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L <br />DEED OF TRUST 85- 006117 <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST is made this ...... 6t;b . . of .. Deeemuex............ , . . <br />19.$x., among the Trustor......... $4rSAn .L, ,Jeffres ............................................ <br />...... ........... ......... ( herein" Borrower") .... ............... .... ............ <br />Wi•WAIT .Gr. A1akgk4ur'P ..... . ......................... (herein "Trustee "), and the Beneficiary. <br />Fi,ge ,}?Qi{nts, Bank, • , • , , , , , , , , .. , , .............. , ..... I ... I ., a corporation organized and <br />existing under the laws of ...... Nebraska ............................ whose address is ................ <br />.... 2015. N..9roadwe.Ll....cirarld. zs,l and.. NF... I ... ..... I .......... ( herein "Lender ") . <br />Boitaowett, in consideration of the indebtedness heron recited and the trust herein created, irrevocably grant. <br />and conveys to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the lollowing dcscnbed property located hn the County of <br />......... Hall ........................... State of Nebraska: <br />South 78.47' of Lot Five (5), Block 128, Koenig and Wiebe's Addition, <br />Hall County, Nebraska; and <br />Lot Fourteen (14), Block Fourteen (14), Meth's Addition, Hall County, <br />Nebraska <br />which has the address of.. 32,1.Sp1ath, Cleburn and 711 Last 15th Grand Island, <br />Isntrol� Ic.I,I <br />N.E. .....58801, ... (heron "Property Address"). <br />IStale and rq, Cowl <br />'f(x ;Lrlttlt %till loll the nnpnncnlcnts new on 110:4110 :ICtl :tl un 11: ptolr,M. Mill .III :.IS:nn:nh. rtghls. <br />appurtenances, rents (subject however to the rights :Ind aulhormes glscn heron w L :ndcr 1u tt,lk,i and apply such <br />rents), royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and prollts. water, w:ticr rights. and Matti' %imk. and all fixtures no% or <br />hereafter attached to the property. all of which, including rcplaccn oils ,old :Iddfi1Ulls thereto. Shall he armed w he <br />and remain a part of the property covered hy this Decd of I rust..lnd all of the lurcgolnc. together %fill Said plltpert% <br />(or the IeaschoW estate it this Dccd of trust is on a I :ast'hnld I .or h:rt•ul Eton :d w .0 the Propert)" <br />To SECt1kE to Lender (a) the rupaynent of the ndchicdncss evidenced by Borrower's note dated, <br />IZIPAM ...(herein "Note "), u► the principal sun of Fifty J.i.ght. Thou: and ;;;od. 100. /.ZQ0, <br />:.. :. , ... c...........: -..-.- -..--:-Dollars, with Interest Ihercon, prodding ter rnunthiy mstallnnents <br />of principal and interest, with the balance of the indebtedness, It not stiluu•r paid, due .Ind payahle on <br />QHC�arnt f!c, f�...200(l... I I ..... I ..... the payment of all olhcr sums %fill interest thereon, advanced <br />in accordance herewith to protect the security of INS M-Ctl of 'flfisl, and III: pcllnnnance of the covenants and <br />agrecrtrents of Wrurwer herein cowaned; and ( h) Utc Icp,lyln,nt ,11 ,Inn tulut, atttamcs "fill inl:rr.l Ilncreon made <br />to 9wrowvr by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hetcot I herein 1-ulure Advdnccs" I <br />Borrower covc9arlts that Borrower Is lawlulls s:nrd Ill 111: I1cICh1 cuntelcd ,Alit has Iht rtphl lu E,ra+lt anti <br />convey the property, that the I'rrlperly is tulencutllhtrtd..nal Of, II lit izell %tr will %,urdnl ,end dctcnd PI11VIAIN Ihr <br />title to the 11roperly ,lgain%I 411111d1111s and dellbllltls. N1111c0 1t, a1I1 tlitl.11atIOW, „la nlcnl Ot 11111Itnlolh 1111ad m .1 <br />ochcdldc rof cRtt'plllllls to co"t'rilpe fit ,IIIY 1111t' IIh.411d11t. ptlllt t 11,ill III' I , till, l ntl,I, H nl ill, 111"[),11\ <br />MMF'F 8182 <br />