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n. <br />006375 <br />-o ether with all rights, interest, casements, hereditamcnts and appurcnances thereinto, belongitu- -be rents, i =sur and <br />lirnfits nc=eof And Tcvonucs and tni: ome therefram. all improvements and personal prnptrrv' now err later Attached thereto at <br />acasotuhkv lie cssarc toncc use thereof. Including, but no-, limited to, ranges, refrthtratnrs, clothes washers. ciorhes an ^cr.;, <br />In carpeting purcitased or :financed in x hole or in part with loan hinds all water. watt.. :Ehts. and water stoc+ pertaining <br />thereto, and all payment, at tiny time owirlL to BorrnwLi by virtue of any sale. leau•. Iransicr cnnvci'Anc_ of condemnation <br />of any apart dICT -CM or interest therein -All of Which are lierrfn called '-rhr proper. y : <br />TC)HAVE: ANIJ TO H( Lit the property unto -ht (:ovcrnmcnt un i its assizn, tormtr in ice umpic. <br />DOR -ROWER for Borrower c s lf. 144rrrowrr's herrs cxf!c tTors. administrators success and a stf s WARit ANTS THE: <br />TITLE: to rhe propene to the GOW-rtlmeut ILainffl all lawful claims and dritiands wha.soerrr vxcrpr any licri.. cncumot'ances. <br />vaaTrucr.s. reservations, uT conve -N.o ca sTrt•cifird'herVinannvr, and COVENNANTS ANT) AGREES as ".ollows: <br />Ter Pa} '.pr mettle wizen dill aV% udib-ednc *hc GkIVLrTITTlVHl Here ti cure, and to indtnmify and ,avc hArm- <br />irss .ht Gclvernmem AgAills• lo !, ..nut_r i`.r in :ialrancc r.1 :.avment _-t thr •l:,:c b� ,,. niri cicr.,_tl. i,. Eintrowcr At all <br />tirrles when :tilt, mile :kshef 1 i, .i:.n insured hinder, it oc . ow shall conrmuc to maize parmvwi on the not.. -he Government.. <br />Al cullection agent for rhe hoicier. <br />? i Tc pal' to the Govertrmen: such fvre. and nthat rhatevs a�. mat now o- ker_.ore iu reyu,Ted i.v Tugulatiot* of the <br />Farmer , Hume Administration <br />;, `N rc�Kuired t v the L;nvernrncnt. w nlukl srddunnuai month! aacmenu .a 1 12 tit Mire cnnmatcd ainival zazcs. <br />h <br />assescmcnts. insurance Ti..cimum., and ,diet c. wWs Upon thr rnurtiag, a p! - ,_rises. <br />4, whe i,er or net thr note is insurtd ., tht i , vvmm;n! !ir. i v—TITTIV. lit ma ., n+ rlrn t r ,c ant other amounts <br />'* <br />Tc quit ad 'herein it, i,e pat r b� Iinr ower ansi sio, paid 1,, kurre,wrT W ht ll (u; a:. will r. as is air r espr }r <br />n it t :rt Tlit' te' - <br />servation• pmter.ion• IYT :ulCrrcemcn+ 1)! chi, Iicn, es J61ATlcrt. ;(IT Tile aten;:nt c, liurrower All such advance:, shall near <br />ill-erest at rite tats brute ht tilt a ,te wfllLk has :he hii!ir!sl trite! a !ate <br />5 All advance bN _ht !,ovtrnnutn i dVM7TibVd inch ins rum nt airli int cc.. vhail in mimediatcis clue anti pat <br />able• I } Rormwer co tiro Govermr cn! w0u -nit dencana al -ht, PlAzV], d III ,ht, latest null and ;hall he secured hcrvi'l <br />No surf advalu. v chi Government eiudi relieve Borrower r Tnr breach cri Borrower s 'uvrnant t pad Such advances. <br />ibe <br />witli Intfi etir_ ihail [Tv le.pald h'i'll, the, first availJaJb�ie colle('f. -ion i- mvived ftrrm hi)rrowe'! Othe w'14e. at)% pavmenj ul"Civ by <br />.�ort('iwe'r ma% .ire apphCll un tnr boil- oT any rid— ebtedriv. , to tilt- Got•erntnrril C CI!Tvd htnvb� it! ant o.trciri' Tnc (. VCrnMVIII <br />cletermltle's <br />1 <br />