<br />006117
<br />UNIroR%l COVt'.NnNls. Bono%kel .Ind Lender old agt,e a, IAIWAs:
<br />1, Payment of Itrineipul and Interest. B,arowcr ,11:111 p1,vr1p11% 1,.,\ when due III,- Inlml(,al .,] and Inlrlc,l .,n the
<br />mdlebtcdocss evidenced by Ih0 Note, plcpn)nlent and Lllr ihal_ec, as pro', sled in Ihi Now ..rid the pnnopal .d .11111 urierest
<br />I'll asy Future ts.h.alcc, +C, urrd h) III,, Deed of 11..,1
<br />x. Fwmk for Taxes and Insurance. subjeel to appheahl0 la\\ ur w a %%1 uen walvel by Lender, Borroter .shall pay
<br />ill I ender on the defy monthly in,tallnheat, .,I principal end uuerc,h auc pan able nadir Ihi Note, until the Nole 1s paid rl ful1 .
<br />t stint (herein "Funds') equal to one - tenth tit the yC.11h I..,r, .,ii,i .,, .'mint, .,11..11 map attain pnnrny user Ihi,
<br />lked o(lrttst, and ground rents nn Ihi Iliopcily. it any. pin, .nsr r,clllh „] )caul picnuuut m,lellmcnts for hai.uJ insur.ultc.
<br />plusolle twelfth of yearly prentiunt installment, for nusrtgage in,nren.c II aliv, .dl a, Ic.,,ou.,I)k c,Ilnt,led inuraliy and Ir m
<br />Bale 1., little by I cadet on the basis of t1„csanhcnls .Ind 1,111, amt Ii.n,1JJabIc csunlalt's 1110col
<br />The Funds shall he held tit ;tit institution the leposit, tit account, of which air unmed Ur gualanlccd by .I Federal 01
<br />%late agency (Including Lender if Lender is such au lnsutt11uuu. 10n,lir ,hall app!) the 1'1111d, ll, pal said l:nc,. as%c,.nlcnh.
<br />ntsat.mce premium, and ground icnis. 1 ender map not ihalge inn ,ii l.nirhnL end .Ipplyutg the Fund, ariahnng scud account
<br />or scrifviag and compiling said :nscasntcnls and hill,, ink:• I vndev pa\, Bun Du et 11ucrc,l on the 1 unit, .uttl applltable Llw
<br />pernim lender to stake such a charge liorro,tt•I and Iendcl wa% ..here Ill wnuug .,t lite time o1 r\e,ution of Ili,
<br />lkcd tit Trust thal interest on the Fund, ,hall be paid to Bomi,,cl and unit'„ ,11111 eplLinhCnl 1, made 01 apphtahle tau
<br />require, such Interest in be paid. Lender ,hall not he requ,red L, p.Iy 8,..l,, l .,nl n11,:ICq 'If e:Irnnlgs nn tilt• Fund, i endcl
<br />shall give Ili Boitovver, %ithow charge, .,it annual a,L.ounung ul thi Lund, ,h. +.\ I rig .ICd,t, end 110'11, to the 1 ..ads and the
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. file 1,1111d. are pledged a, addllnnal security for the sutras secured
<br />b% this Deed o1 l null.
<br />If the amount Ili it,, Fmid, held by Lender. together \lah Ihi Iuuue nlnnlhl\ wn I.,llmenl, of Fund, payable prior to
<br />the due dales of late,. ds,C ,mCnt,, msurancC premiums and yrollnJ tent,, ,h -III c,. r. .l Ihi .unounI rcquu00 to pal ,.ud (loxes.
<br />.o, wssments, insurance prenuunh, and ground reels .,, IliC% tali disc 11111 sue„ h.,il he .11 Bones er, option, either
<br />promptly repaid u, Borrower or credited t„ Borreltter on unuuhh ,nsialimenl, .,I 1 +Ind, it 111'_ amount of the I und,
<br />heft] by Lender shall nor he sufficient 111 pan la\e,, a+,c „n1en1,. ul,uran,c piemuou, .,rid olound rent, as the) fall due.
<br />Borrower shall pay to Lender any arnount ncces,ary Ili make up dic deli'lenil \shims ltd dal, lrom the dale tlatite I, nodded
<br />by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof
<br />Upon payment in lull of all sum, ,c-ured h\ lilts Dccd of I iu,l. I ender ,hat: pi.:niptV\ Iehind In Borrower any Fund,
<br />held by I ender. If under paragraph IS hercol the proper(\ ., sold or the Plopeitl ', uUlcntrr acquited by I ender. l ender
<br />shall apply. no later than unnlOJial0ly prior t„ he
<br />sale .,t ]Ile I'r,pchly 111 11, .I,yrl,Iuon by I ender. am Funds held by
<br />Lender at the time of applicalior, as a credit against the soul, ,c,und by th„ Deed of [toll
<br />3. Appliealion of Paymenls. Unless applicable law pimide, uthclwise ail pa)ntOnl, rec0oed h\ I ender under the
<br />Nate and paragraphs i and 2 hereof shall Ile applied h\ I I n,lCr 1-1111 In pal,111cn1 uJ .!fir „tint, pay:Ibic I„ I ender by Burrower
<br />under paragraph 2 hereof, then to mtcic+t payable on the N „t0, then 10 Ili. pnnelpa{ it rile 'rote. and Then to iniere,i .slid
<br />principal on any Future Advances.
<br />i. CkMes; Liens. Borrower ,hall pal' all Ia\c, asscs/ne•nl. alld .other ,harges. 1111CN .slid 1111possuons sltrrhulahlc t„
<br />the Property which may attain a pnonly aver this Decd of 77usn. and Icawfhnd payments or ground rents, If any, in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 heicot or, it not pull nl ,11t11 ntauner, h\ Bolrr,\,cr making paymenl_ when due. directly
<br />to the payee thereof. Harrower shall promptly turin,h III I cndcl ..It surer, tit anwonts duo under this paragraph, and in the
<br />event Borrower shall make payment J11CL11y. Horrowcl ,isall plong,(fy tutnl,h t„ 1 ender rt•L01pis Cv11i0nt1119 such payments.
<br />Borrower shall promptly discharge any bon itluch Ira, I m so u\vr ill,, Deed of I ruse. pr,\,de0 That Bnnowct +hall not he
<br />required to discharge any such lien +., long a, Bonelwet shall agree ill ,nun;: u, the payment of the obligation secured by
<br />such lien In a manner acceptable 111 i ender, or +hall nl good Lush wnic,l such hen h). or dCICIld cnlurtemeril of such Ikea 411.
<br />legal prmcedings which Operate Ill prc\cn1 Ih0 0nlortcmcl t .11 the Ilea „I I,,:IeMIle ul :I,c propels m any part thereof.
<br />S Hazard lmourarrre. Horrower %ha ll keep the Iillpru\illlcnl, n1,N C1I,InIp In hrle.Illet CICL(Cli 14! like I'rapertt m,med
<br />against toss by fire. hazards ni,luded wlthln the looks "r,h41uc,l ,,,ecr..ec n,l ,u,h oth'i h.vald, a, I fitter slay iCgorc
<br />and in such amounts and tot such penoJ% as I ender 111.1\ Iequne, pnl\idCJ lhai I cildcl ,ilall riot ic.lu,I: th.0 the .11nount .,]
<br />such coverage exceed that amount tit L+)\Ci.rge ICy11iled I., p.r. the ,{11111 ,i,urCd h\ Ihr Deed .,I I luV
<br />The insurance carrier prodding the ir1,m.Intc ,11,111 he .11.,,111 ht llon„wel •,,,hle,t 1. .Ip {,IU'..d ht I irnlci pis+\ 1r.i
<br />that such approval shall not he unrea,onahly wdhheld \11 prel"Im.., ,gl n1,ul.dm p,,iin ,h.IH I,, p.ud ,n the manner
<br />provided under paragraph 2 hereof or. 11 nut paid uh s11,h nh.uirlcr• h\ Borrower making palntcnt \,hctl due. d:redly w the
<br />insurance carrier.
<br />All insurance policies and renewal, Ihercol shall ht n. 1.am a.,cplaI)l i„ I clllci ,rid 'hall n., i,.de ., simidard Ili, a(gaVc
<br />clause in favor of and in forrn atecptahle tit 1 Cndcr I imi0i ,hell 11,,c the 1,cl,t I,. Iwid the p„h,ic, .Ind renewal, thercol.
<br />and Borrower shall promptly furnish its I Colder all lice \tai n.,t.i• en,1 .,II Ic,C:pt, , I ' nlCmnmh, In the cicnl If lit,,.
<br />Borrower shall give prompt nou,c to the 11lsulan,c . an let ,rl.l I . ndi, I imti r nl.1% nt.d,i j......I of lo,, _ ,I not nhaJO plonoptl,
<br />by Borrower.
<br />`- {Unless Lender and Borrower olhertt!u: agree rah d,10mc �n,1u.w". I aced, •11.111 hC .,ppncd 1,1 IC,I.Iladton or repair I,I
<br />the Property damaged. piol idcd +nth rc,wraln,n „I I,I,.111 „II,,:, I,..Ilit li I' if'.I, rid 11„ .t. ICI lit .'I Ilk,, Deed .,I i rust 1,
<br />not thereby impaired It ,41,11 restoianun In ,Cpau t, nut i..nn,nin.11l'. 1,'."&1, .,. :I the ,,.,,I.!, ,d Ihi, I)CCJ Id I ItI %I ,ioodd
<br />Ise impaired. the mstiran:c proceed% shall he applied Io Ihi ,unl, aid h\ 111,, i k,d .a I rust wish IL,: c"C,,, it ant. part
<br />to Borrower, if the Property is abandoned by Bonotcer .„ II h'•1,...1e1 :1111 I., 1,'p „ud 1., I crdcr wlthln 111 &I\, from rile
<br />date notice is mailed by Lender 10 HOrrawet That ]he .morgue., ,.o l Iel 111-11, io , ill, .. , I.,,m 1st ifi,m me benefits. I ender
<br />ro authorized to collect and apply the ulsmance pn„ecd, .11 1 Crider , option either h, Ic,IOraiikm ,r repair rat the Ptoperis
<br />or so the sum+ secured by this Deed of Trust
<br />Unless I ender and Borrower otherwise' agree n. wIJ111 {' .UH ,u,h 111111t.11't I .,I 1., pil{I, Ipol ,11.(11 Ilal e\lellJ
<br />ar postpone the dire dale of the snunlhl� I11,Iathne111, Itio,"I I,, ill p.oavrdl.h, I dad ' heto'l "I ,flange the artlounl „I
<br />such msr.,'`• cerise It under paragraph Ill helcof Ihi' I'-1 -I\ aeytr.led hN I tndcl ali 1„011 title .old 1111CIC'i III Hnnottcr
<br />in and It, ,urance policies and m .utd In lit, No "cd, lhe!,.a re,ultn!g :roar dafilagc I,, the ViolsLrlt pour w the ,ale
<br />Of acyursr, 311 pass lit !.ender a1 the extem ,I lite ,11111, uewe,l by 1111, Deco It I lust uunic'J' lcly pilot I.I such ,ale nl
<br />acguJifsilma.
<br />. Prese, .<.rion wed MmMslenance of Prupcuq: Lotasrhuldsa It otldominiums; Planted l nit I/eselopments. B ...... -cl
<br />shall keep the I I Ply ill good repair dad %ball nlrt ..Irllnn .1.111, .n 11, 111111 unp.lnnllnl .,I deli nor,nwn ,11 the I'rtg,crt\
<br />and sball comply with the provlsurns of any lease if rill, I )ecd . d 11,',' 1, nn a leasehold It this Decd of i i :i,t I, , ,it a unit an I
<br />cond"innum or a planned now development, Borrow0t shall putJorm .dl tit Borrower', ohllgau,nn under the declaration
<br />or covenants creating Or go%cnnng be ow.,iommsnn .,r plamwd imo dcvclopnlcnt, the ht -law, and rcpulmions Id the
<br />condominium or planned unit development, and onsi tic,11 d.l,nnhcnl, It nndosunnlnl .0 planned Ia111 dc,ei„pnlesl
<br />rider is executed by Borrower and recorder! together will) Ihr. 11eL I Ill I ruse, lite .otrn.uu, and 19levn cI'l% .It such killer
<br />shall be incorporated into and shall amend and supplerlicnl 'Ile ., "t'itelll, and agieeincias it this heed .,I i ru,i as If the rider
<br />were to part hereof.
<br />1. P - lee -aerr of leMder'or Security. If Horlowct fail, 1,1 pellorm the eo,0nan1t and agrcemenl, ,onlamcd in this
<br />Used of Trust, or if any action or proceeding Is oinuncoccd which nuacnally alIccis I cold s nncrcat nl the Properly.
<br />including. but not limited to. cnunenl domain, imolvem). code cntorcentenl..It all.,nt:Cnlenl+ or plotcednlg, 111vohang a
<br />bankrupt or decedent. then Leader at Lender's option, upon notice 111 Bartowet, steel .'take ,11th .ippiCar.lnse, tllshorse such
<br />sums and take uwh Action as Is ncccsvaty to poole,l Lender , 1111cre,l. 'It' a brig huh r..,I limned 1., dl,hur,cnlcnl it
<br />reasonable allorney's fees and entry upon Ibe Propetiv Io make Icp.ur. II 1 cndel lcquucd nnnlgage ul,u1.1me a, ,
<br />condition of making the loan secured b' this [)tell of Inns, Harrower shall pay the primlunis required to m:nnlaun such
<br />insurance in effect until such time as the tequtreotenl for such Insurance Icrtmnale, rah .ntonl.ut.c with fh,trowcr', and
<br />lender'# written agreement rat applicable law Hotlowq shall p.1) Ihi' .unoum ,d all nlorlg.lge mNofantc picnntlnls 1111 the
<br />manner provided under pars 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts dishurse ag by lender pursuant In ohm paragraph 7, with nudes! thetom ,hall h•come adJ11uuoal
<br />indeMedoeaa of Borrower secured by Ihrs Mcd of loos] i nlcs, Hnriowel and I coder ..glee ],. olhcl been, 111 palslcnl, such
<br />amounts shall he payable upon notice front I Under Ill Itun,.wrr re,plcsrng p.nllleul them•„ I ,rid 111.111 heal mlere,l Inmi lilt•
<br />ate cif disbursement at the rate payable from little to little all .•UI,L11uhllg pltn. spat under Ili,- Note Inset, pavinvill r,l 1111Crt',1
<br />at wch torte would he contrary to applicable law, in whOl deal ,I.th allummi, ,hall he'll nllere,t it the blithest rate
<br />permiwnble under applicable law Nolhm{t cotliarticti 111 Ihi, p.n.lgrapll ' ,hall Irgwlc I , ,,IV( 1,. oast .Ini expense or lake
<br />any mutton hereunder.
<br />I. iluperI& M. i Colder Islay Inake .II ,a o,v 11. be Made feas•..I t'l,: '.4", i1,, 11 ,I,,I II.t,.', 1t Ili, is'.,p.'.1\ I...•... 1, .,
<br />ihal lender shall Rive Ilorcr,wer mires pri„I lti and ,I1ell use;Na li v+ =11" 0%, :,Y, m.11.,n..1 •!r ut.I Ilk, r1 1, La ill I :.1,11'1
<br />,rttetnt in the Prorrerty
<br />�! j
<br />