85_ cF4cg
<br />Ime"OFTWIRT.t+rsdafiia 30 deref December is 85 oere"11
<br />Erin Rancho Motels, Inc.
<br />e 1ruslw.
<br />First State Sank, Fremont, Nebraska
<br />a TnaMes. and-
<br />First State Sank, Fremont, Nebraska
<br />TeltffltssETfl:
<br />That Trteala btovecoMy grants. transfers and assign to Trustee M Fllust. ; and Cast ilne- ldlalf {E 2 Lot dosclOwd of low,
<br />p1pe�n: Lots One (1), Two (2), Three (3), Four (4):
<br />Seven (7) and all Lots Eight (8), Nine ,, and Ten (10) all in Block Eleven (11) in
<br />Baker's Addition to the City of 'Grand Island, Nebraska
<br />-•end- All of Lot Five (5) in Block Twelve (12) in Baker's Addition to the City of Grand
<br />island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />-and Fractional Lot Three (3) in Fractional Block Fifty -Three (53) in Packer and Barr's
<br />Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br />(, andnits comp
<br />sl ment, to -wit:
<br />Fractional Lot Three (3) in
<br />City -f Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br />'age~ with 1111 interest whit+ Troslot now has of rnY hwealter ecauke in and to laid property and in and to: pal ON ease"re"ts and riglds al way ap-
<br />f0mt0n0r't thereto- and 161 111 bulMinls. stro,ctwes, mpror,mwrts. fhtues, equilhment. 1u"ishMgs and tepl",nenames now «onfirm w ponal
<br />thweam. Trust« even to ***cut* and daNvw, 1"" tuns to TM >»oPertY so cowered Iw/e� ltsrainitw referred to N such WOPWW
<br />"09" a/ TrrM an any Of llrs a/enn— wioned proi+wtY•
<br />Tlw ?roster eb9OM mV end kaevocgUy Verde. traniws end assign, to fhnetidoY the rents. inoarn. is sues. and profits of all proper" covered by
<br />pie pool e1 Trivet.
<br />tnmd er of Four Hundred Fifty Thousand and no %'loo -------- Dollars
<br />erirtatasd M twt tartdn franNSOrr 'rote Acted ei *van den her*wkh 11.wNnattw nlwrsd to n the '?ro n;vvwy NoWl tar ed by Tnntor M red
<br />0. VON nl end perwo I* the 9 d of fienend". *arrow' _for in»rwt trw"W. is" do, ps 0"d prsppy"ve n bwnrsss saeerdbW r tin terms tI tta
<br />rvernitswr Nefe and ON Won wsk. OK"Indons and nodlIket:o" thw0e1.
<br />!, Parferrnrsnce. diet 1+srge of and compliwrca ,11th trvsrr obligation• covenwit wvd aPeen'ent of Tlustut eft «pww*d by reference w contained
<br />10 a' or in any uthsr eeetw ty speemer" a Aced of truN at wry tklw Oi1en to secure srry indlbt0d"0ss Fneneby sacued w troy Pori tlweol.
<br />C. ravrereert of M tees whd dterges of sonaNdwY. when w w not eN forth herein.
<br />1. Tide: tint Nis /awlsOV seked mod possessed of a flood and Im feesibls tfrst it to I c N,Mmty inlee and a fOv9 tin ern " WA
<br />dele..d IM lire thwele egainsf Mrs ctakns find dwrwnde Oi IMP
<br />Deed N Tnee1 w • Rrsl end pwwnwwt a" upon such propo".
<br />I M condition old repair: to cantptete « recto* t,enVtiy and in fdo01 erhd w«kmandN a manersf any
<br />2. Malnlororcr to keep such paps 11004
<br />bv^" wlirh motet, be constrocted. dernaged or destroyed thereon end to flay, when due. eN clone !« tebw performed and msferfsif nA1101hed
<br />Nrsre4s and for WN sNwel+ohw thereof: to corntoy with trs provisions of restrictions atfectkng such 1"Opony: not to remora. der+w11slh w metetia11y
<br />/for wh1 , «the elrerecter « use lhereal of any tow thereon: not to Arlo w e,trsct rnor le P" III the dal" f« or e,freetitm of ON. gas «
<br />othn hvdrxarberl eebelsnt to a sew mineral of way kind unless firs written to"serrf off lslnelkiwY b Rrsl had end ablsMed: "M to eonrnk « Permk
<br />any wor" "wreef a wry ecl W", such prMerlT in violstlon of kw: to do ell other sort in a time►' end onw, "i h ein ry from the chwecta IN %M
<br />of sack Onsee Y wrav be /aasohd w WCNsoY Ia protect and preesrv* sold eecuf"Y, firs spadRc enwrrsratk■re hootln tort e,ctiidhM tin as _111401-
<br />�. CenswueMe" of Ywprevanrw"s. To co"+plsu in pool amt wwkr"w ^e manner wry buN& of improvs"hert or 16904 reNeMg trsreto ywlnicfh mar
<br />I of ten agafrnN sudls p w.tl rustor else aore0s�wwlivin g in Iles Deed of Trost to the cor"MY notwNhnwalf"ll! *1 to Mo" P ly cam'm-.
<br />be begiol on such preport ltrsrree walk ant / N i:enrpMe the ptNOSed imfwevemeMS P0"h9fiK tbl so connpiMe scow M accorMmee with pone mod epecNicNio "s os 11Mransp by
<br />lenelleioY•felte teryaiiY wtfh aN et tw terms of onj ew "acoe" banagreernem bl"W"n Trust« and Renelieioy.hR to *Now R0"Nici" to
<br />inspect
<br />Now+ during tentruelioel, .,nd k1 to'*{'lace arty work er moeriels ,ptsMhlaet«Y le 0ene *. se . to his fifteen f 131 debt atiof
<br />w,Mten -*diem hem laneRt:twr 91 each iso1, whir►* notice may be tl1Y0n to TroNer by /egladwed a' derlRiad mein. sod h Ida loot knrswer eddrees. a
<br />1rY pMeterd
<br />so Vice of five severe.
<br />4. FN mod Cses,aMv hrstwawee: Ta ka6p wrch pop90tY knsued egaint b1r « demple M lire end Von" risk or risks winch. in the ovink of
<br />9o"aftioy d n"I bell Mal',*• under po11eles el inurencs wNh Mss porcine 10 lwtm sov r M form. amt"wer and ca".tpanles f those to
<br />!lrreNclMY. fwd /,0iici0f n>1+0N M AtAlverad M and rernai" M possesefe" el eehhef+e+err N Itwtfner dw•cwMY 190 the IakM1A perlwmantee d *nose obNpa
<br />lie. re. widel AaavWr 110.1111 cOv1~* on 0909 10 a - f by TM040 19 Se"elieWy to all tights thereunder, MCICA"I aN'*turn prsmiwrns: to do*vo to
<br />l,rhsfitfety s 1"a00r w peeeles ntrew,W ff a safe"ding env esphing insurance with a nieeipt showing pie "nitwns paid el kaN thlrtyl�d/ days beteN te•
<br />a+retoh. N Twaler Is" a se d*Rvar 6ny twnwel poNci@ , fte"eRtiwr hnY /recaa such inswerhce ae it may Nett wtd MOO make Val @ 11 of
<br />pr*nierrve sl.ween. sshklr Pair rw"" Is sop"0140 an do is 116Nfhw TroNae "net lerrslicwrY shah be te,porw11Aa ter id w inou o "ley such M•
<br />sovervts. NerrsRdwr. from IWW 1e tiro*, nab Iwrrisb le mow irntwwnce *ye my « carrtp0"r. lw enr "th4r peha«n, eery MI «maliev od here M .l e,•
<br />It" # own env tnwewhte po kY #Wrfrrfore ds11vw*d to Nomtk4wr ptwstnant Mrelo. and any Mfor"wtilm ce"arrning live ban twtuwf frwabv.. M rrs
<br />asaenl end whatrw M Mel d~ hw6nwhd - M0 eevintrd ohslf IMr*Ilciary. b, 1M feet w approvkV. see""" at eblal"Mg ouch ln«ante. Mtem serY
<br />V "%"IV ter five 0 o htl of sooh if - once, five form n *00 wAficioney e► inowseves cord cts, sdvency of intaar,. or 9ayrnent al tosses br inur4r0.
<br />find Tame*' 1,meM fsp*6Mv esww"ws "romom "albino' 4400'4#90 ernd fieb"Y. it any. tiwreurdw. M she even+ 01 Ion. T rt»lar shed Vier I11 medi0le
<br />wt,04 "n owe M eOranlclov, and lwttticlwy m*v. b" is "01 et*4W*d to. m6k41"001 el "# 1/ Mims& pn,rnMih' by TrtM1w. M tee* of eery Mss fin
<br />ry 4" ceNetr*A wow "Poky of irwN/wtte ar such ro"M IV may. 0i ohs 0otienn 01 tw itr.nelieiwy. h0 noplied " 6Wwfk:11"y upon *nY M•
<br />40g64re111 snd,w ,rblraatle" secwed iwre%, end In such w4s, end wnrnwn es tl*"a11cw"V msy rl"rt4"mine: M said amount 90 0nY lmtlen nhetrol may.
<br />Of tw air - 0 M 00 swro twY. oitnh M used M top t" of r*1nw" live N"W bvw"e"ef verNeey 90 iateey dosiveyed to a condition tolNlect «r to
<br />A Olaf
<br />