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$ 006375 <br />1,6" To use aire'caar7 miglencled by the note solr;iv for purposes alahotisod 1,}' mc, Government. <br />: 7d iz. tats Rhesa due a73 raze) Lirtss, zd,,^nxnts rncu7nibrane s, a7]d assrssmrr7ts lawfuli�' atac hing to asr usessrri <br />against the , i1 a73axtp a aarges and is ter caax a7rctior, vitath water, water Tig:rts. and water star► pmuming <br />to W T"Soca eczscan to 1111 use ,ot zbr real prr3}xrzr rscrabrd abcrvr, atld all axes and assessments levied upon dais <br />mot+gMc c+rr for now m amp sacleiltxdarrss hereby secured or azaunst an lioader hereof or of the nose or at said in- <br />rleittte4atss =:drr the laias of Nt aratka, and prcmpa3e 3rliver to tar Cnwrrnnumt witiour Armand rteriptt n-iaiencittg such <br />pa :7�rnts. <br />$) To fret+ tire preTemy insuttd as rrgnitcd 1az anal yndrr insvr.ncr policies appntvrd by riar C- oatttastaeat and. at <br />its rsjases - to aeiavc sudi poll. e-N tc, tlx GOVLInmexil- <br />"f:` To mA ntaan improvirments in ;good Traair am anar.c Tta r•s rr_ uauei by the 'C,cnrrnmemt: operate the rrclpvrl�, <br />�l a t mad attd lwsban>imanhke miner, coming- Witil sucia farm ; orlscrvarion practices and fast .and 'home rnanagement plans <br />as the olim-Mmeml no;n ramr ro tic may pre_mbe :ar7d not m a,tlandon ti]r Pro per n . or cause > r prrnait waste.le"Ming or <br />ar;}]aa.zrenz of tier securiry towred berth , m., w•'iiiaout the written _ ataseni of the ,)Vettunrra:• rut. rexnve. ,M ieasc anv <br />timber -prve xaal. €a;_ ct>a1, or Ott trtuttza3'excepi as:na3• :Lr rrressa v for o7dinzn` domrstic tw =paid. <br />10' To cr r is with ail : laws. ordinances. And re_.- uiarions afit - ring thr aroprrn <br />l To z a=' crr rc mbiz sr Tlie 1 overnmeat for expenses reasontabiv necessart• az Moientai to the ::7owction of the lies <br />and p 3otiv, ttrrrof acrd ar tire t73fcrz=me ax of, or the compliance will) the provisions hrreof and of the n-nit and anv sup e- <br />mr]ttary .agrer*aent I'w ietltnr '6eforr or afzcr,'de lulz; Lild4d'ag but z at hnairrd to costs of mi is ]cr of title co and suwy m' <br />rate ugm"��nv� . ct;sts ut rc�c orrdii-i tans "ard'�t3ier 3bsa a erg >. artcrnr. sees, austres fees. coor, rusts. and expenses of aover- <br />tlgml4 . wT-+u+t', An—` Vr -\ °"h S111e PrGprrtl'. <br />7 =' lCithVT lar r.rcapr`). ...oT Atli (n ^tun .rer.of or trterrst ttarre= stag? be ]casri- assigne i. scrai, trAnsierrri, or <br />rr),c7c.., vnlu ^t.a] :h o. „t - :rinse. cx.The._t tar wnrteri c.,nsen: of t Ae Governmcnt. The C,�vrrnirxiai sh i i:.ave tiac scar <br />a d 7.c"mr rv+ts as rl - a to hciv nacT . -,nc1U&U 111.1 o-,t ;rrxn t-, tar r,vu•Cr to CrAMT 40rsC711f, rLarTial rrltaus, Sllb- <br />ar =C . nanans, ar.i no .nsa...'. :huLdrT u.all have ails - Uvats, or iax._st al o, tc, tiar Tier car ans benefits <br />htseof. <br />13, al r aacxnatrle tZaes tit. i +.3vernrac[ -.I at :: its .nest,' U7spr.. rhr Drumr: :a1 ascrttam wfirThrr t§re ioc- <br />rTTatit5 dA3i arrt'rTrtC3ltS ctlm4muld rI iAin c1T Axially sui'pfran['Irar' .y"Trrtnrr]t .art bciT1 perfoTT=c,L <br />'.1-4 T:nf- i : :sucr^mrr: rra'I ..,cr.a: ;v iticr the n14x::rt. oi. and 'renew an.':1x.1.1aa.Idr tht t-7as-ments =.m. Inc :iebt <br />riicien:r>d 'n, tar ntnt oT ant ,�tli•!t tnrss %, the co rrnnlrn: ut:a, :_I c In, iasaument. 1 rrleasc any party who is <br />..0 :-tie n -n-dra tae ,_3•,Ir � ; i"I rf._ _.111 ...1- r:.iaGii n to the Got•=Y,_ -nt rclea pornari . of rite Property a" subordinate <br />x, iscn. aria i; acanr <br />an , :9.r .t Its ,twits mat 11111 inset ^a -nenl. Ai, ariJ a i t a-, can and viii be done'avaltrr:: affrctiag <br />flat )7e the) xo :tv . ::t.. v. >t. :.c,,, 07 :ic rover. "'s , VICT ;,art; S hat-,din' TO the GctvrninLna for pa-:mrn: of the <br />no, :. >: :prim srcurro rev t 7s :nsxramrrt ,1. ikwrx-.+_rrnt sa. -s ?trcutsr a Rrnlne. anti- farv,-arancr iv <br />Lilt 'r, -.,it: i.3 eser_xsmc u,"t r,_i , .. .erred. ern :pis in.l Turntril Or ,,thrrwisc -icd :7v <br />1 , 111CA :A Ii,N st]aal nc bf' a A4:.VrT :.,T ,T t>trcjuJc t_!.. ; Ati7 SSC f)! an. suc7i ra.;.nt oT :'.CTnei:i•. <br />3a If at ins bite t: 4iaaii a­pcaa . _ the 'horr.,wrr .. ^at" ix a..c :.brad a ;oar, from a vrc,ducuon <br />.. t: irf it sb..aL li.i 7u,r- a F, 'era! :a.,.. a..a. ',: nT':tet a...lp UiiISLD1G -i'.Y .. a71if :,; i� ^...u.; iT -mil: <br />:�. -c_, 1I iris :;sal :)e :azrs and ZCTMs <br />T a ! 1,_a a.arS loT ?SRitli. ` :tall` ntlz' :. if.rr par TT i'S . <br />' . ' . r: ~rs: il ;J ant atcerll SiCf <br />V a.. M R! %::k.TTl aTa.. -. '1` I! -,, olv art-1 J,o. Eti_.lrri ilrr..a at_: <br />an: sr"Ck - wcessarl T,, i,e <br />T jJLNi&SC,J ,. a t.3 ^i:.TjtlV: t tl, TIL dLN, LI C't ^'a r_!Ml mtl -utl .': i =.%An <br />)e.aat t ;T�ra ca all, oT ,t ?Ir.. 11CT an <br />sci.:raTI ylasxrurnen.T .,_.41111 J'..r::..f;si °i -• as::,, -c.. +'u :m�vC..; �4riaail unciff. any stark <br />l- `^}t 1t "Ll) i�f. -3':4. .T -,:.c. u: ,n :: T.r - ....a :.�_ -, .A :Si na.L. ; a... ,'.L:aUr; :: .., ,T.1s..nitr._ :, -,•. oT s Uzrr? Y <br />-I '.,.4.. ,... 1G. . - :tlC'i .. o. . ,. "+'a+t'.• .i1[ •�: I•i ..i . :3.��.3.. ,:3.. - -..1J I.l.t. J: iti:i (: awn, lnC Itar art]Cb <br />7147 ,a -.i :i srT c'wr; .r. J_.. :.a�... d .,a'31:.'3.rli y t>`. J. :.I H :l„C,.: :• "_,.rw a.: al' >L. ..... :.. ... ._,. .,. :].T :a �rCCa. ns. t77C tai :YCTn- <br />'t:at.aT- -Icon wJTt. i. tt;t�i)u,it F alc:. CTt.:c: a .ja ii;.Te f.a I.S . T.ot4'and aril' Tr1de£Jted2dr5S <br />,era C + : :> crsx -ht ..,bl till CA, u,s, ,:44! tlaa- 4111:'. ... tai a` ...,. lo.'hornl, ei Lazier and pay rras tnadir <br />T. 7t•:F.4tr .. ..a "S.t.:1.4 i._'•' :>i >.,.. 0.a!' . sn. ,, f :rt :.;lr :): Vt?erll_ , ^,Uri ap ilcat ^a7 Pt n artzi <br />T:. �lCiairaT, -xF3 . . :.i 3: .. t. .:t'....,t. ., bt .....:. J. :. 1:11C: ..•.C'1:: a... .,. ,f . :.. . -_ ,7, :' .. IaL3T :: :a y�f; ii ^rpilc.d2ic;.a'1. a VC a .1.:171 �: <br />inr C.t,•'ti 'A., t.TIG' - .Ia, 11>mt... - IV -..: .il, ease a. ..'+ : -nrC i, M ..;li :a3... i,�;ae ^. ?ai al i,r ^t'a'i Ci: -,tr .. :r <br />aiT n {' laM', 4 .J '.: .12l�ILr }Ala, a.. al' i.ik,f. :'IL SAT a.,L r..'1 "zr�.t _::] :_:_ .:irTr ,nl ;,:' jTTCSCai'f 121 '- iliY]rL :aw . <br />CTw711C JTdC: :_ 41 d costs And exnenseS <br />17ZCYtaetl: L -i tS,T. 14 t4 t = 3);'1, ITIL _ 64 p AA, pn,x 1C : -, . .. _tl .aah T a 1C- PCTCTIT soul; tl 7R <br />TK> tw.d. C the dret rwd,i,cI::1 6. silt tarn ay. :d3 :ri ^it+r 3irns %u <br />recc:Td rreiwms ', 'ax law ar a ., cu te^ :o � Ito _aa 1. � . . I, t,,vcr,.mrn*. ovri,r Aal, a�thrr ulrar: tednrss of Rol <br />TYwvt g o) 3., rhf' ierPVCttLt39 anl. zilli All', b4l[7Ct TO Litt[ >wel k! . -i•e a.: ?h:!. _.. )SLiser s: t. i All C4 A.— <br />pan >t tst' ttrcrrerta aiar i `rrnTaem :t and _s at;t•ntx ma'I ya and �:�. Iaasc a_ E .,.a :. c an .^.7at i t T,rIc 4;" Vv <br />rnrac aT', s +a r <br />of t , r <br />rile jdT milasr put t, <= eLu :rn,' such allf -lut: Orl Art% x7r6is of B,rro vT .w,r. TI- .. T.naa,ir.i ;NT tfaf {nila'e?rard7r RT. 771 tSEr <br />sir -tJtr garracrioeuai+avr. <br />PS4 OWCT ah7VC:1 T.ha: the Gvvrr TUncr.? w:$) I) _ !br,,;....,1 ,?: All, nresrril nr lull Tr State !tw, a' riTnAxdvlc T, *I <br />as uallion. arpraaaa). he =tnrstraJ r vxtnapn ,a) t=r prrT.:' : rr,3s.vzta F; of attann .ter a tirir:zca :c: <br />judgmirw =t iinittlu the antcwn.'r ,f for, twit wfth= whizil we :l a tiara nusT r .,v+ssil c` nrr sc net lc zTV +aT : "rr: <br />stars.'tr >.1f 11.7"3tatinnI, '3' ll..n.rr.7g, Ara - .ipFia, of mdrmptro'n ;,: po-s -rs7cd, it 13 a- :rx;' an foT'ec:ic. Burr laic. or lr. Iimtt:r>i; :, c <br />t itre *ns vc3>aill the ( - )VrT'nTTXrt 9141 til Trs;v3aut, -1 T,clxrsG. _., :.aU,4nah the vatrrest 'Alt °T Tua. :;lame. as orwillon to <br />tl$7^rrtr %a7any; :I ttanstr? W ':h t tIVW hCvtT +?wrT ` fII)wc, ,- .Vrtssl% waavcy th.. rvalef . . ?f An% sue Y'I State )aws <br />i� <br />L L J <br />L J <br />