— " - I -l" "", � p — -, 4 1 -'eq.'re,
<br />test ++ -bleb I he 1."A Allows ou to co I! cc I
<br />payment of mow interf4ftli the lawpermits. then Noti �%il! only have ,,he,-11� tit To zroin nic the arnoun; of I Me
<br />COM.PLETENFSS OF THIS CONTRACT: This coruraczcanon;v hcih4n_,eo; I Nllh%t`U_'nJ I a2rVilin"riting
<br />The following notice Min gsl(im} Anention the nahtsThai I ha,ce—n a bank. and I should that the impor-
<br />lanceof this provision is stresstdb% ifs appearance in tcripoint, hold tc t,;V NOTICE 85-006092
<br />This credit contract finances a Purchase. All legal rights which the Buyer has against the Seller arising
<br />out of this transaction, including all claims and defenses, are also Valid against any holder of this contract.
<br />The right to recover money from the holder under this provision is limited to the amount paid by the buyer
<br />under this contract.
<br />A claim is a legally valid reason for suing the Seller. A defense is a legally valid reason for not paying
<br />the Seller. A holder Is anyone trying to collect for the purchase.
<br />INSURANCE CANCELLATION: If I have requested insurance in this purchase. I max cancel such request for insurance for arivreason within fifteen (15) daysfrom the
<br />date of this contract by notifying you OT the holder of this Contract in %i,roirig. I know, that the cancellation of ni% cmeave wit I he arranged with the msurancecaiTievt and
<br />a full refund of myprr7inium(s)together with applicable finance charge will be credited in this contract
<br />PLEASE NOTE: If I ha crege-lied insurance in this gurchase. I will recetiewilhin thirty t ?(1j days a cernficateoi insurance more full descntinng the insurance coverage
<br />v -tin covered only to
<br />-lice of proposed Insurance that I
<br />I know that if there is anv cc, , I in the ctl%erageor the language of cerlificatv of Insurance and the following NO
<br />the extent siaird in the following %once of proposed Insurance I- also know that I hate Insurance coverage on!.% o I have been charged for it
<br />I take notice that either Credit Life or Credit Accident and Health Insurance, or both. - Ail] he applicahle to this Sale, Contract on the reverse side onlN if I have chosen
<br />it h% signing the request for such insurance. This insurance will onl% cover the person signing the request at the cost for each -type or insurance shown. Subject in accc�t�zncc
<br />bN th . c insurance company. the insurance will be effective as Of today and will continue only fur the number of months aiter the cffecto,e date equal to the number Of
<br />monthly payments. I understand that this particular insurance nuo, n(;1 pic%ide coverage for my last few payments• and chat during that period of time I will not have any
<br />insuratnocciverage All benefits arid procceds of the insurance will he paid to you or to a financial inslililtiOnOT a bank if it purchases the Sales Contract to the extent of n,
<br />is c
<br />interests and any haiam-c will be payable to me. The initial amount of L redii Life Insurance is the amount required to repay the Total tit payments: thereafter, the insurance
<br />decreases by the amounLofeach monthly pay -mein tin a -scheduled al) day basis iflam mrith, lblitzalco tin the Sales Contract with A Cci:Buver, and we have both signed
<br />the request for Credit Life Insurance, death beneexclusions, eliminations or waiting period stated
<br />fits will be payable Only with respect to the f tOneOlUSIOdle SUNCCtll-
<br />in the insurance policy or certificate. Credio Accident and Health Insurance is for the henemarnouni: of I Yilhofeach month's payment for each day that I am totally disabled
<br />due to an injuri, or sickness while I owe any payment to you: however, I understand that I have to he pre, emed from working due to such total disability for more than four-
<br />teen you I
<br />-k to the firs Which will not pay in some
<br />teen k14) consecutive days before the insurance henefit is paid 'ac coverage tint din, of m,, total disability 12150 know that I cannot obtain any insurance from if
<br />am over 65 warsofstge today, and I also knom, that the insurance pirtivided to me may contain a maximum amount of coverage
<br />cases, theendre amount that I owe vou. Due it, the maximum amount ofco.%eraec stated in the insurance policy, I know that any unpaid amount inexcess of the linsurance
<br />coverage will still have ,, be paid If the Sales Contract is prepaid in full prior to the last payment date, any unearned insurance premium, will be refunded tome tit Lheman-
<br />d ribigg nl� insuranx cov�-wc. If the insurance not accepted 11-
<br />net-pre;cribedtil. law Within ihi-,TN 00i days, I will receive the cellificineofinsurance
<br />the insurance compare. I will receive a -cfuncl of the insurance premium, I have paid
<br />BUYER: The next two par-agraphsconiain warranties relative to this saiegiters h% U
<br />FOR VALUE RFCEIVED. Seller hereby sells. assign,. comeNs, transfers and dch,er, R,
<br />title and interest tri'drid to the InstAllmern'Sales Contract and Mortgage. together with all liens existing and the property
<br />[Assignee) ail of its rights. g P�an', �-Itehn.,� the right to make
<br />encumbered hereby. Assignee is hereby substituted as Mortgagee under the Mortgage j)TOtisionsof this contract. Seiler warrants and
<br />this assignment: (2)AIl statements and figures in this contract and in the Buyer's statement are materially true and correct: (31 This contract arose from the bona fide sale
<br />of the goods and services described herein. (.4 1 The cash downpayment shown in this contract 'Aas actually paid by Buyer and nil pan of said downpaymem was loaned ch-
<br />Teciii, or inducciN bi, Seller to Buyer. t51 Fach Buyer is legally competent it, contract, t6i Thiscontract is not and �will not he subject to anN claim. defense, demand or right
<br />of Offset: i 7 1 The execution ution Of this and the underlying sales transaction giving n se thereto did lot % to! ate any federal or stale law. direclty e. rile (it regulation now
<br />ec s contract it �u met, such 'el-1,"OnOT cancella-
<br />tion effect: (8) In the event that this contract or the underbOu! sales transaction is bject to a right of rescission or cancellation b, the Bu.
<br />period has expired and riclifiei the sair nor This ilniraLt has rescinded THIS CONTRACT IS SOLD BY SELLER WITHOUT RECOURSE-
<br />IN TESTIMONY WHERF01', the undersi•ned is iy fl led 7Cpre - 6 the Seller And has signed helo, on tichail Of the Seller on this
<br />40
<br />day of
<br />ass JAT101iod, .. ne on E P
<br />The foreg
<br />X 1 ii
<br />B
<br />by the authorized Agent n, S,,hc, ho
<br />mycommis'lonc,,plic.
<br />rot
<br />