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�%�.a.1041'71 ADDITIONAL TERM � . - <br />FRRPAYM7 AND At"CRUAL OF THE FINANCE CHARGE: Even though { do not have W ppaay more than de regular sctxduldd mambly payrrxnt, I have the <br />o owi to in fuN at any time or in peat from tine o rule. If due lending nsUtuuon or bank that mays my contact ftnanee <br />lass if I mace an early payment, and it will be higher if 1 y late; I also eccugni74 dust an o my teat <br />w�bk° y bill; I know tle shown on to reverse side tpoardx Finance Charge, ToW of Payments, the Tea♦ Sale Price <br />we wAsumvillusied an the mumpurm that you will receive cub of die payments exactly on its dux doe; and 1 know that there will be no refund if 1 propeY because there <br />is tut if 1 am a daily basis. if the tout M u doors not compute due fihwca charge Bailyy, and if I prepay the Y you <br />w� r od Ra portion of de c (' )by the accounting town as the actuarial met .; and the, amount of th tatuat wig be <br />Rend on Out schisdulled dississ and amounts of my monthly payment and nt on the actual dates and amounts is of the prepayments that I lay to You. l know OW s rebusid <br />onmoonst,OOWittrAKb*Mbk- <br />11111114MANT NOTICE ABOUT WARRANTIES: <br />an SELLER HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTA- <br />ANWS 'FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ON ALL GOODS AND SERVICES UNLESS SELLER FUR - <br />BUYER WITH A SEPARATE WRITTEN LMTED WARRANTY OR SERVICE CONTRACT MADE BY SELL- <br />ER ON ITS OWN BEHALF (WHCH, IF MADE, ACCOMPANIES THIS CONTRACT). <br />(b) I have read, in "LIMITED WARRANTY" which accompanies this contract. It explains the conditions and circumstances in which the n�- <br />u baistwtl win the or replaced. I Wee notice of the limitations on to warranty, and I particularly mmllnize that any implied wmanty which applies to the <br />goods only+ac king as the warranty or service coftwwt. <br />GOODS. I know that you have measured my house and its openings so that you can make the products to fit my particular house. I take notice that die <br />pods do we mawAschmad for my specific house probably will not fit any otter houses, and under such conditions. l know dust I cannot cancel this contract at any tittle <br />Aerdx pariedoffime given to one, by law, in which to camel. After that legal period of tin te, I know that I have the obligation to pay you in full the amount owed. <br />OBLIGATIONS PERTAINING TO PROPERTY INSURANCE AND MY REAL ESTATE: 1. 1 promise to keep my house in good repair and to keep <br />a i for at least of its replacemeni value he buying a fire and extended coverage insurance policy. The insurance company must be approved <br />hay yea. and tux policy must have a beneficiary clause which says that you arc sea be paid if there is a loss. The insurance company must agree that <br />it will not camel my policy without first tciling you. I authoire the insurance cool to pay you directly for any loss. You can choose to use this <br />i e payment to cutter repay any amounts 1 owe you or to repair my house. 1 have the option of providing property insurance through an exisu'ng' <br />policy or through a policy i ndently obtained and laud for by me- '_. 1 also promise that I will not allow anyone else to place any liens on my real <br />estate without yo?ur wTtuten permissum. ` .1. 1 promise to pay all rates, assessments and other charges on my real estate when dote. 4. I promise to timely <br />make all paynems on my prior loans secured by m real estate. I also promise that I will not extend, renew or change prior loans without your written <br />permsassiorn. S. If I do rot insure my house or fulfill my other obligations to any real estate, then you can do it for me of you want (but you do not <br />have tot. If you tact pay any of these obligations itr me. I agree to pay %4,u bade on demand plus interest at the highest lawful contract rate of interest. <br />Until I pay y-ou back, these amounts will be added to my debt to vcu which is secured by my real estate and house. I know that if you decide to buy <br />lnsLwawzc for tote that you do not have to obtain any hA)mclWrtCT or liahitity insurance. <br />SALE. OF MY HOUSE: I promise not to sell, lease or give my house to anyone until I have fully repaid my debt to you. <br />DEFAULT: I will be in default under this contract if: <br />1, 1 don't stake a payment when due; or <br />2. 1 break any promise I made o you in this contract•; or 3. else happens which causes you to believe in good faith that I do not intend to pay you as promised: or <br />4, 1 default on any obligations for which 1 am using my home as collateral, or <br />S. _ happens omy house which threatens your rights. ifauy.init. <br />W I AM IN DEFAULT: I understand that you have the right to foreclose the Mortgage 1 have given to yoar and have my house sold to repay any amounts I owe you if I <br />am in deft nk under this contract Before my house is sold, you will do everything that the law requires. If you hire an attorney to assist you to sell my h:nnse, or, to sue me, <br />or, to protect y ri;his, I agree o pay you for your reasonable art rmys' tees and for other related expenses such as court costs, tide searches and money you expended <br />to protect my house. tf you me allowed o collect such amounts by law. <br />OTHER RIGHTS: We can choose not o enforce any of the rights under this contract as often as we want without losing them. Or. we can delay enforcing arty of the rights <br />wMm losing them. We can also use any rights tow or in the future given to as by law. <br />DELAYS: I know that you will use your best efforts to instal the products I am purchasing on my louse. but 1 also understand that in some situations you my encounter <br />delays dust are caused by suites, weather condition, delays you have in obtaining materials, or for other reasons that are beyond your control. I understand dust You will <br />mosbe lie for such delays. <br />ARBITRATION: If 1 have a disptnte or clam with you concerning the quantity, quality or performance of the products, t understand that my dispute nay be submitted to <br />audatt atwtr."a the unediuiom- arbitration program that may have developed in my community. I also know that any decision made by an arbitrator(s) would be en- <br />tarwdhathec�thav jurisiictiwtovermeandyou. <br />SALVAGE VALUE: I know that the windows. woodwork, and other materials that have to be removed by you for this installation have N salvage value. When you rot <br />mow diem, youtan have them for whatever purpose you want. <br />SFRCIAL SrMATIONS: Dux to de unkpacn ess of some of the products ohm you sell, I understand that in special situations that ion Regional Office may have to review <br />unit accept this contract. I also that this sale occurred m my home and that you and 1 may not have had all the correct mfamat'on imp a umt to this traauactlan <br />nom I give you my consent Incorrect any obvious effm that may have occurred when the litanks in this contract were completed. <br />INVALID PROVISIONS: If any provision of this contract violates the law and is unenforceable. the rest of the contract will be valid. If any pair of this contract requires <br />p tymwtlof duos de law permits. then you will only have the right to collect from the the amount of interest which the law allows you ocollm. <br />COMIDLETENNSWTHIS CONTRACT: This contract can only be changed if bah you and I agree in writing. <br />
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