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MN cMJulc -111 tie <br />pa nicni <br />'At,­ P,1 o, fluc <br />- <br />curie): I ani 1,40 <br />hen n-purhased, and c. <br />it <br />I '"Iti'led to tv :!!Icl II 'laic <br />nlN IeJ3 -t t' .111,11 "llprolement, includlng 11', <br />W Pa%ment lhe C,IjjjjIjLij11Tj (701-11fiLlIC <br />ll,c, ill it im 'Addres4"' Lic,t.,nated ah,,,c <br />li,tailillelli, on the anic dai, 11 <br />ill It'll <br />FilingiR fees S__ <br />"Lt, �on,ecait%v month until paid <br />ecording <br />ter, <br />Late Charge: ]I a pj�rlcni il Mille thin <br />Credit life and credit dt,abillli, insurance are not required in obizin cieda. and "Ill <br />late I ,It N. .barged $5.00 or 5% fit the laic 1`3�- <br />insurance <br />Mil he pr,,%id,,d unles, 1 ,911 and aerce 10 N.N the addillonal colt. <br />1, less. <br />prepayment: It I pad ill calh. 1 .111 Tl('[ ha'- io PA� <br />T�jv <br />Credit Life I ant credit life <br />a licnalli., fill I 11'a% he Ltilliled Z" a Telund <br />the tI char <br />inlurance <br />107 <br />flt rti,iev, other I"'rilon, ill lh" 'vinlmcl <br />default. <br />a <br />c <br />lot additional intornintical atillit'l n,in-paNill tit- <br />ant requireid rcpa,irnenl n lull bc1f,lic the cheduled dale, <br />Credit Accident I want : -edit acoderel N <br />t and health Insurance 7,> <br />and prcpavyiienl refUnds anti I"in:1111c" <br />Health C-0 0 Sp <br />B nwan, an cvilaic <br />is and I MaN obtain such insurance from an�onc I ,iaut who is acceptable to sou or I mao proilide it through <br />Properltv insurance required. <br />I ill & 0' 0_19 <br />for , 0 months of co%crage. <br />an r%jl_qhM policy. If I obtain this insurance through vent. Pa., -.. <br />11 .... Pre lc_ 4 .0 9 9 <br />CoMMFNCEMENT OF THE CHARGF: -Pic iinance dharve ilnitire,11 Ill idarl tv,,i <br />n ,, nur. on !hc <br />tile that "", "'ni'lelc the in,iiallalion t !he Ind e­cc, n` ..nothe: laic. Own the !,-ticc Jial2c !11%-e t, <br />rt the dalei except I— than :11, 11,11-in 111110100 lilf—iii, n I" arn"'Int, I,a% "ill <br />it" That I hall ,eil a COmpic, (-e,­ljj!,.de !'he amoani ill 1,n;tn,c <br />and rn� lerneline- in 'nak ing pa, ireint, <br />PlIt"AYMFNT: I ­\ eoh ntarli, NeTill I n , .;:'­,unt I i­e lin. .i, lull or in P311, :l make 1 "IM41 <br />until I have paid all anit"Int, we �"i' !ni""I I, 1h.i ionouil, <br />ItF 4V%lF\-I : 11 1 d, ­1 ;,�!\ hcn duc, NIllf �an IJCLI•_,C all that 1 11 undc' 11— <br />Qt'V-sT FOR F111. P it at at' 11111-10- It': '",c ,,cn I,, -,al <br />at the rale,nliurn covarclual rate all•"d h% !", 'aild Ilic inn.,unt 1 "'C \,,if " pa'd I kn". <br />! ... ... Ind cItIn, Vien[ <br />olntra,L slal \11, demand It'll I"'fl'ne"l. 1 unticir,lan, I ht ­u riji,, ,.,I it 'a'! . a ........ nl� <br />CLlL1 -E"10-. CosTS: 11 ! am in &I"uh 'i it, - h\ la" <br />uned t,\ ­u. M.1 �14­6 lo <br />lis vi,,u dl, agree 1, y"U, Ica"Intit'l, attorn,••, lec, 1,111, a," cilun cel,ls and cxmnse, inc <br />.a,. r,, 6""'"I'd "ll Inc 1.11 <br />%WRTGAGF: ) 1-1711 Pira"Il. 'c", c - 1 And elorltallc it, you a, Morlglagcc. m1i <br />and thi� Sail, C.ilnlrJcl <br />of Ill, contrail A% cCtnn� 1- all amount, 00C Ill IOU � -1 <br />SM. I UNDERSTAND THAT THE ADDITIONAL TERMS AND PROVISIONS PRINTED ON THE REVERSE SIDE OF THIS INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT ARE A <br />KVIERSE HEY WERE PRIED ON THE FRONT Of THIS VERY <br />PAKT OF TNIS INSTALLMIENT SALES CONTRACT AND THAT I AM BOUND BY THEN IN THE SAME MANNER AS IF T <br />ADDITIONAL TERMS LIMITING SELLER 'S WARRANTY OBLIGATION <br />NWNIMIENT SALES CONTRACT. NOTICE: PROVISIONS PRINTED ON REVERSE SIDE COMPRISE <br />NOTICE TO BUYER <br />1. 1 do not have to sign this contract Wore I read it oi. it an, of the spaces intended for the agreed terms to Itur elitent of then available information <br />I sign it. 3 oil balance due under this contract at am <br />am Wit blank. 2. am entitled to a � of this contract Ai the time I %a - I mm P­ off the f at this instrument <br />tim, and in so doing I may he entitled In a rehate of the unearned finance and insurance charge, of anvf. 4. 1 understand th <br />M is based upon a home solicitation sale and that this instrument is not negotiable. 5. It hall not be legal for of, to enter nf� premises unialurullix <br />OF clarnmit an) breach of the peace to relpoiiiises% goods purchased under this contract. <br />z BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL :c, <br />I MAY CANCEL THIS AGREEMENT AT ANY TIME PRIOR TO MIDNIGHT OF THE THIRD BUSINESS DAY AFTER THE DATE OF THIS TRANSACTION. (I HAVE <br />READ THE ACCOMPANYING NOTICE Of RIGHT TO CANCEL FORM FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THIS RIGHT.) <br />i N, o,nir,"T Jlono ,i?h me VIC C.In-1 <br />th , <br />: <br />1,%* AIINESS AHERF01 M7, In,lahnIc' t:a, been <br />THE PACESETTER CORPORATION <br />B, <br />I k"6 <br />B, <br />V <br />7�X <br />C <br />305/A <br />