s ofd Ma/hS rl"areol, in hrdirrg td Asa Asst pus And ugvsid: add apply the Sams, awn coals and exPenaeS nl npe9@upn anA celkNinn, 1n. <br />est." eaaone wtr notwe rry* 1►VS, robs. any hrdablednass aecrned hereby and in sttcts ntder as Bonefiria•y may dlArminA: and eseepl for Mreh ap- <br />Paratinn. BenahelarV *hat not two Aalde t° any Petao" to the roeeNlnn o nnrreelMclinn nt any rams, bbf:nma. IsauM nr nmlll a, In' Ihs IAilura In assert <br />m enlmet MY of 1 {ra Ioeenh,0 rtgtds, nor site" Benriiclary awn ch*.ged w11h any or the duu►a And eh ieanona M a mn•lOaewe in pnaaeaalnn The amen <br />lab npnn And raking nos /vfaim of stwo, fr ntn,rty, the eoaerth.n ell trrh.enla, 1r.rnma laanwa et Mnlirs, tt.e dnir.q nl oher aeN heteln ArglmHreA. And <br />Hue torroe Minn thweot N afteesad, that not byre o wa/vt Any default o "tit* nt delaull heelrnhrt o ievohdelo Any act done, riosnenl 'n such <br />nMke <br />R <br />