- -I
<br />85-00060 AO 'n I C pa,, In ,III � I C the T-101 I
<br />to PREP,AvNIENT A\D ACCRUALOF TH , F FINXNCE CHARC lr.� I Wlo, ,, f—ii, 1h.,; hwry inlp�jo,thc t;nxiccch�,igc
<br />I,) salt ar am little 'It ir, PATI 1-oll., ,Zlllc To TIT- 1111"�Cpd,m n cnl Ion,% i,ia! finance
<br />1 .0— 7�, 11�1,11e!hal an� nCC4r\ 11
<br />ptel,,,v, the whole drnounto,,inp lo � OU I"ar, lihcToial Sale PTI�Cal`CeSD-
<br />jj,fs. I know M finance char-Le �A III lie ie's It I rvk� Carl\ PAN ment. and �l I !I] N. thol .1 1 1'.�, Liti. or,
<br />"c"c ior ithe I- mant c Ch 11 "e P-" 71' 1 1 przp.� hocau- 11100 1, nothing
<br />ChAicc he reflected In my Tmal bill . I also k. nov, Thai the arnounT., how non The to\ ir date, and I �nol III! I , to! and
<br />payment, exaell, on its file N h 7C 01 Ile 71,
<br />III Tccel\ e caoll of lkw P, c and If I pTcpj�l the "hole aq,on,I. will refund
<br />mates ba,edinihea,sunipti,,nih�il\"U%� 0, hank title, not �-Jllplrle the I) Price c1lai-9
<br />rehate , ill is, i,izured in the
<br />10 refund if I am charged on a jail\ oasts. If itle londing institution p ,,etilire knn� n I, The JCtJJVlaI niethod. and the ani,ijni ol in
<br />Io rile I* uneilmed porvor.ol'the finance charge
<br />I inrcTA) 11% the accounlyn r I know JfiJJ , rt hind 0I less than 's I W
<br />,'I c prCpa�p)CnZ. JhjJ I PJy to �011
<br />scheduled dates and amount, of nfy monthly, payment unit no, an the actual date' �l
<br />will Tim
<br />-1')\N ARR" 11 , %pioiris the conditwil,and circumstances
<br />lb l I have read- in detail. the separate -1'E AR I 1\111 I- "I !he ,11 -:71d I I,." I irnp�ied warrun1%
<br />m which the 1.1anL.t4clurVd pitidmt, v,dl helopulred"T leplaced n;!
<br />on, The I anialnn or or,, ltla�l th,, �ontracl 11 explain, The c0nditlon' and C,T-
<br />-it )" \it ARR NN I I' "ad� lar, ,�,IZ
<br />117) 1 have \e rCJd, 11) IJCIad rate -1-IMITI-D INSI At I it I - L, of The lumijt,on, op Ole and I P,11, U. iti.ii .1,\ imphedwarramy which
<br />sulllslaDccl In-\khich tire tire sidini: �k 111 hC 7CLIonc I I"ki: gol"
<br />applies flints in,il IlatlonTJ%-rs , In,\ Io,, as the
<br />Warr.ini\ of let"Ce 'ontract I take" notice that the
<br />openin- il)"ke the viodill't'lo tit nit ,
<br />I _iJIll",*)' h �'-an"I this Contract at im Time
<br />�Ofl_ house piohaii� it, ill not !it x,, ,the, h,-ust: .1 h �lli kn"' wt hat Ili$ Th., jilloont owed
<br />;,a:
<br />goods that at are.manul,clui-ed 10T ri" 1PV I per,,,d,,j I ki, ih,i I ILI, , the ohh- C P;11
<br />jIlel-the penodol lote Ionle. I,N !,%x. in , hich Ill cancel 'IlIeT 'I Tep.ilr �nd To kter, it insured *tit
<br />NCE -%%I) NlN RVAL EST %TE: 1 1 PI-l—, to P liou"
<br />OBLIGATION'S PERTAINIM; TO PROPERTN INSI RA -rh, incur nee conipan, Inu . 't he appro zd Is, ou. and -,he P01ILN Tr.ul hays
<br />,re nd Vd POIK" r'; To
<br />enlacement I alue I" �,u, ing a I. -extend lillic ou I au
<br />.,too 11 11 11 nol 'mwel In' poll, ul
<br />at least 1,01-� or !1�,, I Itero I, j 1071P Ou Cit to ICPBII liv 110111f
<br />a ivneficlar\ , lx; TO) 0\ , that u are to be Pat . r.'W" r-Av �licni I.) oiihei eon nit I\. .1w,
<br />hor!7c the iiisuranLC �0VIIIIJIl It) Pay t' 'u directiv lilt any !os, N ol, �,nl 01"I'le 14' a'C .1nd 1,11111 T Me Proll—C that I !it 11"!
<br />I h.,c the oP;,orfpyo,ld1-' 010perl, insurance itirou.-,11 an
<br />eal
<br />id other or rn, 1
<br />real rrhoui ur ( "o, iU I. ohouz
<br />allow �in\onc cl,o To place hon, in in I tha: 1 ,111 c\itn"
<br />n, so, urc,t tv, m, re,i ;)v nt t'i,l i'a Lo I ... I have lo; N ou ao
<br />due. 4. 1 Pfoln,_., Io �mlel, Ilia". d! ni\ tirl"T lo., 1, 61 1,
<br />h"U" IT �trlllil I'nv o1hVI "INIQat", ,, ,• 711\
<br />. - ; Ile "I "�tCTC" These amounts will
<br />N'rare" mein ,ion I,, noI n'Uro"'. "i h,giie'l nu! Pav ou baci,. .
<br />pa% an, . -I these ot'llVal it, for nie, I g , to P.U\ ou Ila, k In dolix"; pl'01 interest It, io; ri-, I: It, •hlain any honleo, net
<br />'u!edl b% 1* Ia! cqjje ;Id h,'11,L'
<br />he added inn Jet,-, hich IT\
<br />or 1;.,t,.i [:I., n,ui,,n:c J011 lo
<br />SALEOF MY 1110USF• 1 2 1,
<br />DEFAULT: I will be in default under this contract if
<br />I I don't Make a prormcni when due; or
<br />1 break any pmmise I made in you in this contract: or
<br />3. be ' Or
<br />Something else happens which causes you to believe in good faith that I do not intend to Pay IT u as
<br />S. 1 default on any obligations for which I am using in) home as collateral: (it
<br />5. Something happens to my house which threatens your rights. if any. in it v amounts I owe you if I
<br />to J�)reciosc the %Ionracie I have given to you and have wN house sold To repay any IF IAMI N DEFAULT: I understand that you have the right h se cw sue we,
<br />eq I
<br />'house is sold. No that the law r 'utTe% if you hire ail jqorne\,!�- assist you to sell rrr�' ou, . r. to u
<br />am in default under this contract Before rrf� you a r, costs, title searches anti money you expendei,
<br />or. To protect your rights. I agme 10 173% %ou for or your reasonable . anomeys' fees and for other mated expenses 'u, h a, court
<br />0 such amount, bN IaNv IV of the rights
<br />toprintect my house . Ifyollareallowedi 'collect n them IV Lail delay eni('.rcingan_
<br />OTHER RIGHTS-: We can choose not to enforce AIJ%r of the rights under rills Ltintl30 Us often as we v,ant w ithou! It's, 91 em
<br />without losing them We can also use Any rights now or in the future given to us by law but I ai�o understand that in some %ituAnuns you tna� encounter
<br />DELAYS: I know that you will use your h,-,t efforts it, install the products I ain purchasing on ri)v noose,
<br />delays that are caused by strikes. Areltht:T conditions. delays you ha\ e in ohiaintniz lll;iten 1,. OT for other reasons that are beyond your control I understand that you will
<br />not be liable for such delays submitted d he pn)ducts, I understand that n)N dispute Mali be submi 10
<br />ARBITRATION': it I have a dispute or , lain, will, you concerning the quanrity, quality hor performance ( b�' an aTbirratorls) would be en-
<br />and settled according I,) the mediation - arbitration program that may have civvelopcd in IT N community I also know that any decision made
<br />icrrd in the court having jurisdiction ovct Me and N Ou I'll, ; 11,z" 1alwil hin. e NO sal'age , AILIC
<br />SAIA AGE N Al A V: I i, 11, " 'hat ltiv ` "d� - , , - �d t" " I, a"d ,I ni:, !",I" k.,I, th'i I;,, ...... ed h, , ". I I,
<br />'A her, \ ou TV,!." C!horr). ., ou, an h." , Th"n ! i'T 1, "ate , o: p., 1, •1, a 10 61. 1 understand Thai in special situation, that your Regional Office may have to review
<br />SPEC[AL SITUAIIONS: Due IT, the uniqueness (if —mc ot the products that N ou s information 1-PMM
<br />, id that N ou and may nor have had all the correct i to this transaction
<br />and accept this Contract. I also understand that this safe occuri-rd in mv honic an
<br />a, our flogerap,, I give you my consent to correct anv obvious errors that may have o tuned when the blanks in this contract were completed
<br />f%-VA] In PRfJ1'J.ZTA140Z- 14
<br />[01
<br />L_
<br />