1'nsirion 5
<br />Form,FmHA 427-1'N i
<br />(Rev. 12-8-81)
<br />REAL :ES'1'=4T.1- 113GR3'=G At',—: FOR 1V':EB;I; A'i►'A
<br />THIS : MORTGAGE - is:madeand entered into by,
<br />Y D, M-Gu re,, a single person,
<br />residing in $a 1 Cotmr} . Nebt : sk a..whosc ,post office Address is
<br />icel .e 3 Boss[ 57, 1*x3d Rives Nebraska 0883
<br />herein called -,Borrower,- and the CUnited 'States ofAmerica, acting through the Farmers Home Administration-United States
<br />Department of Agricuiture, herein called the "Government ":
<br />WHEREAS Borrower is indebted to 'the Government, as evidenced by one or more promissory :notefSl or assumption
<br />Agreement!sj, hercm called "note," which has been executed by Borrower, is payable to the order of the Government, author -
<br />izes acceleration of the entire indebtedness at the option of the Government upon any default by Borrower, and is. described
<br />as -follows:
<br />.4 nrtua,' Rutc Due Date of Tinal
<br />Date of]nsrruntenr 1'rincinat Amount u,' Interest Imnallment
<br />12124/85 $180,000_00 5..25 DeceMber 24., 2025
<br />�Tlie interest rate for imined resource tarm ownership or hrinted ivsoure.t• ttperann�, loan;; ;-cured by tins inscunlcnt
<br />will be increased after 3 years, is provided in the Farmers Home Administration rcguiatinus:utt] tier note.;
<br />And tale note evidences a loan to Borrower. and the Government. it any time. mac ,. e:n tilt- note .ilia insult- the pay
<br />ment thereof pursuant to the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act, ur "fine b' r,; the Housint, Act of 1 Uq + or any
<br />other statute administered by tile Farmers Home Administration,
<br />And it i.; the purpose• and intent of this instrument that, among other chines, at all unlca when Mile noic is held by the
<br />Government, cur in the event the C:ovornnlent should assign th4- insqumenn without inslnanc;c of rile note.. this instrument
<br />shall secure payment of tole note: but when the note is held bvan itisttreti htlkit -t. lhls nl>tnlim nt shall not secure 11aylncrtt
<br />of tine note or attach to the deist e•rtticnccd thereby. hilt as -I,) the nom and such dch: shall cousdnne an indennut}. Mortgage
<br />to secure the Govermnt•n1 against loss under its rnsuranct contract by rea,oll of .mv dvi,wh ire Bartow -r .
<br />And this lnstrunivin lkfi secnre5 the- recapture "i an vu -n s : relit ar tilksidv which ilia% br ::anrrd to to Borrower
<br />by the Government pursuant t,+ 42 i;S.C: § 1440a.
<br />NOW. THEREFORE, in .unsiderttinn ut du' loan- ::ud a. 'a all '1111- wilev tilt votes held ily the Government. or
<br />in the event the Government should assign thi, iusttuneant without nuur:ultc of !hc paanwnt „f rhr note. to :-cure prompt
<br />paylilent of tilt` note and and renewals and -.leiensnlllt to -reol .Iota .flee Acle•e111t'llt, .- Iltalnld thel'en, illLhldliuy aliv provision
<br />lilt the payment of an iusuranc:• tit "tiler charge, b :,t all !inlet wht•u tin n"l; 1, held m ::n 111SUr -d hoidcr, to secure per
<br />tormance of Burrower', agreement 1WT1111 t1, indcnttlily and ill, hartnic•sa the i.uvcnnncnt against loss under its illw7ancr
<br />reenact by reason of anv deial/ir by Borrower. and irl all-, rvuli! :nni it all ilec1 Ti, secure the prompt l:aynu:nt of all
<br />advances anti expendirtn -s manic, ky the Goverunlcnt. with tuter:St. ,c ber:nnattet dcscrihcti. and thr perturnlance of every
<br />covenant anti agteenlent of Borrower r.untained heron or al .ur. suppbInlentar% ,igrrcnlvllt. Borrower 1in1s hcrerc grant.
<br />bargain. sell, ennvev anti assign, with genes) warrnrt%. unu, the Glwenmlent the Tolltnvtm.; propern snuatcd in tilt Statrot
<br />Nebraska, Countv'tes, of Hall
<br />The 5outtteas Ouax'ter (S6) of SWticn Nine (9) , Tmmship ?lei (10) North, Range 'Twelve
<br />(12), West of the 6th P.M. in ball CoUnty, NetsaSka.
<br />