--� 006117
<br />9. Condemnation. I h,• pro,rrd, td a,•, I.um t,u d.0 n.tgr,. 1111c,1 .,I .,,n,rtlurnU.tL m clmncronn t,+th au,
<br />r condemnation or tither taking of Iflu Property or p.lrl IheteoI, ,,I 1 „1 convet.ulcr In II cu of ondrnmation• arc hcrcht :n,tencd
<br />and shall be paid its Lender.
<br />In the event it( a lolal laking of the Properly, the ptocced, ,hall he Ippill'd all Ihr ,linos sccaoetl ht Ihi” DVCd cal 'I rust .
<br />with the excess, of any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a p.unal taking tit the Property, unless Burrower and I ender
<br />otherwise agree in writing, there %hall he .1pplied to the Sums secured by [hi' Deal of 'I rust such Iuopl,rtion of the proceed,.
<br />a% is equal to that proportion which the amount al the sun), secured by this Deed of I rust inunedi :rely prior w the dale of
<br />taking Mears to the fair market value of the property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance tut the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrower.
<br />If the Property is abandoned by Horrowcr, or if. after notice by 1 ender u, Horrowcr that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Borrower tail% to Ic%ptuld to Lender uuhnn 30 days after the date Such notice I%
<br />mailed. Lender is authorized Io collect and apply the proceeds, rat Lender's option, either It) restoration or repair of the
<br />Property or to the Sums secured by this DCCd of 'I 1`11M.
<br />Unless Lender and Burrower otherwise agree tin wlltrng..ulN ,u,h apphCauor of pntcced% in principal shall not extend
<br />or postpone the due date of the month]), inslallneros referral I,- In paragraph, I and 3 hereof or change the ammmt of
<br />Such installments.
<br />141. Ibrruwer Not Released. Extension of the time lot pevnocnl or n,t,tlifir•oinn of amortization of the sums Secured
<br />by chi% need of Trust granted by 1 ender 111 any successor m r„icic't 01 IIOi1rIWCr ,h.Jl not 1111CruC Io Icic:ne. uo :n,c manner.
<br />the liahility of the original Borrower and Horrtnver', %uccrssor, In i oere%i. I ender Shall not he required to conuuence
<br />proceedings against such successor or roluSC lit cxtcnd time Ion p:+tnu'nt or otherwise nodttt amortization of the Sums
<br />Secured by this Decd of Trust by reason of an} demand Ill adr h} the original HPrrtiwrr amt Borrower's Successors tit mterc%I
<br />11. Forbearance by Linder Not a Waiver. Ant foibearantc by I -ender ro exercising any tight or remedy hereunder. col
<br />otherwise afforded by applicable law, shall not he it waiver of or preclude the excici%c o1 any such right or remedy
<br />The procurement of insurance or the payment of laws or other hens or charges b% I ender shall not he a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness Secured by this Deed of Trust
<br />12. Remedies Cumulative. All remedies provided III this Dccd of 1 rust are dminct .nod cumulative to .any tither right
<br />or reined)' under this Deed of Trust or afforded by law or equity, .old may he excr,rwd concurrently. independently or
<br />successively.
<br />13. Saccessurs sad Assigns Bound; Joint and Several I ialtilil), Capliun%. The covenants and agreements hereon
<br />contained shall hind, and the right% hereunder Shill more lo. tare Ic%pccuxc ,ucte„Ut% and aSSigns of lender and Borrower
<br />subject to the provisions of paragraph 17 hercol All coscm00% ,Ind agreements of litmower ,h.ill he Joint and Several
<br />The captions and headings of the paragraphs of this Decd o1 I mss are for con%enren e ooh :arid are not to he used to
<br />interpret or define the provisions hereof.
<br />14. Notice. Except for any notice required umlcl appl+,ahlc I &" to he goxen In another manner, Cal any notice Io
<br />Borrower provided for in this Decd of Trust shalt he gixcn ht Inarbng such notice by cernticd road addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Properly Address or ant such other address IS Borrower may designate by nonce to I ender as provided herein. and
<br />Ih) any notice to Lender shall lie given b) certified mad, return receipt icquested, to Lender's addres% Slated herein or to
<br />Such other address as lender may designate by notice 111 Hoitowrt is prodded hcrem Any notice l00%ided for In this
<br />Deed of Treat shall be deemed to have been given 10 Ho, I,-,,cl ,,r I vndrl when given ua the manner de%ignated herein
<br />IS. Uniform Deed of •1'ru%l; Governing Lava; Selerabilill. I t.,, Io1m „t deed of tiu,l combine, uniform coven:uos lot
<br />national use and non- mulornl covenants with homcd taii.inons h, pirsdi,i,on 1„ ,00,liluty .i 000t lrm ,ecuritx m%tiunhcla
<br />covering real property. This Deed of Trust shall he go%rIncd ht Ilnc Law .4 the pms,li,tJtnt In which the Pn,perty 1% I „rated
<br />In ilte event that any provision or clause of this Dccd col I tint of the N,,Ir ,ondlrls with .Ipphcahlc law, such tmillict ,hall
<br />not affect other pitivisiom of [his Deed of Itlnl or Ihr ti'. dr S,hlth ..lit I;t .., rn cllctl w'th.•ul the con111c11ng prr,i colon
<br />and to this end the provisions of the Decd 111 i iu,l .cod the \otC .IIC IecLucll I„ he ,C%Ctahic
<br />if. Borrower's Copy. Horrowcr shall be uunnhed ., ,omoti nd .opt .t Ili, \one .li,d Iv Ihi, Decd of Trust :t the time
<br />of execution or after recordation hereof.
<br />IT. Transfer Of the Prupen); Assmnption. II all •,I ..m p.al .t III,- lot, 1,,,t, I,r Ihr micic,l Ihr, cm IN of II.In,lcrrcd
<br />by Borrower without Lcnder'S 1117101 written r011,cnf. cschrdnl^ I.,I the 11Ca11110 „I .: hen 01 encumbrance'Uhmdm:de Ili
<br />this Deed of Trust, (h) the creation of a purch.,,c unite% sc,mit niters••.; ;ni h,nnchnld .lJ,pl.,ultC•.. I, r ., tr.tl,lCI ht leaks
<br />descent or by operation of law upon the death of a pmt reran! „I
<br />Fill d LM I CnJet noay • .+1 1 Cnticr % oprtlnl. declare .,If the sum, -1 ,CCUrctl ht this Deed col -1 rout u, he
<br />Immediately due and payahlc Lender Shill hate tt.ntcJ ,u, it opn.•' to .a xclrt.,tc II prior to the Sale or u:unler. 1 under
<br />and the person to whom the properly I' lit be sold ,n I;- ,n,ICUCJ Ira,11 aglecnlenl 11 willing that the credit of Such person
<br />is satisfactory to I ender and that the Inletcsl ImoIahle o,11 file ,tint, ,C,urcd 6, Ih„ Deed ,,1 1141,1 41.111 he .at '11t11 Iatc .I,
<br />Lender shall request. It Lender has waived file opinni It, ..t, clrl.oc 1a0tl1Icd In Ihr pafagrepfo 17 and it Burrower', successor
<br />in interest has executed a written assunlpnou .,gIVL!WCnl .I,A.plcd .n ,tnung ht I cndct. I Cndcr shelf +Cline Borrower from
<br />all obligations under tills teed of Trust and the Note
<br />If Lender exercise% Such option I,1 ;m,cicl.or I rndcl it 11 i11ai1 linit..ucr nnlne ,.t .I,,.Iclallon o1 ""old.1mc wth
<br />paragraph 14 hercol Stith nonce ,hall p+u,tfdc .I penod 111 rna 1,,, Ih.M it' d.It, ro.l, lilt ,1.111 the IT.Artt n soled wolun
<br />which Borrower may pay the stints dCClara'd Joe tit Il,•ilo„cI 1..dl 1.; 1144, 111,11 ,0111 pil,a a, [tic cspt.t.on ,.1 stich pt•nod
<br />Lender may. without further nonce to demand on Bormttcl ..,.,d.c .III% ICrnr,lic, Imininrd h} paragraph IS hercol
<br />Not44Jitia'naM Coots NSNis Borrower and I t'n,h•I Itlrlht i ^•Ctt.ull .11ad agICC .1, II,111.w,
<br />12. Acceleration; Rrmrdir.. Foicept a% ptutidrd in 114411111.;141011 17 hVirof. upon Bun,owrs'% breach of 2111 cittenanl car
<br />I recmmi of Sumner in This Uerd of I'ns,.t. inahahol; list, , ti rn »111. hl pay w lico door any Sion% Wonted ha Ohio, Ills-rd N
<br />Trlwl, 11•en111r► prhrr stn accelrratMn %hall oswN consist, lit Horrowcr us prutidvd in Isarallraph 14 hvrrcol ,.peclflin . (1) the
<br />bteaek; (214be action required lit cure Such brrath: 1.4) a dale. nil Ir%W Ihan 311 day% front site date Cite notiar io mailed fu
<br />Borrower, by which coach breach mum be cured; and (4) 11191 failure hl Cure Will Wealth an car before file date ,.pt•eified
<br />is Ike aolice may trop in seccelerati n cal file %hill% Secured ht Ihi. Derd fit 1 ium and vale of Ilse Prnpenl. 1 he notice
<br />sbaN father inform Narrower rt the right to rrin%lafr after .1trrlrralion and the right lit bring; a yours arli(on lit assn
<br />the nsmKSfNeare of a default or an) Other (Wen,.r its Hostilities sit arcrlrralinu and .alr. If Ihr breach i% nut cured
<br />no car before the dale oitecihrd in the notice. I rooster at Vesicles', option may drt hut, Al of Ina• .title% ,et cared by Ihi% West
<br />of Trash to bt imrwedivlrly
<br />due and spillable withoul fnrlher demand and may intrrka' thr power of %air and any ufhcr rrusadies
<br />permitted by applicsble law. I colder doll tie rntitrd to 4o414•e1 all n•a%onnablo. to%I% and v%penows incurred In pursuing the
<br />remedies pruvhled in Ihit paragraph 14, including. Mat nut liunled lit, sea►unahh' •alfosnvt's Ire ,..
<br />H *C pest,► of sale is intsosted, 'Iru.lre .hall rrturd a nolice of default in rush auunll in o%hich III,- Properh car sulne
<br />Pan 11rere�f M pissed and +loll mail topic% of Such rurtice in file inanner prr%crilk•d Its appliaaMc lac to Hurruwer and to the
<br />of r perw oo preteribed by applicable law. After lily Ialoor 111 ouch litre a% nlal ia' rrquirr•d In applicable law, 'fru%h•e %hull
<br />glee pabNr aulke of kale lit Ike penitit% and in the nlanorr Ine%rlobcd bt applicable Into. Insurer. wilhuul drnl44nd fill
<br />Barrower, shM will the Property as public auction to the hiuhrWt bidder at the those and place and under fill. terns% dr%iknaled
<br />in the notice of link in one sir misre parr•els and in mn h order a% 'I rumee news drlrrminr. I mater may po+lpune sale of all
<br />at my purl Of tine hropeny by public' unlnitlnvenrrul I, tilt• link and plorr Of way pretion%I) Scheduled Sale. I ender Or
<br />Lender's deoiKrsee may purcl aloe Ike proposal), al ue) .air.
<br />Upon reeripl of payment of the price bid, 'I rusfev Whail de(iter in she purelovorr ftu,olW% derd coutelinll the Prnpenl
<br />sat/. The row” in The 'I'ralee',. deed AMI he prima fork- vt idrnce of Ihr• truth of she %iwtement% mitre therein. Trustee
<br />show apply tM pprroceeds Cif the 4Yle In the foNtlwf order: at lit all rrrrslneaMr co%s% and esprn%e% of the %vivo Including, but
<br />cow usawd lu,'Friallee't fees of not mure than / L o f of she Kra%% %w1e price, Iva.unablr vllorne)' I fee% and ensls Of
<br />1 � e; fbf to aN wms ser•ured by this Died of '1'nt%I; and Ic1 the rueo%, if aol. Io she peroun car pennon lexall) cnlilkd
<br />L 19. Burr4flool s flight lit Ncintdale, Nnlw,t h %L+n.lu+ I I , ndt Itl.n.,, .
<br />t I .,I tit, ...m, • ,oirJ ht Ilan Dccd o1 Ilusl
<br />borrower %)•all have she rlghl In hate .Ios Jirourdn,1.h hvl:nu I'S I andcl 1 rnll,r,r till, 1)C,d ..1 11. 1 .hs,om nulcd aI
<br />any time prrur to the rdrher lit nt,oi cal fit the IBIh dal, ht 1mv Ili, ..de .d Ihr VI pcllt 1,ur,u.,n1 W Il,r 1,..,,rt td ,.,It, ,onLnnrd
<br />l I f in all f lIn 1hh iled of H udgiocnl colon n+p tin, I1.,'tI I,I It, I t i.o Hor rl•,S, I I• r. 1 . ndr .I1 ,inn a h+, h
<br />he then title nllder III,. Iced ,I Ifllhl. the Linnet' •Illol 1, 11, ., r,ll /, 1 I 'x d,.•n„ .! ...1, tl ..I 1.,, ,I<1•I111111 .,tit 111fed t1.$
<br />its) "tol"ACI tllrr% .ill 111C,0111 1.1 alit nticl .,rn lot, ,1 ,.., .n, I .,I 11, It, tit , ,nlnlf,t ., III,, Ilerlt „I Inn,! 1.�7Ijt
<br />Ici Ilan nwcf Ja1y; .dl red,nrdhlr r, lifts„ r1u11r1d I,t I,I,J,. .,t I;.;,l., ��. ,;,I;,., nn• �!„ .'.li,. tnl .It :I rrnlrnl, n
<br />N�rfuw..'f , .......ilvol n. It's Is,•,-1 .,1 I1,r•a .Ind .I, ,cols,u.g I ..d,. ;,,.I 1 - i,; .•.,1 :. :, ..,,,I. ,1
<br />t+lfrur 111,I,L,I,111' 11 . „ 1 Lnntnl n. •Sole ,dosser;. i. .. .I I� 11, . ;i; I , I , .;L
<br />!., ..,,.,.. !hill Ilt" ,nn .,! Ili. Is, rd „1 11 ,I I , I; , ,I; r, : I'. I I! , .
<br />