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r <br />M mat ichodule will be: <br />�lamlzar_� ytaMrtie A A Pgymrsso ^� when Pa),Wat arc r­: <br />I li 1 Estimated lo he days after the date <br />Y of the Completion Certifieale. <br />r A 1 ntt installments on the some day of <br />each consecutive month until paid in full, <br />Life insurance and credit disalhilky insurance are ant required to obtain credit, and will <br />11011 be provided unless t sign and agree to pay the additional cost. <br />Security: I am giving a security iiiMm t pR` <br />1. the gaols, services and property being purchased, and <br />2. my real estate and improvements, including my <br />house, all at my "Address" designated above. <br />FINall/RccordW4 fps <br />fate Charlie: If a payment is more than tell (10) days <br />late, I will be charged $5.00 or 5% of the We pay- <br />ments. whichever is less. <br />Prepayment: If I pay off early. I will not have to pay <br />a penalty, and I may be entitled to a refund of par of <br />the finance charge. <br />— 0 1 will review other portions of this contract <br />for additional information about non - payment, default. <br />any required repayment in full before the scheduled date. <br />and prepayment refunds and penalties. <br />Je means an estimate. <br />Property bwrsom In required, and 1 Puy obtain such insunrtce from anyone 1 want who is acceptabk to you or I may proves it through <br />r existing policy. It I obtain title Insurance through yen. I fa _Cc�_ menthe of cow <br />COMMENCEMENT OF THE FINANCE CHARGE: The finance charge iinterest) is estimated to start on 1 1 0 1 <br />(intent the ) except in the event that vtu rnmplee the installation of the goods and services on another date, then the finance c ge f,ntereso will begin to run on the <br />doe that I st" sip a Complexion Certificate The amcwnt of finance charge (interest) may he more or less than the amount disclosed depending on the amounts I pay you <br />and my timeliness to making payments. <br />PREPAYMENT: I may voluntarily prepay the amount I owe yew, in full or in pan, at any time. If I make a partial prepayment. I must continue to make my regular payments Z <br />until I have paid all amounts owed. <br />REQUEST FOR FULL. PAYMENT: If I do not pay when die, you can declare all that 1 owe under this contract pavabie at once. I agree to pay you interest on that amount O <br />at the maximum contractual tae allowed by law until the autxunt I owe you is paid. 1 also know that you can foreclose the Mortgage 1 have given to you. <br />COLLECTION COSTS: If 1 am in default of this contract and yon demand and tall payment. I understand that you may send it to an attune for collection and enforcement. r= <br />na ID - <br />if you do so. I agree to pay your reasonable attoneys' fees plus any court costs and expenses incurred by you, that is, if you are allowed to collect such anwunis by law. r <br />MORTGAGE: 1 hereby grant, bargain, sell, coney and mtmtgage to you, as Mortgagee. my real estate and house located at my "Address" designated tw the top portion Z <br />of this contract as security for all amewnts due to ,seen under this Irntall ent Sales Contract. - <br />r KMSE SIB: I W IMMNNI THAT THE ADDITIONAL TERMS AND PROVISIONS PRINTED ON THE REVEPSE SIDE OF THIS INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT ARE A 4 <br />Z— PART IF THIS INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT AN YNAT 1 AM BOM BY TNEM IN THE SAME MANNER �;: r THEY WERE PRINTED ON THE FRONT OF THIS VERY u <br />O IISTALLMENT SALES CDNTRABT. NOME PWISISKS PRINTED ON REVERSE SIDE COMPRISE AMORAL TERMS LIMITING SELLER'S WARRANTY ODUGATNON. zz <br />NOTICE TO BUYER <br />Q 1. 1 do no have M slip ctora>:t before 1 read it or R any of the spacer intended for the agreed terms to the extent of then available Information Z <br />n- the left blank. L I am eaftkd to a copy or this construct at the time I Age #. 3. 1 may pay off the full balance due under this contract at any <br />Z flue, and In so dutktg I may be entitled to a rem of the unearned finance and insurance charges (if any). 4. 1 understated that this instrument in Is hound upon a home solicitation ask and that ills instromenit Is not negotiable. S. It she# not be legal for you to enter my premises unlawfully Z <br />t% o' to 11 any breach of the pence to repossess goods under this contract. <br />Z BUYER'S RRI#ff TO CANCEL c? <br />1 MAY CANCEL TINS ASR AT ANY TNSE PRION TO MINIM OF TIE TARO IWSINESS DAY AFTER THE DATE OF THIS TRANSACTION. (1 NAVE p <br />REM THE ACCOMPANYING NOTICE Of RKIIT TO CWEL FORM FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THIS RIGNT.) <br />COPY RECEIVED: 1 acknowledge rmeipa of A completely Celled In Cory of this contract along with s (2) copies oft Tice of Right to Cancel Form. <br />IN WtTNF4S_PVHFREOF. this Installment Sales Contract and Motgage has teen signed on this . _ -_._. day of 6! L____— .19 -62 , IF <br />at (city) 1..I� -- - -- -- - -- -- State of Nebraska. <br />PACESETTER PRODUCTS, INC. ml .ta steoart A AT, <br />®y e.Adik'— <br />By: / ?- - -- - - <br />tFAC MY a AM CI ?- TiI'T'Ik - titiGi`i;n7itSq _.--"- <br />SUIr of a a t <br />�(� The fitrcgnmtr,mtru "n"}rm w;z, acknowledged fore me on this � day of <br />County ofS�- __ --_ -- - ---- --ClLr[r --- - --- -- . i9,hy r designateef °- <br />L Ruyrrtst- Martgagomat g <br />OFII11 KINN — <br />My commission rxpircs: - _ --_ - -- -- Notary Public _- -- -----------_---- <br />7 <br />_ <br />Premeiumn S <br />fe <br />1 cans credit life -� 72F7 4 <br />1 insurance. g Ruyt1 __ <br />$ <br />Credit Accidbnt <br />1E Health <br />I want credit accide <br />j and health insurance. -,r . <br />I <br />Security: I am giving a security iiiMm t pR` <br />1. the gaols, services and property being purchased, and <br />2. my real estate and improvements, including my <br />house, all at my "Address" designated above. <br />FINall/RccordW4 fps <br />fate Charlie: If a payment is more than tell (10) days <br />late, I will be charged $5.00 or 5% of the We pay- <br />ments. whichever is less. <br />Prepayment: If I pay off early. I will not have to pay <br />a penalty, and I may be entitled to a refund of par of <br />the finance charge. <br />— 0 1 will review other portions of this contract <br />for additional information about non - payment, default. <br />any required repayment in full before the scheduled date. <br />and prepayment refunds and penalties. <br />Je means an estimate. <br />Property bwrsom In required, and 1 Puy obtain such insunrtce from anyone 1 want who is acceptabk to you or I may proves it through <br />r existing policy. It I obtain title Insurance through yen. I fa _Cc�_ menthe of cow <br />COMMENCEMENT OF THE FINANCE CHARGE: The finance charge iinterest) is estimated to start on 1 1 0 1 <br />(intent the ) except in the event that vtu rnmplee the installation of the goods and services on another date, then the finance c ge f,ntereso will begin to run on the <br />doe that I st" sip a Complexion Certificate The amcwnt of finance charge (interest) may he more or less than the amount disclosed depending on the amounts I pay you <br />and my timeliness to making payments. <br />PREPAYMENT: I may voluntarily prepay the amount I owe yew, in full or in pan, at any time. If I make a partial prepayment. I must continue to make my regular payments Z <br />until I have paid all amounts owed. <br />REQUEST FOR FULL. PAYMENT: If I do not pay when die, you can declare all that 1 owe under this contract pavabie at once. I agree to pay you interest on that amount O <br />at the maximum contractual tae allowed by law until the autxunt I owe you is paid. 1 also know that you can foreclose the Mortgage 1 have given to you. <br />COLLECTION COSTS: If 1 am in default of this contract and yon demand and tall payment. I understand that you may send it to an attune for collection and enforcement. r= <br />na ID - <br />if you do so. I agree to pay your reasonable attoneys' fees plus any court costs and expenses incurred by you, that is, if you are allowed to collect such anwunis by law. r <br />MORTGAGE: 1 hereby grant, bargain, sell, coney and mtmtgage to you, as Mortgagee. my real estate and house located at my "Address" designated tw the top portion Z <br />of this contract as security for all amewnts due to ,seen under this Irntall ent Sales Contract. - <br />r KMSE SIB: I W IMMNNI THAT THE ADDITIONAL TERMS AND PROVISIONS PRINTED ON THE REVEPSE SIDE OF THIS INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT ARE A 4 <br />Z— PART IF THIS INSTALLMENT SALES CONTRACT AN YNAT 1 AM BOM BY TNEM IN THE SAME MANNER �;: r THEY WERE PRINTED ON THE FRONT OF THIS VERY u <br />O IISTALLMENT SALES CDNTRABT. NOME PWISISKS PRINTED ON REVERSE SIDE COMPRISE AMORAL TERMS LIMITING SELLER'S WARRANTY ODUGATNON. zz <br />NOTICE TO BUYER <br />Q 1. 1 do no have M slip ctora>:t before 1 read it or R any of the spacer intended for the agreed terms to the extent of then available Information Z <br />n- the left blank. L I am eaftkd to a copy or this construct at the time I Age #. 3. 1 may pay off the full balance due under this contract at any <br />Z flue, and In so dutktg I may be entitled to a rem of the unearned finance and insurance charges (if any). 4. 1 understated that this instrument in Is hound upon a home solicitation ask and that ills instromenit Is not negotiable. S. It she# not be legal for you to enter my premises unlawfully Z <br />t% o' to 11 any breach of the pence to repossess goods under this contract. <br />Z BUYER'S RRI#ff TO CANCEL c? <br />1 MAY CANCEL TINS ASR AT ANY TNSE PRION TO MINIM OF TIE TARO IWSINESS DAY AFTER THE DATE OF THIS TRANSACTION. (1 NAVE p <br />REM THE ACCOMPANYING NOTICE Of RKIIT TO CWEL FORM FOR AN EXPLANATION OF THIS RIGNT.) <br />COPY RECEIVED: 1 acknowledge rmeipa of A completely Celled In Cory of this contract along with s (2) copies oft Tice of Right to Cancel Form. <br />IN WtTNF4S_PVHFREOF. this Installment Sales Contract and Motgage has teen signed on this . _ -_._. day of 6! L____— .19 -62 , IF <br />at (city) 1..I� -- - -- -- - -- -- State of Nebraska. <br />PACESETTER PRODUCTS, INC. ml .ta steoart A AT, <br />®y e.Adik'— <br />By: / ?- - -- - - <br />tFAC MY a AM CI ?- TiI'T'Ik - titiGi`i;n7itSq _.--"- <br />SUIr of a a t <br />�(� The fitrcgnmtr,mtru "n"}rm w;z, acknowledged fore me on this � day of <br />County ofS�- __ --_ -- - ---- --ClLr[r --- - --- -- . i9,hy r designateef °- <br />L Ruyrrtst- Martgagomat g <br />OFII11 KINN — <br />My commission rxpircs: - _ --_ - -- -- Notary Public _- -- -----------_---- <br />7 <br />